cover of episode "Remove, Reduce, Inform" - Mike Benz On Government, Censorship, Election Tactics & Media Control | PBD Podcast | Ep. 496

"Remove, Reduce, Inform" - Mike Benz On Government, Censorship, Election Tactics & Media Control | PBD Podcast | Ep. 496

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Mike Benz
Patrick Bet-David
Patrick Bet-David:质疑美国国务院、中央情报局和国防情报局之间的界限,认为它们构成一个整体,人员可以自由流动。 Mike Benz:证实了上述观点,并补充说明这些机构使用不同的工具(外交、经济制裁、秘密行动等)来实现相同的目标。他还指出,特种部队参与塑造信息环境,以利于美国军事行动。他详细阐述了他对互联网审查的长期关注,以及他在白宫和国务院工作期间亲历并记录了互联网审查的形成过程。他认为,由于Elon Musk掌控X平台,以及Zuckerberg放松审查,政府机构对互联网审查的控制能力减弱。“Transition Integrity Project”制定了在2020年大选及未来大选中操纵选举结果的计划。2020年大选期间,政府机构与媒体和科技公司合作,对社交媒体上的不利言论进行审查。“选举诚信伙伴关系”(EIP)与国土安全部合作,对社交媒体上的信息进行审查。大西洋理事会是“选举诚信伙伴关系”中的关键机构,与情报机构关系密切。政府试图通过质疑选举制度的合法性来为未来可能的选举结果操纵做铺垫。政府计划利用种族正义活动家来制造社会动荡,以达到其政治目的。政府考虑过通过军事政变来罢免特朗普。由于Elon Musk对Twitter的控制,以及其他社交媒体平台的审查放松,2020年大选期间的审查策略可能不再有效。政府可能试图通过不认证选举结果来阻止特朗普就职。政府计划利用1月6日事件来取消特朗普的选举资格。政府机构擅长反叛乱行动,其目标是削弱而非完全消灭政治对手。“65项目”旨在通过法律手段打击特朗普的法律团队。政府可能采取措施来控制社会动荡,并通过司法手段打击政治对手。政府机构正在采取多方面行动来打击Elon Musk及其公司。政府可能利用危机事件来实施非常规行动。 Mike Benz: 详细解释了美国政府机构(国务院、国防部、情报机构)的运作方式,以及它们如何通过各种手段(包括互联网审查、社交媒体操纵、法律行动等)来影响选举和公众舆论。他分析了这些机构在2020年大选中的策略,以及它们为未来选举可能采取的策略。他还讨论了这些机构与科技公司和媒体的关系,以及它们如何利用这些关系来实现其目标。他特别提到了In-Q-Tel在科技公司中的影响力,以及政府如何通过各种渠道(包括民间组织)来影响科技公司。他表达了他对政府行为的担忧,以及这些行为对民主和言论自由的潜在威胁。

Deep Dive

Mike Benz discusses his experience with the U.S. State Department and CIA, highlighting the deep ties between these agencies and internet censorship. He explains how he became involved in this issue and his journey from corporate law to becoming a free speech advocate.
  • Mike Benz started as a corporate lawyer and transitioned to focusing on internet censorship during the 2016 Trump campaign.
  • He observed AI censorship tools being developed by people associated with the State Department, CIA, and Pentagon.
  • Benz worked for the White House and the State Department, running the cyberspace bureau, which put him at the intersection of big tech, big government, and big censorship.

Shownotes Transcript


Friends that I have that, say, U S state department official, typically R C I A, R, U, C, I A, where you're smile in and i'm a poker player, why are you smiling? She's been interested.

What what do you think about him? It's kind of a bill nie the science skype of geopolitics. You had a problem with early voting draw boxes.

You a problem with the electronic voting machines or voter time bulah mission. That would be a terms of service violation in either your post would get flag, you get the boosted in the algorithm, your account get suspended. All three pillars of the blob, diplomacy, defense, intelligence, state department, D, O, D, C, I, A. He was the coordinator of those three things.

Who was the biggest debt?

This is not a banker. This is a blob apex predator. Is there .

anything wrong with hiring people like this?

Now you have White house policy to maximize what's best for seventy two percent of ukrainians use telegram, a spy in every ukrainians part.

Did you? Ever think?

I know this live for me, give five .

treated news, look without become. So my guess today has been all over to a place later and and he's got a lot of insight on what's going on. Your job description says former us state department official and found real foundation for freedom online, right? Yeah, it's great to I have you on the park cast.

But I want to start of what the question for you. One of my friends, when I was in the army, I was going to go to delta and I was going in the, I was going to go eighteen delta special forces, and I was the stepping storm to go to a chance of italy. I was going to go to the alias, I speak all these languages, and I was going to go to see a school that that, anyways, my order goes to another guy.

The guy is my best friend. He eventually becomes delta. If he and I are privately together, hotel people, i've worked on some special Operations, you'll never hear him say delta, right? And friends that I have that say, you know, us state department official typically are CIA are U, C.

I, A.

I'm not C I A OK for sure.

I can tell if I went out, but it's it's the same thing. It's a very flexible position. You know I always try to tell people not to distinguish between state and CIA.

Um because of and Frankly, even in the the defense sector, the diplomacy defense intelligence apparatus s is one congeal blob. You can go from D O D to state to icc with a with a parallel a parallel promotion track. Uh totally seamlessly. It's the same job, but from a slightly different angle. It's just emphasizing one of the tools and our tool kits over another.

The diplomacy one gets to wield the public facing gos gets to gets to wield financial leverage and sanctions negotiations back channeling the ic gets to do the plausibly deniable sort of dirty worksite of that, the political adversities side of the struggle. And the military does eat both the connected with them, also the civil military. And this is sort of what the special forces story actually comes back into the internet censorship.

One in the sense that the special forces part of part of the job, that is, delegate special forces in shaping the information environment in order to be able to wage account insurgency, or to be able to prime the battle field, to be able to influence the domestic politics, so that the conditions are more favorable for the U. S. military. And so the special forces have played increasingly large role in some of the Operations around .

censorship of the internet. okay. So what do you know a lot about meaning? If I talk to during aides, he can talk muscle body building math.

If I talk to john Jones, technical fighting opponent, who goes against to dana White, promoting marketing, you know, there's specials on who you talk to, right? What do you know a lot about internet censorship? Internet censorship, okay. And and why do you know a lot about internet censorship?

Well, i've been on this for, you know, eight years. Every day, day and night, breakfast, lunched dinner. I started off as a corporate lawyer.

I was working in manhattan at a large law firm. I was doing corporate mergers, acquisitions and hedge funds. And sort of A A weird twist of fate, I guess, kind of turned me onto the threat of social media.

Sorry, in twenty sixteen doring the trump running for for president to the first time around. And I think IT just connected. So I observe some things very early as a lot of this apparatus s was being formed.

Then I think maybe I still try a self reflect on exactly how this this journey got to the stage that is at. But I had a weird experience. Playing chess is a kid with A I censorship up with A I chest tools, sort of being able to overtake humans. I sort live through the gary casasola of deep blue.

And when I saw A I censorship tools being developed in two thousand sixteen, and that they're being developed by people associated with the state department, the CIA in the pentagon, I was trying to tell all my friends during the twenty sixteen trump run for office that this was going to do to free speech in the west what deep blue did to the psychic soul of the chess community when he beat gary kasper off. And everyone thought that was too fanciful at the time. Bds, you've got to prove IT.

And so I said about the process of, you know, pursuing a book in a documentary and trying to prove its uh and then the process of proving IT turned into essentially a calling. And then I started, I worked for the White house, I was a speech writer and I sort of tech policy adviser. And then I went to the state department, I ran the cyberspace k there, uh, which put me, you know, basically right at the intersection of big tech, big government and big censorship. And so i've sort of present at the creation of this chronicling through every move. And then I sort of became a character in the story I was writing and then I started ffo uh to this basically a civil society free speech watchdog after after I left office.

So I got on angles. I want to take this with you, since for you is a censorship um i'll start off with this one here right off the bed. I want to go into this one here so let you say you get a phone call from the establishment left and establishment right elites.

They call you mike um we need your help. We have dirteen days left of election in the state, november fifties, around the corner. We've tried defamation of character, didn't work.

We've tried using the D O, J. Head and drop out. We've tried assassination attempt.

He looked right and we missed them. We've tried humiliating him in front of his family, and they're still united. We've tried humiliating him in front of his wife.

His wife is still right next to. We've tried pinning his voters against dm, and they're even more loyal, tom. We've tried in peaching cam, they got as people, more loyal tome.

We've tried arresting this guy in doing a mock thinking that was IT because he'd the first one. He used IT against us and his popularity to win, to win higher. We try to delete the savings with all the losses that we put together.

He still there. We've tried every single thing that we've done. okay? We use the pandemic as a way to shut down everything in a creative way.

Whatever, let's just say they did. You know what? What happened? And twenty, twenty, that work. However, we can use that.

Now we need you to think like doctor evil if you're able to figure out a solution for us again being A D S. Advocate here, you have to get out of jail l card for the rest your life. Okay, it's just going to offer that too, obviously, for you wouldn't work. And it's i'm just saying play that part to think how the opponent or the enemy would, you know use a way to prevent from winning the next thirteen days what creative tools is left that they haven't used yet. Oh.

there's so many. I mean, some of them are on the censorship side. But I would say at this point, with elon firmly at the helm of x and with zk berg actually lose ending a lot of the censorship technic and actually hi actually firing a lot of the established back channel connections that the blog you know this sort of d od icc state department and financial stakeholder complex that's against trump is driving at a with with those options being a lot less than they were four years ago, even though they're trying now through these international regulations like this eu censorship law, and they are planning to do this one hundred and forty countries. Now it's it's insane, but sort of a size story.

I actually think the most direct threat, the thing that they are planning to do is is easiest to understand through the lens of an organization called the transition integrity project, which was which was set up by this this individual who is a former high ranking panic on official with a CIA blue badge uh who organized exactly what you talked about, the former head of the dnc down to brazil yeah that's more. Um and if you if you run a search on my on my x handle for tip, I can walk you through the the actual screen shot showing this absolutely dialogical plan that they that they had for twenty twenty and that theyve already wore gamed for twenty twenty four. But if you maybe you put in B L M, you it'll pull up some of these screen shots.

Maybe you refresh or something sometimes to take a minute to a yes, i'd see if you scroll down. If you scroll down, you, you'll see, okay, so well, that's that's one of the the screen shots right here where so in this simulation they had done a brazil, the former head of the dnc part of your scenario, and Michael steel, they never trump, former head of the G O P, who are both the part of this war game. And you'll see who personally role played joe biden in this twenty twenty election.

