cover of episode Buying Things That Really Make You Happy & Setting Clear Boundaries

Buying Things That Really Make You Happy & Setting Clear Boundaries

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Something You Should Know

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Michael Norton
Mike Carruthers
Terri Cole
Mike Carruthers: 本节讨论了签名的解读,以及签名如何反映一个人的性格特点和个人习惯。例如,清晰易读的签名通常被认为是积极的,而难以辨认的签名则可能传递出不在乎他人感受的信息。 此外,节目还探讨了如何通过更理性的消费方式来提升幸福感。研究表明,体验式消费比物质消费更能带来持久的幸福感。人们应该更谨慎地考虑消费是否能提升幸福感,而非只关注一时满足感。 最后,节目还讨论了设定界限的重要性。设定健康界限意味着了解个人喜好、需求、限制和底线,并能有效沟通。设定界限并非自私,而是对自身和他人负责的表现。 Michael Norton: 本节主要探讨了如何通过更理性的消费方式来提升幸福感。研究表明,体验式消费比物质消费更能带来持久的幸福感。人们应该更谨慎地考虑消费是否能提升幸福感,而非只关注一时满足感。 此外,他还指出,人们常常在非必需品上花费过多,应审视消费习惯并调整支出。在消费前应思考其对幸福感的长期影响,而非只关注一时满足感。每笔消费都代表着机会成本,应选择最优的消费方式。 他还提到,为他人花钱比为自己花钱更能提升幸福感,利他行为能提升幸福感。 Terri Cole: 本节主要探讨了设定界限的重要性以及如何有效设定界限。设定健康界限意味着了解个人喜好、需求、限制和底线,并能有效沟通。设定界限并非一成不变,而是灵活且适度的。 人们难以设定界限,部分原因在于从小受到的教育和社会文化的影响。一味迎合他人会造成自身不满和人际关系疏远。设定界限需要克服对冲突的恐惧,并坚持自我。 设定界限是一个循序渐进的过程,需要时间和反复沟通。设定界限需要反复沟通和坚持,才能被他人接受。设定界限是维护自身权益的行为,不必过度在意他人看法。

Deep Dive

Your signature can reveal much about your personality. An illegible signature may suggest carelessness, while a large signature could indicate overcompensation. A legible, natural signature is often best.
  • Illegible signatures convey a lack of care.
  • Large signatures can be perceived as compensating for inadequacy.
  • Flashy signatures reveal a need for attention.
  • A legible, natural signature is positive and hard to forge.

Shownotes Transcript

Does your signature reveal anything about you? Does it send a message to those who see it? I start this episode by sharing some insight into how others may make assumptions about you based on how you sign your name.

One reason to spend money is to buy things that make you feel good – and happy. But does a fancier car or another pair of shoes really make you happy? Usually not. After a while, that fancy car is just your car and that pair of shoes you had to have just sit in the closet with all the others. Maybe, if we were more deliberate about what we choose to spend money on, it might really make an impact on our overall happiness. That seems to be the case according to research by my guest Michael Norton who has been investigating how and why people spend their money and what it does and doesn’t do for them. Michael is a professor at Harvard Business school and author of the book Happy Money: The Science of Happier Spending (

It can be difficult to set boundaries that other people honor. But if you don’t set boundaries people can take advantage of you and make you feel resentful. So how do you create boundaries people will respect while not being perceived as cold and inflexible? Joining me with some really great advice on this is Terri Cole. She is a licensed therapist, relationship expert and author of the book Boundary Boss: The Essential Guide to Talk True, Be Seen, and (Finally) Live Free (

A lot goes on behind the scenes at restaurants that you are totally unaware of. Listen as I reveal the results of a survey taken of restaurant kitchen workers that let some interesting secrets out of the bag regarding the way restaurants work that you likely never knew.

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