cover of episode #498 - The Mysterious Disappearing Murderer - Jackson, New Hampshire

#498 - The Mysterious Disappearing Murderer - Jackson, New Hampshire

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James Pietragallo和Jimmie Whisman详细讲述了发生在新罕布什尔州杰克逊的谋杀案,受害者是经营当地旅馆的Mal和Betty Jennings夫妇。他们的女儿Paige与比她大28岁的Glide Earl Meek交往,Meek有犯罪前科,并且性格复杂。Mal和Betty强烈反对Paige与Meek交往,这导致了家庭矛盾。最终,Mal和Betty被发现死于家中,死状惨烈。Meek随后逃离现场,并留下了一封信,声称他和Paige一起自杀。然而,调查人员对这封信的真实性表示怀疑,并对Meek和Paige的生死存亡展开调查。 调查人员在佛罗里达州发现了一辆可疑的菲亚特汽车,并在附近发现两具烧焦的尸体。经过法医鉴定,其中一具尸体被确认是Paige Jennings。然而,对于Meek的生死,调查人员存在分歧。一些人认为Meek伪装自杀,另一些人则认为他仍然在逃。案件的真相扑朔迷离,引发了广泛的关注和讨论。最终,经过多年的调查,警方认定Meek和Paige均已死亡,案件得以结案。

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Hello, everybody, and welcome back to Small Town Murder Express. Yay and choo-choo! Oh, yay indeed, Jimmy. Yay indeed. My name is James Petrigallo. I'm here with my co-host. I'm Jimmy Wissman. Thank you, folks, so much for joining us all aboard the murder train. Let's do this. Pulling away from the station, we got...

Wild stuff for you today, as usual. A mystery and a weird country lyric thrown in. The whole thing is weird. It's going to be some weird stuff. Can't wait to get to that. Before we do, I just want to say, first of all, our 500th episode is coming up. The next Friday Express episode that you will hear will be our 500th episode. Unbelievable.

We were very excited, obviously. 500 episodes to last is pretty great. So what we're doing is we're asking you guys for help, everybody out there, because you always have such great suggestions. And we'd like to know what's the craziest murder we can find for the 500th episode. Hit me up on Instagram. Do it up there. I'm at my name, James Petrogallo, P-I-E. So check that out and subscribe.

Just give me a suggestion because we'd love to find the best one possible. It's 500. Let's party. It's a celebration. It's a big deal. Yeah. Let's do it. Next off, you definitely want to go to Mm-hmm.

Do that for sure, because there you're going to get all the tickets to live shows. Yeah. New merch. There's new T-shirts up and all that kind of stuff. So get those right now. Tickets to. Well, you can't. You're not going to Durham. It's going to be too late for you, probably. So get your tickets for September. Minneapolis. Also, Kansas City. We added more tickets for Kansas City. You can go now. It's sold out really fast. Austin, Oklahoma City. And of course, Boston and New York at the end of the year.

They're selling fast, so don't wait. You will not be able to get in there. You want some good seats. These tickets move quick, and thank you all for doing it. Absolutely. Let's make it big. Let's do it. Fill them up. Fill them up. slash Crime and Sports is where you get all the bonus material. That's a whole other strain of shows is what that is, a whole other thread of shows.

And you're going to get bonus episodes that are over an hour long or an hour-ish long. And you get new ones. Your first subscription, you're going to get all of them, hundreds of back episodes of them immediately. New ones every other week. Anybody $5 a month or above. And one crime in sports, one small-town murder, and you get what? You get it all.

You get it all. This week, which you're going to get for Crime and Sports, we're going to talk about all the New England Patriots cheating scandals. They're plentiful and they're fun, so we'll talk about those. Then for Small Town Murder, Ed Gein Part 2. So much more weird shit to talk about with Ed with his...

personality quirks, the psychology behind him, the final resting place of his house and everything else. We'll find out all of that stuff. Don't you worry about that. That and more. slash Crime in Sports. So there you go. Also, shut up and give me murder like we said for everything, all of your needs. Also, listen to our other two shows, Crime in Sports and Your Stupid Opinions. Oh, boy. Where we make fun of people's reviews from the internet about everything under the sun from... There's so much.