Q simulator war game was no other than john pedestal, the the hiller clinton campaign manager, who was then promoted to run the largest slush fund in the entire federal government over the by in White house, in charge of three hundred and seventy five billion dollars in climate funds. Personally role playing joe biden. So if you if you keep growing, actually i'm going to show you exactly i'm talking about and this is, I think, going to be shocking to a lot of people of ym seen this for but scroll down.

Okay, so that's the thread right there. So if you so so in, there's a whole threatens if you just click image to show what what this is. So here's here's what happened in june twenty twenty, just about a week after the George floyd d protests broke out in mini a plus a gago of high ranking military CIA state department in political insiders all met in in washington in order to war game, a scenario o in which trump lost the election but clung g to power.

So so they, so they contemplate the need for a way to overthrow his government, if to base we do a counter coup, in case he did a coup, if he clung to power, if he used the military, if he just didn't respect the election results. And they run. They ran four simulations around this.

One of these was called a clear, a clear by and win. The second one was too close to tell, but the third one was called clear trump h win. And they war gamed how to get trump out of office, even if he legitimately won the electoral college. And make no mistake, this entire thing was a hundred percent never trump the the appendix at the back of IT was called how to stop trump ism after trump, meaning, even after they defeated trump, how do you eliminate trump ism from the top? Now here is how diabolical this plan was in twenty twenty.

So thirteen times in the seventeen page document they call, they call for a need to to take to the streets to control perceptions of public legitimacy sensor the the internet ah so that perceptions of a joba illegitimate presidency would be minimized at the time, they were already contemplating that the only way joe biden could win would be through what they called the red merage blue shift that trump would win on election night. But IT would be a red merage because I would shift blue as malin baLance were counted in, states would flip. And they knew that this was going to cause headache in the minds of americans because nothing like this had ever happened with multiple states flipping overnight, uh, people popping champagne the night before, then waking up and finding actually their opponent is present.

So they wanted to precentor public conceptions that that joe biden's Victory would be illegant. And so what they did is they had this plan to wrangle the legacy media, the broadcast media, to the social media companies, and that they, this network, would descend on all the social media companies to get every single one of them to a terms of service, a news terms of service violation called delegitimizing, which meant if you, if you posted on twitter or facebook or youtube, or read IT or twitch anywhere on on, on one of the major fifteen platforms that they targeted, that you didn't believe that men bouts were safe, reliable. You had a problem with early voting drop boxes, you a problem with the electrical voting machines or voter tabulation issues that that would be in terms of service violation, any either your post would get flagged, you get the boosted in the algorithm, your account get suspended, remove, reduce informers, what they call this, basically ban A D boost, and then fact checking interesting .

tiles that limit the ira.

inform in the right. Those are basically the levels of how hard the band hammer you get hit with. And what they did is they got A A drag partnership.

This is one of the groups that was Operating sort parallel to T. I. P was a group called IP, the election integrity partnership.

They had a formal partnership with the department of homeless security, and they targeted tens of millions of tweet. They said two point five million or something for stop the steal. They they bragged on tape about setting up the the tech platforms to be all the tech stuff down quickly.

They didn't all who the election integrity .

partnership IT IT was a consortium of four different outside entities because this was .

the biggest name. Who was the biggest name in that?

Well according, well, the technical lead was the stanford 点 neves over tory, who just got its plug puled by stanford after all these scandals. But the most significant was the atlantic council. Of these four, the lane council has seven CIA directors currently serving on its board of directors, current former number one heads of the CIA, seven of them all on the board of this one.

It's it's nato's tank is how it's effectively builds itself. IT gets annual funding over a million dollars a year from the pentagon, over a million dollars a year from the state department, plus money from a web of C. I.

Cut outside the national down for democracy. IT is basically a military intelligence back channel for nato to be able to coordinate civilian side changes to laws and in society. So another another one of those four partners was a group called graph ica, which has got over seven million dollars in pentagon funding.

IT IT was incubated in the pentagon and nervous initiative, which is the psychological Operations research center so is a literal pentagon sops firm. Uh, and previously the same network had done all these training sessions to hundreds of journalists about how to flag trumped tweet a if he just held up, if he, when he treated which hunt about russia gate, they would train journalists in different predictions for how to argue. IT should be sensor on social media.

But what they called for in this simulation was, if trump to win ference, where we can still use this cool power, even if he doesn't. So not, not a counter coup. To stop a coup, we'll just do IT to cool out of office and we'll do IT in the following way.

We will make the argument that the constitutional basis of the electoral ologies illegible ate by where you're already seeing that again this year. If you if folks remember the spate of headlines that you've seen recently in the news, the new york times going to torch the constitution, the washington post saying the constitution is the biggest threat to democracy. The dean of berkeley law school coming out and saying, we need, we need to end the electoral college.

This is priming. This is setting you up for the argument that they are going to make if trump wins, fairing square on november. faith. Now what they did is a is simultaneous with this legal argument that we are going to argue that the popular vote should determine the election.

Instead the electoral vote, we're going to destabilize the country and and inflict so much pain on people's day to day life, so much pain on the governance of the system, that people are going to climb effectively for the easy way out, which is, which is going to be this popular vote method. And they had a few ways to that. They that they, this war game went.

They're doing that. Some of them involved state secession, california origin and washington would effectively succeed. They would not respect the federal government, the typical federalism relationship between states and governments.

So you have the governors come out effectively to see they would form the alliance. Uh, you would. And very importantly, the on screen here, you're seeing a show of numbers in the streets. And actions in the streets may be decisive factors in determining what the public perceives as adjust in legitimate outcome. So again, this is right after the B, L, M right break.

Wrote this.

by the way, this was the transition integrity project. This was rosa Brooks, as she's currently at Georgetown law. But he was SHE was, I think, under secretary defense assistance secretaries. He was a high level obama pengas official with A C. I, blue bagging according to her own book.

And what what you'll see here, if you if you go back and just look at these receipts because it's it's so damming, what they say is that they would leverage the destabilization power of racial justice activists. And they just assumed that in this war game, B, L, M and anti fun, the sunrise movements would all respond to a call, a quote, biden call, to take to the streets. So they presuppose that they would do that.

But they said we did not robustly test this. So in the next five months, we need to capacity build them. And this is on another page here.

But again, this is all my timeline. And what they say is we need to build strong ties with these organizations. And then later they say we need to fund them.

We need to resource them so that they will be, quote, be responsive to the movements demands and be responsive to a biting call to take to the streets. And so this paramilitary street muscle is is part in partial of every intelligence Operation that involves a ground up, people powered overthrow of a government. There's two ways that you can overthrow a government.

You can do a top down military coup from the generals. And by way, rosa Brooks, in january twenty seventeen, the first month of trumping in office, wrote opped, where he said three ways to get rid of trump before before the twenty twenty four election. This is before trumps first week had even transpired, three ways to get rid of him before the twenty twenty four election.

But buried at the bottom of this was a fourth way, which he called for, was a military coup, which which you note had never been done in our country's history and would be a black mark on on our, on our, our country's legacy. But IT might be necessary to stop trump that we might me. They top down military q coming from a high ranking military official from the previous administration.

But what they call forward the street are military presence to take over federal buildings, to block streets, to block highways, to get the unions involved. And so the whole country would ground to a halt, and people would call, would clAmber for the different government in the same way that happens in every CIA. Q when you are economically destabilizing the country, when you are surrounding the parliament building with protesters, and when you are making the people hungry and desperate, so they will agree to a new government different than the .

one that shameless about IT, not even something that they from the thing OK.

So this is the tweet.

if you can go to the rob from the top, because what we was number seventeen part of zoom in a little bit. So this is the thread you put up together. What other part of this do you want to show that shows what else they asked about?

Well, there's one if if you go to I mean, there's so much here, but in in its worth noting that recently rosa Brooks published, I believe in the guardian that one of the things they currently lack right now is the same public protest power that they had in twenty twenty. They sort of lamented that they don't have the same capacity right now to leverage off of that they had in twenty twenty about this street, the stables ation capacity.

Okay, me let me go back to the question. All right. So the question is, if you were hired by the established middles on the left and the right to find a win the next thirteen, fourteen days to prevent them from winning in all the ways they're tried IT with the D O G humiliation deformational character, you stormy Daniel, taking away money, depleting cash, all that stuff hasn't work.

What would be the way for you to get IT done when you said through this? okay. Now let me get my robot, le, to IT my rebuttal to that strategy. Working in twenty twenty that maybe won't work today is musty twitter access opened up.

It's where everybody's getting their news that even mark cuban is getting torched by everybody else, that he can gas like everybody else before a lot of people that are chAllenged in him back would have certainly been removed, reduced or an inform, right? And you they're doing that today because he's running twitter. So we were to say, well, who has been censored lately? I don't know.

A lot of people that have been censored lately like the way they did in twenty, twenty, twenty, twenty ways to get strikes left and right and twenty two, twenty, twenty one youtube es even slow down a little bit because they're worried about rumble twitter to have more competition than ever before. Zuker work three months ago comes out and post that letter saying we were pushed by the bite and administration for us to do X, Y, Z. And at the end of the day, IT is my foot.

I take for responsibility. He gives that message. Part of IT could be because he thinks ms. Gna get a lot, that I Better to be good on his side.

Or as they can really come after me and what if you know find that additional things that i've done? Okay, so set that part of that. He's being nice today and is like a more like a libertarian.

I've been hanging out with the u. Fc guy, so that was a threat as he blocked trump youtube block, trump twitter suspended on black trump. He's open out everywhere.

He can tweet as much as he wants. No one's block in him anymore. So that section to thirty part right now, they can impose that strong because .

they're worried .

about on and trump winning, okay? And they can come back and now trumps somehow, somewhere tiktok is kind of on his side because one of bigger investors here, you know the story about tiktok as well. I don't I don't want to go there.

So now we got tiktok play neutral. They're storm nasty. They still black a lot. I get the most things black on tiktok community guidelines, bull, bull. Ship their number one, twitter free, google, facebook, facebook, a little bit easier then you have google right now.

I don't know if that's .

gonna be that effective today. What i'm trying to find that in twenty twenty four, how do you do IT how do you do in twenty twenty four to prevent the election from happen and on november for use some miracle account the earlier today saying, hey, we're already announced that we're going to need additional days weve vary a bunch different stuff, okay, that say nice little way of putting IT out that hey, you're not going to win this place.

You're going to give this to excise. But pensylvania, CarOlina, georgia and all the charge show that trumps spending on georgia is over whit, right? right? What do you do? What's another arsenal?

