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The Interesting Science of Eating & The Amazing World of Rats

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Something You Should Know

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Dr. Sarah Ballantyne
Joe Shute
Mike Carruthers
Mike Carruthers: 本期节目探讨了健康饮食、蚊子叮咬的原因以及老鼠的生态等话题。健康饮食并非人们想象中那么难,任何食物都可以融入健康饮食中,少量增加蔬菜摄入量就能显著改善健康状况。蚊子叮咬可能与血型、体温和汗液中的化学物质有关。老鼠遍布全球各地,跟随人类的足迹而传播,它们是杂食动物,会吃任何能找到的食物,繁殖能力很强,但幼鼠的存活率很低。加拿大阿尔伯塔省是世界上唯一一个几乎没有老鼠的地方,因为政府长期以来一直在积极灭鼠。 Dr. Sarah Ballantyne: 如今的饮食文化和健康社区信息混乱,导致人们对健康饮食的理解存在误区。健康饮食的门槛应该尽可能低,即使是很小的改变也能带来好处。限制性饮食会增加对食物的渴望和痴迷,并可能导致饮食紊乱。健康的饮食取决于我们吃什么,而不是不吃什么。多吃各种颜色的水果蔬菜对健康有益。 Joe Shute: 老鼠被不公平地指责为传播疾病,但它们确实携带多种疾病。野生老鼠的社会结构比人们想象的要复杂得多,它们更像是一些独立的群体,控制着各自的地盘。消灭老鼠的最佳方法是改变环境,而不是单纯使用杀鼠剂。

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Why is it that mosquitoes seem to go after and bite some people more than others? This episode begins with an explanation of what does and doesn’t make you attractive to this summertime pest.

When it comes to health and managing your weight, "going on a diet” is one of the worst things you can do. That’s because most diets are all about what you CANNOT eat rather than what you should eat. And it turns out you can eat just about anything if you understand a few important things about nutrition. That’s what Dr. Sarah Ballantyne is here to reveal. She is author of the book, Nutrivore: The Radical New Science for Getting the Nutrients You Need from the Food You Eat (

You may hate rats but they happen to be very interesting, adaptable and crafty creatures. They basically go wherever humans go (with one interesting exception). Rats are vilified all over the world, but is it all warranted? Are they as horrible as people think? Listen to my guest Joe Shute. He is author of a book called Stowaway: The Disreputable Exploits of the Rat ( He explains rats like nobody else. Listen and you may have some new respect for these rodents even if they totally creep you out. 

In kindergarten, you probably sat in a circle much of the time. There is good reason to believe that would be the best way to conduct most meetings – in a circle. Listen and I’ll explain why.

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