cover of episode #364: Teen Couple Killing Everyone That Won’t Let Them Be Together, Then Host Party In The Murder House

#364: Teen Couple Killing Everyone That Won’t Let Them Be Together, Then Host Party In The Murder House

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主持著名true crime播客《Crime Junkie》的播音员和创始人。
播音员:本集讲述了一对青少年情侣为了能在一起,杀害了所有反对他们的人,并在凶案现场举办派对的故事。他们用漂白剂和硅胶掩盖尸体的气味,试图让派对看起来正常。事件涉及多对情侣,其中两对遇害,另一对重伤,凶手手段残忍,作案手法也十分诡异。 Cassandra:Cassandra 在审讯中承认参与了杀害祖父母的事件,并表示自己试图自杀。她描述了案发当晚听到男友殴打祖父的声音,以及自己用轮胎扳手袭击祖母的经过。她还讲述了他们如何用祖母的钱进行购物和吸毒,以及在凶案现场举办派对的细节。她对自己的行为表现出一种冷漠和不以为然的态度,同时又流露出对男友的关心和依恋。 Johnny:Johnny 在语音留言中向母亲表达了歉意和悔恨,并表示自己精神状态很差。在审讯中,他与Cassandra 一样,对自己的行为没有表现出强烈的悔恨,反而更多地关注Cassandra 的安危。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

The to do list for the party mainly consists of purchasing groceries, cleaning the upstairs rooms, and airing out the pungent smell in the bathrooms. 

17 year old Cassandra grabs the bottle of bleach and pours it out onto the bathroom floors. There. That should do. 

Her boyfriend, Johnny, helps her glue the bathroom door shut. Sealing it with a caulk gun. There. Now nobody can get in and nobody can get out. 

But more importantly - the smell won’t get downstairs and ruin the vibes. 

“It’s a sewage issue.” That’s what they tell the party guests. 

19 year old Johnny had used the restroom and because the sewer lines were blocked up he couldn’t flush. Excuse the smell. 

They did not tell them that they were getting high right under 2 dead bodies that were decomposing upstairs. 

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