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The Secret to Getting Things Done & The Brain Fog Fix - SYSK Choice

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Something You Should Know

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
David Allen
Dr. Mike Dow
Mike Carruthers
Mike Carruthers: 本期节目探讨了提高效率和战胜大脑迷糊的方法,采访了生产力专家David Allen和心理治疗师Dr. Mike Dow。节目中涵盖了披萨数学、时间管理技巧、大脑迷糊的成因及解决方法等多个方面。 David Allen: 高效的关键在于腾出大脑空间,而不是节省时间。人脑只能同时处理大约四件事,超过这个数量会降低认知效率。大脑是一个糟糕的办公场所,需要建立外部系统来管理信息。建议建立一个有效的清单管理系统来整理和管理任务,将任务按照不同的情境进行分类,例如电话、电脑、家务等。养成定期清理收件箱的习惯,可以迫使自己做出决策。建立系统后,可以根据直觉选择任务,并享受掌控感。保持清单的整洁,可以更好地应对突发事件。高效的时间管理在于提前思考,而不是花费大量时间进行计划。养成良好的习惯可以使任务管理更容易。改变关键习惯可以带来连锁反应,改善生活效率。 Dr. Mike Dow: 大脑迷糊是一个笼统的术语,指的是大脑功能未达到最佳状态。美国人的生活方式是导致大脑迷糊的主要原因,包括不良饮食习惯、缺乏运动、压力过大、睡眠不足等。改善生活方式是解决大脑迷糊的关键,包括健康饮食、规律运动、充足睡眠、减少压力等。建议关注添加健康饮食,而不是去除不健康饮食。建议逐步改变饮食习惯,而不是一下子全部改变。建议关注积极的思维模式,避免灾难性思维。建议寻找相反的证据来对抗消极想法。社会规范会影响人们的行为,因此需要打破常规。建议制定一个社交媒体和手机断舍离计划,在一天中安排一些时间远离手机和社交媒体。改变生活方式可以带来积极的变化,让人感觉更好。 David Allen: 高效的关键在于腾出大脑空间,而不是节省时间。人脑只能同时处理大约四件事,超过这个数量会降低认知效率。大脑是一个糟糕的办公场所,需要建立外部系统来管理信息。建议建立一个有效的清单管理系统来整理和管理任务,将任务按照不同的情境进行分类,例如电话、电脑、家务等。养成定期清理收件箱的习惯,可以迫使自己做出决策。建立系统后,可以根据直觉选择任务,并享受掌控感。保持清单的整洁,可以更好地应对突发事件。高效的时间管理在于提前思考,而不是花费大量时间进行计划。养成良好的习惯可以使任务管理更容易。改变关键习惯可以带来连锁反应,改善生活效率。 Dr. Mike Dow: 大脑迷糊是一个笼统的术语,指的是大脑功能未达到最佳状态。美国人的生活方式是导致大脑迷糊的主要原因,包括不良饮食习惯、缺乏运动、压力过大、睡眠不足等。改善生活方式是解决大脑迷糊的关键,包括健康饮食、规律运动、充足睡眠、减少压力等。建议关注添加健康饮食,而不是去除不健康饮食。建议逐步改变饮食习惯,而不是一下子全部改变。建议关注积极的思维模式,避免灾难性思维。建议寻找相反的证据来对抗消极想法。社会规范会影响人们的行为,因此需要打破常规。建议制定一个社交媒体和手机断舍离计划,在一天中安排一些时间远离手机和社交媒体。改变生活方式可以带来积极的变化,让人感觉更好。

Deep Dive

Feeling overwhelmed by a never-ending to-do list? Productivity expert David Allen shares his insights on how to achieve stress-free productivity by externalizing your thoughts and building a trusted system. This allows you to free up mental space for more creative and intuitive thinking, instead of constantly trying to remember everything.
  • The human brain is not designed for remembering and reminding, it excels at recognizing patterns and long-term history.
  • Externalize your thoughts and build an external brain by using lists and calendars.
  • Clarify what your work is and define the specific actions needed for each task.
  • Prioritize tasks based on intuitive judgment once everything is inventoried.
  • Regularly review and update your system to stay in control and make spontaneous decisions.

Shownotes Transcript

Everyone orders pizza at some point. So, everyone should that there is one size pizza that is a lousy deal almost every time. I begin this episode by revealing a mathematical formula that will save you money on pizza from this day forward.

We could probably all stand to be a little more organized. And here with some rock-solid, proven strategies is David Allen. He is an internationally recognized expert in productivity and organization and author of the book Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity ( He is here to offer some simple yet powerful ways to be more efficient so you can create more time for the things you enjoy. 

You know that feeling when you aren’t performing at your best mentally? That’s called brain fog and a lot of things can cause it like stress, diet and lack of sleep. The bigger issue is it can have long term effects. Joining me to discuss it is Dr. Mike Dow, author of the book The Brain Fog Fix ( Listen as he explains exactly what brain fog is, how to combat it and how to optimize your brain to perform at its best.

Supposedly, a lot of people are walking around right now who are dehydrated. Are you one of them? I have a quick test that will take less than 5 seconds.

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