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Great Stories of Extraordinary Success & Why You Should Care About Black Holes

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Something You Should Know

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Marcus Chown
Mike Carruthers
Mike Maples Jr.
Mike Carruthers: 本期节目探讨了初创公司如何通过打破常规取得成功,以及黑洞的奥秘。一些公司,例如Lyft,在知道其服务是非法的情况下启动服务,之后再寻求改变法律。此外,防晒霜并非唯一能保护你免受阳光伤害的方法,饮食也很重要。哈勃太空望远镜发现每个星系的中心都存在超大质量黑洞。彩票中奖几率极低,但可以通过随机选择号码来略微提高成为唯一赢家的几率。选择随机号码比选择幸运数字或生日数字更有可能成为唯一赢家;刮刮卡的中奖几率通常高于彩票。购买彩票需遵守相关规定,未成年人不得购买;中奖后应及时兑奖。 Mike Maples Jr.: 我投资于非常早期的初创公司,即使这些公司在法律上存在模糊性。我寻找那些利用技术改变未来的公司,即使这些公司在当时看起来有些疯狂。我寻找那些打破常规模式的人,这些人往往能够改变未来。大多数不同的想法都是错误的,但偶尔也会出现非共识性的正确想法。为了获得巨大的成功,必须承担彻底失败和尴尬的风险。Airbnb和Lyft的成功在于其颠覆性的想法和行为。Lyft公司在知道其服务是非法的情况下启动服务,之后再寻求改变法律,这是一种非常规行为。许多伟大的创业想法都源于对未来的预见。许多创始人只有一次伟大的创业成功,这与他们的热情和真实性有关。创业中的成功是罕见的,大多数创业公司最终都会失败。伟大的突破性想法需要否定现有规则的前提。仅仅有好的想法是不够的,还需要说服人们共同创造未来。颠覆性创业公司需要创造新的选择,而不是与现有产品进行比较。突破性创新并非来自固定的方法,而是需要一种不同的思维方式。要学会观察周围的事物,并尝试打破常规思维模式。 Marcus Chown: 黑洞是爱因斯坦广义相对论的推论,起初被认为是荒谬的,但现在被认为是宇宙中普遍存在的现象。黑洞是空间区域,其引力非常强大,任何东西都无法逃脱,甚至连光线也不例外。宇宙中存在两种类型的黑洞:恒星级黑洞和超大质量黑洞。可以通过观察黑洞吸积盘发出的光来探测黑洞的存在。类星体是宇宙中最明亮的天体之一,其能量来源是黑洞。很难探测到孤立的超大质量黑洞,因为它们不会发出任何可观测的光。黑洞会对时间产生极大的影响,靠近黑洞的时间流逝会变慢。黑洞中心的奇点是物理学理论失效的地方,为更深入的物理学研究提供了线索。人们对黑洞的着迷,与我们自身的存在息息相关。早期宇宙中超大质量黑洞的快速形成是一个未解之谜。虽然黑洞难以接近,但我们已经获得了黑洞的第一张图像,这为进一步研究提供了可能。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

Your chances of winning the lottery are horrible. Still, a lot of people play. This episode starts by revealing a few things worth knowing about playing the lottery – even though you likely won’t ever win the big jackpot.

Stories of how great ideas become successful are always fascinating – particularly when those ideas are so different than anything that came before it. Uber, Lyft, Airbnb, Twitch, Twitter are all successful companies that broke a lot of rules on the road to success. They had to. Here to reveal how they and others do it is Mike Maples Jr. He is a venture capitalist who was an early investor in Twitter (he passed on Airbnb) and he knows what it takes to take an idea and make it soar. Mike is the co-founder of Floodgate, a leading seed stage fund in Silicon Valley that invested in companies like Twitter, Twitch, and others at the very beginning. Mike is host of the podcast Starting Greatness ( and author of the book Pattern Breakers: Why Some Start-Ups Change the Future (

We’ve all heard of black holes. They are those places in space that have such a strong gravitational pull that nothing can escape them – not even light. What you may not know is that there are black holes in the center of every galaxy and without black holes – or at least the one in the middle of our galaxy, we may not even be here. Joining me to discuss what black holes are, what they do and why you should care is Marcus Chown. He is an award winning science writer and broadcaster, former radio astronomer at the California Institute of Technology and author of several books, including A Crack in Everything: How Black Holes Came in from the Cold and Took Cosmic Centre Stage (

If you are concerned about your skin – and skin cancer, I’m sure you use sunscreen. While that’s a good thing, skin cancer rates are up. The implication is that sunscreen alone isn’t enough and in fact your diet may have an impact on how the sun treats your skin. Listen as I explain the details.

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