cover of episode #388: 7-yr-old Found SAed Till Spinal Cord Is Visible, Then Tossed In Front Of Home W/ Cement In Mouth

#388: 7-yr-old Found SAed Till Spinal Cord Is Visible, Then Tossed In Front Of Home W/ Cement In Mouth

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主持著名true crime播客《Crime Junkie》的播音员和创始人。
播音员:本案讲述了7岁女童Heaven被性侵杀害的悲剧,其母亲在寻求正义的过程中遭遇重重阻碍。邻居们隐瞒真相,警方效率低下,Getnet的家人试图掩盖罪行,网络上也充斥着对受害者母亲的指责。 Heaven的母亲:我的女儿Heaven被Getnet性侵杀害,她的身体遭受了极其严重的创伤,这绝非意外事故。Getnet的家人试图用圣水清洗尸体、谎称嘴里的水泥是治疗用的粘土等方式掩盖罪行,他们还试图威胁我,让我放弃指控。警方也未能有效执法,甚至有人试图将责任推卸给我。 Getnet的妻子:我丈夫是无辜的,Heaven的死是意外事故。Heaven母亲的说法是谎言,她发布的照片也不是人的器官。我们只是在尽力帮助她,用圣水清洗她的尸体,嘴里的水泥也是传统疗法。 Getnet的家人:我们没有参与犯罪,我们只是在尽力帮助Heaven母亲,并试图平息事态。我们所做的一切都是为了帮助她,而不是为了掩盖真相。 警方:我们正在尽力调查此案,但由于证据不足,案件进展缓慢。Heaven母亲的说法存在争议,我们也面临着来自各方的压力。 网友:一部分网友支持Heaven母亲,谴责Getnet及其家人的恶行,并呼吁严惩凶手;另一部分网友则对Heaven母亲的动机表示怀疑,甚至对她进行人身攻击。 Heaven的母亲:我的女儿Heaven被残忍杀害,她的身体遭受了难以想象的创伤,只有脊髓可见,子宫都无法看见。凶手Getnet及其家人试图掩盖真相,警方也未能有效执法,我将继续为女儿讨回公道,即使面临死亡威胁也在所不惜。 Getnet的妻子:我坚信我丈夫的清白,Heaven的死是意外事故。Heaven母亲的说法是谎言,她只是为了博取同情和关注。 Getnet的家人:我们没有参与犯罪,我们只是在尽力帮助Heaven母亲,并试图平息事态。我们所做的一切都是为了帮助她,而不是为了掩盖真相。 警方:我们正在尽力调查此案,但由于证据不足,案件进展缓慢。Heaven母亲的说法存在争议,我们也面临着来自各方的压力。 网友:一部分网友支持Heaven母亲,谴责Getnet及其家人的恶行,并呼吁严惩凶手;另一部分网友则对Heaven母亲的动机表示怀疑,甚至对她进行人身攻击。

Deep Dive

Seven-year-old Heaven was found dead in Ethiopia after allegedly falling from a bar. However, the circumstances surrounding her death, including cement in her mouth and unexplained injuries, raise suspicions of foul play, leading her mother on a quest for truth.
  • Heaven was found dead at a Buddha House, a traditional healing center in Ethiopia.
  • Conflicting accounts of her death include a fall from a bar and suspicious injuries.
  • Cement was found in Heaven's mouth, raising questions about the true cause of death.

Shownotes Transcript

7-year-old Heaven was brought into the Budha House to be healed. The neighbors who brought her in tried to explain - she had been playing and hanging onto a bar when she fell and hit her head. She is now unconscious. 

But the healers could just take one look at Heaven and know - the little girl is dead. 

When Heaven’s mom finally sees Heaven’s little body - she finds something even more puzzling. Her mouth is filled with cement. Her autopsy shows she was assaulted “front and back” and had these weird little cuts all over her body. 

On her neck, you could almost make out the 5 fingers that were wrapped around her. Suffocating her. 

It feels like all the neighbors are in on some big conspiracy. Why do they keep insisting that she fell when it’s so clear she did not. What are they hiding?

Heaven’s mom is going to figure out what the hell happened to her daughter.

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