cover of episode #362: Genius Adopted Girl From China Found Dead - STRANGE Photos Found In Rich Parent’s Phone

#362: Genius Adopted Girl From China Found Dead - STRANGE Photos Found In Rich Parent’s Phone

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主持著名true crime播客《Crime Junkie》的播音员和创始人。
播音员:本期节目讲述了12岁中国女孩Asunta被杀案的离奇经过,以及她养父母成为最大嫌疑人的原因。案情扑朔迷离,各种证据和证词相互矛盾,引发了社会广泛关注。Asunta的死因是窒息,体内含有过量氯氮平,这是一种抗焦虑药物,而她的养母Rosario也服用这种药物。案发前,Asunta曾向朋友透露有人试图杀害她,但她的养父母没有报警。警方调查发现,Asunta的养父母Rosario和Alfonso在案发前后行为异常,提供了相互矛盾的证词,并且在Asunta的尸体附近发现了橙色绳索,与Rosario度假屋浴室里的绳索一致。此外,Asunta的衣服上发现了疑似精液的痕迹,DNA检测结果指向一名与案情无关的男子Ramiro,但警方怀疑存在实验室污染的可能性。 Asunta:在案发前,Asunta曾讲述过自己被蒙面男子袭击的经历,但她的养父母没有报警。 Isabella的母亲:Isabella的母亲在与Asunta一起驾车途中,听Asunta讲述了险些被杀的经历,这引发了她的担忧。 Rosario:Rosario是Asunta的养母,也是一名律师。她向警方提供了多版本相互矛盾的证词,并被指控在案发后试图销毁证据。 Alfonso:Alfonso是Asunta的养父,他与Rosario的证词存在矛盾,并且警方在其家中发现了大量氯氮平药物以及其他可疑证据。 Alfredo:Alfredo和他的朋友在案发后发现了Asunta的尸体,并向警方报案。 Gail:Gail是Asunta的芭蕾舞老师,她注意到Asunta在案发前行为异常。 Alina:Alina是Asunta的小提琴老师,她注意到Asunta在案发前行为异常。 Maria:Maria是Asunta的老师,她注意到Asunta在案发前行为异常,并向警方提供了相关信息。 Manuel Garcia:Manuel Garcia是Rosario的情人,警方调查发现,Rosario在案发前后曾与Manuel Garcia多次见面。 Ramiro:Ramiro的DNA在Asunta的衣服上被发现,但警方怀疑存在实验室污染的可能性。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

It was supposed to be a cute little road trip. 

12-year-old Isabella, her best friend Asunta, and Isabella’s mom were in the car heading towards the beach. 

Isabella’s mom tried to keep the spirits high for the girls - 

“Okay, why don’t we all share a story! Get our creative juices flowing!”

12-year-old Asunta offers to start. Her voice suddenly shaky - 

“There once was a girl who laid in her bed to sleep. She awoke to a man in a mask dragging her body off her bed, covering her mouth, and then choking her with his big strong hands. The girl could not breathe. She could not scream. She was going to die.”

Isabella’s mom pulls the car over to the side of the road because Asunta is bawling her eyes out.

“Sweetie, are you alright?”

Asunta was not alright. This was a true story, and it happened to Asunta - a man broke into their home and tried to kill her. 

But when Isabella’s mom talks to Asunta’s parents about it - she’s even more confused. Why are they not freaked out? Why didn’t they report this to the police? Who is this masked man, and is he still out there?

Why would he want to kill Asunta?

And did the man come back? Because 2 months later, Asunta would be murdered. 

Soon - everyone in Asunta’s life would become a prime suspect. Including her wealthy adoptive parents. 

Full Source Notes:

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