cover of episode 362. Did We Just Create A Cult? Dirty Talk, Friendship, Business + Motherhood Chat with Alexandria Maria + Mel Wells

362. Did We Just Create A Cult? Dirty Talk, Friendship, Business + Motherhood Chat with Alexandria Maria + Mel Wells

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Alexandria Maria
Mel Wells
Natalie Ellis
Natalie Ellis:分享了她们在奥斯汀建立的非传统友谊模式,以及这种模式如何帮助她们平衡事业、母职和友谊。她强调了社区支持的重要性,以及在面对挑战时,朋友之间互相帮助的重要性。同时,她也反思了自己在成为母亲后,如何重新调整工作和生活,将母性放在首位,并根据这个优先级安排其他事情。她还分享了自己在产后经历身份认同丧失的痛苦,以及最终通过“臣服”和接纳自我而获得重生的过程。 Alexandria Maria:分享了建立妈妈社群的重要性,强调社区对身心健康益处。她还分享了自己在产后经历身份认同丧失的痛苦,以及最终通过“臣服”和接纳自我而获得重生的过程。她认为,成为母亲后,她更有效率地工作,从而使事业发展得更好,但工作时间并没有增加。 Mel Wells:分享了拥有邻近的友邻社区对她的生活和育儿方式产生的积极影响,并建议创业妈妈们建立类似的社群。她还分享了自己在产后如何重新设计事业,并强调了“死亡”和“重生”的必要性,以及顺其自然的价值。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

Grab a cup of coffee or glass of wine because this episode is the ultimate friend chat about everything from business to dirty talk (yes we go there.) I did a live podcast with two of my closest friends in Austin, Alex Maria and Mel Wells, and we answer your questions about everything from intimacy, to business + identity shifts in motherhood, to our advice on finding people to create deep friendships with. If you’re looking for an instant mood boost, hit play. 


  • How we basically created a commune with our friends in Austin (and if it’s actually a cult)

  • How to design your life to prioritize motherhood + be wildly successful

  • The biggest misconception I had before becoming a mom

  • Quick tips on dirty talk in the bedroom (yes we go there!)

  • Ways we’ve navigated transitions and seasons of grief

  • Advice we would give someone starting their business from scratch today


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