cover of episode “Google Alec Baldwin Upset” - Stephen Baldwin Opens Up About Family, Tom Cruise & Future of Hollywood | PBD Podcast | Ep. 475

“Google Alec Baldwin Upset” - Stephen Baldwin Opens Up About Family, Tom Cruise & Future of Hollywood | PBD Podcast | Ep. 475

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Stephen Baldwin
Stephen Baldwin: Baldwin家族的成功并非偶然,而是源于家族成员们自信、敢于挑战的精神,以及他们父亲严格的教育和纪律。他们从小的家庭环境和父亲的教育塑造了他们坚韧不拔的性格,为他们日后的成功奠定了基础。在好莱坞发展过程中,他们始终保持着对演艺事业的认真和努力,不断学习和提升自身技能,最终在各自领域取得了成就。 Stephen Baldwin还表达了他对好莱坞未来发展趋势的担忧。他认为,好莱坞的商业化趋势日益严重,电影创作的重点已经从艺术价值转向商业利益,这导致电影质量下降,观众的喜好也发生了变化。他预测好莱坞将在未来20年内衰落。他认为,流媒体平台的兴起对好莱坞的内容创作造成了限制,导致电影的创作方向偏离了艺术价值,并以Netflix为例说明了这一点。他认为,好莱坞的权力结构目前尚不明朗,需要时间观察才能判断谁是好人,谁是坏人。他认为,好莱坞既有善良的人,也有追求自身利益的权力掮客,他们通过电影传递自身的政治议程。他希望自己的电影能够传递积极的价值观和有意义的人生道理,而不是迎合好莱坞的商业化趋势。他认为,最赚钱的电影类型是G级电影,即适合所有年龄段观看的动画电影,但这却不是好莱坞的主流。他认为,好莱坞的商业运作模式存在问题,其内容创作方向并不总是与最赚钱的类型相符,这反映出好莱坞背后存在某种力量在操控。 Patrick Bet-David: Patrick Bet-David主要通过与Stephen Baldwin的对话,引导他讲述Baldwin家族的故事,并探讨好莱坞的现状和未来发展趋势。他积极回应Stephen Baldwin的观点,并就一些问题进行深入探讨,例如好莱坞的商业化趋势、演员对艺术和金钱的取舍、以及好莱坞权力结构的变化等。他还就Michael Jordan的“热爱比赛条款”与Baldwin兄弟的演艺事业进行类比,并探讨了在好莱坞如何保持对艺术的热爱。

Deep Dive

Stephen Baldwin shares untold stories about his family, including their upbringing in Massapequa, his father's influence on their lives, and how Alec's failed political aspirations led him to acting. He also reveals a funny anecdote about Alec's high school election campaign.
  • Stephen Baldwin's father was a teacher and football coach.
  • Alec Baldwin initially pursued political science but switched to acting after losing an election.
  • The Baldwin brothers grew up in Massapequa, Long Island.
  • Alec's high school nickname was Xander.

Shownotes Transcript


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That's questionable. But the point is... You crossed the line there a little bit. Did you see my point? I'm stumping Patrick Bet-Dave on his own part. This is fat. As a fan. The anomaly of the Baldwin dynasty really only came out of these really cocky jocks who were like, F this. We'll figure it out. Way before there was keeping up with the Kardashians, it was keeping up with the Baldwins. I just said it. It's the first time I'm ever telling the story. I don't care if I get in trouble with Alec and Danny.

It's brotherly, lovely, stupid life. Wow. How much has Hollywood changed for you from then to now? Hollywood is evil. All these guys are building studios now. De Niro, Wahlberg, everybody's on this tsunami wave of what's going to happen. Mm-hmm.

Hollywood is going to die in the next 20 years because of that. What would you say today in Hollywood? Would you categorically put them in the area of, these guys love the game? We don't know yet, Patrick. We've got to see who the good guys are and who the bad guys are in that respect. Would you put a Leonardo DiCaprio love of the game? You want my honest answer? Yeah. So what do you think about Justin Bieber? So Google Stephen Baldwin introducing Haley to Justin.

The first Hollywood guy that ever said Trump for president was this guy on CNN with Don Lemon. It's interesting to come onto these podcasts and tell these different stories that you've never told before. Did you ever think you were making

Okay, so we have the one and only Stephen Baldwin in the house. How you doing?

Did you like my reaction? I did. Yes. It's a great song. It is. But here's the thing. It's pretty legit. It's pretty legit. Let me tell you, you walk, we literally just met each other two minutes ago, three minutes ago, right? Literally, it just happened right now. Obviously, you know, I've followed you for much longer than you followed what I do. Oh, thank you. But the movie, I mean, one of my favorite movies of all time is The Usual Suspect. It's a pretty good one. And you wrote a book called The Unusual Suspect. Correct.

Right. Which was interesting. But Rob, pull up the picture. Can you start off with the picture? I just want to go to the one picture that go to the one I sent you. I texted you, Rob, the first two pictures when, you know, the entire family. So how the hell is this all about? I mean, I see this. OK, let me see if I get it right. Williams to the right. Yes, sir. Right. He was backdraft. He was sliver with Sharon Stone. Look at him. Right. So that's him.

I think that's Daniel who looks like he's having a cramp. He's grabbing his hamstrings, maybe something else, but he's right there. Then you got your Alec, right? With the hairy chest. Look at that, right? Two brothers have hairy chest, two don't. And then it's you to the far left with the lats and the abs and the physique. Being the youngest. Yeah, go ahead. Amongst the four. So Rob, show the other picture. There's two of them.

And then, oh, man, this one, I hope we can zoom in a little bit. Brother, one of you is better looking than the other one, right? What happened here? I mean, how did you guys get the looks that you did? I said, for sure your father was in Hollywood. For sure your mother was in Hollywood. I want to look at it as something. How did you guys get such good genetics? Well, right back at you, Mr. Patrick Pat Davis. You know, you're a handsome fellow yourself. This is different level. This is like... So here's what happened. So my dad...

Met my mom at Syracuse University. Okay. Then he got an acting, sorry, a teaching job. Yeah. Massapequa, Long Island, Massapequa High School. But his income only allowed him to buy a house over here, which was in the area of the rival high school, Alfred G. Berner High School. So in our next interview, I'll tell you the story when my dad was coaching the varsity football team of Massapequa.

And Alec Baldwin was a senior and the quarterback of Burner High School's varsity football team and played against my father. Get out of here. And my father's team had never lost in 14 years against Burner.

And I'll tell you on the next interview. You can't do that, buddy. You can't. There's no way. I'm going to let you leave this vault. Here's the point. I'll tell it. Alec won? Alec won. And my dad had to push him in a wheelbarrow to a basket in Robbins and buy him an ice cream four miles away because he lost a bet that he wouldn't lose. True story. So here's the point. My family in our little town, because of my dad, we were famous before we were famous. Shit.

I'm the youngest of six kids. Most of my best friends in school, their parents had my dad as a school teacher 15, 20 years earlier. So when Alec and Steven and Billy and Danny and Beth and Jane were walking around, oh, that's Alec's kids. Oh, there goes Alec's kids. We were a little famous in town before we were famous. So Alec, you're going to love this, goes to George Washington University for political science, loses his first election at GW, and

quits, calls my dad, says, I'm coming back to New York. I'm going to be an actor. I'm going to go get a waitering job. I'm going to NYU for acting and the Lee Strasberg School of Acting. So wait, true story. So comes back. My dad's like, well, wait a second. You know, you know, a better education, a serious education than becoming an actor is probably the wiser choice. Alec goes, he starts his acting career and

He's a waiter at Studio 54, something like that. Somebody says, hey, go on this audition. Literally at the Studio 54. Something like that. He goes to an audition for a movie way early.

They said, you're no good. But this friend of ours is casting a soap opera called The Doctors, which was his first professional contracted gig. How old is he at the time? Oh, gosh. He was in his 20s. So has he finished school yet or not yet? He's still in acting school. At that time, he may have either still been going or studying Strasburg. He was studying theater. So he gets...

The Doctor's soap opera, which isn't even on anymore. It's one of the first, first, first big soap operas in the States. He comes home with the contract and, you know, my dad's a school teacher, 26, 27. Yeah, dad, I'm making, you know, five grand a week. He's like, wow. Your first acting job, you're making five grand a week. He's like, you know what, son? I believe that.

The world needs less lawyers and doctors and some more actors. I'm pretty sure. Wow. Annie, I tell all that because when four confident athletes whose father was a football coach and a winning, disciplined, ex-Marine mentality guy, loving father, but tough. When you're raised in that, you know, don't give me a reason to, you know, smack you on the ass. You know, it was a little great Santini in there, but

minimal, but to make us strong, to make us tough, to make us men back in that, those decades, you know, Friday night lights and macho-ness and all that kind of stuff. So when we entered into Hollywood...

He wasn't really like we weren't, we were pinching ourselves. We're from Massapequa. You know what I mean? So when Alec started working, the rest of us said, well, if that dumb dumb can do it, the rest of us might as well. We were his younger brothers, right? We played football three, three years ago. And then we, we won the championship and he fumbled the ball in the end zone. You know what I mean? You're thinking that stuff about Alec Baldwin. You know, you don't think, oh, he's on a soap opera now. See what I'm doing? It's truth. It's the truth. So

The truth is we all in filmmaking and entertainment and content creation, you have to be good. So the Baldwin brothers learned the business, learned how to become pretty good actors. Some would call us great actors, but it's a long time since then. Alec is doing great now. Billy's working. Danny's doing his thing. I'm doing one bad movie, this podcast. I have, I'm moving into the writer, producer, director phase of my career now in the next 10 years. But I just wanted you to understand that

The anomaly of the Baldwin dynasty really only came out of these really cocky jocks who were like, F this. We'll figure it out. Let me ask you, out of your four, who was the better athlete out of the four? Oh my gosh, you're going to get me in so much trouble. I'm actually not- So Daniel is the greatest natural athlete. Daniel's, you know, like a- Second oldest. Daniel's second oldest. He played-

Both ways for Hofstra University, college football. He played in the Nike amateur golf tour. Yeah, he's unbelievable. He's a great athlete. Billy, same thing. Billy was a collegiate wrestler. Billy now still commentates for college wrestling, and he's a big sports guy. Me, I'm the only little skinny little wimp that did gymnastics and wrestling. I didn't do football or anything because it would have killed me if

Thank God I made that decision. And then Alec, who we lovingly refer to as Lex Luthor, king of all things, king of the dynasty. But if I told you stories about the football games we had as kids, one time my brother Daniel had me on his team.

I'm going to tell this quick and then we shut up. This is family friendly, friendly game. This is, we grew up at 32 West Iroquois street, Massapequa, New York, right across the street. 50 yards across the street was the peninsula golf course, a nine hole municipal golf course. Can you pull this up? I'm actually wanting to see this Rob. Pull up peninsula golf course, Massapequa, New York.

Just nine home uni. We played every sport on that golf course other than golf. Football, baseball. They shot us, chased us with cops. We got in trouble. Go back to it, Rob. You were on it. Is this it? That's it. That's the nine home uni. Now, if you moved to the top of that screen, if the map was big enough, you'd see my old house. So hold on. So we used to play touch football games. The Baldwins, a couple of the Baldwin brothers versus like

Anthony Rendy and his family, this other big family. Yeah, there it is. Which one's the house? 32 West Iroquois Street. Is it still there? Should be there. We're Google earthing my old house that all of us grew up in. True story. Is that the one, Rob? That's the sunset road. See the trees to the right where he's, that's the golf course. So right where he's circling, you walked across sunset road, went through those woods. You were on the third hole fairway. Wow. So, okay. You guys are playing football.

