cover of episode One dead after attack on Brazil's Supreme Court

One dead after attack on Brazil's Supreme Court

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Global News Podcast

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Ahmed Najjar
Alexandre Moraes
Dominic Hughes
Jean McKenzie
Jessica Parker
Leandro Prazeres
Lorna Gordon
Megan Lawton
Nomsa Maseko
Oliver Conway
Robbie Parker
Oliver Conway: 巴西最高法院遭遇未遂炸弹袭击,与总统博索纳罗败选后的骚乱有关。 Alexandre Moraes: 巴西最高法院遭遇袭击,一人试图在法院内引爆炸弹自杀。 Leandro Prazeres: 巴西最高法院袭击事件的细节:袭击者是博索纳罗支持者,袭击与一月份的骚乱有关,目前正在调查其是否单独作案,以及对未来G20峰会和中国国家主席访问巴西安全的影响。 Dominic Hughes: 全球麻疹病例去年上升了20%,疫苗接种率下降是原因之一。 Nomsa Maseko: 南非数百名非法矿工被困矿井,面临食物和水供应中断,情况十分危险。 Jean McKenzie: 经过六年调查,最终确认了四名在朝鲜战争中阵亡的英国士兵的身份,家属表达了悲痛和欣慰之情。 Ahmed Najjar: 加沙战争造成大量人员伤亡,居住在伦敦的叙利亚人担心在加沙的家人安危,表达了对战争的控诉和对国际社会的失望。 Jessica Parker: 特朗普提名反疫苗人士罗伯特·肯尼迪担任卫生部长,引发争议。 Robbie Parker: 洋葱新闻收购Infowars,对Sandy Hook事件受害者家属来说是一场胜利,标志着对虚假信息的斗争取得进展。 Lorna Gordon: 爱丁堡动物园一只小熊猫因烟花爆竹声而死,引发对烟花爆竹管控的讨论。 Megan Lawton: 抹茶产业蓬勃发展,但缺乏监管,可能导致质量下降。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What was the motive behind the foiled bomb attack on Brazil's Supreme Court?

The attack appears to be linked to the riots following President Bolsonaro's election defeat, carried out by a member of his far-right Liberal Party.

How did the security forces manage to prevent a larger catastrophe during the attack?

Security forces stopped the attacker, identified as having artifacts strapped to him, before he could enter the Supreme Court, leading him to detonate the bomb at the Statue of Justice.

What are the security concerns raised by this incident?

The attack raises concerns about security ahead of the G20 meeting in Rio de Janeiro and a visit by the Chinese president to Brasilia.

How did the miners trapped in the South African mine manage to survive?

The trapped miners are reportedly eating toothpaste mixed with vinegar to survive.

Why has President Trump nominated Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as his health secretary?

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a notorious anti-vaxxer, a controversial choice that aligns with Trump's often contentious approach to public health policy.

What impact has the falling vaccination rate had globally?

A study revealed that falling vaccination rates have contributed to a 20% rise in measles cases around the world.

What emotional reaction did the identification of the British soldiers' bodies bring?

The identification of the bodies brought an emotional release, with one person wailing uncontrollably for about 20 minutes, an experience that had haunted them for 70 years.

The chapter details the foiled bomb attack on Brazil's Supreme Court, its links to the riots following President Bolsonaro's election defeat, and the implications for upcoming global meetings.
  • A 59-year-old man died after setting off a bomb outside the Supreme Court.
  • The attack is linked to the January 2023 riots by Bolsonaro supporters.
  • Security concerns are heightened ahead of the G20 summit in Rio de Janeiro.

Shownotes Transcript

A Brazilian judge says a foiled suicide bomber wanted to blow up the country's Supreme Court. Also: the hundreds of miners hiding in a South African mine, and the dead British soldiers - identified after 70 years.