Well, listen to jammy raskin. Jammy raskin in congress has said, let people vote for trump if they want. We're not going to certify his his election anyway.

So he may be elected, but we're not going to let him be inaugurated. This is like two months ago, you can pull up the James. I think that's about the right right began.

It's necessary, but it's not sufficient because what can be put in to the constitution can slip away from you very quickly. And the greatest example going on right now before our variety is section through the fourteen th, the moment which they're just disappearing with a magic one as if IT doesn't exist even though he could not be clear what is stating. And so you know, they want to kick IT to congress.

So this can be up to us on generate six, twenty, twenty five to tell the rampaging trump maps that he's disqualified. And then we mean body guards for everybody in civil war conditions. All because the nine justices, not all of them, but these justices who have not many cases to look at every year, not that much work to do, a huge staff, great protection, simply do not want to do their job and interpret what the great fourteen that means that i'm glad that shirt creating a new centres so we can bring that.

So if you go to my ex handle and you you type and provoke breakdown, you're going to see that he referenced. Basically they're to provoke breakdown on january six. Now this is very interest.

So here go, I think this one right clear trump win. This is the scenario. Now if you go to the next screen shot, you'll see what he says there in yellow highlights, with the with red, with the red highlights. This was, this was in june twenty twenty, being organized by military intelligence state department in high level political Operative from both sides, the air again, both the former heads of of the both major political parties, who were both in antitrust and one of the most consequential moves in their war game for how to make sure buying was was inaugurated if trump was elected. Was that team bind played role played by john, no less than john protester, who then occupy this very senior slot in the by administration White house?

One of most consequently moves is that teen by, on january six, provoked a breakdown in the joint session of congress by getting the house of representative to agree to award the presidency to bin based on the alternative, provide submissions sent by product governors. This is what they're planning to do. They're going to make the argument that Donald trump is disqualified under the fourth amendment because of january six. And then they will do the exact .

likely that .

they gona do that. I think IT depends on a the how robust the consensus building has been for this and how much infighting there is in the democrats camp. I think that the iron between the biden and Harris camp has disunited ed, some of some of these networks that have sort of reluctantly uh, given in to some of the the recent trun momentum.

But it's it's hard to know right now because a lot of these tools would not be played while buying. Harris is still the occupants of the White house. They would not, for example, deploy street mobilization protests to burn federal buildings or police presents, or put the country in crisis while the person they want to win is occupying the White house.

Is unclear how robust the infrastructure is underneath the surface because that that they're not going to launch the surface attack until trump wins an electoral college Victory. But this is absolutely what they're planning. And by the way, they tried this in twenty sixteen.

In twenty sixteen, they they got about thirteen or sixteen alternate electors to not to not certify trumps election then. But that was eight years ago. It's unclear how how much more reach they've gotten into that, but that is what this legal network is planning, whether they can pull IT off or whether IT costs them too much at work.

It's not going to work because supreme court, he's got IT right is at what? Five, four, right over six, three. I don't know what the this is not gonna be done without supreme courts.

X guys, you're acting a little bit out of control. Is the president? Go cry a little bit and you'll get over IT.

Two, two things on that. One is remembers that he was the supreme court which voted seven two not to not to actually hear trumps questions about the last election about election fraud. That was the the trumps legal team applied for sert to the supreme court and uh IT was seven two.

They voted not to hear the case. So the supreme court actually basically did not support you IT trumps even ability to air that evidence publicly. And then the second thing is they are simultaneously launching this Operation against the spring court. They've opened these sort of ethics probes into, uh, in declaring Thomas, they're reopening of the the lines of attack against carvin uh I think part of this is to try to induce sort of uh, tasted personal threats to the to the the family, the stability, the reputation, the legacy of the supreme court justices so that they do not uh intercede on whatever Operation they are going to be trying to run at the congressional vel. Okay.

so that's one. Let's set that aside. January twenty six, twenty twenty five were going to say this and he said, civil war, right? Protection at set at seta. If they go that right, okay, let's just say they go that right.

And they're done enough and hate amErica enough to want to go there and can't stand the guy that much and firm so much that they want to go there. What happens to seventh? What happens to america? You think the opposite side is gonna sit be OK with IT like they twenty twenty will be elementary compared to what's gonna en in twenty twenty four, right? Don't you think it's gonna be that that level of intensity where IT goes? I don't if that's gona die out a day, two days, a week, two weeks later.

what do you think? Well, the issue is these people are specialist and counter insurgency. So many these people come from D, O, D, country insurgency Operations.

They come from, know this sort of C, I, A intelligence insurgency, counter insurgency world. And what you're trying to counter insurgency is basically a state of civil war in a country where the are preferred regime of the U. S.

Government is being threatened politically, or sometimes connect ally by an insurgent political force within the country who wants to either topple that government or elect a different government. And the U. S.

Military and the U. S. Statecraft APP atis descends on the country to quil the insurgency. And the angle of an insurgency is is not to wipe the whole thing out. It's to reduce IT to a burning Amber.

I do effectively nip the heads of the sunflowers so that nothing can grow that robust. You can end the ideology, but what you can do is you can neutralize all of its capacity to convert into a successful, uh, political election. And this is what they are trying to do right now.

There's something called the sixty five project which books may have heard of this is basically a political black ops hit job Operation to uh to disbar all sixty five attorneys who had some role in representing Donald trumps h election integrity lawsuits in rudy Juliane for example. Just this week was hit with, I think, one hundred and fifty million dollar defamation case just for talking about some election workers. I believe in georgia um you had to sell grandfathers watching.

Remember he was disbarred in the state of new york just for representing the president. The same thing happened to john east men in the state of california. If you've got no lawyers because they've got basically a black ops political you know hard attack gun to the to the temple of every lawyer who can represent a the administration to to come at this, then you've got no legal representation, you've got no .

access to the war. I'm not even thinking about that. You're going to the other side, right? I'm talking about the day to day people.

I'm not talking about, you know what they did to Juliana and what they did to all those people. And they targeted every one of his guys. If you were somebody that was a trump, you know, support, if you didn't flip on them, they sued you.

They sued you. They should you to get rid of all you. They destroy a lot of people's lives. A lot of people's lives they destroyed, right?

I'm talking about the everyday day to day person in amErica that's voting for the sky that things you guys are, add your mind. You're gona do this to my country. How different do you? Your state, the department official, how different do you? You've in, you run in and twenty sixteen, how different do you think you to be in twenty twenty for the way those voters react and the way they did in twenty twenty?

Well, I think the permanent psychic damage will last for centuries. If something like that is done, people will always remember IT. Um but you know there's a lot of things that you can do as kind of a special Operation on the martial law side to contain that and then use the justice department to spring up all the leaders.

Use censorship techniques to crack down all the means of of communicating with each other. This is one of the reasons they made such a big issue of a facebook in ahead of twenty twenty, why they put so much pressure on mark socker ahead of the twenty twenty elections. Because facebook was what was being used to coordinate I R L mediums, to to coordinate, uh, you know, rally communities, to coordinate, you know, street activity and and this same network descended on facebook and basically called the not just have facebook post taking down, but to have entire facebook groups stop the steal. For example, was that the fascist growing facebook group in facebook history, and through the department of home land security and the election integrity, the project network folks, and that that delegitimizing terms of service policy, they got that thing nuked to inside of a week.

the rise and fall to stay. The steel group in the short lifespan. IT was on the fastest group group on facebook history .

and hub for those trying to do.

And the world, the election, the law rap. How big was this group? And I accursed the number of people on to welcome to.

About hour later, the group are uploaded a mental long video to its facebook page, point mesage. The grainy footage showed a crowd outside bowling point street and shopping, chatting. perfect. But here's a difference. Here's the twenty twenty three we started had massed twenty twenty does at one point .

hundred and less than a day.

Okay, but here's a thing. Here's a difference. Here's a difference. This one work, the reason why this one work is because there's something called x he's in the way you can do nothing with them. You can't, you, you, you can't go through him.

And right now the other day, see bombers being interviewed, you know, see bombers gona give us money to. Can you type in Steve bomber a who he gives his money too? If you just go on google rib and see who Steve bomber, he's Steve bomber friends with who? Bill gates, okay, developers, developers.


If you look at which political party he gives us money too. Steve bomber, um can you see IT rib or no, just have Steve bomber, democrat or republican. Steve ballmer, democrat or republican? Okay, so donations, ownership.

Steve ballmer, democratic party since two thousand and fifteen, seven point nine million dollar donation to the democratic party. And you know how much is given to republicans? Ten thousand dollars.

Rob, I want to give you this. Put IT up. So people, that's the one right.

They are good for you. zome. N, B, A political owner, uh, contributions bomber, seven point nine million.

Democratic party, ten thousand to republican the diva magic, or republican, a dane Albert, both. But more republican, you got the James dolan. More republican you get Jerry rise, or even Stephen spurs, you see what IT is. But gonna stay bomber is one hundred billion out of guys, one hundred twenty billion out of guy de. They ask no question what you get your news from.

You know what he said? He said even a guy who's a liberal who doesn't give money to republicans, he gets his news from x right? The only way, like i'm trying to really go and dissect each of these as a reasonable man who's a business guy that's never been in a department of defense, but I study games of manipulation and power and war and all this stuff.

You know, some of that was used against me, the insurance industry as an outside that they came in and took a big block of insurance business. And good how you think you are. They tried to give me to lose appointments.

deformation. All this, i'm like it's not going to happen. But then I saw the way they did IT and then bow me virtually.

I saw the business for a few hundred million hours, and they were not happy about that, but is too late by that time because we were able to fight through some of the things that they were doing, good lawyers, good strategy sequences, all of that. I I don't think my that playbook is gona work today because elan is not going to let that happen. Elon is probably just as much hated and feared by them as trump is because trumps going to go be a president.

He's going to go away for years. okay? The trump ism won't, but he'll go away for eight, twelve years. Mosque is fifty three. He go on away for thirty, forty, fifty years.

okay? And i'm surprised the fact that there is not any stories that we hear about of assassination attempt on him. My concern is the way to go about this as you ve got to go after him the next thirteen days, if you really want to do something. He's the target because he's in the way, not trump. If if you get him now, you can do some stuff because it's a shot over there, right?

Well, there's like thirteen different regulatory agencies who are all moving against mosque. Know just yesterday or just this week, I came out that you one of the adam shifts you from the chairman of the intelligence committee, darling organization, the counting the center for countering digital hate, C C D H know, had in its internal playbook, kill musk twitter, you have entire state department USA national demode mocs y programs dedicated to killing elon mosques. X, you have this E, U legislation, the E U digital services act, which is now openly, the regulators have openly said they are going to look to actually tax exactly right.

looking to tax.

looking that that for non compliance with the E U. Sensor of law, they will go after musk other assets, his space x assets, his tesla assets, basically all of europe is going to do to eat on mosque, on steroids, what brazil did initially with the starling seizure. All this has the support of binds by the state department.