But we had some of the most agony of defeat moments in our little, you know, sandlot football games. One time, my brother Daniel was like, it was the last play of the game. You know, they had to get a touchdown. We were down by three. And it's Alec and Billy versus Danny and Steven and two Rendys and two other Rendys. Obviously, four on four, five on five. And my brother Daniel calls this play. He goes, I'm going to hand you the ball.

And all I want you to do is put your head down and curl up in a ball on the ground. I go, what? He goes, I'm going to give you the ball. And I just want you to hold it to your chest and just scrunch down on the floor in a ball. I go, okay. I'm like nine. I weigh 70 pounds. My brother Daniel's six foot one, 250. Okay.

He snaps. He turns. No one can see him. He puts the ball on my chest. I crumble up. I go to the ground. He picks me up with the ball and throws me over his head. Everyone coming at him is the quarterback. And I land, you know, however I land in the end zone and I hold the ball and we win the game. But Alec just told me the other day, he goes...

There's stories that we haven't told. Because if I ever told someone when Daniel threw you over the end zone. He's telling you the story the other day. He was telling me the story the other day. Wow. Because there's so many crazy stories in the family. Now, was Alec the alpha amongst the brothers? Did you guys look up? My dad was the alpha. Dad was the alpha of Alec. But was Alec an alpha of the other brothers or no? No, because Daniel was the biggest alpha.

So Alec couldn't push Daniel around. He would like to have thought he could back in those days, but Daniel was merciful. I believe that. Did they ever fight? I'm in so much trouble right now. Oh, they brawled. Who would win most of the time? It would be even only because like that brother thing, they would pull their punches. Okay. Listen, they got in a fight one time. My mother stepped in between her. They knocked her dentures out. Be quiet.

I just said it. It's the first time I'm ever telling the story. I don't care if I get in trouble with Alec and Danny. They got in a fight. My mother stepped in between them. I'm not laughing. My mother stepped in between them. Scuffle, scuffle. Alex being a wise guy to Danny. My mother's there. All of a sudden he mounts off to my mother, Alec, and Daniel now steps between my mother and him. Hey, bro, you know, like you better watch it now. You're getting a little disrespect. And Alex like, oh yeah. And goes like this. And Daniel ducks.

And my mother's right behind him. The dentures go flying, right? It's a legendary Baldwin story, but that's the kind we grew up like Brady Bunch on a little too much espresso. So this is like way before there was keeping up with the Kardashians. It was keeping up with the Baldwins in this small little city, right? What, what, what these guys going to be doing?

By the way, when you guys were younger, maybe this is a different question. Who was the best with the ladies when you guys are younger? Who was the one that had the best game? Because I look at the way you take your pictures, man. I'll go back to that picture again, Rob. I mean, if we look at how these brothers pose. Go back to the first one, Patrick. Look.

Go back to the... See, go to the... Yeah. Look at the way you're posing. Now, let's do psychology. Yeah. Which one do you think did the best with the latest? Okay. So, Kit, I'm going to give you my feedback. Look at the psychology. I'm going to... If you want to do psychology, let's go through it. So, I think William was the guy...

that girls couldn't figure out if they liked him or not. So they came to William. That's the feeling I get. I may be wrong. Okay, then let me wrap it up. You can correct me because I'm not there. William gives me the vibes of, you know, just the way he is, suave, you know, girls came to him. You look like a playboy, okay? Your brother seemed like the one that, and I'm talking Alec. Alec looks like the older brother that, you know,

But he's making a silly face on purpose. Yeah. Go ahead. And then Daniel could be the guy that because he was, he had a, you know, a little bit of a silly fun side to him that maybe he got played. I don't know. I could be wrong on all four of them. So Billy Baldwin, who, when we were younger and he was a Calvin Klein model and he had billboards in Manhattan in Times Square, look it up. Billy Baldwin, Calvin Klein, you'll see it all.

I used to watch chicks walk into lampposts in Manhattan when I walked with Billy Baldwin. I believe that. So, so I won't say who, but I watched Billy Baldwin stand at a bar 30 years ago, owned by Matt Dillon, right? I go way back. So when Matt Dillon owned a bar back in Manhattan, I think it was called Lucy's Surfeiteria. Anyway,

And then there was another one he owned too. What was that movie Matt Dillon was in with that one girl that the girls come in, they kiss, and it was like a movie like a usual suspect. What was the movie Matt Dillon was in? Where? The Girl Who's Kiss? Denise Richards? Denise Richards. What is that movie? What's that movie? Wild Things. Wild Things. Yes. What a movie. So that's the one. He was in that movie. That's right. One of the greatest documentary slash movies of all time. Okay. I mean, that's a good movie, but go ahead. You're saying, so your brother-

But go ahead. What was I saying? You lost me there. Billy is at a Matt Dillon's bar. Right. Then a girl, you can't say who. I can't say who. Right. Who's married now. Think about what I'm saying. I watched a woman at a bar go like this. Watch. And forgive me, Lord, in every physical aspect of our existence, beg my brother for his attention. And he went like this.

Yeah, how you doing? What's your name again, honey? You know what I mean? Now that girl's married to one of the top 10 biggest stars in the world today. And we know this girl. So I'm just, I'm making that point because that's how sexy Billy Baldwin was. I believe you. Daniel Baldwin was the legend. If Alec was sitting right here, you go. Yeah. Daniel Baldwin got the most girls. Are you joking? Daniel Baldwin was.

Was the guy that, like, when I got older, I met some of his ex-girlfriends and they went, hi, you're Daniel's brother? He's very funny. And he's very talented. Can I leave it right there, Pat? Okay. Next question. So then who? So would you say you're third or Alex third? Chick-wise? Yes. No. So...

The numbers don't change even on Wall Street, Patrick. You know what I mean? Certain numbers work a certain way. If you're Alec and you're the biggest star, of course he's got the most friends in his past. Notice how I say friends in his past. Yes. But mind you, little Stevie once in a while back in the day would meet the ex-girlfriend and go, yeah, he's an asshole, isn't he? Let's get a drink. Come on. What's your name again? Susie. You were on The Doctors? Oh, good to see you. Yeah.

lovely, stupid life. But I'm just saying it's the whole fantasy of Hollywood and being famous. It's not that everybody came from somewhere, bro. Everybody started from somewhere, you know? That's why one of the funny jokes, I made a joke. I did an interview with

with Jamie Kennedy on his podcast. I don't know if you know that guy. Of course. He's wonderful. He's wonderful. Jamie Kennedy, MTV. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The Jamie Kennedy experience. Yeah, he's got a big podcast now. He's doing very well. And I did an interview with him and I talked about it. I got fired from Casualties of War. It's a big Brian De Palma film starring Sean Penn, Michael J. Fox, Stephen Baldwin. I got fired. So I hadn't told that story before. And it's just, again, for me, it's just getting back to

It's interesting to come onto these podcasts and tell these different stories that you've never told before. I think it's most enjoyable for me is the platform to do that. Now, let me ask you. So you said, so Steve says, Billy, the girl approaches them. She's now married to a top 10 star.

All you have to do is, Rob, let's play this game. Go to top 10 stars in Hollywood. We're going to play a game. Okay? You're going to record my reaction to each possible star. Top 10 star. You're missing my point. No, but listen, I believe you is what I'm trying to tell you. Trust me. He's funny. I believe you.

I believe the fact that Steven, to me, Sliver. I watched, by the way, UB40 was the main song. I did a movie called Threesome. You ever see that? Of course, Threesome. Yeah, and that was. I've had my own funky exploitations. Okay. You did Threesome. You did Biodome. You did. Yeah, I remember Threesome. I remember Threesome. Big hit.

Yes, I remember that. Laura Flynn Boyle. I remember that. I remember that. I remember that. But you guys, did you guys have a party together? Was the age gap or did you guys ever go out to get like, you know, they say the Gronkowski brothers when they party, they party when they go out together. Did the Baldwin brothers ever go out to the same club on the same night or no?

Uh, not really. Okay. But before we were famous, we did. That's why I'm asking. Even before you were famous. Oh, you didn't say that. No. Before you were famous. Well, sure. Like in Long Island, there's like the, uh, the, the LBI, you know, Long Island beach, you know, bar, you know, my brother Daniel was a bartender on Long Island. My, my, you know, uh,

Alec was a bartender in Manhattan. So before all of this... So even before the fame, you guys were... Networking. Yeah. Prospecting and networking. It makes sense. That makes sense. So let me go back to it. So Pops...

So I thought for a second maybe there was a mother or a father that was linked. And your dad died. You guys lost him at a very young age. Yeah, he was 54, 55, 56. 55. 55 when that happened. Again, that's very early to have that happen to you. But-

I thought one of them would have influenced you guys to get into acting. So you see Alec goes and then he's making the five a week. Pops comes home. Is there a situation where Alec comes and show you guys the five days, 5k week, or is dad saying, Hey guys, you guys may want to consider going into Hollywood, Hollywood as well. What did that process take place? My dad was a realist. You know, he was a very black guy, but I got to tell you the story. So you understand the mentality, right?

So Alec Baldwin ran for president of his class at Berner High School, 9th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade. He was president of the class, 9th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade. But his 12th grade year, he had a competition. So my dad, being a very senior teacher over at Massacre High School, had the keys to all the doors at Berner because he was a coach. So the night before Alec Baldwin's election, his senior year, my dad and Alec made a poster for

And went to the school the night before and hung it in the lunchroom. And it said, sex. Because Alec Baldwin's name is Alexander. X-A-N-D-E-R. So his name growing up is Xander Baldwin. If you saw Xander in the subway right now, my brother Alec, and you went, Xander, he'd go, Xander.

Because that's his name growing up. Not Alexander. Not Alec. Do you guys call him Xander or who calls him Xander? We call him Alec now. Okay, got it. But his old school hometown name is Xander. Get out of here. So they get six foot cray paper and they put S-E-X. And all the kids come to school the day of the election. And there it is in the lunchroom. And it causes a big ruckus and it says, students to elect Xander.

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Reporting live from under my blanket, I'm Susan Curtis with Dunkin' at Home. Breaking news, pumpkin spice iced and hot coffees are back. I'll pass it to Mr. Curtis with his blanket for the full story. That is so right, Susan. You know, it's never too early to get in a spicy mood. I'm talking cinnamony goodness that's so tasty, people don't want to leave their blankets either. Back to you. No, back to you. All you. The home with Dunkin' Pumpkin Spice is where you want to be. Ha ha!

So dad was a marketer. But dad understood how to teach his kids how to have the balls to go for it. That doesn't exist anymore, Patrick. Really? Everything's changed. Now you got to be careful. Yeah.

Wow. So, so president ninth grade, 10th grade, 11th grade. So he went senior as well. I'm assuming he went senior, which is why he went to GW to be political science. So, so let me ask you, if you got, if I was in high school right now and I was a classmate and I was in 11th grade with Alec and everybody's talking, you know, and they're making wagers on what they think Alec's going to do one day, what's he going to do one day? Is it going to be a lawyer? Is it going to go into politics? What's Alec going to do? Wow.

11th grade? 11th grade. Oh, yeah. Never acting. Are you serious? He did a couple plays. He did it probably for fun. Daniel and Billy even did a couple school plays just to like meet the theater chicks. But to literally lose that election at GW, that was still like, it wasn't that big a deal to him, but it was like a weird sign. My brother said to himself,

This isn't for me. If I'm so ready for this and now this one little weird anomaly occurs where it's, you know, do I say to myself now continue and persevere for this? Or is this other instinct I have to maybe go? Because a few people had already said you're good looking, you should be an actor. You're the...

It's very interesting. Little, little kismet. So he leaves and he goes into acting. Right. Instead of pop. So, so he is born in 58. So if I go 17 years, 75, I'm,

Is he a Kennedy guy? Who's his aspiration for wanting to get into politics? My family was totally raised by my father as Irish Catholic Kennedy people. Got it. Got it. So that was the aspiration for him. And then he leaves and he goes into acne. So did he want to be a lawyer because he was a debate guy or what was the route? Like what career? He just wanted to serve.

