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Sword and Scale contains adult themes and violence and is not intended for all audiences. Listener discretion is advised. I said, Mom, Randy, something's wrong with Randy. I said, he's bleeding and he's not responding. He's not breathing. I need you guys to go to the office now. ♪♪
Hello and welcome to Season 10, Episode 240 of Sword and Scale. A show that reveals that the worst monsters are real. Hello and welcome to Season 10, Episode 240 of Sword and Scale.
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The 2008 financial crisis had just toppled most people's plans for the future. But in the years following, Teresa Stone and her husband Randy came up with their own plan. They worked in insurance. But Randy didn't want to answer to anyone anymore. He wanted to be in charge of his own job security.
So branching out and opening up their own firm was the obvious solution. Brandy, being the guy that he is, ex-Marine, now he's into his own business, his own dream to thrive on his own. Financially, you guys are doing okay? Yeah. I mean, we're starting to struggle because of...
We weren't really struggling, I guess, but it's tough when you have a kid in a Christian college and you have another one in a Christian school. Right. You know, and... And you're starting a new business on your own and all that. And our business with farmers, we pay out everything. We pay for everything. Yeah. We have our homestead, but we weren't really struggling, but we were just trying to be very careful. Yeah. And we were basically starting over, so it was going to be very tough and very tight. I understand. But...
That's something that we were willing to do. This was a town they knew, after all. Randy and Teresa had lived in Missouri their whole lives. They knew each other as children before Randy left for the Marines. When he came back, they got married and settled in independence, quickly establishing themselves as inseparable pillars of their small community. No, we hardly ever fight. We hardly ever fight. And...
If we do, it's for like maybe five minutes. Yeah. And we're... Just let the bubble steam up. Yeah. We used to argue a lot when we were younger, when we first got married. Of course, it's hard when you, you know, when you're separated for a whole year of your first marriage. Yeah. Then your son is born the day after he gets back from the military. A lot of catching up to do. Randy and Teresa did everything together.
According to Teresa, neither she nor Randy really had any friends of their own. They were perfectly happy with their little family, their insurance business, and their church community. I was deeply in love with my husband, and I just don't understand why someone would have taken out of my life. I just don't understand it.
Randy and Teresa weren't involved in any seedy activities. And they certainly didn't associate with anyone who was. This couple, nearing their 40s, attended church every single Sunday and Wednesday night. Randy drove the church vehicles for events. He was a Sunday school teacher, and he was close friends with the pastor, Brother Love, with whom he shared administrative advice for the church. And I listened to Randy, or Randy,
Randy gave a sermon one time and I listened to that because I want to try to get to know Randy because I just feel like I need to know you. He's not just a name on a piece of paper. He was a wonderful man. He sounded like he was a very, very nice guy and everybody loved him. Yep. He was always right there beside me. We always did everything together. And if we didn't do it together, we'd find a way to do it together. Always.
Teresa sang in the choir and helped with food preparation at all church events. She had been attending New Hope Baptist for 30 years since she was a child. Everyone who knew Randy was at a loss when Teresa discovered her husband's lifeless body in their own insurance office on March 31, 2010. I'm pretty sure I got to the office right about...
Tintile, maybe... Tintile 5? Yes. Maybe a little bit before, maybe a minute or two before, but it was right pretty close to tintile. Okay. You get to the office. Only car out there is Randy's? Yes. And you park up next to his car? Always. Always. But when I pulled up in the driveway, I noticed the blinds were closed. And that is not normal. Okay. At all.
Teresa got her keys out to unlock the door and noticed that it opened after just unlocking the deadbolt. This was also out of the ordinary. If they locked the door for any reason, they locked both the deadbolt and the handle lock. You go inside. Open the door, go inside. What do you see? All the lights are off. Um, I yell. I say, honey, where are you?
And I walk into his office and I turn the light on and you know, the computer's up, everything looks fine. I walk into the back room back there and turn the light on and he's not back there. Which room is that? The storage? The storage room, yeah. Yeah, okay. Then I walk around the corner. To your office? What'd he say? So you could see him lying on the floor then and the light was off. What did you do?
