cover of episode #522 - Facebook Catfish Killer - Old Town, Maine

#522 - Facebook Catfish Killer - Old Town, Maine

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James Pietragallo和Jimmie Whisman: 本集讲述了2013年发生在缅因州老城镇一起由Facebook引发的谋杀案,凶手Kyle Doobie假扮他人,诱骗15岁少女Nicole Cable到偏僻路段,将其绑架并杀害。案情离奇,证据确凿,最终Kyle Doobie被判犯有谋杀和绑架罪。 Kyle Doobie: Kyle Doobie否认杀害Nicole Cable,并试图通过各种方式掩盖罪行,包括伪造Facebook账号,编造不在场证明,以及在狱中写下多份互相矛盾的供词。 Sarah Mersinger: Kyle Doobie的女友Sarah Mersinger向警方提供了关键信息,包括案发经过和尸体埋藏地点,成为破案的关键证人。 Dustin Doobie: Kyle Doobie的兄弟Dustin Doobie也向警方证实了Kyle Doobie的犯罪事实,进一步佐证了警方的调查结果。 Todd Nelson: Nicole Cable的老师Todd Nelson回忆了Nicole Cable生前的情况,以及Kyle Doobie在校期间的表现,为案件提供了背景信息。 Christine Cable和Jason Cable: Nicole Cable的父母Christine Cable和Jason Cable在案件中表达了失去女儿的悲痛,并对Kyle Doobie的残忍行径表示谴责。

Deep Dive

In Old Town, Maine, 20-year-old Kyle Doobie, obsessed with 15-year-old Nicole Cable, catfished her using a fake Facebook account, pretending to be a boy from school. He lured her out, abducted, and murdered her, later confessing to his brother and girlfriend.
  • Kyle Doobie, 20, developed an obsession with 15-year-old Nicole Cable.
  • Doobie used a fake Facebook profile to lure Cable out of her home.
  • Cable was abducted, murdered, and her body was found near Gilman Falls.

Shownotes Transcript

This week, in Old Town, Maine, a young lady is lured from her house by a Facebook message from a friend. But it turns out that this wasn't the person she thought it was, and was actually a very different young man, who had a plan, sneak up on her, kidnap her, drop her off in a field... then come to her "rescue", and be treated as hero, while gaining her affection. The problem is, all he does is murder her, in cold blood. Will all the evidence in the world, and pages of handwritten confessions be enough to convict??

Along the way, we find out that you need beer gardens to tolerate local bands, that you never know exactly who you're talking to on social media, and that if you don't want to be caught for a murder, maybe you shouldn't tell everyone you come in contact with!!

Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie Whisman

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