In that way, most of my brother, Billy, was very political as well, too. He worked on Capitol Hill and he worked with congressmen and, you know, all kinds of stuff. We were very we were motivated to be politically active as a means of service. Politically active as a means of service. Was that was that encouraged by mom and dad or not? I was just, you know, your own thing.

Like, was it like, hey, you ought to find a way to give back to your community. Hey, guys, one of you guys is one day going to be a president. Like, you know, Joseph Kennedy would sit his sons down and he would say, hey, who's going to be the president first? It's going to be you, Joe. Is it going to be you? Johnny, is it going to be you? He would tell them that, that one day one of you guys is going to be a president, right? Was it like that? Was that selling a vision or no? My dad was much more just, you can be whatever you want.

Got it. It was that foundation of, of psychology. You know, my mom and my dad taught, if you work hard, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, life's about simple, basic kind of stuff. But, and I don't listen, I wasn't there for private conversations with my dad and Alec, you know, that at that part of his life, you know, but I'm pretty sure it was much more Alec must've had that thought

at GW, like, is this going to, am I going to enjoy this? It's probably my guess. And then he went to the acting and the rest is history. So interesting how life works, right? Like, you know, when I was younger, I wanted to go be Mr. Olympia. I wanted to go be an actor.

I wanted to go into Hollywood, marry a Kennedy, and I was going to run for governor one day. That's when I was younger. Really? No joke. No. How old? Shit, from 14 years old. That's what I wanted since I was like, you had better parents than me. Well, no, trust me. My parents married and divorced each other twice. So they couldn't stand each other. They can't be in the same room together. But if you can pull up one of the pictures, that's go to the left one, the top left one, Rob. That's me and Dorian Yates.

That's at the top when I wanted to be Mr. Olympia. And the bottom one is us 30 years later, 20 or eight years later, something like that. Go to another one of the picks, Rob, like go to a little bit lower. I'm 18 there. I'm 18 over there, but go to the one right there. That's 18? Yeah, that's me right there. I'm 21 now at this phase. So I got 22 inch guns. I got, how much did you weigh? Probably 245. You know, I'm, I'm, I'm taking this thing seriously. And then I go to Mr. Olympia one year and I'm like, you know what?

I go meet all these bodybuilders and they tell me what I have to put on my body for how long. I said, I'm out. I met one of the, I hung out that weekend with one of the competitors to scroll and kind of talking about it. We're having a good time. And then,

On the drive back, I get a call back from Dave Kirby. Morgan Stanley Dean Wood offers me a job through Girl I Met in January. I go into financial services. I get my Series 7, 66. I forgot about Hollywood. Years later, my wife got me one hour meeting with Aaron Spicer, which was an acting coach in L.A.,

And I'm like, let me see if I still have any itch to want to do anything with acting. And I sat down with him and he says, what's your personality like? I said, what do you mean? I says, what do you do when there's nothing to do? I said, no, I'm not good for that. He says, well, Hollywood's not going to be free because you ain't going to be working 80% of the time. You're not working 12 months out of the year. It's a lot of time when there's lack of, he says, maybe you may want to produce movies or fun movies. But then one little meeting, one little conversation led me to say, now I'm out with this business. I'm going to go business, financial services. And then it shifted. Right.

That's so funny that Alec won that one because, but you know, what's cool too. And I'm, I'm not trying to be funny. You're young. Yeah. Right now, if you want to finance your own $5 million movie, you're,

that it's a film you want to develop, it's a story you want to tell, then you give yourself a small role in that for the fun of that. And by the way, the SAG Health and Benefits Insurance is pretty good, pal. Just so you know. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's the, I mean, for me, when, you know, when you're a kid,

and you have so much chaos in your life, some kids become comedians because it's like the therapy to not have to deal with the shit that's going on in your life. You know, for me, it was movies. Like if I wanted to be relaxing, my therapy was going to a movie theater with nobody,

sit in the back in the morning, 10 o'clock matinee type of a deal. And you're sitting and watching movies with 80 year olds. And those became your best friends sometime. Hey, hey, Patrick, how are you? Okay. Can I get you some pop? Yeah, I'm okay. I'm gonna sit over. And then you watch a movie. It's like, Oh, such therapy, right? You watch some of these movies, but yeah, it was always exciting for me, by the way, Hollywood for you, you guys have been in this space for a while. Highest level, uh,

All of you, I would say everyone's done something that's been at the highest level. Right. How much has Hollywood changed for you from then to now? I'll answer that in a second because I just want to compliment you because what you just described about yourself is you're a storyteller. You love movies. Your natural organic instinct is movies. Why have movies impacted you so much? Because you're a storyteller. You're a creative storyteller.

You hang out with your kids, you read books, you tell them stories, you play sports, you engage them with the heart stuff because the finance isn't first in your heart. You're a creative that God's using in this way. That's just me talking. What's fascinating is down the road, you should make a plan to let that creation out because now God's put you in a position to do it for yourself.

Well, what time's your flight back? When are you flying back? Tonight or tomorrow? Whenever you say. Okay. Because I'm going to show you something right afterwards. Maybe I'll take you with me right afterwards. And I'll show you what I just bought. Because we're going to turn Fort Lauderdale into the Burbank of East Coast. And you'll see what we're doing with movies. We're going to be in movies for the rest of my life is what we're going to get into. Good for you. We're going to produce. We're going to do storytelling. Now, can I share something with you? Yeah, please. Go for it. Hollywood is evil. Tell me why. No.

Just listen. I love you. Has it always been or is it now? Always. Okay. So that means in the spiritual aspect of it, which you pay attention to. Sure. All these guys are building studios now. De Niro, Wahlberg, everybody's on this tsunami wave of what's going to happen. What if the technology changes? What if I can do it right in this room? What if I can make a whole movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger right here on an app? I'm being an a-hole to make a point. I've learned-

It's changed so much. The most important thing is the storytelling. I just on the flight over here, literally the flight you brought me on. I watched Jerry Maguire. One of my all time favorites. They don't make them like that anymore, Patrick. Why? Patrick, because Hollywood controls the content. What is what's Hollywood about now? Wait,

Because I did this on Jamie Kennedy, I got in trouble. Jamie Kennedy said, you're wrong. Hollywood is not elitist. Hollywood does not have a small club that it feeds itself and they make Barbie and MCU. And that's it. They want the money. The machine of Hollywood wants the money, not the art, not the quality film like Jerry Maguire. They don't want that. They used to. But that generation's those, you know, those great directors, right?

That decade of those story is gone. Now, I worked with a kid a couple of years ago. He said to me, oh, I'm editing for you, Mr. Baldwin, but I didn't waste time editing it like normal. I'm editing it so it goes right into the Netflix model. What does that mean? That means there's a format to which your film must be submitted to Netflix.

So if you want to sell to Netflix, it can't be the format outside of that. How different is it? Is it dramatically different? Okay. But that's not the point. The kid's making art and telling a story as an editor, not thinking about the story. Thinking about Netflix. Yeah. So this is how the tail is wagging the dog. What's going to happen is the pendulum always swings back, my friend. So here comes Trump pretty soon. He's going to make certain corrections in America. Yeah.

And one of those things will be the hold that certain creatives have on the process of who gets picked, what stories go into big distribution, blah, blah. There's a hold on that. So the next time a guy like comes along with a beautiful Jerry Maguire, they're going to go, where's Barbie?

Why can't the kid who's the son of the guy playing Jerry Maguire hold a Barbie? Because, you know, we have certain paid advertisements. And if they click on the Barbie, Patrick, I'm done with that. I'm done. Hollywood is going to die in the next 20 years because of that. It will. Because people don't care. They're already getting it right to their phone, what they want. So I don't mean to be scary. I don't mean to be Nostradamus of Hollywood. I'm just simply saying what's always worked is great movies. And we're not doing that anymore.

Yeah, I mean, even if you think about the last 10 years, what movies have we produced last 10 years that's on the greatest of all time list? Watch this. What have been the most profitable? The ones from 30 years ago. Godzilla. Look at all the remakes in the last 10 years. Look at all the MCU. Just Robert Downey Jr. now will go from being Iron Man to Mr. Doctor Doom. Isn't there somebody else that could play?

Patrick? I bet you there is, but the system feeds itself. They will tell the MCU audience, Robert Downey Jr. is the best doctor. And you know what they're going to do? Yeah. Instead of, hey, what about this unknown actor in this great film that won the audience choice awards at the Sundance Film Festival? And it reflects all the wonderful stuff we thought about. Jerry Maguire, you know what Hollywood's going to say to that? Kill him.

I'm being dark. Who has, by the way, I looked at Jerry Maguire right now, 50 million, May two 73, right? Which is five X over nothing. Yeah. 50 million. It's a failure. That's it's if they consider that, that's insane. When you look at the most top gross avatar,

Avengers Endgame, Avatar The Way of Water, Titanic, 97 May 2.264. Damn. Let me ask you a question. Star Wars 15, Avengers Spider-Man, Inside Out, Jurassic World, Lion King Top 10. Let me ask you a question. Yes, go for it. You're a financial guy. Yes. See me, I like, I'm not trying to be rude. Art. I like art. Right. I just love going to the movies, like you said. So let me ask you a question. Mm-hmm.

Barbie made $1.5 billion. Probably two by now. Maybe $2 billion by now. I will never really know the numbers, Patrick. That's Hollywood. So the girl who starred in it made $70 million from the film. Margot Robbie made... $70 million on her back end. One movie, Pat. So you tell me that girl going forward is all about the Jerry Maguire. She wants to do Shakespeare on Broadway next, right?

I'm being an asshole to make a point. The business has changed. Margot Robbie will never look at creating a character in art. And listen, I don't care what the comments are. Margot Robbie will never be the same after making $70 million for Barbie. She's never going to go back and try to be that kid that was auditioning so many. If you lose the love of the art...

What are you doing? You're just doing it for the money. Well, let me ask you, though. So, I mean, Hollywood maybe didn't used to make this kind of money. Now they are. But the same thing's happening with college football, NIL. And the same thing happened with Buster Keaton. And the same thing happened with all those guys. The big stars that made the most money early went on to build beautiful, creative, artistic kingdoms. Right, right. Now.

I believe the content they create and develop is the tail wagging the dog. What's going to make the most money, not what's going to touch the most people.

That's my problem with Hollywood. You think that's going to be okay. Are you, are you a sports guy? You follow sports. Okay. But you know, this guy named Michael Jordan, right? Sure. And he had a clause who in his contract, career earnings, you know how much he made in the NBA, the 15 years he played hundreds of millions. You'd be surprised and didn't even make a hundred million in the NBA. Okay. Okay. So Michael Jordan, career earnings, $94 million during his 16 years in the NBA. Okay. Plus endorsements. No, not endorsement. I'm just saying his career, right? Purely his career. But the endorsements count.

Well, no, the endorsement with the deal he got with Nike, his first year with Nike, he sold 160 million pairs of the shoe and the rest is history. But the reason why I'm making this point with him is he had a clause called the love of the game. He was never the highest paid guy in the NBA until his last,

Season or two. I love the name of that. Yeah. The love of the game clause. Yeah. So in the love of the game clause that he had, can you type in Michael Jordan, love of the game clause for your company? You should have a love of the movies clause. Well, that's what I'm saying. But I, but I think where I'm going with this is just type in Michael Jordan, love of the game clause. Yeah.

