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Where Would We Be Without Alcohol & Good Reasons to Go Outside Right Now

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Something You Should Know

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Edward Slingerland
Lucy Jones
主持人:笑声对健康有很多益处,堪比运动。研究表明,笑声可以提高人体抗病物质水平,增强耐受力,促进血液循环。幽默可以刺激大脑的奖励中心,从而提高我们的思维能力。酒精是人类文化的一部分,文明的进步可能与酒精的出现有关。 Edward Slingerland:人类饮酒的历史非常悠久,甚至可能早于农业的出现。人们饮酒的主要动机是醉酒,这种渴望可能促进了文明的产生。酒精可以增强创造力,因为它会暂时抑制大脑前额叶皮层的活动。酒精可以促进化学性解除武装,帮助人们建立信任和合作。酒精可以提升愉悦激素水平,让人们感觉更好,更容易建立联系。酒精并非对所有人都有益,有些人容易酗酒或在饮酒后变得具有攻击性。酒精本身不会让人变得愤怒或刻薄,而是会降低抑制能力,从而暴露人的本性。酒精具有高度成瘾性,一部分人群更容易酗酒。传统社会中,饮酒通常是在社交场合进行,并受到一定的限制,这有助于控制饮酒量。蒸馏酒的出现增加了酒精的危害性,因为它更容易让人喝醉。人类对酒精的渴望促进了农业的发展,最终导致了文明的产生。酒精是一种文化工具,可以帮助人们克服合作困境,促进创新。酒精在促进社会合作和创新方面发挥着重要作用,即使在没有酒精的地区,人们也会寻找其他具有类似作用的物质。宿醉是酒精对人体生理影响的副产品,与饮用蒸馏酒的可能性更大。从纯粹的医学角度来看,酒精对健康有害,没有安全饮酒量。酒精的社会益处和对个人创造力、幸福感的影响可能超过其生理上的负面影响。人们对酒后驾车的危害性有了更高的认识,但这并没有减少酒精的总体消费量。各种酒类的主要成分都是乙醇,其差异主要在于原料和浓度。不同酒类中除了乙醇外,还含有其他成分,这些成分可能会导致不同的生理反应,例如过敏或头痛。酒精中的糖分含量是导致宿醉的重要因素。红葡萄酒中的单宁酸可能会导致头痛。应谨慎饮用蒸馏酒,因为其酒精浓度高,更容易导致过度饮酒。 Lucy Jones:亲近自然可以平衡神经系统,帮助人们更快更好地从压力中恢复,甚至可以减少炎症和增强免疫功能。土壤中的微生物、树木的形状、雨后泥土的气味等自然元素都对人体健康有益。在森林中待上两小时,吸入植物释放的植物杀菌素,可以对心理健康产生显著的积极影响。接触自然与心理健康、寿命和整体健康状况之间存在着密切的关系。亲近自然可以预防疾病,改善健康状况,但不能治愈疾病。在自然环境中散步不仅可以让人放松,还可以接触到各种对健康有益的自然元素。自然环境更有利于副交感神经系统的激活,从而促进免疫功能、放松和愉悦感。亲近不同类型的自然环境对健康都有益处,例如靠近水边。即使是城市中的少量绿地,也能对人们的心理健康产生积极影响。大量的研究证据表明,人们需要更多的自然环境来改善身心健康。即使不是自然爱好者,在绿树成荫的街道上散步也能改善情绪和减少焦虑。目前的研究尚不能完全解释自然环境对人体健康的所有益处。缺乏与自然的接触才是导致压力等问题的根源,而亲近自然则是解决方法。现代人与自然环境的脱节程度史无前例,这损害了人们的身心健康。与自然环境接触较多的阿米什人儿童的炎症水平和过敏性疾病发病率低于接触较少的胡特人儿童。“老朋友假说”认为,与人类共同进化的一些细菌对健康有益,而现代都市生活减少了人们与这些细菌的接触。任何程度的接触自然都比完全没有接触自然要好,接触自然越多,益处越大。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

There’s nothing better than a really good laugh. What’s even better is, laughing offers some excellent health benefits too. I begin this episode by explain how laughter may just be the best medicine.

For centuries, humans have been drinking alcohol. Why do people drink? Is it really the taste, the smell and all the nuances of your drink of choice or is it really just for the buzz? Why are some people able to drink socially while other people have had their lives destroyed by alcohol? Could it be that we would have never achieved all the advancements of our civilization had we not had alcohol to drink? Listen as I explore these and other questions with my guest Edward Slingerland. He is a professor of philosophy at the University of British Columbia and author of the book Drunk: How we Slipped, Danced, and Stumbled our way to Civilization (

There is a smell that happens after it rains. And interestingly, smelling that smell is good for you. That’s just one of many reasons why we all should be spending more time outside in nature according to my guest Lucy Jones who has researched the science regarding the amazing benefits of being in simply being out in the natural world. Lucy is the author of the book Losing Eden: Our Fundamental Need for the Natural World and Its Ability to Heal Body and Soul ( Listen as she explains why it doesn’t take much to get the mental and physical benefits nature has to offer. 

On a job interview, there is a bit of a dilemma: You want to look good so you think you should maybe brag a bit about your accomplishments. On the other hand, a little modesty might be good too. Which is better? It depends on who you are. Listen as I explain.

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