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You Might Also Like The Burden: Empire On Blood

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The Confessions of Anthony Raimondi

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Mark Smerling
Steve Fishman
Mark Smerling: 本集介绍了Steve Fishman的播客《帝国之血》及其续集《重担》的导演剪辑版,讲述了发生在20世纪90年代初期纽约布朗克斯区的故事,两个年轻的毒贩统治着被称为“血之街角”的街区。 Steve Fishman深入调查了这起案件,并最终发布了《帝国之血》的导演剪辑版。 卡尔文·布哈里: 我承认自己是毒贩,但我不是杀人犯。哈里斯兄弟的死与我无关,他们只是因为侮辱了我而被杀害。我被指控犯下双重谋杀罪,这完全是错误的指控。我的前保护人为了自保而作伪证,这让我蒙受了不白之冤。我为自己的自由而战,希望找到一位愿意相信我的律师。 迈伦·贝尔多克律师的出现给了我一线希望,他尽心尽力地为我辩护,即使他身患重病。我感激他的帮助和关心,他让我感受到了一种从未有过的被关爱和尊重。 叙述者: 本播客讲述了卡尔文·布哈里因涉嫌谋杀哈里斯兄弟而被判终身监禁的故事。他的前保护人指证他犯下双重谋杀罪,而卡尔文本人则坚称自己无罪。 故事中涉及到毒品交易、背叛、以及一个与法律抗争了二十年的男人的故事。作者Steve Fishman深入调查了此案,并与卡尔文保持了长期的联系。他被卡尔文的故事所吸引,并试图揭示真相。 迈伦·贝尔多克律师,一位传奇律师,在身患重病的情况下仍然接手了卡尔文的案子,并尽力为其辩护。 迈伦·贝尔多克: 我相信卡尔文是无辜的。检察官在卡尔文的案子中故意做了错事,他们没有认真工作,而是故意做了错事。我会尽我所能为卡尔文辩护,即使我身患重病。 人们有权表达自己的观点,很多人认为那些严重参与毒品交易的人不值得同情。但我更关注的是检察官的错误行为,他们剥夺了卡尔文年轻的生命。我会一直战斗到最后一刻。

Deep Dive

This episode introduces the story of Calvin Buari and his protege, two drug dealers in New York City. The protege accused Buari of a double homicide, leading to Buari's life sentence. This podcast explores Buari's appeal and the events leading up to his conviction.
  • Calvin Buari and his protege ruled a corner known as the Corner of Blood.
  • The protege accused Buari of killing the Harris brothers.
  • Buari maintains his innocence and is appealing his life sentence.

Shownotes Transcript

The Burden: Empire on Blood is set in the Bronx, NY, in the early 90s, when two young drug dealers ruled an intersection known as “The Corner on Blood.” The boss, Calvin Buari, lived large. He and a protege swore they would build an empire on blood. Then the relationship frayed and the protege accused Calvin of a double homicide which he claimed he didn’t do. But did he? 

Award-winning journalist Steve Fishman spent years trying to untangle this dark intrigue. Then one day, his phone rang. It was the protege. The Burden: Empire on Blood is one man’s last chance to overturn his life sentence. But someone’s gotta pay.


The Burden: Empire on Blood is the director’s cut of the true crime classic Empire on Blood, which reached #1 on the charts when it was released half a dozen years ago.


*Empire on Blood *is a production of Orbit Media in association with Signal Co. No1

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