Michael Jordan, love of the game, claws. You put claws. Yeah. Go a little lower to see if there it is. On the first one right there, whatever that story is, click on that one. No, second one that says Gurchin, whatever. Keep going down right there. Yeah. A little happy. Michael Jordan had a love of the game, claws. Can you zoom in a little bit so I can read it, Rob? There's a good tennis player. I would have some angry. So, so anyways, I don't know who's writing this, but the point of the love of the game, claws was,

Michael at any point could play basketball anywhere and the Bulls couldn't stop him. He can go play streetball. A lot of teams nowadays don't want you to go play streetball at the gym, all this stuff. Michael had the love of the game clause. I can play anywhere, anytime, any place. So in his contract with the Chicago Bulls, he could wake up at 9 a.m. one morning and go, I don't feel the love of the game anymore on this team. I'm leaving.

No, the love of the game was the fact that I don't have to tell you, Chicago Bulls, if I'm going to play basketball anywhere that's outside of the scope of the Bulls guidelines. Ah.

I can play anywhere, anytime, any place with any stranger. You can't ever stop because I love the game. Right? So Michael was a love of the game guy. Not everybody in the NBA. So there was a cause in his country that let him go, go. If he twisted his ankle out on the street, that's, that's exactly what it is. There was an injury cause. They were worried because that's what teams don't like. Like you can't go hurt yourself on motorcycle. You can't do like when I was, when I raised $10 million of capital from an investment, from an investor that came in VC that came in,

private equity. I came in. One of the things was I couldn't go skydiving. I couldn't swim with sharks. I couldn't do, I'm a skydiver. Right. So, so no, literally I couldn't do any of this stuff. Right. So Michael is trying to say, no, I can do whatever I want to do.

I mean, someone in Hollywood is going to come and say, look, man, I'm making this because I freaking love this game. And by the way, who would you say today in Hollywood, would you categorically put them in the area of these guys love the game, whether they make 50 million, 10 million or a hundred million, who would you put in the love of the game? Denzel Washington. I agree. Who else would you say? In his own unique way right now, he's got a book coming out. Eric Roberts is a legendary movie star, right? Yeah.

He's doing his acting now in his own way for the love of the movies. By the way, he's a great actor. But he was great on one bad movie. We had a great conversation with him. Who else? Who else is the love of the game? Well, maybe let me ask. Would you say Tom Cruise is love of the game? He's the best. Okay. Would you put him love of the game? I would say Tom Cruise is the only most successful actor

action movie star who has balanced the creative with the finance. Meaning he's, he's making great quality creative stuff. People can relate to while factoring how to, it's a million dollars. Top gun, right? Would you put a Scarlett Johansson love of the game? No. Would you put a Leonardo DiCaprio love of the game? You want my honest answer? Yeah. I think Leo loves the game, but he's just not a great actor. You don't think Leo is a good actor? No. Steven.

You don't think Leo's a good actor? No. Why not? Because I think it takes a certain amount of depth, and I think it takes a certain amount of presence. And the greatest actors of all time were the people who, when you watched them, they affected you. The greats. I mean, the greats. See, this is dying. This is my passion now, Patrick. The business says Leo's great because he's given great performance. He's done some great films, but he's not...

a great actor of his generation. He's a great actor of his generation because of his success, Patrick, not because he's Gary Oldman, right? Not because he's some guy who moved away from the finance and did Broadway for 10 years to learn the craft on a deeper level. He didn't do that. So would you put your brother as a better actor than, uh, than, uh, Leo? I'll be nice. Yes.

Wow. Okay. Pacino, love of the game? He's the Jordan of the game. He's one of the Jordans of the game. Who would you say are the Jordans of the game? Because I know you- The classics. All the guys we grew up with, De Niro, Pacino, John Lithgow. Remember John Lithgow? The great movies? Yeah.

That's the last couple of decades, Patrick, of the greats. Now it's business. He's ridiculous. He is a ridiculous actor. He's one of the greatest living actors of all time. Oh, my God. Underestimated, though. What was the movie he did, Garp, right? T.S. Garp? Yeah. What was that movie he did with The World According to Garp? That's that famous movie with, what's his name?

He's a legend. Who else would you put on that list? All of the actors who were the guys. Would you put Cruise on that list? Cruise is on that list as well. Tom Cruise. Tom Cruise is in my book across the board, the greatest movie star of all time. And he's never won an Oscar. And he like when another photographer falls down, he goes and helps him out. You know what I mean? Tom Cruise is a great. Now listen, I'm a born again Christian.

I have a very different philosophical, you know, spiritual perception. But if Tom was, he's literally, I did Born on the Fourth of July, right? So in the high school sequences, I had to wrestle Tom. In the movie, I'm wrestling Tom Cruise because they do the flashback sequences that was

The story of Ron Kovic. You ready for another good one, Patrick? I want to hear it. So Ron Kovic wrote a book called Born on the Fourth of July. Tom Cruise optioned it to play him in the movie, a Vietnam vet who, you know, came home and saw and had his experience. Ron Kovic had my father as a schoolteacher.

My dad pushed Ron Kovic in his wheelchair at an event before Oliver Stone ever heard of Ron Kovic. So after Oliver heard, my dad was connected to, he put Daniel, Billy and Stephen Baldwin together.

In Bored on the Fourth of July. We were all three of us. And Alec wasn't available. Otherwise, it would be the first time all four Baldwins were in one movie. Alec wasn't available. I saw that because one of them played the Marine Vietnam... Billy. Billy. The other one was just a soldier. And then Daniel. And then you played Billy... What's the guy's last name? Billy something, right? I forget. Yeah. The point is, it's just funny...

To have that backstory of a Hollywood connection where Oliver Stone, they were like, well, geez, let's put all the Baldrins in. That's kind of a cool, small, weird thing. Their dad, you know, Ron had their dad. It's just interesting. Can you pull up the picture with them on Born on the Fourth of July? You just pulled it up a minute ago, Rob. There's me over his shoulder. Wow. That's me over Tom's shoulder.

And then again, you know, the point of that is I worked on that film when I was a kid, before I was married, before I met my wife. Years later, I go to a movie premiere. Tom Cruise is there. I'm with my daughter, Aliyah. The nicest. Hey, Aliyah. Gosh, let's take a picture and

He's a humble guy. He's a pretty, now you piss him off on a set. You maybe get a recording of him screaming at somebody, right? But then, you know, these things happens, right? That's right. Happens to the best of us. Yes, that's right. You know who had the best one though, that I saw Christian Bale, whether that was real or not. I don't know, but Christian, he's a good actor, but that sounded pretty real. That sounded pretty real. Yeah. But now watch. Yeah.

I'm going to be a butthole to make a point. When you're Christian Bale and you've developed a character and you're a serious thespian and someone interrupts you, you get upset. When you're so-and-so and you did Barbie and somebody screwed up, you go, hey, back to one, babe. Don't worry about it, kid. It's Barbie. Lighten up. It's not, you know, it's not Shakespeare.

That's what's happening. It's Barbie now, bro. It's not Shakespeare anymore. That's the movie business. So what I'm warning you about with your future business is have a clause that you got to love the movies. Love of the game. You got to love the movies. Love of the game. If you're coming at me with a deal because, you know, I get to make 50 billion Barbies in Taiwan in the next 30 years. Are you a fan of Margot Robbie or you're not a fan of her? Like, did you like Margot on The Wolf of Wall Street? She's gorgeous. She's brilliant. She's talented. She's a great actress. Yeah.

But I'm just, I'm making an observation. No offense to anybody involved in that picture. The director, Gretta's brilliant. I'm just saying the message to young creatives now is make Barbie. Ah.

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So within the game, you think, you know how there's big revolutions that happen or disruptions that happen to any industry, right? Yeah.

Do you think these OTTs, the Amazons, the Netflix, the Apple TV, all these guys that are creating the succession, the house of cars, the this, the dad, you know, you're getting a million, 2 million an episode to make. It costs a lot of money to make some of these episodes, right? Some of them, they're even doing that 5 million right now per episode that they have to pay the actors. God knows how much money you're making a 13 hour movie, right? If you really think about it. So you have to, you know, some of these budgets are getting bigger.

Was that a good thing for the industry? Was that a bad thing? In what way was it a good thing? In what way was it a bad thing? The OTTs. I'm not a finance guy and I'm not a numbers guy, but I think this calculation could be, we may want to Google this in a minute, but I think Netflix next year will spend four to 6 billion in its production, just Netflix. So bro, think about that.

Just one outlet has to spend that much to make money and fill the pipe. That's bizarre. My company, Foundation Studios, it's never going to go above a certain budget level. I'll only do collaborations and partners. I'd rather have three, one third of 40 bullets than two or all of X, Y, and Z. I don't want to make $25 million movies. And that's pissant numbers in big Hollywood.

I want to do it. If my company ever does a $25 million movie from my raised funds and my investors, it'll be a $50 million fund in a partnership with Netflix. I'll negotiate with Netflix. I'll go, I'll put a pay-off. You put a half the risk less to you, more to whatever. But instead of trying to keep up with what's happening in the movement of the technology and the AI and all this stuff,

The focus is no longer on quality or value. It's just on the machine. The machine now must be fed. And by the way, what's an interesting thing about what you said about the amount people are paid. Pat, how long ago was it Friends made a million dollars a cast member? I remember that. How long ago is that? 25, 20. That was the beginning of what you just said. Yeah, that's a good point. It started then. Right.

Right. So now, but there was only one Friends back then. Right. If you think about it. But right after that, that became the goal. Right. Right. How do you write stuff? Look, give me an example. Charlie Sheen and the guy that did his show, Men. Right. Mm-hmm. Laurie, Chuck Laurie. Yeah. Chuck Laurie's astronomically successful. Chuck Laurie's TV shows have been played in every language all over the world for 30 years. Mm-hmm.

He's a very successful guy. He won't make that show with Charlie anymore, even though it's going to make the money it would make today, Pat. Why? He doesn't want to. Same reason for the guy who got rid of Costner. Those are story guys. Those are creative guys who won't take the absolute guaranteed money if it'll affect

who they are as creatives. They'd rather stick to their guns and make less and be true to the game of creative in their heart. That reason you love to go to the movies is why they won't work with certain people. I read a lot of different stories of what happened with Costner to no longer be there. What, what is your impression? What happened there? What cost the cost? No, even Kevin Costner, even did he get fired? Did they, was it a money issue? What was it? I can't talk too much about Costner. Cause you know, I sued him and I lost. Yeah.

So, yeah, I sued Kevin Costner and I lost. So, yeah, long story. This is a $3.2 million lawsuit in 2010 or 2012. This was the oil recovery cleanup and Costner's brother had technology. $300,000, all that stuff. And friends of mine pulled him into a deal. So you can't say anything about it? No, no, I just can't. I want to be nice about Kevin Costner. I don't know Kevin Costner. I had a legal transaction with him. God bless him.

But the story of what happened with me is kind of similar to the story of what happened with him in the US. So Kevin's known to be behind the scenes, a very controlling guy. So if you said, hey, Kevin, come join me. I'll give you stock in valutainment. He may have other plans when he's coming into the deal. That's what happened with my experience with him. So good or bad, that's business. You got to do your due diligence, right?

All I'm saying is with Yellowstone, it's my understanding that the guy who is the founder creator, what's his name? Nice guy. My friend James just told me that he's got a friend that knows this guy. He's right here on Value Tam. And I'm telling him, what's the guy's name that runs Yellowstone? I should know. You can see how hard I want to get a job in Hollywood right now, bro. Taylor Sheridan or John Linson or Gary Roche. Taylor Sheridan is the founder. He's the original creator of Yellowstone.

Right. So he starts the show and it goes a certain way. Now pay attention, Mr. David. And then after hanging out with Mr. What's his name? Kevin Costner. He decides to no longer continue with Kevin Costner. Now that's all I'm going to say about that. The guy who started Yellowstone started with him, it became successful. And then when his contract was up, he said, I'm not going to work with that guy anymore. There must be a reason.