This is kind of important. What did you do once you saw him there? I can't believe I'm to wake up. Did you shake him? I don't do. Okay. What did you, and I apologize, I don't mean to, we just want to be a little detailed at this because it's important. Did you see any, I mean, he was obviously on the ground. I saw blood coming out of his ear. Okay, blood coming out of his ear. And his eye was really puffy.
And his skin was really this color. And I noticed he wasn't breathing. I didn't want to touch him. I was scared. - So what did you do to help out? What'd you do from there? - I went over, I stepped over him and
Teresa didn't know what had happened, thinking her husband may have fallen and hit his head on the space heater in the office. Who did you get a hold of when you called the house?
From the office phone? Yes. And did you stay in the office where he's at doing this or did you go outside? No, when I got on the phone with the operator, she told me to get out of the office. Okay, the dispatchers? Yes. So I grabbed my purse and... Did you step over him? Yes, I did. Okay. I stepped over him and walked out. Randy hadn't fallen though. He had been shot. We talked before about this, but you said you're... We asked you about weapons. Uh-huh. Okay. Okay.
- What guns do you know that he had here at the office or anywhere? - The only one that I know of that he has was a little bitty thing. - Black gun? - Yes. - That's what you said earlier. - Little bitty thing. It's little. - And where do you keep that? - And I don't even like touching it. - Where do you keep that? - He kept it in his office.
Do you know where Adam is in this office that he particularly kept it? I knew you were going to ask me that. Like I said, if you don't know, that's fine. I am pretty positive he kept it in the drawer at the back of his credenza. Police had already located that weapon. It was not the one that had killed Randy Stone. Okay, I want to ask you something again, like we asked you before. You going in and finding him like you did and everything...
And here's the thing, and please don't take this wrong. I told you before we had to ask questions and things in details. No, I understand. We understand how people think and what goes on sometimes with people. When you went into the office and you located him laying there on the floor and you checked him and yelled at him and everything, we found a cartridge by his feet. Shot a what? A cartridge. A shell casing? Shell casing.
Did you, that's what we're asking you, if there was a gun laid by him or anything and you moved it? - I didn't see anything. I swear, I did not see anything. That's why I didn't know where the blood was coming from. I saw blood under his head and coming from his ear and I saw his eye was swollen and his skin was discolored. So I didn't see anything. I could not figure it out. That's why I thought maybe he hit his head or something. - Okay.
- I have no idea. - Well, that's what we're saying here. 'Cause talking to Joe and talking to some other people, when I brought you up here, somebody else called me too. They said your husband does have the .40 caliber handgun. - He does? - Yes, and that's what we're saying. And you being his wife, you should have seen or known about it.
- The only one that I have ever seen is that little bitty one. Now, like I said, I don't go down in the safe downstairs. So all I know what he has downstairs in the safe is his shotguns. - He carried this one in his briefcase. - He did? - Yeah. - So it's the information we're getting. That's what we're getting told. And that's from somebody who knows him real well. So this is a complete surprise. - Someone took my husband's life away from me. - Yeah.
That's what we're trying to work on here. That's why we're talking to you first. Teresa Stone was giving the impression that she had just learned something about her husband that shifted the way she saw him. Why would he have this secret pistol? And why would he keep it hidden in his briefcase, taking it to and from work with him? I asked him this morning to bring an A-bomb book for me. And I assumed he put it in his briefcase. So I opened his briefcase and
And it wasn't in there, but I didn't see a gun in there. I didn't see anything in there because I opened it up. I don't touch guns. He knows I don't like them and I don't touch them at all. What could he have gotten involved in that led to this assassination? These were the questions everyone was asking, including Randy's church family. Brother Love, Randy's best friend and pastor of New Hope Baptist,
gave a touching sermon at Randy's funeral, hoping to quell the unsettled spirits of those who had just lost someone they may never have known at all. This is what he said: "Randy Stone's name was on the sign over his office at the insurance agency. And how many here really know that Teresa was an agent of that place? She was the cement and the glue, wasn't she?