This is, this is a crook in Operation. I was sort of involved in some of those early negotiations in twenty twenty. This this is a very nasty beast. Now by the way, i'm not arguing that they're going to i'm not waiting in on the probability of success of these no sort of clock dig or Operations, but I don't think that they can be totally dismissed out of hand because how fast the tone of the country can change in a crisis situation, a crisis event happens. And IT doesn't not be an assassination IT could be a IT could be a riot IT could be a street protest IT could be a new cycle.

And then suddenly you get these prime movers, you get the justice department to announce some drastic action, you get the military to sort of, uh, cordon off entire blocks of major cities, as they did around january six in dc, and has happened with some of the protest riot situations, both around B, L, M. And around january six. And then there starts to become a kind of martial law overtone in in those in that moment.

IT is a totally different scenario. Then looking at IT through the stereo glass of in a dated day civilian news cycle, you can do extraordinary actions to people who are who are Normally untouched. And all of saying is, you can't discount that, because these are not small fish who are, who are out there working on this, the norm ze and types, the the markel's types, the janie rasin types, they're not going to bed at six pm this this week thinking up, you know what we're pray gone to lose. There's too much on the line.

What do you think if you're bedding man, if you're last vegas is you're betting what what is what are you betting on right now happening? What are your odds of what's gonna en november fifty? Well, this guy is trump.

Gona win. Is calm gna win. Where are you at?

I was confident in twenty sixteen. I did bet on that significantly. I did not bet on twenty twenty because I thought the fog of war was too thick and I am not bedding with my money you know on on twenty twenty four because I think the fog of worse to thick. But i'm getting with my soul in the sense that you know it's my you know I think that this is pride, the most important election in us.

sir. So you're the way I process. What you just said is you don't think he's gna win.

You're you're at a place that you don't think they are not not he's going to win. Let me restate the words. You don't think they're gonna let him win.

I think he was a fair fight. You would win in a landslide, but the fight is not fair. But just how unfair IT is is still unclear.

Okay, so fine. So so s let's go to a different angle, story wise, I want to talk you about something else which you know let's see where we go with this in q tell, right? And i'm sure you're heard of N Q tell. I'm sure you know about IT.

It's the trump to trump on thursday spoke at the air is that is on a state university which is the present is Michael rose the chair hoods that is today and was since its inception, nineteen ninety nine, the chairman and inked .

out and Better. So what's your point with that though?

Well, my point on that is arizona state university is is really interesting hub in arizona, this where obama gave this first commencement speech. But it's got a huge censorship program there through something the center on narrative disinformation, strategic c influence that's tied all the way after the years on the supreme court with this disinformation task force that that center center's head was was spearheading.

The mccain institute is highly active there with a giant censorship Operation through its repute communications program. There is so much censorship of the trump world that runs to do A S U. Ah and its part of something about their global security initiate, the asu global security initiate, which is a formal intelligence program.

So it's literally in A U S. Government intelligence funded domestic sponsorship program. And they get a way at one point six million dollars from the pentagon to do this this censorship black ops.

They get a another couple hundred thousand from the state department and um and the national science foundation. But IT is just funny that trump no sort of flight. He's always walking into the lions. Then when IT comes to everything from the Butler rally are going into you know neighborhoods that you know most week would think would be hostile to a republican or going on doing these hostile interviews. He's walking in the A S U.

Lines then and so let's go through this forty average percent that does not um if you don't mind sharing the history of in q tel and what they do.

yep. So in q tel was created nineteen ninety nine. The internet had been private for about eight years.

Member, the the the internet started off as a darpa project. IT was arpa. Then I would change his named to darpa, the defense advances research projects agency.

Basically, IT was created in the one thousand nine hundred and sixties by the military. Yeah, because the military gets so much paperwork, they have manage the entire american empire abroad. They to managed counter insurgency situations with three hundred different languages and dialects.

They're getting inbound paper, not just between different agencies with the od, but all of their connective tissue to civil society and universities. They have to managed the huge amount of paperwork. And so they thought the most efficient way to do that would be using this new digital technology of computers and being able to send digital communications over a effective an intranet, A D O D, in internet.

Then in nineteen ninety, we win the cold war, and we are trying to do soft power influence projection across the world. We we figure out that if we can make this internet thing, we do use technology where civilians can build on top of IT. We can we can effectively make this new internet the same sort of powerful soft power projection tool that that radio was when the C, I, A created radio for europe, radio, liberty, voice, america.

All these were state department, C, I, A proprietary, three of the pipe in sentiment into foreign countries to influence the course of their events, to advances U. S. entries.

We had a first mover advantage in movies and film in TV in print. So the internet came online in one hundred ninety one. Google got its start you know IT in like one thousand nine ninety six ish um when Larry page and sergey brin were stanford phds.

But their work that that resulted in google was a darpa grant. The dark grant was a joint CIA nsa program for flock, for tracking how birds of a feather flock together. Because the C I N.

Nsa began to realized that internet traffic around web, one point out which words, which is blogs and forms and static websites, could provide a political early warning radar system for the rise and fall of insurgency movements who are changing us interest overseas. So that's what created google from one thousand and ninety six to nineteen ninety eight, one thousand and ninety nine. The cii wants to, wants to formalize this.

This is during the time of this of tech boom, right? You had this, this, this big tech boom, and then you had this sort of bust from nineteen ninety two thousand. one.

But around that time, the C I saw how vast this new, these new internet technologies were becoming in terms of in terms of their market size. They're exploded so fast. They began arrival big oil within a decade of their existence, where we had been around for hundreds of years at that point. And so in, you tell, was was created so that the CIA could could basically buy a back channel influence over tech companies by being early stage investors, a venture capital arms, so they would get a little equity stake, but then they would also get the leason back channel network with all the tech companies that they invested in. So they could be used as assets of necessary.

so they could be used as assets if necessary. So if look at in grab, if you can go to IQ website, if you just go to I Q T 点 com and you look at maybe, maybe it's not I Q T, just step in in q tel and then go to their website, there's a you go, what is a website about the I Q I Q T that? okay? So if you go a little lower except the cookies and go a little lower and you see the the, the port for you keep going lower, keep going lower, keep going lower.

Okay, so, uh, no, go backup. Go back. Okay, stay right there.

Okay, get lab. They see plentier, right. Uh, which one is that? Peter? I think that is Peter. Data bricks, advanced navigation.

And I think at one point, Q, N, Q, tel, bt, q, which keyhole was like the map, right? And then keyhole was so to google. Then google.

I think in all four or three, they bought IT. In all four or five they turn into google earth. So in other words, google earth that we see now was once owned by the CIA. And so to google. And then the google sergeant Larry have connection through stanford, right, which you talking about earlier, that they came about when I think about google and and I see what there, you know, how they got started between all the other guys, how how much you think C. I, he has access to everything that google does, access and influence to what google does.

Well, I think they're back channel conversations, but I think most of them are had through civil society organizations, staff ed by CIA people, rather cii directly oo and that's what the function of a lot of these multi stakeholder forums are or some of these private gos that often funded directly by the pentagon or the state department.

There's a few things while we're on this actually on the nq tell if you look up, I believe I was leafing was the author if you look at leafing in q tell, instagram, twitter, mining. I put in this out the other day because it's it's useful. You know this is because I saw that you had the global security initiate from A S.

U. Pulled up. And so this is, and I mentioned they do all this and censorship work. If you click that inter sector article from April twice sixteen, and you, this is, this is part of what that is. I mentioned that in the nineteen nineties, the C I N S. A were basically paying stanford to fund the research of sergey brin and Larry page for their mining of of search engine aggregation results in order to detect what people around the world were searching for and what communities they were forming and what they were saying. The CIA is doing the same thing through you to for the firms that do all the mass data, scraping of tweets, instagram photos, youtube videos, facebook post, so that you have this kind of all seeing eye from the intelligence world about political sentiment on social media. Yeah, the other thing that I was I was going to mention was forkful on the hotel front will come back to.

but if you go back to, in details with kip dia, I just go to in what I want to know, the founders. So go to the founders and norm. Let's see who norm is.

If you can zoom in there. Zoom in. So is A U.

S. ero. Space business man who served as us under secretary army. Seventy five thousand guy was served as a chairman of lucky Martin CoOperation. He was chairman of the review of the united of human space flight plans command eighty three. He was elected member of the national cademy of engineering for imagination blending of the skill engineer.

And if you go to look, is that IT? That was the career? So where where is the? And then go back to the other founder, let's see who the other guy is.

Uh, yeah, he's little bit interesting as well. I can take on his own who? God, to start as a video game designer.

then wounded OK, can you freeze right there? yeah. So notice the other founder came from lucky, right? And this one is the state department's foreign fairs policy board. This is why talk about all the time, which is that the CIA is because the tea to this was how extensive is the back channel r influences over google. And I always try stress that the cities second fdle in everything that does IT is IT only exists for two purposes. One is IT is a plausible denver support agency for the state department to pursue state department goals, or it's a pauly enable covert support unit for the military for per military d od activity.

Any time you go from CIA director to head of the state department like mike pump out ded under trump, or any time you go from CIA director to head of the defense department like leann aneta under the clinton, that's a promotion the CIA has to answer to the state department in everything IT does if it's doing different, if it's doing national interests, were IT has to answer to the dod for everything that IT does on the national security front. If if it's supporting D, O, D, IT is not the final boss in the room. IT is you know it's IT is does the dirty work that but the idea is not the brains of the Operation.

It's sort of the low level hit man that tony sereno sends into collect debt. It's not the the head of the of the mafia in that who's the well, what you have is this apparate that's congeal. You have this defense, diplomacy, intelligence apparatus.

And so you have these corporate financial stakeholders who work together with the diplomat sphere in the military sphere to create a consensus. And the CIA will implement whatever plausible enable covered action, consistent with the the paul enable, the nsc tash u. Doctor, in order to implement that.

But that that is, that plan is made above the c eyes head, and they have to answer every step of the way to that. So behind every dirty clock, digital Operation is a dirty assistant secretary at the state department, or a dirty member of the state department's policy planning staff, or a dirty under secretary of defense, were a dirty person on the national al security council who's coordinating. That is, they are, they are the the functionaries, the arms.