And they're being very quiet because they don't want to hurt the brand. Right. CBS News rumors rolled that an alleged feud between him and Yellowstone's co-creator Taylor Sheridan contributed to his decision to walk away from the role. But Koster told King that he had nothing but love for the show and reflected on his early days working with Sheridan. Hollywood! He can run for office with that statement. Hooray for Hollywood! Yeah.

Kevin Costner and Sheridan and Yellowstone must live on. See, it's business, bro. Don't hurt the brand. Don't hurt Hollywood. You put Kevin as a great actor. I got it. You know what Sheridan should do next? Barbie too. If he does Barbie too, it'll go through the roof. So, but you put Kevin as a great actor.

kevin was a great actor was yeah like bodyguard no like dances with wolves oh dances with wolves for sure it's perhaps now here's the asshole i am i i lost a lawsuit to kevin costner and i'm still sitting here going you know what he's a great guy back in the day he was a brilliant storyteller now kevin wants to take all of what he thinks he's learned and be the boss and he's not a boss you know who's the boss patrick david

Patrick David's calling us to do value tainment and do these things and use that little kid inside that wants to touch the world and be creative and have a heart and teach his kids and pass it on and have that legacy. You're staying in your position according to what, you know, where God's put you. Kevin Costner wants to. Who are the bosses of Hollywood today? Who are the heavyweights of Hollywood today? Like, you know, back in the days,

You would hear about, you know, and I'm talking 20 years ago, Griffin, Weinstein, all these guys who are the bosses today. Who has the power today? We don't know yet, Patrick. We don't know yet. What do you mean by that? Well, you just said Harvey Weinstein's gone now, right? So who replaces that vacuum? Is it a Hastings? I don't know, but watch. So now you have what happened with him is now happening with some other people.

What happened to Harvey Weinstein is now happening to other very powerful people. Public? Sean Combs, right? Right, right. Same thing that happened to Weinstein is happening to Sean Combs. Now you have to understand whatever sphere of reach Sean Combs had, all those people are being affected. Right.

A very high ranking guy just stepped down from a big agency in Hollywood because he was affiliated to- I saw that. Sean, you saw that. Yeah. So ask me again, who runs Hollywood? We don't know yet. We got to see who the good guys are and who the bad guys are in that respect. But it doesn't change the business side of it. Who runs Hollywood? Right now, the people who are the most profitable, that's who runs Hollywood. Who's feared? Me. Why?

Because I'm a silly little cute little funny little Baldwin brother that just wants to do one bad movie podcast. My podcast is interviewing actors about their bad movie experiences. You know why? Actors are only human. They sit down to take a dump. All of them. Even Margot Robbie. You think Margot Robbie takes a dump? Listen, that's questionable. Not in Barbie, apparently. That's questionable. But the point is... I think you crossed the line there a little bit. But you see my point. Yeah.

Hollywood has lovely people who are married with kids and have family values and all these things, but they have an agenda. They want, the power brokers want what they want. So they message that agenda through the movies and the industry. That's cool. All I'm saying is, I'm a guy saying to a guy with way more success and money than me personally, you, I'm saying I'm

I'm the old Nostradamus now that's been around that can read the tea leaves. I'm simply saying, I just want to make little movies, Jerry Maguire. All I want to do on my legacy, I want it to be that I made John Hughes like movies, 16 candles, you know, movies like that, where your kids, your kids can receive a message about life. That's meaningful.

Because now the only messages about life that's meaningful from Hollywood is these other not pursue a family life, not work hard and you'll succeed. There's all these other messages. I just want to say.

My legacy is telling stories about my dad was this football was that sports was this politics was that. But really, the more important thing, kind of like the little rascals was, did you learn that lesson at the end of the episode of the movie that made you go? I'm going to think about that because I didn't come out of Barbie going. I'm going to think about that, but only because I didn't see the movie.

By the way, at this point, I think you want to be in Barbie too. And we just, Rob, we just have to put that out there. We just have to put that out there. I think you want to be in Barbie too. But by the way, John Hughes, when I'm looking at this, he did breakfast club. He did Ferris Bueller's day off. He did 16 candles, pretty and pink, weird fricking. By the way, that's within a three year period. Ask any kid under 40, any one of these titles, they won't know.

Ask any kid under 40, any of these titles, they won't know. You know what's an idea I just got about business? I'll do a deal with you right now. You want to have fun? Yes. Want to educate the youth about movies? He did Curly Sue. I put this in my phone. I'm going to buy this URL. I collect URLs. So what if there was a movie theater that only played those movies? What if there was a classic movie theater?

What if there was a little movie theater in LA somewhere, Santa Monica, maybe we have three of these theaters that only played. I think that would do old class. I think that would do well. It's a niche. It's a very niche product. You would need to add a restaurant or something else to it. I think if it's a niche product, it would do well. You know, it's crazy. I sit there with my kids and my oldest son, Steven is crazy about movies. When I tell you he's crazy, he's crazy about movies. I just finished.

I've been working for 13 and a half years on my first fiction book. I just finished it. It's called the Academy and it was released last week. Okay. Congratulations. Yes. Thank you. So my son, we sit there and we go through movies to watch, right? I'll always go to a few good men. I'll go to, you know, um,

a scent of a woman will go to, uh, um, I don't know any of the Denzel older movies that he was in man on fire. We'll go to, you know, anything that's nineties to me, eighties, nineties movies, even early 2000, like some of the comedy that Vince Vaughn did. And those guys did. I like some of the stuff that, you know, the comedy, their couples retreat, these things are good. But when you go into movies, you go there. What changed?

What did they change? Streaming. That's why I asked the OTT to stream it. So you just listen to what you said. 80s, great stories. 90s, great stories. Early 2000s, no more great stories. Because the pipe went from here to here. So now they got to just fill it.

That's my point. I don't want to be a part of that. I was a part of it. It's why, listen, one of the jokes of my podcast, one bad movie is I do a commercial. If you pull up my Instagram, you could show them the commercials. I'd love to see, pull up the first commercial on the one bad movie Instagram page, please. Like I don't like you right now, but I want you to see this commercial. If you don't mind, I'll go, go scroll down to that first one to the left, up, up, up, up, up, up, right up, up there. Play that for Mr. David.


So I'm goofing on myself. That's Stephen Baldwin, the therapist and Stephen Baldwin, the patient. And now I'm trying to love movies and enjoy movies through this Patrick. Interesting. I love it. I'm now interviewing people and I'm going to, I talked to Michael Madsen. I said, Michael, you're a legend.

And then Alec called into the interview, which you can only see on the podcast. It's hilarious because they did the getaway together when Alec was married. Michael Madsen was in Reservoir Dogs or was he? He was the legendary. He starred in almost all in Quentin Tarantino's movies, but he starred. Reservoir Dogs was his blow up role. 400 grand made 14 million or some weird number like that. Right. But that's where he cuts the guy's ear off to the dance song. It's all shot in a fricking in one place. Warehouse. Warehouse. Yeah. Very cheap. Quentin knows how to save money.

So my point simply is Michael Madsen, known for these legendary murderous gangster roles, also starred in Free Willy. Don't believe me? I didn't know that. He plays the dad in Free Willy. Free Willy. The theme song was Michael Jackson in Free Willy. And I interview Madsen, who I know. I did two pictures with him.

And I'm talking to him and I go, so Michael, I think your one bad movie is Free Willy. And everybody's going, no, Free Willy's a great film. I'm going, right, but for Michael, if he's such a gangster badass, why did he do this? And Michael Madsen in the interview goes, no, no, my agents made me do it. I didn't

I told the producers of Free Willy not to cast me. They said, no, you're great. We'll make it work. It was one of the funniest conversations I've ever had. So that's one bad movie. He was in Donnie Brasco as well. I think he played Sonny Black. I won't tell you what he said about Donnie Brasco. What did he say? What did he say? No one's watching. It's just you and me. It's just me and Rob. I mean, stop. This is like, who's the actor that was in it? Pacino? Who else?

uh johnny depp right so remember what i said about leo oh forget about it pat you know what i'm saying kid you put leo you put johnny in the same category as leo i did nothing stop you said what did madsen say yeah madsen was in the movie with johnny and pacino right so if madsen worked with johnny

Maybe he thinks Johnny ain't all, you know, a bag of chips like everybody thinks he is. Man, that's tough to believe because Johnny, to me, Johnny is freaking... I'm stumping Patrick Petty on his own part. This is fat. As a fan...

As a fan. By the way, I interviewed the real life Donnie Brasco, Joe Pistone. I was the first guy that interviewed him. Got like 10, 15 million views. And we sat there talking about Sonny Black and all this. Donnie Brasco is a phenomenal movie. The lefty, how they caught him. Sure. Did all that stuff. But that's interesting. You love my movie, One Tough Cop, where I played Bo Deedle. True story. Produced by one of the greatest legendary producers of all time.

With me and Chris Penn. Oh, Chris Penn is in it. Bo, okay. So Bo Dietl's the legendary kind of detective. Watch this. You're going to love, you love history of film. Sure. So Al Pacino was famous for Serpica. Right. Yeah.

Serpico told the story of how he started certain programs as a detective that were innovative. So like when he dressed as a homeless guy and went on the subway and then somebody tried to mug him and he took off his homeless costume, he was a cop. He arrested the criminal. Bo Dietl developed that program. Wow. So what made Serpico famous? Bo Dietl was the guy who was the law enforcement official that developed that. Good for him. In time,

Bo Dietl became such a legendary detective and won so many awards. He wrote a book called One Tough Cop about his association to John Gotti because he grew up on the same street as Gotti by coincidence. So when he became a cop and a detective, the feds came after him to try to have him help them get John Gotti. And he said, F you. And he was in the movie. No, he's the movie. That's the movie based on his book, Bo Dietl.

who now has Bo Dietl and associates. Did he have any role in a movie or no? Did he do anything in a movie? He may have done a cameo. I can't remember, but Bo may have been in the, in the film, done a little cameo, something like that. But Bo's been in many films. Yeah. Bo's been in many his, you know, he's very friends with Scorsese. He's very good friends with them and De Niro. And he knows a lot. He provides, uh,

those services for a lot of Hollywood bodyguards and, you know, investigations. Your brother, how often do you guys speak? All four of you guys get together. So that picture I posted of you guys, the four of you, I think your brother posted that on your, your brother posted that picture in 2000, March 7th of 2019. He said, we got to get the crew back or something like that. Right? Yeah. If you go to his Instagram account or just type in old, that's an old picture that he posted. Yeah.

Baldwin, he posted on, he says, let's get the band together. Yeah, he posted. There we go. Click on that one. What date is that, Rob? That is 288 weeks ago, March 7th of 2019. And he said, what, going to get the band back together. Are you guys back together now? Like, do you guys have reunions and everybody gets together and talk or no? No. No? Well, Alec has seven children under the age of 15.

Why did he start so early? See how he changed? See how Pat went with that one? Yeah, that's a mind boggler, bro. God bless his wife. Good for him. So...

The point is Daniel's got several kids. Billy's got several kids. He's got kids in college. Me, I'm the only one. My kids are married. I'm chilling out with the love of my life because I only look stupid, Patrick. Usual suspects, right? That's a good one. But going back to it, do you guys talk or do you guys get together or not at all? Well, yeah, when the family thing allows us to be available and holidays and for the most part. Is there any family reunions or no?

No. Not at all? No. Not since my mom passed away. You know, there was a reason to go up to Syracuse and see her. She passed away two years ago and she was 92. So she had an amazing life. Got it. So, and I remember, you know, we, in 2016, when you were like a staunch supporter of Trump, you were public about it, right? I remember even one time the night when he won, you...

You were with Michael Strahan, I want to say, with George Stephanopoulos, if I'm not mistaken. And they're asking you and you're, you know, you guys are giving your opinions. And even at that time when Alec was playing Trump for SNL, I think he was doing sad. Was he? It was a Saturday night. It was right when he was doing Trump. I need a favor. Yeah. Because I'm going to pay. Yeah. I'm going to come right back to this microphone. Go do your thing. I'll be right here. I'm going to explain how I did Celebrity Apprentice twice with Mr. Trump.