We come to the Word of God to try to reconcile the difference between man's point of view and that death seems so permanent, and God's point of view, that death is precious. The Bible says in Psalm 116:15, "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." We sit here today and we weep not just because of the separation from our loved one,
but because of all the questions that death brings. Questions like: Why? Why him? Why now? Without answers, death seems so cold. Death seems so distant. It seems so long. Death seems so permanent. How can this death be completely turned to victory? Nothing here looks like victory to me.
The church knew one side of Randy, a God-fearing ex-marine and family man. But maybe the entire congregation, Randy's family, and those who worked with him were simply kept in the dark about another side of Randy's life. Only time and a murder investigation would tell.
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This was a confusing scenario, given Randy's good reputation and high regard within the church. But the crime scene soon revealed more clues. A case with several leads is better than one with none at all. Teresa and her co-worker Peggy were first asked about any odd occurrences at the office. Had anyone strange come in?
Were there any resentful former customers wanting revenge? I asked just before too, there's been no problems with anybody whatsoever? No strange people come in lately acting kind of odd and will threaten to kill anybody? Well, not threaten to kill anybody, but there was one guy that came in probably, and Peggy can vouch for this too because she was there when he walked in. In fact, he came in
He came in once when all three of us were there. Uh-huh. And then my husband said he came back once when he was there by himself. Uh-huh. Do you know who this guy is? No, we have never seen him before. How long ago is this? In February. Okay. This is in February. And I'm sorry, Jerry. Who's Peggy?
She is another lady that works in our office one day a week. She works every Friday. So she's like a customer service person also. Yes. She writes business. She's licensed too. She writes business for us too.
Here's what's really weird in this, and this is just coming to me, because I had laid a $20 bill, which is probably stupid of me, I probably shouldn't have done this, but I laid a $20 bill on her computer screen because we were giving her some money for writing policy for us. So I laid $20 on her thing. Well, it came up missing the day after that guy walked in our office.
They described the man as average height, white, and probably not homeless, but appearing very unkempt. I just remember, I think he asked Peggy for money. He wanted to buy a bus ticket or something. Like I said, I wasn't in there, so I really didn't hear the conversation.
Then, there was the former family friend that tried to kiss Teresa at an event. They all agreed to put the incident behind them.
But it was awkward, and the friendship ended. His name is Matt Beruner? Yeah, he's a client of ours, and he kind of forced himself on me. And so it kind of came out in a conversation. And Randy was not happy when he found out about it. Okay, he forced himself on you... Okay, at the office? No, this was at his house. We were all at his house for a birthday party. Oh, okay.
So he's like a friend of the family then? He's a client. And he is a good friend. And he called and apologized for what he did. And everything's been fine. This was probably a year and a half, two years ago. That's what you said, yeah. Yeah. So everything's been fine since then. I was just wondering why Randy kept the apology letters you wrote him for that long. He keeps every card.
Every letter I write him. Yeah, there's a card too. Yeah. He keeps everything. I keep everything. Was there anything between you and Matt? No, absolutely not. Just he tried to make moves on you. Yes. Did he do anything specific? What angered him?
I mean, you said he tried to force himself on you. Was he trying to physically touch you in a manner or kiss you? Yeah, he was trying to kiss me. Okay. We were at their house looking at the stuff they had done in their basement, and I just went into the bathroom to look what all the stuff they did, and he came in and kind of pushed me up against the wall, and I said, get away from me. And that was about all that happened. Okay. That was about it. It's a bad guy. He's married, I guess. Yes, he's married and has two children. Nice. Nice.
Well, that's a little odd. Randy held on to the apology letters this guy sent Teresa. At first, Teresa made it seem like things were fine between the couples, even to that very day. But she then went on to give a very different impression. You live here in town, does he?
He lives far enough away. Okay. That he can stay there. I don't start trouble for anybody. Right. So that's, you know. Oh my goodness. Police searched every part of that crime scene. There was money on the desk that the assailant had completely looked over. And Randy still had his wallet and keys on him. There was the .40 caliber shell casing on the floor next to Randy's body.
And there was a trash can holding some helpful garbage. Back to the letters, the yellow tablet. In your trash can, they had a letter that somebody had written for you about happy birthday and all that. It's about this big. It was all tore up. And it says something about, you know, something like you're the most beautiful person or some kind of thing like that. It's all these big ramblings of good stuff about, you know, it's about that long, that big. It's a white letter and it's black writing and it's all, but it's all tore up now.
