cover of episode #512 - Men At Work - Goomboorian, Queensland, Australia

#512 - Men At Work - Goomboorian, Queensland, Australia

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Small Town Murder

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
James Pietragallo
James Pietragallo和Jimmie Whisman:本期节目讲述一起发生在澳大利亚昆士兰州Goomboorian小镇的谋杀案,案件涉及错综复杂的关系和残忍的作案手法,受害者Bruce Saunders被肢解后扔进碎木机。 Bruce Saunders:一个心地善良、渴望爱情的屠夫,他经历了丧偶和离婚的痛苦,在寻求爱情的过程中遭遇不幸,在与Sharon Graham交往期间,他为其购买了巨额人寿保险,并最终被Sharon Graham及其同谋杀害。 Sharon Graham:一个不务正业、贪图钱财的女人,她同时与多名男子保持不正当关系,并策划杀害Bruce Saunders以获取其财产和人寿保险金。她行为古怪,多次搬家,其男友都跟随她。她还试图让女儿的男友使其怀孕,并把孩子给她和Bruce Saunders抚养。 Peter Koenig:Sharon Graham的男友之一,卡车司机,参与了谋杀案,并最终承认罪行并指证了Sharon Graham和Gary Roser。 Gary Roser:Sharon Graham的男友之一,卡车司机,参与了谋杀案,并试图掩盖真相。 Barry Collins:Sharon Graham的前男友,提供了关于Sharon Graham计划杀害Bruce Saunders的信息,并表示Sharon Graham是一个诚实而胆小的人。 其他证人:提供了关于Sharon Graham行为古怪、贪财以及与多名男子保持不正当关系的证词,证实了Sharon Graham的犯罪行为。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

This week, in Goomboorian, Queensland, Australia, a man finds the woman he believes he will spend the rest of his life with. Only problem is that she's already spending her life with several other people. A murderous plot is quickly hatched between a trio of really awful people. This would be bad enough, but did they need to use the industrial sized woodchipper? A twisted tale of messed up relationships, between some equally messed up people!!

Along the way, we find out that pumpkin rolling is considered fine Australian theater, that babies smell good, so you don't throw them from a moving car, and that a lady must have something going on, if she can get multiple men to kill for her, and give her money!!

Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie Whisman

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