They are not the brains of IT. And but what you see here actually, like you tell, is the representation of both the state department and the pentagon. And then I think I want to stretch though, and I just remember this is second thing that I want to come back, was when we were talking about google and its early role with the CIA in the nsa and darpa.

That sounds like an extraordinary story to people who got the typical sort of high school history lesson. But in fact, this is actually the same story as IT has been for every major technology advancement in the past century and a half. If you go to my x account, you type in, you type in history GPS, i'm going to you'll see a video.

You'll see a video by I believe that was George freedmen, who is the former head of straat ford. Strafford is known as the private CIA. Yeah, this is the one.

So, yeah. So just to see the several quick. So this is the guy who was the head of the private CIA. Basically the career track that see these two tracks at the C I, there's the analyst track and the Operations track. The analysts do intelligence, the Operations do overthrowing government's propaganda, you know, counter and tell us up.

But the analyst track, they go on to jobs either universities or or at private sector intelligence firms like cruel or like or like strategy. Um the stack for email leagues were actually a big deal with with the some weak leagues. But but this is George for me giving a talk.

I believe I was in dubai. They basically canceling one of the one of the gulf nation governments about how to create a robust technology sector because everyone knows the biggest game in town is tech. tech.

Big tech is overtaken. Big oil, even if you're in oil nation. You need to diversify where your incomes come from. And this if if you're not competing on technology, you're going to lose economically to those who do so. He's brought to speak at this at this conference a few years ago, and he's telling them, listen, we believe in capitalism. We believe in you know um you know the power, the free market.

But you want you want a really kick but free market capitalist tex sphere to grow in your country, you need to have the government subsidized I know that sounds a little bit account to, yes, he says you need to have your defense sector fund this and subsidies. And he says, basically says, I know this sounds counterintuitive and it's a little a odds with free market, but let me tell you the history of how amErica got this way. And then if you want to let this play, this clips about two minutes, but goes over the history of the GPS, the cell phone, the camera, all this.

I want to begin with technology, because there is a belief here that technology is the key to your political power. Well, perhaps this is, but let's first discuss technology. So for example, this is a iphone.

You have, you must have many of them. It's obviously a useful tool. And you have no idea of a history. I will now tell you a history.

The cell phone was developed by the united states army in the one thousand nine hundred and seventies, was first deployed by the U. S. army.

So your cell phone is a military tool. The microchip was commissioned by the U. S. Air force to fly the f fourteen and also cruise missile GPS. You rules used that to find your way around so that the us.

Name, which commissioned the building at the GPS squadroom so its submarines could know where they are, is, of course, the camera. We all love the camera. I don't what my wife does. IT was developed for space satellite so that the film did not have been dropped to earth. IT took pictures that could be transmitted as data to earth.

And of course, this is the internet, without which this wouldn't have any place, which is developed by darpa defense events research projects agency to move information from one point to another quickly. So we didn't have to melt IT. In other words, to understand the technology of this age, you must understand the geopolitical requirements of the united states, the military that is created, and the technology that is really create, created as well. So you cannot look at the cell phone, the iphone, the very cute little thing, the camera and everything else, without understanding its military origins.

Who is this guy? George?

Free ment, this is the, this is the head of strategy. D, the private C I M.

so that, okay, you just prompt the two questions. Peters, I hand as one of them, because I think he used to be with stanford. what? What do you think about him? He's been interesting lately.

has he? What he said.

i'm current with you because you smile.

What can I ask? what? What prompted? I haven't kept up with all of the development. So i'm just curious what prompted .

the way you smile and and i'm a poker player.

Why are you smiling? Well, um i'd I would say I have something of a of a physical hand and geopolitical and it's probably several other other terms here. I have some disagreements with with the way that he sees, interprets and promotes his vision of geopolitics. I think there's it's hard for me to find a Peter's I hand video that I I agree with on either first principles grounds or the conclusions or the noses not look, i'm not trying to pick A B for or what not but you know there's I think i've i've seen first he didn't quit twitter and then come back and um he seemed to be promoting, at least in some soft sense, much of the internet censorship architecture that had that been laid down. I mean, I see him as a sort of of of the bombing of the blob, uh as as a sort of private consultant that just kind of distils the dragon of foreign icy for laman speak in order to kind of yet a massive hearts and minds and do not think that you know is business mile. But the end resolve vate is it's kind of a bill nie the science skype of geopolitics.

Well, let me ask you, this is the so doesn't give you vibes of C I A or no, he doesn't give you vibes of being connected or I don't know.

I mean, like I said, a lot of people accuse me of that as well. It's it's hard to actually be informed in this space without having people in that world who are a part of your network.

Um it's it's a world that most civilians with nine to five in who care about footballer, the u fc or music or some other passion either in this or you're not or you only have a passers chance at understanding IT and if you're doing IT, full time is a full time or whatever his business model is, then you you're obviously pose you're obviously connected to that those network that doesn't mean that you are of IT. And the other thing people mind is that much so much of IT by its very nature is in is informal informal networks. So you're not necessary .

lot of ebola get a lot of ebola like when he does the interviews and he makes his tours. But you know he's he's not necessarily he doesn't favorite trump, right? He's not the most pro telegram power of guy, right? Is not the most promising y right.

And you know when someone's agains, let's just say mosco telegram a we saw what happen with telegram A I want to know your thoughts on that as well. Um I don't know for some other to be able to speak the way he does on so many different variety of topics. You wonder how does he know this stuff?

You just go to the diplomat and you just recycle whatever on the top page or you read the journal democracy. Go to journal democracy got work, for example.

So you don't think he's that deep. You think he's shallow with the information that he has.

Listen, you're making me pick this bef. I've done IT public by the way, if you've seen i've did like a little video on this before. I tried not to get into these personal things um but look and I say this sort of with a little bit of love in the sense that where everyone's trying to interpret the world of geopolitics so i'm not trying to like pick a personal thing but yeah, I think I think it's actually everything that i've seen and i'm open to being wrong on this.

If someone can show me an insight ful Peters, I hand video, I will clock work orange, keep my eyes open for the whole thing I will real time do my response to IT um but I have not seen anything from Peter's I hand that i've not already seen a journal, democracy that tworog IT is just a, is just a water down reprint of what the national damage for democracy said three weeks ago. Hi, this is mike bans. You can connect with me on my neck for any questions that you have on internet censorship, foreign policy, national security, the blob, or if you want to know what a particular institution is doing that you may have seen or have questions about in terms of its control over the information ecosystem. So connect .

with me on connect. Okay, so fine. Let's go back to George freeman. okay.

And George freedman you're talking about, he's the what he's the, uh, uh what is this position they're founding geo poland, the chairman of the publishing company thread, right? So he said what he said in that speech, here's the phone. Here's a camera, here's the internet.

Darpa produce internet so we can melt things to each other faster, right? What did you want me to die? Set from his message .

there that the story of google relationship with the U. S. Military, with the intelligence agency, with the state department, with our congeal blob of a defense diplomacy. Intel's ence foreign policy apps is not some crazy story that unique in american history. It's actually the standard defauts course of events of technological development in the united states in the sense that the money in R, N, D usually comes, prevailed from military projects, and then IT is converted to do use where the commercial sector can upscale IT can turn IT into a profit.

This is one of the beating hearts of of the military industrial complex is this it's it's almost a trillion dollars a year that the pentagon gets a it's one of the the biggest departments in the federal government, the largest employer in the entire country. And IT is a cheap way to get commercial technology IT the huge multination corporations that we have in the text space, because they don't need to do a lot of the early stage. R, N, D, as a matter free market and have to run up all the costs on a thousand failed attempts to develop the technology IT can be publicly subsidies by the military and then turned over to the national science foundation is a little civilian ARM and and I only use a major phrase like little, because the national science foundation is proud, is one of those pernicious ous places for internet censorship.

They've done in the censorship technology space. The same thing is what we just saw with a cell phone, the GPS google, google search engines in all that in the sense that the sane in ban language of A I censorship, the scan in ban capacity to be able to in just nine hundred million tweet and then run the sophisticated keyword um searches in proximal distance between different keywords in order of microtargeting. Ara, if you want a kw off the internet.

That all started as a darpa project when darpa was trying to manage the insurgency of ISIS and and was concerned that this is was recruiting on twitter and facebook. And so they spent hundreds of millions of dollars developing A I keyword scanning band technology, and then went trump on the twice sixteen election. The national science foundation basically took that over. They turned IT into a civilian free market of censorship technology. And then no less, the then the state department's in a policy plan staff color a color revolution guru, jared coin, moved over the google jigsaw to create, know that basically the world's first A I censorship retail product, which which can appointed us into the world we now live in, where every word you say on the internet is being monitored for its toxicity score in terms of how much IT violates some blob political ship .

with and what what's his background he ahead of global sax, global gold so a president of global affair and ahead yes so so this was was a Young .

guy who um again i'm not trying to start a personal beef with this and what I can sort of see why he made the decisions that he did. But I think that the fruits of them are have resulted in the so many of the discovery an shades of. Of life that we now see in terms of the the censorship of the internet, at least as I was until even on freed acts and some of the recent changes that I ve been making.

But jacon was this Young gun who was embedded in a lot of these, like middle ast and north africa, counterinsurgency movements. I think he created movements, not org, in some of this early stuff, in the, and I think, the early two thousands. And then he was packed up to the policy planning staff of the state department, which coordinates ci corporate state department, over the action with C.

I. Covert action. And this this guy before day, I think he was even thirty years old, was so he was he was tapped by the condolence of rice state department of George bush.

But he was considered, I think so um yes, he was he was kept over by Hillary clinton in two thousand nine. His big claim to fame there was coming up with this idea of using social media for diplomacy activity. So facebook was was created in two thousand four youtube in two thousand and five, twitter in two thousand and six, smartphone in two thousand and seven.

Gear con gets to the state department's policy planning staff, which coordinate state C. I. Activity in around two thousand and seven.

And he looks around and he says, what are we doing running these Operations out of U. S. Empathize or consults or ci station houses? Everyone we wanted crude is on facebook, is on twitter, is on youtube.

We can upscale our diplomatic tool kit, our cover action toolkit, our color revolution tool kit by simply leveraging the power of social media. So we need a new doctrine called digital statecraft, or diplomacy. Two point out is some of the branding terms. And this was credited with the the crow, the crowning achievement of social media diploma in the ab spring in from two thousand and ten to two thousand and twelve. When you yet all these middle ast nor have yet to enza egypt, all these countries ever sy governments of the of the obama administration being toppled in facebook revolutions and twitter revolutions.

