cover of episode #377: #1 YouTuber of Korea BEATEN to film videos, then blackmailed by “Social Justice” Youtubers

#377: #1 YouTuber of Korea BEATEN to film videos, then blackmailed by “Social Justice” Youtubers

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主播:对韩国顶级Mukbang YouTuber智英遭受的长期身体和精神虐待,以及随后发生的敲诈勒索事件进行了详细的报道和分析,揭露了事件中涉及的多名YouTuber的不当行为。 智英:在直播中讲述了自己被前男友长期虐待、被迫拍摄Mukbang视频、遭受敲诈勒索的经历,并表示自己将寻求法律途径维护自身权益。 YouTuber J:否认自己敲诈勒索智英,声称自己只是为了保护智英,并试图将责任推卸给其他YouTuber。 YouTuber AK:承认自己查看了YouTuber J的手机备份,并发现了其敲诈勒索智英的证据,但否认自己参与敲诈勒索。 YouTuber Pan:承认收到了敲诈勒索的音频证据,但由于忙于其他案件而没有立即公开,并试图将责任推卸给YouTuber Kim。 YouTuber Kim:承认自己公开敲诈勒索的音频证据是为了博取关注,并否认自己参与敲诈勒索。 YouTuber Jin:承认自己参与了敲诈勒索智英,并表示后悔自己的行为。 YouTuber Caracula:否认自己参与敲诈勒索,并宣布退出YouTube。 Champy D:讲述了自己在2020年曝光智英参与不正当广告宣传后,受到智英前男友威胁的经历,并表示自己为了保护智英而选择隐瞒真相。 崔律师:承认自己是匿名向YouTuber们提供智英相关信息的泄密者,并表示自己并非有意参与敲诈勒索。

Deep Dive

Ji-young, a popular South Korean mukbanger with over 10 million subscribers, was known for her incredible appetite and cheerful demeanor. However, behind her seemingly perfect life, Ji-young harbored a dark secret - she had been a victim of abuse and forced to create mukbang videos for someone else's profit.

Shownotes Transcript

Earlier this month, an audio clip went viral on the internet. In the clip you can hear a man’s voice aggressively screaming -

“SHUT UP SHUT UP! You stupid b*tch, didn’t I tell you not to this??”

You can hear a woman crying, begging for him to stop. Begging him to stop and spare her life.

That woman is TzuYang. She is the biggest YouTuber in South Korea with over 10 million subscribers.

And she had essentially been held hostage for the last 4 years of her life and forced to film eating (Mukbang) videos.

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