Teresa gave the officer a confused look, furrowing her brow and apparently trying to remember what this ripped up note was all about. There's a bottom of your trash can in your office. Oh. It said happy birthday at the top of it and then at the bottom. Then it had all these initials on the bottom, like there were initials meaning something.
Now listen carefully to Teresa in the interrogation room by herself. Did you hear it? We had to amp up the volume to the max to hear what she had to say, but Teresa whispers very quietly, Great, I forgot about that.
Happy birthday, love. You are very precious to my heart. You possess the most tender spot in my heart.
I care for you more than anyone on earth, and I desire to be with you every moment of every day. Your birthday is my favorite day. I remember nine years ago telling you I had something for you in my office. That was me. I wanted to give you me. That kiss you took, and then you gave me one back. I felt like it was my birthday. Now your birthday has become a sort of anniversary for me.
I love this day so much, and it is all about you. The most amazing woman in all the world. I love you so much. I woke up way before my alarm, and all I could think about was you having a super birthday. I'm not in control of things yet, but when we are fully together, your birthday will always be exciting.
Where was your car at at the office? It's not even the car that I have now. Oh, okay. I believe it was... It's been... That's been several years ago. And I just found that the other day I was looking for my...
what do you call it? Dental card. And I found it in there and... - What was that? A drawer? - No, no, no. It was in my purse. I have a little thingy that I keep all my credit cards in. - Yeah. - And it was in there. - It was a secret mark. - I don't know who he is. - Wow. - I've never gotten another note from him ever. - No calls? - No calls, no nothing. - Have you guys been getting calls at all lately with somebody hanging up or anything? - Yes. Let me think. Was it today or yesterday?
But the calls show up private, so I have no idea. Because my husband answered the phone a couple of times, and, well, no, it's probably more than that. And he said, well, I don't know who they are. They keep hanging up. They're in a similar sort of word to you, like guy or girl? I never answered it. He did. And he never told me. So I don't know if there's any breathing. I don't know if he didn't say. Teresa's got a lot of admirers, doesn't she?
What kind of stranger leaves a note this specific? If it was really a stranger, this is the kind of letter you go to the police about. This is some "I'm gonna skin you and dance around wearing a skin suit" kind of shit. Would there be any problem
These detectives were getting suspicious. I'm not one to not... What am I looking for? Cooperate? And I was sitting here thinking when you watched that, I was thinking, would he...
Is this something that I would have to have my lawyer present with? Or I don't know why I would. Yeah. Yeah, I want you to just be real honest. I think you've been there. On the secret admirer. Uh-huh.
Do you know who this person is? I don't. I'm sorry. I have no idea. I haven't... I'm going with what Detective Stewart had said. He had said something about, said something about happy birthday on it. Yeah. I mean, so did this person know you and know when your birthday was? Evidently they know me. I don't know who they are. I couldn't tell you left from right who the heck he is.
I assume he is a guy. Sorry, I didn't mean that. That would be funny. But I don't, seriously, I have no idea who he is. It's been several years. Like I said, I just found it. I wasn't looking for it. I just ran across it and couldn't believe I still had it. So I thought, I better get rid of it because I surely didn't want my husband to find it. And if he did, I mean, I would just explain to him that it was just left in my car, went
window just like I'm telling you guys I'm being honest with you and I have no idea who he is I don't know it's been several years ago so I I honestly don't know I have never gotten any more letters nothing I've never gotten phone calls no mysterious phone calls no no nothing so I don't know no affairs on the side or anything like that no he hasn't had an affair with someone
And just be honest with me. Several years ago, he did. Okay. But that was right after we got married. Okay. That was a long time ago. Okay. But nothing recently? No. You guys haven't been separated or anything? No, no, no. Issues with him? I mean, he had, he, and I hate to say this, but I feel like you need to know. And be honest with me. You need to know. Because, you know, I mean, anything can help us. He, um...
He had trouble with pornography, so... He had trouble with pornography? Yeah. But we got through all that. Okay, when you say he had trouble with pornography, was he watching it on TV or doing it on a computer? No, he would pull it up on the computer. Okay. But that was...