Jared can made a personal phone call to jack dorsey while he was at the state department in two thousand nine in order to stop twitters scheduled maintenance that was going on the week of the academia elections in iran, because the state department was running a social media influence Operation in iran to try to influence the course of that elections of the state department personally interceded on the scheduled maintenance of twitter, just to keep twitter open. And this is where all this money was flowing into these military connections with the social media companies, because social media was seen as the is the golden goose, for instance, color revolution, inter regime change Operations that could be done at speed, at scale and a much cheaper cost. You don't need to have ten thousand.

You interlocks on the ground through a dozen different gos in order to mobilized people to take to the streets of the medan square in two thousand fourteen. You just have a facebook group which tells everyone to be exactly where they where they need to be, tells everyone what the slogans are. Everyone can just and then you can publicly market of that because it's a public facing social media hashtag or social media you know page. We actually funded all these groups with state department money and USA money to train them how to use facebook hash, twitter hashtag gs and set up facebook groups. But then all of this came to a crashing called, when I started a backfire on the foreign icy establishment, when brags that happened, and then trump out elected on the back of social media.

So let me, let me ask this when when trump got elected the first time, if if I have to think like the enemy, your theory first round, you know, his first term, he's not going to get a lot done. He will, but not a lot done. You can get him get reelected because in second term, he's really gonna what is gonna want to do because he doesn't have a ship about getting reelected.

Is the fear now of hint winning? Because he's really gone to impose and chAllenge and push up getting things done that maybe because you know, a lot of time, some republican, we said we are going to do this but didn't do IT we said you gona lock up. You didn't do IT you said you going to go.

You didn't do IT you said you can do that. You didn't do some of the stuff that he said he didn't do. And the true republican, republican, republicans are like, what happened with those things are part of the fear of the second term.

Is there sit in the same holy shit if he gets in here and actually learns that he didn't know anybody, the people that he hired now he actually knows who is not follow shit and he was follow shit, and who are the people that are snakes and who is mad? Because he's that enough exchange to know who you can trust, and you can trust so we can get this guy to get back in you. Do you think that the big fear, what you think the fear is with the second term?

I think the fear, in a sense, is actually a lot less than that, but is somehow a lot more than that, because is a lot less than that, which is that they don't need trump to take drastic action in order to ruin the best laid plans of micon maneuver. So we have this big foreign icy blob Operation to seize urania. You know, if you look up, for example, russia, seventy five trillion resources, you will get a good talking about here.

This has been a great goal of nato and the stakeholders, the state department and the dog since since the cold war. But you know, you just look at this so you can pull up a graph, I think, in one of these articles, which will just give you over lay in the land here. yeah.

Like, like one of those play there yeah. So you see, like russia has by far the most natural resources of any other country on earth. And russia is also surrounded by a bunch of these x soviet satellite states um everything from central eastern europe into you, the stands.

And there has been this nato expansion um Operation since nineteen ninety. There has been this sort of view of the military, of the security alliances. But then you have the political and economic entanglements that bring the economics into the into the western economic spear that all of this became very fragile in the past.

I mean, really started when putin began to reassert russian influence over central eastern europe through gas diplomacy in two thousand five, two thousand and six, the blocks with georgia and with with other boltin in bulk in states, uh, there became this big struggle for control over the european gas economy. Uh, and that was and also to end russia's military complex because russia is also the reason that we have not been able to invade syria. They provided the s four hundred air defense systems that blocked us from doing air raids against assad.

They're the ones who are providing the small arms to all the african rebel groups were toppling all the us. back. Governments there in chat in and you know in the ivory coast um they're providing a backstop to basically every major adversary government of the U.

S. Planning on but they also sit on all these natural resources. You may have recall Linda gram came out just a few months ago and sort of let the cat out of the bag said, even if you care about ukraine, the fact is they sit on twelve point four trillion dollars of natural resources.

So we should be defending ukraine in spending the military investment in defending them, because we want those power. Point four trillion. Of course it's you look at you save away the second, that's ukraine's wellpoint for trillion, right? It's and no, it's because when we move into these countries, we make them are political and economic vessels.

Ls IT is our american companies or north american aled companies who developed the partnerships. This is what happened, for example, with with ukraine, with brima and afterglow. Afterglow is the big state owned ukrainian gas giant that brisk a was the feeder into well.

Chevet's signed a ten billion dollar partnership deal with nata gas before the the twenty fourteen q shell from from the U. K. Signed a ten billion dollars al with the George series has been personally leaning campaign to privatize that company and put IT into the arms of U. S.

Investors so that even though the pipelines all sit ukraine, and even though it's ukraine's almost its entire economy outside of agriculture, you, as ukraine and citizens, do not actually profit from having the gas there, from having the pipelines there, because all of the money is going to investors seven thousand miles away in washington and in london. But this is the game, as IT is in germany. This is the game as IT is in moldova, in latvia, lithuania, in poland and family in sweden, in turkmenistan, in news pakistan.

And casey stan, this is the game to be able to bring these trillions of dollars of assets into the arms of golden sex and J. P. Morgan chase and city bank and black rock in the multination corporations that service or portfolio firms and the trickle down political insiders who are basically the donors of that of that complex.

But the problem is, trump could that is already very fragile Operation, as russia has persisted with this military Operation and we have been unable to regime change their government. The of all the pussy riot Operations, none of them worked. We are IT is much harder logistically for us to mobilize against russia by backstopping ukraine without drastic escalation.

And so the problem is, is this is very, very, very fragile, and all trump needs to do to ruin IT in the trillions of dollars of windfall profits, in the hundreds of billions of dollars of investments already made, which will be some cost. If this Operation and work is for trump to be neutral, that's all that will take for for runing IT IT doesn't require drastic action by trump if trump negotiate a peace deal right now between russia and ukraine as IT stands and says, okay, the war is over. No more russian aggression, but russia, you get to keep the territory that you've already seized in the dom bass.

We're going to respect the crime and referendum from twenty fourteen. All trump needs to do is except that as a lay the land and you have already dealt hundreds of billions of dollars of damages to wall street private equity firms, to london bankers, to multiple corporations, which were all skating to where the puck was going, which was seizing these trillions in ura. And a great example of this, if you go to my timeline right now on ex, and you type in aggression the phrase aggressively neutral.

I'm going to show you what the bind state department did to the prime minister, pakistan, just two years ago. Okay, this is just a funny, but I think because do leap as atlantic council word, but the aggressively neutral position is the full phrase up. In in fact, if you want to find IT, maybe the the fastest way is you can just go type in the intercept on search on just a regular google search because I just I show you straight from the the source document, the intercept type in iran kon state department cable.

Is that from the inside one? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Or actually, I think he was called the league state department.

These state department cables you to score down a bit now just to score down, I think I thought, but I think that okay, actually will be. I think that let's go with that first one. Okay, right? So run the control f search for the phrase aggressively.

Okay, cool. I sorts. There is actually they just started the top and then will go back to this this thing. So we'll see, just so I can set the stage a bit. So this is iran kn, the most popular prime minister in pakistan history widely.

Love bites people to the point where, after they removed him from power, they ban elections for a short time because they are afraid he would win again, even after being removed. So this shows what really happened with the removal of the most popular prime minister in pakistan history. IT was basically a coup by the pakistani parliament and its military, its generals and its I, S.

I, its intelligent service. In these interceptor cable. The documents show what gave rise to the coup and IT was the U. S. State department diplomats from the U. S. State department threatening pakistani parliamentary arians and diplomats with, quote, carrots and sticks and and saying, iran can needs to be removed as president.

You need to impeach him, uh, and you will get basically humAnitarian aid if you do IT so you'll get carrots will make you rich if you do IT and we will make your life a living hell, we will make you a isolated area, will put sanctions on you if you don't iron on is angered the U. S. State department.

But all will be forgiven if if you in parlier remove him from power. Now, imagine if russia had done this to answer or something, right? So now if you control f to aggressively neutral, you'll see what the reasoning here is.

And actually, before I read this something stage lobby here, so you, the history of pakistan has a hybrid governance model where they have the very explicit, unlike the U. S, about the different role of the civilian elected government in the military. The the military state in pakistan has been A U.

S. Vessel for at least forty years was pakistan, was where we trained the musha hadan in the one thousand nine and seventies. The C I bet is islam undammed talia groups, who were being used as sensually U. S.

Funded radical terrorist groups in order to attack the soviet in afghanistan one thousand nine hundred and seventy, and caused them to have sort of their vietnam that was all being coordinated in pakistan, with pakistan front fronted C, I, A banks like like B, C, C, I, the bank of credit commerce international in pakistan, because IT is this big U. S. Military and intelligence hub, is a major transhipment point for weapons to ukraine.

There is a, there is basically a sea bridge from pakistan, romania, the weapons that going from there, just this year the U. K. Built an airbridge between pakistan, uh, in romania in order to more efficiently ship the weapons because it's a giant weapons depo for the D O D and the CIA for their Operations in syria, for their Operations in in afghanistan all over central asia.

So if ikon was neutral on the war and said, I want to be friends with the U. S, but I also want me friends with russia, so I don't want to provide military training pant from pakistan to remain to ukraine to kill the russians, then that cripples the ability for nato to to successful ly win in already tearing war with russia. So they need a prime minister who authorized that.

If someone simply neutral, good, then that is IT. So you'll see what the state department told the the the parliamentarian in pakistan is that he needs me removed because in rankin took in aggressively neutral position on ukraine. That is all trump needs to do to ruin this whole Operation for the blood people here.

And in euro, quite concerned because why pakistan is taking such an aggressively neutral position of ukraine. okay. So let me ask. Let me bring you back to what you're talking about, seventy five trillion.

And russia, right? Are you going as far as saying that all these money guys, all these big companies, want to find a way to get access to that seventy five trillion dollars of natural resources, which by the the way, while you're doing this on online elating, if the natural resources of russia combined is more than every country and nato combined, which IT looks like IT is, if not, you know, there are slightly above him, because the second biggest country with the most natural resources, that in nato, there isn't one in top ten. Just so you know that not one country in the top ten, rob, if you can look at up top fifty countries with natural resources.

So in order to for you to get access to those seventy five trillion dollars, IT will not happen with putin. So you ve got to find a way to replace and bring somebody and that you select and once that persons, and that'll give you the way in to get those resources similar to how they did IT with ukraine. I because the linsley will give you, they're also second, third in all these natural resources that begin.

Ukraine's got a lot of, you know, things that the world can take advantage, and they couldn't do with the guy in twenty thousand and two thousand fourteen. And this was a fall. So the same playbook with ukraine, the same playbook with pakistan. They want to do with russia to get access to the money. Oh, completely you think that is I mean.

that's not all of IT, but that's IT. I mean, in the sense that there are other things the blob is concerned about, western hemisphere here, the rush for africa, you know it's it's not the only thing, but is by far the biggest IT IT.