So I was with him for a month at a time every day doing a reality show. I want to hear about it. With Mark Burnett. I want to hear about it. Very specific experience. And then I did an interview with Don Lemon on CNN. I was the first celebrity, pull it up, the first Hollywood guy that ever said Trump for president was this guy on CNN with Don Lemon.

in September of 2015. Oh, shit. I'll be right back, folks. Lovely to be here. And thank you again. I really think you're terrific. Of course. Thank you. And thanks for letting me go, Pete. This is the USA Gear limited edition for the rest of the year. If you love America, support this USA Gear. On the side, it says, Future Looks Bright. On the back, it says, Valuetainment. On the side, it's got the American flag. We got the shirts.

We got the flip-flops. These are the only flip-flops I wear when I'm at the house and walking the dogs. It feels amazing with the gel in it. So, if you love America, if you believe the future looks bright, if you love Valuetainment, click on the link above or below. Go wear some of the gear and tag us because we share the pictures on the podcast all the time. So, go to and place your order. So, here's that story. Let's hear it. Okay.

I'd already done several interviews with Don Lemon as Stephen Baldwin, the born again, evangelical Christian, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. So he liked to have me on, you know, Don liked to, you know, Don's going to go to the Hamptons in the weekend. And, you know, he's going to tell all his friends how the interview was that youngest Baldwin went, you know, the one that loves Jesus, you know, so I can go to the interview and go, what do you got for me, Donnie?

And he would joke and he lives his lifestyle and I live my lifestyle and he represents what he represents and his agenda, like Hollywood,

So now I'm talking to you like a Christian in the, in the supernatural part of it. I work now in a different way, more of a spiritual Hollywood guy. I'm trying to decipher what to do because it's what God wants. Right? So that's why I showed up to CNN. Don Lemon called me up. He goes, Hey, we've done three, four interviews. You and I've gone tit for tat back and forth. It's been great. Very intellectually stimulating. You're so cute and funny and come back in. I want to ask you about Trump.

And I went, I don't want to do that. I said, Don, we've been having fun. And, you know, once you start politics, it's different. People's opinions change. It's not fun anymore. It's whatever it is. Anyway, long story short, he begs me to do it. Not begs, but just basically says, don't be silly. It'll be fine. Like you said to me, I go into the interview.

And we're talking and he goes, oh, we got Steve involved. And here he is. And he thinks he knows politics. And tell us, what do you think of Donald Trump may be running for president? I said, I'll tell you, Don, I think he'd make a great president because he's not a politician. And in fact, I golfed yesterday with four guys who run hedge funds and they said they like what he's saying.

That was in September of 2015. So on that show, I said, I think Donald Trump would make a great president, but only because he's not in that sphere of influence. He's an outsider, as everybody knows now. So it just makes me giggle the way things are now in social media and who points the finger about he said, she said, who said what and when. We have all these people like Trump, Trump.

I was the first one. Now let me do another little crazy thing here on the show with you there. My value attainment guru. You ready? I told you I was going to coin you, right? If I don't have these coins in my pocket, this is very embarrassing. And I don't have the coins in my pocket. That's perfect. Let's see. Now, now is when you got to be Alec and go classic, Stephen classic. You teed that one up perfectly. So here's my air force coin.

Because I keep it in my pocket and I pray for all the members of the Air Force. Do you hear what I said? Yeah. I don't know a lot of people that do that, only some. And then this one's still in the little baggie. See this one? You know what this one is? Let's see it. Anybody ever coin you with a Trump presidential coin, my friend? No. This is the Donald Trump presidential coin I've had since he won in 16. I bought 20 of them and I gave them to people who were Trump supporters just to go, hey,

same team right it's the last one i got boss and i'm giving it to you my man you know why i'm doing that now stick your hand out because you go like this you shake and then you turn it yeah you take it yeah and now the law is in the coin thing is if you don't have a coin to reciprocate right now you got to buy me a beer bringing me here you already bought me a beer because i've told you again 10 times i'm gonna say i'm a

Not a lot of guys like you who are trying to do the right thing. So I'm a, I'm here because I'm a fan. I'm a fan of what you're about. I appreciate you. That is to say to you, I pray for president Trump every day, even though I'm retired from politics for my own personal reasons. Holy spirit told me, get out of politics. Just pray.

That's a serious, if you're a serious Christian, that's a serious thing. If you hear from God says, hey man, don't do all the logistics. Don't do all the little stuff you were doing before. Just step out. You have your experience, but pray for America. Like really, Stephen, like put your coffee down and turn everything off and turn all your devices off and get on your knees and pray for America. Not too many people do that, but they say they do. But God knows who the ones are that do and don't.

God knows the hearts of all of us. God knows the heart of Trump. So God's going to do what God's going to do. God's going to allow what he allows. But I want you to know, because like you said, nobody's listening. I want the Trump family to know that I pray for them. I pray for their, thank God he didn't get hurt with these two situations. But it doesn't change that the game of politics, how it's played is a ruthless game. What do you mean by that?

There's a lot of deception in politics. No? Of course. Right. Just trying to see how you see it. I see it now as if you're going to be in politics, it better be your calling. It better be something you know. Because now in America, I'm going to open a can of worms, the Christian movement is becoming the Christian patriot movement. Very different than just being a born again Christian. Hmm.

If I'm a Christian and I have a platform and I go, hey, the only way you can really be an authentic Christian is if you vote and support the Christian politics. That's a lie from hell. The Bible doesn't say that. And yet all the most influential pastors with a platform are going.

Better tell all your friends at church to vote or you're not supporting what God wants in this country. That's a lie from hell. That's not in the Bible. The Bible says live for Jesus and do what Jesus would have you do. So if Jesus would have me just pray and not be involved in politics, but now there's all these Christians out there going, Hey, what's your problem, Stephen? If you really love Jesus, you'll support what everybody else is supporting. And to that, I say, I don't have to do that. It's America.

America gives you the freedom to be and do who you want as long as you're law abiding, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. But if the average person who follows your family closely, which, you know, it's kind of tough to miss. It's the Baldwin last name is a Baldwin last name. When I was supporting President Trump, my brother Alec was playing him on SNL. I get it. I know. Yeah.

But I remember also there was a tweet, Rob. I don't know if you have the picture. This is the tweet with if you said if this is 2016, a month before Election Day, October 9th, 2016, Election Day is November 8th, 2016. If my father were alive today, a veteran, he would be shamed and disgusted of media bias and manipulation by people like Anderson Cooper. Your brother responded. If our father was alive today, he'd smack you in the side of the head for supporting Trump.

From that eight years ago to today, to be exact, it's around eight years, one month, two weeks, it'll be eight years, three weeks, it'll be eight years. Has the tensions of politics in the family gone to a point where you guys are able to talk, coexist, and you guys have created a rule to say, guys, let's just not talk politics. Let's talk family. That's where it's at now. So it's in a better place now. It's in a different place. Right. Right.

Because Billy's wrong about what my dad would have said. My dad wouldn't have smacked me. My dad would have said, everybody has the right to live however they want. That's freedom. So for Billy Baldwin to say, no, you'd get slapped for your political choice. My dad did not agree with that. My dad did not agree. You know, the Constitution is the Constitution. But I'm just saying,

You know, I had Dennis Quaid on. So we did Dennis Quaid was here. Rob, what was it a month ago? August. August. Right. The new film's great. Yeah. We premiered it a month before it came out. We loved it. And then right afterwards we did a podcast. 200 people showed up. It was awesome. Right. It was awesome. And Dennis Quaid, his brother, Buddy, who came also showed up because Buddy follows the content. He flew out. He's a realtor. We had a really good time together.

And then there's also his other brother, which is Randy Quaid, who was also a guy that was in a lot of movies. And he's, you know, he had some issues and, you know, stuff that happened with him politically. And it was, it was interesting what he said. He, in this case, I think who's the older brother here is Randy a year older than Dennis. I think Randy's the older one. Right. And Dennis said, I said, so, you

You know, what do you say? You know, you guys have had a fallen out, et cetera. He says, I would love nothing more to see my brother make a great comeback because I miss him and I love him. That's what I want to tell him, right? It was interesting seeing that because, you know, I got two boys and you want to see something like that happen. Has Alec or one of you taken the lead to try to find a way to bring the brothers together or has that happened? Yeah, but it's out of...

in the story you just described, politics divides, mostly in families where there's any of that stuff, brothers, sisters, parents, this, you know, rarely can people cohabitate when they have political indifferences. It's such a passionate subject because the outcome of those political opinions affects law, affects finance, affects how we live. So Alec is pretty much, you know, he has his opinion on,

I don't think he's going to be playing Trump anytime soon. He's busy with his kids. He just got over a serious, you know, crazy legal issue where the system tried to set him up, which is... That was weird. I was in the room, boss. That was weird. Oh, you were in the room when it happened? I was in the courtroom the first three days. I was there for the whole thing. That was very weird. Well, the prosecutor tried to set my brother up. That's what happened. The prosecutor buried evidence. But you look at the story. Scary. It's why the judge went, this guy's out of here. Yeah.

I mean, he's an actor. You would assume the people that are doing the movie have to be responsible to hand him over a gun that doesn't have... Anyways, there's many... It was heated at one point where everybody was going back and forth. This is what happened. That's what happened. But...

You know, at the end of the day, is that the job of the actor that's going on there? I don't know. No, it's not the job of the actor. The legal responsibility has nothing to do with the actor at all. Yeah. Once that first director, first assistant director said, cold gun and handed it to my brother, that means it was checked according to how it was supposed to be checked for that rehearsal period. And for those reasons, it's a horrible one in a trillion dynamic. Yeah.

How's he doing now with that? He's doing great. Is he like, is he going to get back into, is he at a point where he's like, I'm taking a break from movies or is he going to get back into it and continue his art? You can imagine the amount of work he's lost in the last five years. No question. I mean, millions and millions. So now that's recalibrating and things are kind of getting set, but he's doing a TLC reality show with his wife. I can't.

He's up to his eyeballs. You would laugh because if you think Alec is Alec in this reputation, he's a big baby that loves to roll around with his kids because he grew up in a house with six kids and did it, you know.

He just enjoys family very much. If he has, you said he has six kids or seven kids? Seven. If he's got seven kids and he grew up in a family with six kids, that means he loved the idea. That means you guys had a loving family that he wanted to replicate it. Or it means he had a messed up family that he never had a good experience with and he wants to try to do it.

I'm kidding. On a mom and dad side, though, it sounds like you guys had great parents. No, we had very loving parents. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. But in a circumstance where my dad, you know, the finance hurt my family emotionally than anything else, you know, just trying to raise six kids. Yeah, but that's a different story. But that's not his issue, though, right? His issue is the fact that he, does he admire his father? Like, do you guys admire your father? Yeah, that's what I'm saying. So it's like, hey, I want to have kids. I want to have family.

And doing that, that's, that's, but it's also a legacy, a legacy, you know, he is now has three or four sons that will go on to be Alec Baldwin. Well, you, you have, you have an interesting brother-in-law, don't you? You got this guy. That's a very interesting brother-in-law. What's his name? Son-in-law, son-in-law, right? This guy named Andrew, my son-in-law. Oh, Justin Bieber. Justin Bieber. Yeah. So what do you think about Justin Bieber? You know, Justin Bieber, uh,

Uh, talent comes out, identified, found on YouTube, becomes a rock star. Apparently starts dating your daughter. I think they just had a six year anniversary or something. Show them the video of me introducing my daughter. Do you ever see that? Which one is this? So Google Steven Baldwin introducing Haley to Justin.