Oh, so he liked porn like every other normal adult in the world. Okay.
And when you say you got it out of the way, what do you mean by that? Well, he, that's why his computer is the way it is now. He switched his computer so I could see everything. Cucked. Because it used to be like this, so I couldn't see anything. So he turned it like this. So whenever I did walk into his office or walk past his office, I could see everything he was working on.
Because he wanted to be honest with me. He didn't go to any counseling for you? No, no. It wasn't that deep. And it didn't cause any friction that you guys were wanting to get separated? No, no. Or never had to leave the residence or anything? No one left the residence or anything? No, never. Absolutely not. Ever. Never, never, never, never. It never got that bad. Anything else you can think of that would be helpful to us?
I can't think of anything. I hope this is making sense, guys. I'm sorry, but not. No, you're fine. You're great. You're right. We're just trying to put together, like I told you, your knowledge of what we don't know, okay? The small gun Teresa told police Randy kept in the office with him was located, but the gun that killed him, presumably the Glock he kept in his briefcase, was nowhere to be found. Police searched the house to no avail.
That gun was gone. Someone wanted Randy dead not for his money or his assets, and now it was looking less like Randy was the party involved in suspicious activity. To police, it seemed like Teresa might know more than she was letting on. She continued to maintain her stance. She had been on her way to the office after running errands, which she detailed to police with timestamps.
And she arrived at the office to find her husband dead. She claimed she had no idea who on earth would want Randy Stone dead. We're trying to get on with our lives, but it's so hard. I don't even know what to say when I'm sitting down with somebody like in this situation. I never dreamed I would ever be in this situation.
Ever. We were supposed to grow old together and retire together. And you had a beautiful life, didn't you? You've been married for almost 20 years, haven't you? You've got two great kids. You've got a good business. I'm sure you probably have a beautiful home. All I can say is that God has just blessed us tremendously through all of our lives. Through getting married and our children and our church family and our business.
I mean, it's all because of what God has done for us. It's not because of what we've done. It's because of what God has done. We've just tried to be faithful to Him. And I guess that's why I feel like that I've just tried to leave everything in His hands because I know He's in control of everything. Even though I tell my pastor, my youth pastor, I know I'm not supposed to question him, but it's so hard not to.
You just have to, every morning when you wake up, you just have to remember that you have family and friends that love you. I know. And support you. And the Lord's going to look after you. I know. I go on a run every morning. I try to. Yeah. And I just, I talk to God and I talk to my baby. Even though it sounds corny. It's not corny at all. We're going to keep doing what we're doing. We're going to find out who did this. I guarantee you.
We look to this casket and the body here and all the flowers and all the things gathered around and we say, "But we anticipated that he would grow old. We anticipated that we would do more things together." What with the word anticipation and death being swallowed up in victory? How could this be good at all? But Isaiah 25 anticipates something about God.
but anything that defies God, anything built up that defies God. He is saying here in Isaiah 25 in these first three verses that you can anticipate if something is built up to defy God, God will judge that. You can anticipate that God will judge this. A couple of weeks passed.
Randy and Teresa's life insurance agent noted that not 24 hours after Randy's death, Teresa was calling him, asking about the life insurance payout and when it would hit. She believed she'd be getting $725,000 richer. Police continued to gather evidence, trying to match up the handwriting on the mysterious note with someone on their radar.
They pulled Teresa Stone in for questioning again on April 20th, three weeks after Randy's murder. This time, she had a little bit of explaining to do. Come on in, John. Hi. This is John Howe. He's been working with me on a lot of things. I guess they've got... Here's the deal, Teresa. They've got David. Here's the deal. Detective Rose Warren has done... I mean, he's been 100% honest with you. David's in custody and he's talking. Okay? Right now is your chance to...
And you probably have about 10 minutes to tell us everything that's going on with this. Because a lot of the things you're saying doesn't make sense. Okay? It's like Detective Rosenborn said to you, is the first person that comes in and is being 100% truthful is the one that's the winner. Right. Okay? Yes. When did David get the gun? That's the most important thing right now.
The detective keeps mentioning the name David. They had just arrested someone for the murder of Randy Stone, and his name was David Love. At your job, do you ever have to deal with a nose roller? How about a snub pulley?
