cover of episode Deadly attack at Turkish aerospace company

Deadly attack at Turkish aerospace company

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Global News Podcast

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Caroline Hawley
David Willis
Emea Nada
Fergal Keane
Frank Gardner
Jacob Evans
Janet Jalil
John Kirby
Katie Watson
Leo Geyer
Nick Miles
Philippe Sands
Steve Rosenberg
Theo Leggett
Janet Jalil:报道了土耳其一家国有国防和航空航天公司发生的恐怖袭击事件,造成5人死亡,20多人受伤。事件发生在10月24日星期四凌晨,袭击者是一男一女,已被击毙。政府对媒体和社交媒体实施了限制。 Caroline Hawley:提供了袭击事件的目击者描述和监控录像细节,显示袭击者携带大型背包和自动武器。 Frank Gardner:分析了袭击事件的可能幕后黑手,认为库尔德工人党(PKK)是最可能的嫌疑人,但也讨论了其他可能性,例如伊斯兰国和潜在的国家行为者。他强调了袭击目标对土耳其航空航天产业的重要性。 David Willis:报道了美国司法部对埃隆·马斯克向登记选民提供的每日100万美元奖励的警告,认为这可能违反了联邦法律。他还报道了特朗普前幕僚长约翰·凯利对特朗普的批评,称其赞扬希特勒并偏好独裁统治。 Theo Leggett:报道了波音公司超过60亿美元的巨额季度亏损,这与罢工和安全问题有关。他详细介绍了罢工的背景、员工的要求以及波音公司面临的财务困境。 Jacob Evans:报道了考古学家在乌兹别克斯坦丝绸之路沿线发现的两个失落的古城,历史可追溯到1400年前。 John Kirby:就美国对朝鲜军队可能参与乌克兰战争的警告发表评论,强调如果朝鲜军队与俄罗斯作战,他们将被视为合法目标。 Steve Rosenberg:报道了白俄罗斯总统卢卡申科否认朝鲜向乌克兰派遣军队的报道,并讨论了白俄罗斯与俄罗斯的关系。 Emea Nada:报道了以色列对黎巴嫩的空袭,导致大量人员伤亡和建筑物损毁,并讨论了由此造成的黎巴嫩人口流离失所问题。 Fergal Keane:报道了以色列国家安全委员会前高级官员呼吁以色列国防军士兵拒绝执行可能导致战争罪的命令。 Philippe Sands:就以色列在加沙的行动是否违反国际法发表评论,指出其行动必须与自卫权相称,并遵守国际人道主义法。 Katie Watson:报道了英国国王查尔斯三世和王后卡米拉对萨摩亚的访问,以及气候变化将是英联邦领导人会议的主要议题。 Leo Geyer:讨论了在奥斯维辛集中营发现的一首由波兰囚犯创作的乐曲,这首乐曲在二战后首次演出。 Nick Miles:呼吁听众就气候变化问题提交问题,以便专家解答。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the Turkish authorities impose a media blackout after the attack on the aerospace company?

To investigate who was behind the attack.

Who is likely suspected of carrying out the attack on the Turkish aerospace company?

Members of a Kurdish separatist group called the PKK.

Why did the US Justice Department warn Elon Musk?

His $1 million a day giveaway to registered voters could violate election law.

What did John Kelly accuse Donald Trump of?

Praising Adolf Hitler and preferring a dictator approach to government.

Why are Boeing's finances concerning?

They are losing billions due to a strike, safety concerns, and delayed aircraft programs.

What ancient cities were discovered in Uzbekistan?

Tugun Bulak and another smaller city along the Silk Road.

Why did Israel target Tyre in Lebanon?

To hit Hezbollah targets.

What did Iran Etzion call on IDF soldiers to do?

Refuse orders that could result in war crimes in Gaza.

What was the purpose of King Charles' visit to Samoa?

To address climate change and attend a Commonwealth leaders' meeting.

Why is the rediscovered Auschwitz music significant?

It was written by a prisoner and is being performed for the first time since WWII.

The chapter details a terror attack at a Turkish aerospace company, the subsequent investigation, and the potential culprits, focusing on the PKK and other possibilities.
  • Five people were killed and over 20 wounded in the attack.
  • Two attackers, a man and a woman, were killed by security forces.
  • Suspicion falls on the PKK, a Kurdish separatist group.
  • Other possibilities include Islamic State and state-sponsored attacks.

Shownotes Transcript

The Turkish interior minister said that the two attackers, a man and a woman, were killed. Also: two lost ancient cities have been discovered in the mountains of southeastern Uzbekistan.