You ever see this? No. No, I have not. You want to see why this kid married my daughter? It's because I let him. Seriously, I have no idea what I'm about to see here. Yeah, this is cute. Nearly 10 years ago, but first an update on Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin. The couple, if you don't know, they are engaged. Bieber confirmed the news on Instagram, writing, My heart is completely and fully yours, and I will always put you first. You are the love of my life, Hailey Baldwin, and I wouldn't want to spend it

with anybody else. There's what he wrote in part. And why am I here in the lobby right now? I'm here because this is the exact spot where Justin and Haley met for the very first time. Here's the video to prove it.

My name's Steve. And the third song, it's my daughter Haley. The third song, we've been doing music. Oh, wow. That's Steve and Haley's father there. That introduction. Ooh, look at the classic Bieber shake of the hair. That means I like you. Look at my daughter. Yeah, whatever. She's like, what up? Yeah, you're cute. Yeah, whatever. Wow. So I took my daughter to go see. How long was this before they dated? Oh, four years. Five years. Right. Yeah.

So what happened was they met there. I met Scooter Braun there. He was the manager who orchestrated all of his early success. And the long story short about Justin and Haley is pretty simple. So Haley's father and uncles are the Baldwin brothers. So long before Justin Bieber ever played his guitar anywhere, she had experience with Hollywood celebrity. My daughter had been to red carpets before Justin ever had a career when she was a kid.

So years later, she starts hanging out with some other friends of her, Kylie Jenner, the Jenner gals, you know, some other younger people. She starts hanging out with Jaden Smith, you know, when she's 14, 15, you know. Is it because you're living there? So they're all within the community or just, you know, you're Hollywood. This is a young Hollywood vibe.

So sure enough, years later, after that introduction and after spending time together, Justin's career continues. My daughter becomes a model, has her friends, shows up at the After Earth premiere. Will Smith, Jaden Smith, New York City at the Trump W downtown. Is that what it's called? Trump W? What are the chances of that? So my daughter says, yeah.

Jaden Smith is in the movie and he's dating Kylie and Kylie's my friend. And we're all going to stay at the hotel at the hotel with, with Will and everybody and all the parents are there and it's totally safe and it won't be sketchy. And can I stay overnight with Kylie? I go, yeah, babe. Sure. Go ahead. Well, apparently Justin showed up to that hotel and came in and said hi to some friends. Like he, he knew Kylie, but he didn't know Haley.

So he hadn't seen Haley in quite a while, and she'd grown up a little. Long story short is when they reconnected in that scenario, it's when Justin had been dating different people and had never really experienced somebody like Haley. I can't tell you this whole story, but I'll give you an example. Somebody that knows Justin before my daughter met him said to my wife,

In a conversation, your daughter's the only girl that dated Justin and in the beginning never accepted a gift. She's the only one. So this, now if you're Justin and you date a bunch of gals and you're Justin and you go, hey, here's a gift. And you go, oh my gosh, let's go get dinner and let's go swimming and let's go to the movies. My daughter went, I'm all right. That's not why I'm here. I'm here to know you. I don't want gifts. I want to know you. Good for her. So that's the girl he fell in love with.

Wow. The girl who was raised a certain way to say, it's not about how big my ring is. It's about whether or not I can bless you and you can bless me. And together we can have happiness and joy and blah, blah, blah. So underneath all this Hollywood crazy celebrity nonsense is that hope authentically.

So the only reason Haley Bieber is Haley Bieber is because she stayed true to herself. Good for her. About what her hope was in a husband. And now...

It's really inspiring millions of others, et cetera, et cetera. That's respect. And by the way, she's, she's about how many followers? She's got a hundred million followers. She's got 53 million followers on Instagram alone, not including. Right. And by the way, did they just help you become a grandfather? Is that correct? That that just happened? Jack blues. I love the name. Just a few. Jack blues Bieber. I like the name. I like the name. What, what, what is he like with you? What's your relationship with him? Justin. Yeah. Yeah.

Well, you're asking me too many questions now, Mr. David. Just because I opened this can of worms doesn't mean I can give you the whole thing. Give me one thing with you and him. Father-in-law, you know, how is that? So listen, before I tell you a story I never told. I shouldn't tell this.

So before they were married, my wife and I are serious Christians. So we had to sit down with this guy. By the way, the audience needs to know this. You guys have been together for 34 years, since 1990. 38 years. Yeah. Married in 90. Right. Together four years before that. Respect. Yeah. Next year, June 10th of next year is 35 years married to the most beautiful girl in the whole wide world. So I get this phone call. It's my wife. She goes, I think the kids want to.

get together. So remember my daughter married Justin at a courthouse first, and then the year later had the big official wedding. So they do the courthouse move, which I go, praise God. I think they're supposed to be together. And then we're going to do the bigger wedding. And before the bigger wedding, my wife and I spent, I want to give you all the details, but we spent about three weeks isolated with the kids. There was like a month period before the wedding that my wife and I were like, do you understand what a wedding is?

It's a holy oath unto the creator of all things who can squish you like that. So be careful that you understand the words you're going to say, because they have life. So we did that. And they went, you know, they listened for his best kids who want to marry each other can listen. But then he asked me to marry her, right? There was the official. My wife calls me. Justin wants to talk to you.

What about, I think, you know, I think he wants to do the official sit down and, you know, ask the father. Great. Yeah. Tell him to come over. He comes over. We were talking and he goes just like this. It's the, it's the cutest thing ever. So we're talking and he's going, you know, like, Hey, so this is what I'm thinking. And you know, what do you think? And you know, is it, you know, has it sounding and does it sound good? And I said, no, it sounds great. And, uh, uh, I said, so let me just give you my answer. My answer is yes. You can marry my daughter.

I said, I just want to be sure you're clear about some thoughts. And once this happens, I love you, kid. You're on your own. You know, the Bible says, once you have spiritually yoked to my daughter, I'm out. I have no authority anymore. I'm not her friend. I'm her dad. And I'm always going to be her dad, no matter who she is, what she makes, whatever. And I said something and, and all of a sudden he responded, but his answer was like one of my answers. He said something to me that like, I went, God, that sounded like me.

And I laughed and he goes, what's so funny? I go, no, you just said something that reminded me of myself. So I, I just giggled. I said, didn't mean anything, but he goes, what was so funny that this is why I love Justin Bieber because he's a, he's an honest, pure, he won't let that go. Even in an awkward situation, he's asking me to marry my daughter. Bless you. Go ahead. So the point is he goes, I just made you need a tissue. No, no, I'm good. He says to me, what was so funny?

I turn around and I say to him, you said something that reminded me of myself. He goes, that's interesting because I've had people say to me, I remind them of you. And I go, wow, that's kind of cool. I guess some gals marry their dad, kind of, you know, whatever. There's some similarities. You know, you always hear that. And then some don't. My daughter, Elias, husband, Andrew's way smarter and cooler than me. So I turn around and he says, does that scare you?

What a great question. What a great question. And I go, what do you mean? He goes, does it scare you that I might be a little bit like you? Now he's being cute. And I go just like this. Not at all. This is a blessing. This is going to be a blessing. And if you ever screw up, you don't got to worry about me. You ever hurt my daughter, you don't got to worry about me. I got one word for you. If you ever do anything to hurt my daughter, and it's not Jesus, it's Alec.

I said, Google Alec Baldwin upset. This episode is brought to you by State Farm.

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Get it all at slash insights. You don't say this to him. Right to his face. I go, I'm making a joke back to him saying, it's me. I'm a legend of one of the Baldwin brothers and we kick people's ass sometimes back in the day.

So don't worry about if you do anything wrong to my daughter, because she's not going to call me. She's going to call a clown. I can go. Hey, he was mean to me. And you know what he's going to do? He's not going to call his friends. He's going to get in his little Mercedes in East Hampton. He's going to drive all the way to your house in Beverly Hills. I can have a little conversation.

Like we used to in the old days. Is that really how Alec is? Oh yeah. Yeah. That's my dad was, let me ask you a question. If, if your son, you know, had a bad situation with another kid, you know, a friend and it was bad, like he threatened him or like put choked and put them up against the wall, said, you know, you do that again. And your son was defenseless against a bigger guy. You're going to call your lawyer. No, right. You're going to go knock on the kid's door. And it doesn't matter who you are. You're going to say to the parents,

Now, some people in your position, but I don't like it. I might get sued. I'm Middle Eastern, bro. We're, we're, we're, we have a reputation. It's a different kind of a reputation. So, so Alec is the Middle Eastern Bovern brother. That sounds like it. He sounds like he's from the Middle East. You know, maybe he is the Northeast, but the hair on his chest, right? You know, we got to do one of those 23 and me ancestry stuff on Alec to see if there's

But that's interesting. So then what happened? It's good to go. Relationship solid. No, I tell that story now just because since they've been married, I think they've done an amazing job, you know, keeping, you know, their own privacy. It's not easy to do, bro. Well, it's the reason why you only see a photo of the baby's foot right now. I know. They're trying to enjoy this time. It's not easy for them because there's, I mean, Bieber is there, there is, um,

there's levels to this game of fame. Bieber is like, you know, he's the biggest pop star of all time. Yeah. I mean, he's, but here's why in seven years, he outsold the Beatles and Elvis in seven years. He outsold Beatles and Elvis. Correct. He is a higher selling musician. He has sold more songs worldwide than the Beatles and Elvis. So where's he right? But he did it in seven years.

Because of the internet. Michael Jackson. What's he ranking? Is he ahead of Michael Jackson as well? I think he's ahead of him. Look it up. I could be right, but I'm not wrong. As I understand it, Justin's sales are higher, the highest in the world. Are you? Zoom it in, Rob. Damn, Rob. Michael Jackson's thriller. 120 million copies. Seven years go low, Rob, to see where... Elvis Presley. Michael Jackson. Eagles. When's this from? Let me see. But this is per album, so let me take it. It's not all of the discography. I think it's the whole catalog. Yeah.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I think of everything he's ever created, Justin Bieber. It has outsold those people. Somebody told me that one of my. Yeah, I see it right here. Justin Bieber beats Elvis Presley's US chart record. And I don't know which one this is. In seven years. Yeah, that's that is wild. Yeah.

That is, is he, is he also, does he have an element of Tom Cruise where he's chill and humble behind closed doors? Like when, when he's with the family? Very. Okay. He's very simple down to earth. His mom, Patty's a Christian, right? If I'm not mistaken. Yeah. Another very, his dad, Jeremy, these are very. Well, congratulations to them. Congratulations to them. And we wish him nothing but the best. And congrats for you being a grandpa. Two other people I got questions about to see what you're going to say about these guys. So,

Kevin Spacey, Usual Suspect. One of my all-time favorite movies. Kaiser Sosa. You should interview Kevin Spacey here. I'd love to. I think Kevin is one of the greatest actors of all time to me.

I I've never watched. I've never, I'm not the guy that, you know how they say they binge watch like a show or whatever. The only thing I've ever watched 12 episodes in a row back to back to back. And I couldn't stop. And how to fly to Tuscany Italy. The next day was fricking the, the, what do you call it? House of cards. I can't believe what he was amazing. What he did, right? Is Kevin Spacey in usual suspect. Is he acting or is he just being himself in a movie? Cause it was way too real.

When he played Verbal Kint? Yes. No, he's totally creating a character. In my opinion, probably, you know, like Michael Corleone, it's literally one of the greatest creations of a character I've ever seen. Now, kudos to Spacey, but it's Bryan Singer as the director and our writer who did all the Mission Impossible movies after that, Chris McQuarrie.

that are really the catalyst for the success of usual. Help me understand this. So you're in the set. You guys are together for how long was the whole thing beginning to end when you guys shooting the movie?