Is the this number one reason yes. yeah. And who is the people don't want access to that seventy .

five trillion? Well, you should look at folks can read a great book called casino moscow, which is inadvertently about, you know, George soros, how he went from a millionaire to a billion. Ae, I mean, this a George source, is the larger .

and some manipulation.

I mean, George saros went from a millionaire to a billionaire by being effectively an insider today, insider trader on nato, C, I, A state department, D O, D. Operations. When when he started the open society foundation in one thousand nine hundred seventy nine, the tax 6 pole for his kids, basically, then region came to power in the one thousand and eighty created this national demmit for democracy, basically parked all the old cii activities that were banned after the church committee hearing into CIA intermediate ngos and foundations.

George soros tagging along with that and started basically investing from his new york hedge fund, which was focusing on foreign currency speculation on the same on the the rise and fall of currencies that his foundation was partnering with the state department in nato, so he had, you know, five years, three years, six months advance notice on on the direction of every currency before he bet on IT, because his foundation was getting money from the U. S. Government, was was liaising, was serving as the incubator for these rent riot mobs, which you can argue we're done for a sort of noble purpose if you want to talk about, you know, hungry or poland or any number of the revolutions that took place in the one thousand nine and eighties with with open side support.

But the fact is is when the one thousand ninety hit IT was George soros and bill boughed ers, private investment firms, their private little hedge funds, their foreign renty spector, also they we're buying up the portfolio companies. They were buying up these assets because russia, from nineteen ninety one to one thousand ninety nine did not have a sovereign IT was the fifty first state just like ukraine is now because bore yelling was the ci's man in russia. You can look up at a great article called spill's cools by the washington post, by David ignatius one thousand and ninety seven, where he even walked throughout burse.

Yelland was faxing. The ci is cut out organization, the national count for democracy, in one thousand nine hundred and ninety three, effectively asking the C. I. For permission to bomb's own parliament building. Now, when you know his own government opposed his his shock therapy sales of the two trillion dollars in in sovereign wealth that the soviet union held off to wall street and wounded bankers like George sort ouses firm, which made its money in russia at that time. Watch the Austin power, the original Austin power's movie for how they talked about russia nineteen ninety five.

At that time there's a great scene where there's a russian general who appears in the british intelligence lab after Austin powers gets unfrozen and you know, the british intelligence is has to convince Austin powers, no, no, no. Russia is the good guys now because they were our guys under the yelling, look up if you want. You can look about another movie uh called spinning boris staring Geoffrey gold bloom uh, which is based on the true story of how the state department, the intel gent services and how they would descended on the russian internal election of nineteen ninety six when yelling was pulling at six percent in the vote in order to prop up a drunk half day yelling to win the election that he was losing in order to keep the looting going, before the russian stock market crashed ninety percent, its value, value.

And putin arose in in the ashes of that and then turned rogue as many nationalists, as many former, you know, sort of trusted air of of the U. S. Foreign icy establishment frequently do.

Wow, but what one of getting out here is the high wanter mark of of the U. S. empire.

And I don't say this majora tivy. I want A U. S.

empire. E, but IT has to benefit the american homeland. And this is the big divide right now. But you, the france, is fool on a unipolar moment. The great moment that that is our sort of north star for all of our diplomacy is the nineteen nineties when there was no other global hedgie on china.

Hadn't reason economically, russia hadn't reasserted self geopolitically or military, is at nineteen ninety moment when we look like we were finally going to get control over your asia before all the before we spend herself two thin, after nine, eleven and before four years after that, putin began to turn against the the U. S. Blob and use the energy assets that russia SAT on in the military industry that SAT on to make russian sovereign.

And that's what kicked off this alt four. First, the only impacted republican companies. This is why mitt romney was, you know, was on the hawkish side against obama.

There is that famous debate line where obama, during the twenty twelve election cycle had that line you're being too hard on on russia effectively, he said the thousand nine hundred eighties called they want their foreign policy back. Well, that was because that had only impacted the the republican interest in georgia and iser bijonah that point that had yet hit the democrat. Side of the blob ukrainian energy interest that soros and in that network at all invested in and made these major uh uh, gas investments in.

Well well, gas was a big, big transition of fuel of the of the of the Green revenue. So once twenty fourteen, the counter who happened with the basin crime me there became this unit party alliance in terms of reconquering eastern ukraine and reconquer crime mia. And then trump sort associate his way into the middle of that and made enemies of both the the traditional G, O, P, right? The the.

how much think about the, okay, so who lost money? Who loses money if putin stays? Who loses business? You know, the whole thing when the ukraine was destroyed and everything that happened to the state.

And then you read this article, blackrock, and you know a thing was chased four hundred billion hours to rebuild. You know, ukraine was hold. We should four hundred billion dollar contract. What was that I want to say, was black rock and chase, if i'm not mistaken.

black rock. J. P. Morgan chase.

a day you go. So I remember red correctly. So half a truth, you know so you have the four hundred billion others, whatever, to rebuild the place. okay.

So who else like where is the business model? Is that these vangy ard state street, blackrock check, you know, golden, are those the guys that are missing out on the opportunity? Russia, because the guy to get through them is putin.

Yes, this is who determines who's in the dod and who's in the state, who's in the C. I look at the relationship between the Donald brother, brothers in the by administration. Look up tom Donald.

Blackrock investment institute. And actually, if you pull up in a separate tab before you load that, look at mcDonald biden adviser and just want to show you this pair brothers here. Milk quick.

So mcDonald is the the right hand man of jobs for is basically since the one thousand eighty. He's the inner sanctum of the of the White house policy advisory and political advisory. My donal's brother is a guy named tom Donald.

So if you go over to that that ta that we just pulled up, just pull up tom donal's bio there. black. So just if you can zoom in that I can see IT and we can just go through this. okay. So this is the chairman of the blackrock investment institute.

This this determines where the allocations are made by black rock in the you know I know it's a little bit less than than what ten trillion dollars of assets under manage because a lot of that is isn't holding, but is still effectively billions, trillions of of investment dollars. And this is the guy was the chairman of that now. So this is a, this is a banker, right? This is a guy who's got thousands of portfolio companies that spend everything, right?

Black rock, I want to read this and I want to come to you. So washington post called him and adviser to violence. Since everyone he has been described as bidden conscience alter, we go and shared brain. That's this guy.

that's that guy's brother. That's this guy. That's mcDonald. So mcDonald is the shared conscious, the brain, the political shadow cabinet the brother is in charge of in all investments of blackrock. It's a family business.

So and I want I want to sketch this up because this what that gets to what it's stake and who's driving this here. So you look at this, you say k, chairman of black rock. Well, that's that's an economic thing, right? That's like a free market.

You know just portfolio companies that have to be owned by by a private equity firm, you know, because they own the copper companies, they own the aluminum companies, they own the oil and gas companies. These they have major equity stakes in all these. Well, what did he do before becoming effectives the top bank at black rock?

Well, he was the national security advisor to obama. That's an intelligence job, a defense job in a stake crafts job. He chaired the cabinet of the national security principles committee.

Ah, he was responsible the coordination and integration of the administration's foreign policy, intelligence and military efforts. So once again, all three, all three pillars of the blob, diplomacy, defense, intelligence, state department, D, O, D, C, I, A. He was the coordinator of those three things.

And now he is the banker whose job is to profit off of the the in the activities of that battering ramp to clear the way, for his part, for companies in order to make sure that they have territorial control over the assets that can be extracted or mind in the region, in order to make sure that the government in place in that country, whether that georgia or poland or ukraine or or then ezela, make sure that the, the, the government there is, is ensuring favorable a commercial conditions for the Operating companies, that the export markets are secured for the products and services, and go and keep on through IT, right? He was previously, he also chair the obama biden transition at the us. State department.

So this is not a banker. This is a, this is a blob apex predator, who who then becomes the banker in the sense that this is the same sort of insider trading phenomenon that i'm describing. But this is what determines who mcDonald is going to coordinate with joy in terms of who's running the C I A, who's running the, uh, the D O D, who's running the state department, who are the political appointment, who will maximize the profits of the blackrock investment institute.

And the blackrock investment institute has a keen eye on all these things because it's making its investments on the basis of the current and future anticipated activity of the biggest battering RAM in the world, the U. S. Military C, I, A, and state department apparatus.

Okay, so bettles advocate somebody to be on the other side. I mean, look, you're gonna to hire people from those backgrounds because have the right context, the right relationships are going to be protected a long term, just like win somebody eventually, like a amazon bezos is getting so high rub, he's got to go here. Somebody there was a former head of the IOS was a former head of this and former head of that because now you're true in our company and those are the guys that you got to go after because they got the right contacts IT to their argument. Is there anything wrong with hiring people like this?

There's nothing wrong with herring people like this. But when they when its foreign policy for personal profit, everything turns on its side, what if what's best for black crock is not actually best for the american people? But now you have White house policy being formulated to maximize what's best for blackrock? This is the big divide between the interest of the american empire in the american homeland.

I do agree that the empire is a good thing to have and and maintain and consulted and protect and maybe even at times, expand. I don't know that we would have had the middle class jobs that we had in the twenty th century. We would have that coke and pepsi and walmart and eggs on mobile and all these things unless we had C I activity that was creating favorable markets through its political active, unless we had state department pressure and unless we had, from time to time, military per military activity spier headed by the dog, I don't know that we would have hand the economic miracle. Le, without that, the issue is, is globalization. When I hit a certain maturity point in the nineteen, whether you might pay at the seventies, eighty and ninety two thousands, at some point, what became good for the empire stopped having a trickle down economic, a benefit to the american homeland.

mobilization in no order.

globalization, as in the internalization of markets, supply chains and labor. So for example, we used to have this, the manufacturing miracle, right? We used to have you the everything from pitch burg and and in the, in the steel lines and and and ohio, and in the factories, this manufacturing belt of the heartland land became the rust belt as multination corporations began to have.

We began to open up so many export markets in europe, in, in land america, in africa, in asia. That company start to make more money exporting to foreign pulau than to the us. IT began as we started to uh influence foreign governments to be able to have favorable Operating conditions there.

We became to put our factories there so that you didn't have a regional hub hiring ten thousand people for this manufacturing plant in ohio or or in west reginia or in michigan. We are now going to vietnam or malaysia or china or a plant. And chi, you started to have the actual people being hired, being foreign k forces.

Everything was done to maximize total shareholder value in, in, in compliance with this. It's one thing to be on a bash. And I am a free market capital guy. I like die in the wall. I still believe in that.