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We begin with breaking news from South Carolina tonight. Well, that's where police arrested former Independence pastor David Love. He's charged with fugitive of justice. Lisa Benson's in the newsroom with all the details. Now, Lisa. Well, we have new information on the murder of a Metro man. Love is the person of interest in the murder of Randy Stone, who was killed back in March at his farmer's insurance office. Now, according to relatives...
Stone's wife admitted to having an affair with David Love. Stone was also an active member of the New Hope Baptist Church, where Love was the pastor. At one point in the investigation, officers raided the church but never revealed what they found. Love resigned as pastor after the church was raided. That's right, everyone. The loving, doting, and devoted wife, Teresa Stone, was having an affair with her own church pastor.
her husband's best friend. Tell me again, this time be truthful. Tell me what was the nature of your relationship with David. Truly, if you can't do that much, I can't help you, Teresa. If you can't even be honest about that, I cannot help you. Well, obviously he was in love. And I guess I was at one point. How long ago? Just recently. Probably a couple weeks ago. No, well, probably...
About a month ago. About a month ago you felt like you were in love? No, no, no, no. A month ago, I wanted it to end. I wanted to start my life fresh with Randy. Let's back up. I need to know... Oh, nine years ago. Well, I need to know what kind of things have been going on between you and him before you decided that you wanted to put an end to this thing. David Love, by the way, was also married with a family.
Though police made it seem to Teresa like David was in custody, telling them everything, this was far from the truth. Brother Love seemed to know how to deal with police. How you doing, man? I'm fine. How are you? Sorry you have to be here this time of night. It's been a long night for everybody. It's been a long night for Teresa. She's been up here for a while. I guess you know why you're up here.
probably no secret why we need to talk to you. Yeah, she's gone been wanting to talk. Yeah. Well, she's been up here for about eight hours now. Okay. We've learned quite a bit. I'm going to tell you right now that this is not easy because I know that you are, have spent your life, you know, working for the Lord and that you are the leader of a church. But what I know now, I mean, this is hard. It's not going to be easy.
You just need to probably find it in your heart to have the courage, you know, to be truthful. And, you know, like I said, put it in the Lord's hands that you need to be truthful with me in this room. Because if you're not, you know, if you're not, then it's probably not going to go real well. Having been informed of your rights, do you wish to talk to me? Well, I'd rather, definitely rather have a lawyer present. It's up to you. I think that would be, here we are in the middle of the night. Mm-hmm.
David Love may have kept his lips tightly sealed in the interrogation room, but similar to the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, Teresa thought David had already perished. So, she committed metaphorical suicide by confessing. Only later would she learn that
that she alone exposed the two of them for what they were, selfish teenagers masquerading around as valuable members of society. I'm telling you, this is the motive. This is the reason that your husband is dead. It's up to you to tell us exactly what happened, exactly what was going on. Now, I've got about 20 detectives out here. I'm going to be honest with you. I've got about 20 detectives out here.
that want to take this to a grand jury today, tomorrow. They think there's enough evidence against you to have you charged because they think you're involved in this. Not that you killed him, but that you have something to do with this. Do you know why? Because of this? Because your statement that you gave the other night to Detective Stewart is full of inconsistencies and some truths?
I'm telling you, they have torn that statement apart. We have a page and a half of things that's not jiving, all right? Like what? I have told you everything that happened on that day. Well, I'm telling you that they have... I have the seeds to show you. My daughter was with me. Are you kidding me? That's what I'm telling you. That there's trouble here, Teresa. There's trouble here.
You have got to tell us what happened that day. And if you don't tell us, then I'm telling you, I've been doing this for 24 years. I'm telling you, I can see the direction that this is going. And if you're not truthful with me and tell me everything that's going on and what you know, you're going to be a soul out on a plank all by yourself. My investigators believe that you are involved in this either in the cover-up. There is no way. I'm telling you.
I would not. I would never do anything to hurt my husband. After quite a bit of prying, Teresa finally spilled the beans. She knew about the whole plan, and this affair wasn't just a one-time thing either. Teresa and Pastor David Love had been having an ongoing intimate relationship for, get this, 10 years. Teresa, he doesn't...