How many, how long did it take? 40 days. Okay. 40 days. Very low budget. What are you watching Brian whisper to Kevin to say, wow, that was good feedback. Wow. Let me tell you the usual suspect story. Go for it. So in the movie I play McManus, but in my criminal activity in the movie, my partner is Benicio del Toro. Right. Right. Fenster is his name. A young Benicio del Toro. Right. Yeah. So we're partners already in some jobs. So, uh,

We're shooting the movie. It's the pool hall scene where he comes in in the beginning of the movie and gives the dossier files that Kaiser Soze has been secretly watching us. And, you know, he's been manipulating all this stuff so that we're working for him and we don't even know it. Right. Benicio del Toro. Because I just want to tell you this Bryan Singer story. So you're me working with Benicio sitting on this big master shot with all the actors.

So it's Gabriel Byrne. It's everybody. Right. And he says, action. It's a big wide shot of the room. So Pete Postlethwaite comes in. He's the lawyer. Right. He comes in. He says, gentlemen, we're all surprised. Why are we here? Like who is the whole mystery? So they say action and we shoot the master, but then he punches in for two shots. So.

In The Master, he only shot it for a certain amount of time before the dialogue required Benicio del Toro's character to speak. So at the beginning of the scene, he doesn't speak. So he shoots The Master. Pete Possilweight walks in. You get to using it just for that piece. Now he comes in to do the two-shot on Steven and Benicio. Benicio's first line is, Who's that guy we used to do jobs with back in New York? I say, Bricks Marlin.

He goes, oh yeah, he was an effed up butcher. We're sitting there filming and we're rolling. Bryan Singer goes, action. And it's Benicio's time to speak. And I go, you know, somebody says the queue line and Benicio's here. And he goes, who's that guy? He's a old M.Dot in New York. He says, who is that guy that we used to run those jobs? But he goes, who's that guy that we used to run those jobs in New York? Can't even understand him. And I go like this.

And I lean, Benicio's not looking at me. He's acting. And I go, and I look right at Brian Singer over the monitor to the side of the monitor. And Brian goes like this. And I go, Bricks Marlin. He goes, he's a fucked up, fucked up motherfucking butcher. It's not the line. But Brian went, the police lineup scene.

On the internet, everybody says that the reason we started laughing was somebody farted. That's a lie. The reason they started laughing was in my take that I went, give me the keys. That was a rehearsal that Bryan Singer filmed. Get out of here. No one knows. Wow. Bryan's behind a glass thing. Like you're really in the lineup and Bryan's behind there. When you hear, all right, number two, that's Chris McQuarrie, the writer using his voice.

Number two, save the line. Give me the keys. Yeah. So he goes, okay, Baldwin wants to try one now. Let's do a rehearsal. He doesn't. Now, when you're the actor rehearsing, it's not your performance. So maybe you'll do something you wouldn't have done reactionary. What? Yep. So when I go, ha ha ha ha ha. Benicio laughs because it's only a rehearsal.

And I hit him and he hits me back. And then everybody giggles. And Bryan Singer told me in that moment when I was in the editing, it was only rehearsal I filmed. But you saw the friendship. You saw these evil, wicked, robbing, murderous people. You liked them. They were funny. And there was this very human moment between stop being a jerk off in the lineup.

And Brian put it in the movie. And that was one of the sparks to the movie in the story part where people went, that's so funny. These guys are like killers and they're in a lineup and you know, they're even screwing off here. That's the magic of movies. When the, when certain creatives understand that,

that you should be able to have the knowledge and the experience and the wisdom. Look at Brian's hair. He went on to do Superman. He went on to look at the film. He went to do the doctor TV show. That's such a big, right? What is Brian singer produced since the usual suspects? It's mind boggling. But now look at Chris Corey, Chris, Christopher McQuarrie's partners with Tom Cruise. He's done all the mission impossible. She's Jack Reacher to me. He's done all these great films.

but those are great storytellers. That's why they make great films. So that's, so going back to Kevin Spacey is, is he like when you watch him do his work, are you enamored by it? The success of usual suspects is Brian Singer and Chris McQuarrie building a foundation and then casting. That's the key. Now I'm not going to go look at the movies now that are out. I can name two or three movies right now, where if you look at the actor playing the lead role,

There's three other guys that would have been better, but it's the politics that allows for that. Kevin Spacey is one of the greatest American actors of all time. I mean, if you look at it, forget usual, he was brilliant in many, his, his stage stuff, what he's done in England with theater. Now, obviously he's got other challenges, but it doesn't take away the fact that he's brilliant as an actor.

Yeah, no, I think in my list as an actor, as an artist, as an actor, I

He's got to be in the top 20, top 25. He's just, in my, this is my opinion, top 25 in the last 30 years, I would say. And some, you could even argue for much higher than that. But the end, the end, and by the way, John Ottman was the guy who scored Usual Suspects and did the editing. It was the first time an editor also wrote the music. So that's why when you see, right, smart Brian Singer. So when you see

And the music of the planes landing as we're going to do that job in LA and

The editing is set to the cuts and beats of the music. It was the first time. How often does that happen? Almost never. I can only imagine. Yeah. John Altman's gone on to become a legend, but I'm just saying the psychology of how the movie was made was that old school, Brian DePaul, like the big Coppola, you know, these guys think when you guys were making it, did you guys know this was going to pop or did you know nothing like how it's going to do?

No. I love Gabriel Byrne because Gabriel Byrne, when we did the press thing, he was like, you know, I read the script a few times and I thought I was Kaiser Soze until the end. I'm like,

It was such a great script, but you can't take away from space to the end. The usual suspects when he's walking to the car and the hand goes straight up and the Jaguar pulls up and Chaz Palminteri is like, where'd he go? Yeah. And he's looking at the Kobayashi and all this stuff he's looking at. And then the fax is coming up in this picture. And it's him. And it's him. That's crazy. I just watched it with my kids four weeks ago. It's honesty. But I want to get back to something for you. What's that? The coolest thing you can do with your son that likes movies is,

is let him make them. If he likes, if he has any inclination to write, if I were you, bro, I'd give my kid half a million bucks under the supervision of trained, serious movie-making people who are cool. At 12 years old? Yes. Let him make a full-length feature by the time he's 15. That's what Spielberg did.

Who do I do it with that can monitor him doing it? I'll help you. I'll get you some friends around here that are good at it. Yeah, I'd be curious. And I would be very open to the idea because the guy is trying to do, he wants to do something. But why do I say that? Yeah. The greatest teacher of filmmaking is filmmaking itself. He's not going to know until he makes, until he forgot to put the film in and he didn't do it this way and he didn't record that music at all.

That's I hope that's okay for me to say, but I just, I have a heart for mentoring young kids who have a heart for this and that. And again, don't, don't overwhelm them. But I just mean, if you gave them the right tools to start, what's, what's a story you want to tell? And you know, it doesn't have to be fire. It'll be 50 grand. The point is doing it is what will, you know, continue to fan the flame of that love.

that inspiration. So last question for you before we wrap up, Tupac, there's a picture with you and Tupac. What's that all about? Well, I, uh, uh, I did a billiards tournament to raise money for a organization called AIDS project, Los Angeles. Uh, and coincidentally Tupac came through a fundraiser of mine. Uh, but around that time I had already been in a movie called posse, which was an all black Western with Tupac. I'm sorry, with, uh, Mario Van Peebles was the director and the star. Uh,

And it was with Big Daddy Kane and Tone Loke. I'm old, Mr. David. I'm old. I've been in the game a long time. So, no, that was just a really sweet photo. I got to meet Tupac. It was amazing. Did you guys talk? Did you spend time? Or was it just a quick... He says Tupac, Tupac. I don't know. Was it a brief thing or...

Pretty brief. Okay, so it wasn't like you guys hung out or partied or anything. That's going to be the perception for the photo. I'm a big Tupac guy. I thought you were going to tell me a Tupac story. But I was a huge fan. Yeah. No, there's no story to tell other than I was a fan and we met and he liked my movie and I loved his rapping and we hung out for a little bit. But anybody to have ever captured a significant photo with him is now considered to be fortunate.

Yeah, I'm a big Tupac guy. I got a painting in the house. Rob, if you can pull up the painting in the house, it's called Dead Mentors. No joke. I had an artist in Dallas do a... And it's Tupac? I commissioned him to do a painting. It's called Dead Mentors. If you go to images, it'll come up. And click on that one. Zoom in. And this is a painting. This is about the book, The Vault, that I wrote. They're in a vault, 40 floors down.

Einstein, Kennedy, Lincoln, the Shabbiran, Milton Friedman, MLK, an empty chair, myself, Tupac and art and center are having a conversation, listening to a debate of two books on that table. If you zoom in on the two books on the table, that's communist manifesto and Atlas shrugged. They're debating. Right. And, uh, but yeah, I was a, I was a big Tupac guy growing up. Steven, this has been a blast, uh, gang. We're going to put the link Rob to his podcast below, please. Uh,

If we can, Stephen Baldwin's one bad movie to go check out. I have to interview you for one bad movie. I look forward to it. Okay. I've never been in a bad movie or a good movie. Eventually we're going to do some things. Who knows what's going to happen. You're funny. I had no idea where we're going to go with this. No idea where we're going to go with this. So let me freak you out because I told you I'm a weird spiritual guy. Okay. I'm like a weird kismet guy. The hotel you put me in. Mm-hmm.

Remember I told you the reason I'm here is because I just coincidentally, it's not like I wasn't going to come. I'm a fan of yours and I, I love your work, but I heard the story about the CVS. It was like between me and God, like God's like, let me show you who this guy is. Right. I said, okay, God, I'll go do the interview. That's cool. I'll be, I'll be nice. He's going to help me promote my podcast. Praise God. But, uh, uh,

That was just basically the reason more than anything. And I lost my train of thought, but it'll come back to CBS. The lady that the lady who was having a bad day because her grandmother, that's the whole story with the. Yeah. Right. But that's my simple point is I believe that somebody in your position could have a much greater influence on

on the country and future generations if you process what you're talking about with what you want to do in content creation. What you do in finance is you're the expert, but just understand that

It's not the same game in moneymaking and profitability in Hollywood as everybody thinks. Right now, the first company that gets ready to do what De Niro is wanting to do, Mark Wahlberg is wanting to do, what you're wanting to do, the first people to do that in the most cost-effective way, De Niro's building a $1 billion studio. How is that going to make money? What's the...

Business plan. Is it over 30 years? That's my question. It's the business plan over 30 years. De Niro is 81, isn't he? Like what? How old is De Niro? But that's what I'm saying. Robert, can you pull up how old he is? Somebody explain to me how these investors are going with them. That's what I want to understand. 81 years old. Is he going to make it to 111? I mean, I think he has the, you know, the, the, the. My company foundation studios, which I'm developing with.

Some folks in India who have all the resources available, they're enjoying that. I'm saying don't do the big movie. We always can if it makes sense. But guess what? Big movies fail most of the time. I'm going to leave you financial guru with one of the most mind boggling things of all. You ready? Let's do it. Yep. In the rating system of Hollywood. Yes. Yes.

PG-13, rated R, rated PG, rated G. Which rating is the most profitable? I would say PG. Wrong. It's G. The children's films that are animated stories like Cinderella are the most profitable in all of Hollywood. And yet they're 30% of the production.

So why would the system make 70% of something that doesn't make as much as the 30%? Why? Because it's spiritual. Because the devil runs Hollywood. And he wants that negative 70% to teach your kids all these other things. But the 30%, which makes the most money, is happiness and loving your mom and dad. And they

Why would Hollywood make less of the most profitable? Value tainment, the new thing you're doing. Open your animation division now, my friend. Give the people what they want in their hearts. Don't force them to love your Hollywood agenda. It's been great to be here. Thank you so much.

Blast. Really enjoyed it, brother. Truly. Really enjoyed it. A wise guy, and you're a blessing. I appreciate you, and thank you for the gift. God bless everybody. Bye-bye.

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