Dildos to water parks. It's everything. You can't imagine it. So check all that out. It's a lot of fun. That said, I think it's time, everybody. Here we go. Let's do this to sit back. I don't care where you are right now. Where are you right now? I don't care. I don't care if you are teaching a class of third graders. Oh, boy. I want you to scare the hell out of them. Just scare them. Slam your hands down on your desk. Arms to the sky. And let's all shout.

Shut up and give me murder. Let's do this, everybody. Okay. Let's go on a trip, shall we? Let's do it. Let's go somewhere. The extreme northeast. Let's go up there. Skipping through the field. Skipping through. We're going to eastern New Hampshire here. We're going to New Hampshire. It's Jackson, New Hampshire is the name of it. It's in far eastern New Hampshire near the main border over there. And it's a little bit north in New Hampshire, too. Okay.

This is in the White Mountains. This is like skiing country. It's mountainous. Yeah, it's good stuff. Nice area here. It's about- Up by the lakes. It's pretty. This is a very pretty area. This is where people go on vacation. Yeah. You go here for, if you're from Boston, you go here for a week in the summer and it's beautiful. It's where What About Bob was supposedly, where they were supposed, they didn't film it there, but like when a Pesaki is up there. It's that area, yep. And it's got these covered bridges that people, like this one covered bridge, it looks just like the one from Funny Farm. Yeah. And it's-

It's just like that. It's one of those. It's country as fuck, man. It is. It's about an hour and a half to Portland, Maine. That's the nearest place of any big place. And then three hours to Boston. So if you want to get there. A lot of times Boston people live in New Hampshire, but not all the way up here. Not up there. No. It's about...

Two and a half hours to Lempster, New Hampshire, which was episode 443, our last New Hampshire episode. Writing your murder script. That I remember. Guy was an idiot. So this is in Carroll County. Population is 998 people here. Wow.

Wow. Small mountain town. Those are the permanent residents, and then people come more in the winter and also in the summer. They've got to be wealthy, right? Well, no. The median household income here, $70,341. Okay. So they're doing okay, but it's not. About the national average. And the median home price here, $541,500. Very expensive. They have a motto here, Bridging the Centuries.

OK, they're trying to it's old. It's old school shit. It's historic. And they got a bridge. So they put that all in one like Mount Washington is big there. That's the hiking and camping in the White Mountain National Forest and all of that. A little bit of history quickly. The town was first named New Madberry.

Which sounds like a mental institution. You're going to get sent to New Madberry if you keep acting like that. Like drooling and throwing shit. There's a Madberry in UK, obviously. Everything here is new, but it's

I don't know. It's named after something old. Yeah, and it's new, Madberry. So, yeah, there was a Madberry that they named it after. In 1772, a road was built through Pinkham Notch, and that's where our stuff happens is in Pinkham Notch. Pinkham Notch. Pinkham, P-I-N-K-H-A-M, Pinkham Notch.

And this area was first settled in 1778. Then by 1800, the community was renamed after President John Adams, who just became president. So they were like, cool. They called it Adams. And that stuck for about 30 years. And then they got lost a little steam for John Adams, weren't so excited with him anymore. Yeah.

Number two? Who cares about that guy? They need to stop naming their town after flavors of the month because things are excited about now. Because then in 1829, they renamed it Jackson after Andrew Jackson because he was the hero of the Battle of New Orleans.

And then he became president, as we know, and did some very not nice things. And so racist bird for it's it's wild here. The governor at the time was a big backer of Andrew Jackson. So he was influential in this. Only one vote was cast against the switch in the whole town. Everybody did it. Then in 2021, the town residents again voted.

decided that it's now not named after Andrew. And this is stupid because you named it after Andrew Jackson. Just say that's what it was. It was a long time ago. What do you want from us? Instead, they say now it's to honor geologist Charles Thomas Jackson, who no one's ever fucking heard of.