Our bosses are out there, and they're not very nice. Okay? I understand. And when you sit here, and you're saying, I have to think about this, I have to think, you know what the conversation is, and I understand you're scared. I just... I... All he told me was... All he said was, I have a way to get the gun. I have a way to get the gun. I can make it happen. Okay. And did you say, how do you have a way? I said, no. I kept telling him to...
Leave it in God's hands. If he wants us to be together, God will put us together. Just leave it alone. I just kept telling him that. I kept telling him that all the time. Just leave it alone. Let God take care of it. If he wants us to be together, we will be together. He told me, he just kept telling me that love will make you do crazy things. He said, I will kill for you, is what he told me. And I said, no, you won't.
Leave it alone. Did you know he was talking about Randy when he was saying this? I was hoping not. Come on now. Who else would he even be talking about? This whole thing went much deeper than anyone realized. Police soon uncovered a history that included a miscarriage between Teresa and David, burner phones, secret meetings, wedding plans, and plans to murder David's wife also. This was something they often talked about.
how they'd like their wedding to be. They discussed flowers and colors, all from their burner phones that they purchased to communicate only with each other. That certainly explains why Teresa was so willing to hand her personal cell phone right over to police early on in the investigation. By February of 2010, just a month before Randy's murder, David Love had purchased an engagement ring for Teresa.
On March 16th, Randy sent David Love an email letting him know that he was resigning from his duties at New Hope Baptist Church. Unbeknownst to Teresa, who thought that after Randy's death she would receive all the life insurance payouts, Randy had changed the beneficiaries of his policies to his children back in 2005. It's almost as if Randy knew what was coming.
We know that Randy was killed with his own Glock. We went out to your house or your parents house and got shell cases, okay? From when he used to target shoot. And yeah, we already told you, they told you that night that they found a shell case in the scene. The ballistics, all that was checked out. They were same weapon for those shell cases. I want to know how anybody could get into that office, get that Glock and shoot your husband.
Because we're talking about the former war guy, the Marine, the guy who knows karate, the guy who was on his game, the guy who was always looking around and looking around for you. How would anybody get that gun away from you? I don't know. I have no idea. I keep asking myself that all the time. I don't understand it. We know that whoever went in there, one, knew the gun was in there.
and how to find it and i didn't even know he had it in the office or two somebody gave the gun to them and they walked in there with his gun but if and that makes more sense because nobody randy's not going to let just anybody go into his office and go through dresser drawers right i'll be honest with you right now i mean we've talked to all kinds of people you've been married to this man for 20 years and he's laying there the way he's laying with all that trauma
And to see that, that would send most people flying out the door, flying out the door, screaming for help. If nothing else, people, they want to get away from that. They want to get away from that. What did Teresa do?
You actually walked over the top of him. I was trying not to panic. But you had a cell phone. I didn't even think about using my cell phone. Your reactions are just so abnormal. Listen to me. I'm telling you all these little things that people see. People see these things and they say, that doesn't sound like somebody that just walked in and found her spouse dead.
For hours, Teresa tearfully exclaimed that she had nothing to do with the planning of Randy's murder, but the evidence suggested otherwise. The evidence was telling detectives that Teresa was involved and that she was lying.
And it could be that influence that David has over you. You just, you yourself might not even be able to identify it. Teresa, you understand that? You may not know the power he has over you. I know. I'm being honest with you. Teresa, God knows your heart. I know he does. And I am telling you. He knows what you did. That is true. Does he know what you did? He knows what I did. I did not do anything.
He knows that I had a relationship with David. He knows what we had talked about. And he knows my heart. And he knows what I tried to do. What did you try to do? I tried to tell him to leave it alone. No, you wouldn't. No. What do you think should happen to David? What do you think should happen to David Love? I don't know. What do you want to happen to him? I want him put away for life. He took my husband's life. What do you want to happen to you? I just...
I want to come back to my family. The only person that can do that is you. What else, Teresa? I am telling you the truth. You're not telling all of the truth. I am too. Teresa. I don't understand what you want from me. What else? I don't... I know I'm not missing anything. Please help me if I am. I want to know if I'm forgetting something, but I... I know I'm not.
