cover of episode 427: CEO Mama: The Motherload & Resentment in Early Motherhood

427: CEO Mama: The Motherload & Resentment in Early Motherhood

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Natalie Ellis
Natalie Ellis:早期为人母的经历让她意识到,养家糊口和主要照护者的双重身份会带来意想不到的怨恨感。这种怨恨感源于责任分配不均,以及伴侣对自身付出的缺乏认知。她分享了自身经历,强调了清晰沟通和寻求外部支持的重要性,并指出怨恨感是关系中不平等的症状,而非根本原因。她还提到,个人成长领域有时会让人误以为怨恨完全是个人问题,而忽略了关系中不平等的现实。 在解决怨恨问题时,她意识到收入并非衡量贡献的唯一标准,并认识到伴侣的支持,即使这种支持并非以金钱形式体现。她还强调了明确分工,避免责任重叠的重要性,并建议使用工具,例如“公平游戏”卡牌游戏,来帮助识别和解决家庭责任分配不均的问题。她还分享了自身经验,例如,明确表达自己不想要承担的责任,有助于减少怨恨。她认为,处理怨恨是一个持续的过程,需要不断沟通和调整,并强调了清晰地表达需求的重要性。 此外,她还强调了雇佣外部帮助,例如保姆,以及寻求家庭成员的帮助的重要性。她认为,放弃完美主义,接受不完美,有助于减轻心理负担。她还建议关注根本问题,而不是纠结于细节,并强调了照顾好自己,例如充足的睡眠和良好的身体状态,有助于改善情绪和关系。最后,她还建议进行自我反思,找出怨恨的根源,并同时关注自身问题和夫妻关系问题,避免互相指责。 Lindsay:早期为人母时,她没有意识到怨恨感的存在,直到后来才逐渐注意到。她认为,早期育儿阶段的生理和心理消耗会加剧怨恨感,产后恢复和育儿压力会使母亲感到身心俱疲,加剧怨恨感。生理上的恢复期和经济压力会加剧母亲的负担,导致怨恨感。社会对产后恢复的期望过高,加剧了母亲的压力和怨恨。社交媒体上呈现的完美形象可能会加剧母亲的焦虑和自责。 她还提到,50/50的分工模式并不总是理想的,需要寻找更灵活的合作方式。她认为,解决怨恨感需要寻找更灵活的合作方式,而不是简单地追求50/50分工。她还强调了在早期育儿阶段,缺乏沟通和表达的词汇,导致怨恨感难以解决。她建议寻求外部支持,例如加入思维导图小组,有助于解决怨恨问题。 在解决怨恨问题时,她强调了定期约会,有助于夫妻沟通和解决问题,并指出放弃完美主义,有助于减轻心理负担。她还建议关注自身的身体和心理健康,有助于减少怨恨,并强调了在早期育儿阶段,充足的睡眠和良好的身体状态有助于改善情绪和关系。最后,她还建议进行自我反思,找出怨恨的根源,并同时关注自身问题和夫妻关系问题,避免互相指责。

Deep Dive

Natalie and Lindsay discuss their unexpected feelings of resentment in early motherhood, particularly as primary caregivers and breadwinners, and how it affected their relationships.
  • Resentment often arises from feeling like the primary caregiver and breadwinner.
  • The mental and physical load of early motherhood can exacerbate feelings of resentment.
  • Communication and support are crucial in addressing these feelings.

Shownotes Transcript

Natalie and Lindsay delve into the complexities of motherhood, particularly focusing on the theme of resentment. They discuss how early motherhood can bring unexpected feelings of resentment, especially in the context of being the primary caregiver and breadwinner. The conversation emphasizes the importance of communication, self-care, and building a supportive community to navigate these challenges. They share personal experiences and insights on how to address feelings of inequality and the mental load that often falls on mothers. 


01:00 - Navigating Resentment in Early Motherhood

09:00 - The Breadwinner Dilemma and Unequal Loads

19:40 - Communication: The Key to Addressing Resentment

29:30 - Self-Care and Support Systems

40:00 - Building Community and Connection


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