cover of episode #527 - Killing The Princess - Aspen, Colorado

#527 - Killing The Princess - Aspen, Colorado

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Small Town Murder

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James Pietragallo
Jimmie Whisman
James Pietragallo和Jimmie Whisman: 本期节目讲述了发生在科罗拉多州阿斯彭的一起社会名流谋杀案,受害者Nancy Pfister与众多名人交往,她的死引发了全城恐慌。调查显示,凶手可能不止一人,但William Styler却声称是自己单独作案,这其中是否隐藏着与妻子Nancy Styler和受害者朋友Kathy Carpenter的秘密?节目中还探讨了阿斯彭高昂的生活成本、名人与毒品的关系以及凶手供词的可信度等问题。 Nancy Pfister: 作为阿斯彭的社交名流,Nancy Pfister生活奢靡,周游世界,结识各界人士,包括王子公主、演员和艺术家等。她性格奔放,不拘小节,与姐妹关系紧张,并与租客William和Nancy Styler夫妇发生冲突,最终导致悲剧发生。她与众多名人交往,生活方式也比较放纵,这可能也为悲剧埋下了伏笔。 Kathy Carpenter: 作为Nancy Pfister的多年好友兼管家,Kathy Carpenter与Nancy Pfister关系复杂,曾因酒驾事件发生冲突,后又和好。在Nancy Pfister遇害后,她第一时间报警,但其证词前后矛盾,且被发现从Nancy Pfister的保险箱中取走现金和珠宝,成为警方怀疑对象。 William Styler: William Styler及其妻子Nancy Styler因经济困难租住Nancy Pfister的豪宅,并与Nancy Pfister发生激烈的租金纠纷。William Styler最终承认自己用锤子杀害了Nancy Pfister,并声称自己独自一人作案,是为了减轻妻子的压力。但他对案情的描述前后矛盾,且证据显示其妻子Nancy Styler也可能参与其中。 Nancy Styler: Nancy Styler与其丈夫William Styler共同租住受害者Nancy Pfister的房屋,并因租金问题与受害者发生冲突。虽然她否认参与谋杀,但她的证词前后矛盾,且有证据显示她曾多次表达对Nancy Pfister的憎恨,甚至表示想要杀死她。她的手机定位数据也显示她在案发时出现在案发现场附近。 Juliana Pfister和Christina Pfister: 作为受害者Nancy Pfister的女儿和姐妹,她们对母亲的死感到悲痛,并对凶手表示谴责。她们对案件的调查结果表示不满,并认为凶手不止一人。她们也对媒体将母亲描述为“社交名媛”表示不满,认为这无法体现母亲的慈善家身份。

Deep Dive

Nancy Pfister, daughter of Aspen pioneers Art and Betty Pfister, was a prominent socialite known for her adventurous spirit and connections to celebrities like Goldie Hawn and Jack Nicholson. She traveled the world, befriended royalty, and was deeply involved in the Aspen community.
  • Nancy Pfister was a well-known socialite in Aspen, with ties to numerous celebrities.
  • She was the daughter of Art and Betty Pfister, founders of the Buttermilk Ski Area.
  • Nancy was known for her world travels and adventurous lifestyle.

Shownotes Transcript

This week, in Aspen, Colorado, when a woman discovers her friend's dead body, wrapped up like a mummy, the whole town freaks out. The victim was a friend to uncountable celebrities, even having her baby shower with Goldie Hawn. The evidence leads investigators to believe that more than one person must've done the killing, but one man says it was him, and him alone. But is he covering for his wife & the victim's friend? A twisted tale of lies & betrayal!!

Along the way, we find out that millionaires can't afford to live in Aspen anymore, that when you hang out with Hunter S Thompson, you're probably familiar with drugs, and that just because a murderer says he murdered alone, it doesn't mean he's telling the truth!!

Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie Whisman

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