After Teresa allowed David Love to murder her husband, she then allowed him to preside over Randy's funeral. Doesn't get much more evil than this.
I came to this city 11 years ago and in March of 1999 I met Randy Stone. Randy Stone was still in the reserves in the army and he was active in the military and he would tell me things about his military service. Y2K. Anybody can relate to Y2K? Raise your hand. Y2K. Now, Randy was capital Y2K. I met Randy, he said,
"Hey, I'm putting MREs in my basement. I've got water," he said. Now one thing about Randy Stone, I loved it when I was around him, but I usually wanted my wife to be between Randy and me because if you would ever sit by him, he would bruise your arm. Now wouldn't he? He said every airplane is going to fall out of the sky at the moment of Y2K. All the money in the bank. You better get your money out of the bank. He was just big on that.
You know what he was anticipating? A storm. And he was making his refuge. That's what he knew to do. That was Randy. Preparation. The final word is preparation. You see, there is nothing more that we can do for Randy Stone. There is nothing more that we can do for him. He'll never have another thought in this body, or another emotion, another hunger pain.
He'll never be able to sign another policy or kiss his wife on this side of glory. The preparation now is all about what he did before last Wednesday, to be precious in the sight of the Lord. At death, you gotta make a preparation. He prepared himself to meet Jesus, and only Jesus can take his soul to heaven. Clara, I'm glad you didn't have any more Randys, but
Boy, did you have one. Randy's death is not in vain." The truth is really the exact opposite of the sacrilegious eulogy given by David Love. Randy's death was in vain and he had not prepared to meet Jesus. David knew all this and yet he still stood behind the pulpit, the one that had served him well over ten years.
and told lies over the dead body of his best friend. Randy's mother, Clara, sat and listened to the speech at her son's funeral, having no idea that both the pastor and her own daughter-in-law were responsible for the entire thing. We always had to have asparagus because he loved asparagus. And we only buy Green Giant, you know, just silly things like that. I...
Nice couple Christmases, I eat asparagus and I'll take a bite. And then I'll take another and I'll say, son, this is for you. I was proud of my son. I thought he was a good father and husband, but maybe he wasn't a good husband. I don't know. I would have rather she'd fall for divorce, even though I don't believe in divorce. But I'd rather do that. If you're that unhappy, divorce them. Don't kill them.
When David Love was arrested in November of 2010, he had already moved to South Carolina and had begun a new job as a truck driver. I wonder if it's because he started to feel a little uncomfortable in the church. Maybe a little hot under the collar, if you know what I mean. He pled guilty to second-degree murder a year later.
and was ultimately sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole after 25 years. He will be eligible in 2036. As for Teresa Stone, she pled guilty to conspiracy to commit murder and received an eight-year prison sentence. Eight years for murdering your husband. I got nothing.
She has since been released and is living a happy life with a new man. Her new name is Teresa Greenewalt. And she lives in Kansas City, by the way. Just a side note. I think Teresa needs help. That's what hurts bad is I love Teresa. But I just wanted her to at least get enough time to sit there and think, was it worth it? You know, why not just get a divorce?
At least I'd have my son and the kids would have their father. Teresa Stone and David Love, together in many instances of selfishness and stupidity, ruined so many lives in pursuit of their immature romance. How could these people holier than thou, raised to know God, how could they have come to the conclusion that murder was the best solution here? How are human beings so literally immoral
goddamn hypocritical. If they really believed the things that they preached, how could Teresa and David have been stupid enough to think that the God they believed in would just let them get away with it? Alright, that's going to do it for another one. Thank you for joining us once again. We'll see you next time. Stay safe.
♪♪♪ ♪♪♪
Hi, I just listened to the most recent episode about Amelia Bassoon. It's my first time calling and I have to say, the stories you select and the production value is just impeccable. It's so good. But I just wish you would stop fucking talking. Like, your commentary makes me stupider every time I listen to it. Like, you are the most...
misogynistic, ridiculous human being. And like the show would be better if you would just leave your opinion out of it. Like just stop talking. Just talking. Just talking. Just Jesus Christ.
Outro Music
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