But you do have to reconcile what the long arma statecraft can do in in conjunction with an international alist scenario where these companies don't have loyalty to the country, they have loyalty to their shareholders, may have the shawl ers themselves are international or the london based. And so this rift has opened up where the state, we we will give nine hundred billion dollars of the pentagon and fifty billion dollars to U. S.

A, and you know, seventy two billion dollars to the CIA, and they will overthrow a government. They will take control of a foreign country's media in its parliamentarian system, in its judiciary system, and will have a whole political institution, vast state control, and will spend hundreds of billions of dollars to do that, so that these private multination corporations make tens of millions of dollars. But we don't get the jobs. We don't we don't get the the local factories and regional economic development hubs.

But by the way, what's your position? Would I have few more minutes? And I want to get three topics, and let's, if we can do lesson ten minutes, which your position on tariff s, do you have a strong opinion on terrace, other than what we've heard from everybody, is our unique position you have.

I generally support trumps reopening of that conversation and I don't feel too strongly about IT because I think it's very case by case. I think that Frankly, the people who are on the anti terf side of this equation have basically been layed bear by the north stream uh situation in the sense that the other idea around terrace was that we're supposed to have free trade, free trade, free trade, arms unfathered, capitalist arms length negotiation between consenting parties from different countries. Okay, cool.

Why do you love the north in pipeline that was free trade between russia and germany? IT is now open source, reported by the new york times in the washington post that IT was ukrainian divers, that the CIA had advance awareness of the official story. The C. I knew what was going to happen, but told them to stop. But the message got lost with one of the ukrainian.

We are IT. That's even if you accept that.

even if you accept the cover story, that means the C. I stiletto annot before what happened in the state of army came out, said russia, I ve done with A C. A analyst memo is designed for the state department.

So they lied. They blew IT up. Yeah, and that's free trade. That's free trade between russia and germany. You can argue it's a bad idea for them to do IT.

You can use diplomatic statecraft intervention tools to try to give germany a Better deal so that maybe R L, N, G coming from houston is cheaper than the natural c gas coming from the power. Siberia didn't do that. Instead we blew IT up. So if you're okay blowing up pipelines wholesale, then you should be OK with terms.

right? Just it's a terrify. It's a blow things up, sanctions, terror, right? Blow things up.

Private to last one. But that's what you use in regards to telegram. telegram. He was seen as the guy that was just hard core freedom of speech, freedom of this values principle.

Pavel was, like, respected, love, dirty to employees, build the dirty billion out of company, whatever the numbers and numbers are. You've seen the interview he did with tucker. You've done stuff with talker as well.

And in all of a said, he goes away and disappears. Then IT comes out. And you read the article. He gave them what they requested. What is your impression or maybe idea of what happened?

There is a blog job. It's the U. S.

Foreign policy establishment reaching into nato. There is no way that the U. S.

Ambassador is did not have advanced notice of that judicial of of that prosecutors oral inquiry into into povl months before the arrest was made and and that I did not have at least the tactic consent of the U. S. A department of making that in that because they wanted IT.

Okay, here's a great example, right? So everyone knows that tucker carl, since your father was the head of voice of america, the voice of america, along with radio free europe, radio free liberty, were cii proprietors from from the start. And they technically was turned over from the CIA in the from the one thousand nine hundred fifties to seventies to the board of broadcast governors.

This is radio for your radio liberty. Everyone can look this up. Look up at C.

I origins. And then, because that looks so bad, that was just, you know, our literal lie. Spy and I. Agency was printing the news.

They want to preserve the institution, but they simply made IT under under A, A private management for first was called the broad broadcast governors, now to the U. S. Agency for little.

But it's still I, M. media. It's still the same network, still the same function, still funded by the U.

S. Government, still accountable to U. S. congress. Now they printed in article two weeks after two weeks or two months after tuckers interview with power.

And it's called telegram. If you look this up, radio for europe, telegram, a spy in every ukrainian pocket. Yes, there go. This is an incredible article to understand what's behind pavel's arrest.

So this is effectively C I media saying we need to take control over telegram and they're being resistant because they're not censoring what we want them to sensor. And we also don't know if the russians have some back and access to or some secret deal with possible. So we we do effectively shake down telegrams, and we need to get leverage over them because this is becoming a problem.

Here's what they cited. They cited the fact that because of pavel's reputation, povl escaped the russian government in twenty fourteen because they win, the CIA and state department were orchestrated. The madan ku. One of the ways that russian speaking um ukrainians were coordinating that mob activity to overthrow that democracy to vert was through V K, which which was the which the russian facebook that pavel started before he started telegram, he was shaken down by the russian fsb. He had to turn over V K effectively to russian government control.

He was so turned off by that that he then moved to do by and started telegram as a free speech service, where in a non extradition country where he would not be able to, he be able to do that free and clear. But that was being used to help A C. I.

State department on Operation against against the russians in twenty fourteen. Now he's been completely backed up by them effectively. What happened is is they said, listen, popples had this free speech reputation.

This is one of the reasons that we've relied on the on telegram for so much of our statecraft Operations. The C. I. In the state department, we're using telegram to evade state control over social media in belarus in the in the summer twenty twenty color revolution attempt against against lukashenko in in belarus, we did the same thing in hong kong using telegram for first state department back rental rights there we did the same thing with elections the inside of russia when we were running that are all the up in two thousand nine hundred and twenty twenty, everyone he was recruiting was telegram because russia ran on telegram when russia, after the navi scandals, try contempt the banning telegram IT was us ngos. Twenty six us.

Government funded ngos basically threatened the russian government with international sanctions and being up, uh, humAnitarian priest state if they shut down telegram because that would impede the state department Operation to get russian speaking people on telegram to to you know have a secured encysted communications channel to run entire russian government Operations. The problem was, as the game changed a couple years ago, so first of all, povl allegedly if you read this article to go over this, we did some bond race for telegram. We raised like a billion dollars um uh to to finance and allegedly some of this this financing came from to russian oligarch or people connected to russian oligarch CS so so the sort of cii media here is making the argument that russia may have effectively bride powel uh to get back and access to telegram which would be a major, major problem for the U.

S. military. Because the seventy two percent of ukrainians use telegram, the ukrainian military uses telegram for its military Operations. The ukrainian parliament uses telegram for its, for its official it's basically official communication .

channel of ukraine company in which a russian state hold a majority stake that has been run by putin. Inside a Andrea question, and is the allegation making?

I don't know. This is true. Again, this is C.

I. media. So might be true, might not. But this is what they are arguing here. And remind you, puzzle said on tucker, they doesn't go to the united states. Same work because every time he goes, he's ordered by an FBI agent the moment he gets off the plane because they want to know if russia has back and access to telegram and the the FBI was actively trying to poach his own engineers in order to get a FBI back channel into the engineering back and code of telegram. So he said, that's why stays away from the us.

Now the other thing they mention us against, seventy two percent of ukraine use a telegram, including ukrainian, an intelligence, ukrainian military and ukrainian government officials, which means if telegram is indeed broken in terms of, in terms of its code access by the russian federation, that means they were making the argument in this, in this C. I article, that maybe that's the reason ukraine losing the war, maybe because we ve been running this whole thing on telegram, and russia has been ahead of our every move because they're reading our tel l even our private, because you can do telegram ming public, we can also do telegram private clipt IT. So there's public telegram channels, but the military uses these private cyp ted ones and ironed ized your VPN.

And the old thing is like, supposed to be super secure. But what if it's not? What if every single move that nato is made for the past two and five years has been telegraphed to the russian federation? Because this is secret deal with povl.

So they argued, we need to get telegram under control. We need to seize control over IT. We need to get lever to do so. And the other thing is because we're losing the hearts, ts and minds work because of the public russian channels.

And they say that basically nator rapid response units have sent all these take down request to powl in his team in order to kill the russian propaganda channels, which are influencing heart and minds in ukraine. They can't hold elections in ukraine right now because so much of the population is against a zola si part of this, because everyday ukrainians get daily access to russian telegram propagate channels. This is also how lot of corruption scandals inside of ukrainian ral because ukrainian media won't print IT ukrainy government has control over any of the quasi private media stations there.

It's all basically the ukraine sis media center, which is is the us. State department. But these scandals all break on these russian propaganda channels, and then they filled their into ukrainian heart of mind.

And so they said, we can get political stabilization because he is russian propaganda channels which are accessible to ukrainians are are not banned. They're making the argument they made against truth, against trump channels, and stop the steal in twenty twenty. So we need control over telegram.

We need a back channel h, so that we, so that they will do to take down request on the censorship ship side. We need for military purposes and for parts of minds purposes. And we need a back channel to be able to, to make sure that the code is not accessible to the russian and federation.

And there is only one way to do that, because Powell had a care in the world. He was living in a non extradition country. There is nothing you could do to touch him as assets empire.

Until step foot in paris, I got nabbed by the prosecutors. And I will tell you, there is no high level political prosecution that happens in ata without the local U. S.

Embassy being surprised by because they might want to veto IT and and in this case, with someone as geopolitically essential, al to the war oversizing a asia as povl. Because if the C. I.

Gets back to all the russian military also runs on telegram. So now we basically have a you know uh a sort of you know world war two style cracking the the crypto code of the entire russian military intelligence Operation if powl caves. And we know that he's already made these pledges to essentially of these nato back channels. You coordinate all and answered all these .

rapid response things.

Well, he's got a lot to lose. His Young guys worth a billion dollars or something like that. I think it's been reported and I think I think that um I think you're breaking him.

I mean, he, you know, you got signal. What's happened? You got telegram.

And I communicator, a lot of interesting people, the last few years, everybody goes telegram, telegram in the tie between signal and and what's up? The whole one is profit. One is not profit in the way they did IT in anyways. I got a bunch of questions, but I keep looking at time and i'm twill .

monster to my .

next run but I ve got to tell you I to tell you um I knew I was going to enjoy IT it's an understatement how much I enjoy this sincerely I really enjoy talking to my my brain is going and I got dinner tonight and when I go to dinner, our entire conversation over dinner is is going to be says you and I just because I got so many questions .

for you like quest by the your processing speed on this is unbelievable hearing so much of this like for for the first time on on this i've thread enjoyed this .

I pressure rather precise for coming out and gann again he's on in ect you ve got a lot of questions. I don't have the answers. He has the answers. Monnet m asking the questions he'll give back to you. Take everybody gobs bb.

bye. hi. This is mike bans. You can connect with me on monnet for any questions that you have on internet censorship, foreign icy, national security, the blob, or if you want to know what a particular institution tion is doing that you may have seen or have questions about in terms of its control over the information ecosystem. So connect with me on connect.