Whatever. I don't care. Either way. I mean, don't name towns after Andrew Jackson and then don't rename them after geologists. That's my advice. In 1983, they said it was after Michael Jackson. Yeah. By the mid-90s, they were like, no, no, no, no, no, no. It's after Latoya Jackson. Yeah, that's right. That's better. They said it was Janet Jackson. Then the Super Bowl thing happened. Her tit came out and they went, God damn it. Can one fucking nice person named Jackson exist? Please.

I don't care. So it's best known for its red-covered bridge known as the Honeymoon Bridge. And it was built in 1876.

And it's still there? Still there and one of the most photographed things in the state. And you're crazy for driving a modern car over it. Never. Never. No. I'd take a picture of it. I'd look at it. I'd walk across it. The cars it was built to hold weighed like 1,300 pounds. Well, fuck. The cars it was built to hold had horses in front of them, first of all. The cars that it was built to hold shit as they walked.

Those horses still weighed more than the fucking cars that came after. Oh, shit. Yeah, those were like little buggies, those things. Like kids' toys, the first cars. So reviews of this town. Here's five stars. Quintessential New England town.

That makes sense. Easy to meet new friends, wonderful community, great restaurants, close to hiking, skiing, downhill, and cross-country. Right. Great views, lots of activities, bike club, pickleball, hiking groups, et cetera, et cetera. Many nonprofit volunteer opportunities, Habitat, Kiwanis, Observatory, et cetera. Medical services lacking, grocery store limited choices. You're in the middle of the mountains. You've got 900 people. What do you want? Yeah. Overrun with tourists at times. Closed.

closest airport a few hour drive. Yeah, because you're going to have to go to Portland to then go to Boston or just drive to Boston. That's going to be your choice there. Four stars. I love this town. Do you? I love it. It's small, outdoorsy, and people take a lot of pride in it. I wish there were more affordable housing options.

Yeah, it's nice. That's why it's also nice. The nicer the place is, usually that's expensive because a lot of people like to live in nice places. That's the problem. The other thing is that those communities, when those homes are so historic, you're not allowed to level it unless it catches on fire, man. Exactly.

Look, yeah, these people have inherited these houses, too, and all that. They didn't all buy it. This shit has history. It's very historic. Things to do here. I don't know how historic this is. The Wild Quack Duck Race and Music Festival.

Okay. And rubber ducks. They put – there's this creek with – it looks like there's – it's like shallow, but it looks rapid-y and there's rocks everywhere. And they just release shitloads of rubber ducks into it, which just seems like pollution at that point. I feel like you're not going to find all of those. I guess they try their best to scoop them all out, right? I guess. So they go – they start a parade at the covered bridge.

And then they go in and do their whole deal there. They have a, you get this, enjoy the start of summer with a two night stay package, a small cheese and quackers plate, quote unquote, everything's duck to official duck entries and Sunday's race. Additional ducks are to enter our $6 each or four for 20 breakfasts and afternoon refreshments. Of course, they'll be ducky. It says, uh,

Right. Duck shit and ducky goodies, it says. So and if that's not enough for you, if I haven't convinced you to be here. Well, it says then family fun filled day in the park that offers rubber rubber ducky races, live music with local favorites, Al Schaffner.

Yeah. And Dennis and Davey. I mean, I didn't know they were back together. That's the thing. I, I've seen Dennis and I've seen Davey like separately and they're fine, but like together is, you know, that's their, it's, they're going to be better obviously together. Yeah. They're both taking less money to do this gig. They're to Voltron themselves together again, get this done. And finally, a special appearance by a new England favorite comedian. Oh, Bucky Lewis. Yeah.

Would you like to see Bucky Lewis? Oh, Bucky. Oh, he's got two chainsaws. He's got a he's got one of those fucking hats with the ear flaps. He's got a look on his face like he's like, what am I doing? And he's got a big chainsaw and a guitar in the other hand. And here is him. Oh, no shirt. No shirt. No pants. He said, Bert Kreischer takes his shirt off. I'll do you one better. Here's my dick.

With a guitar over it. Block my dick with this fucking Les Paul. Bucky Lewis. I would kill myself if I had to watch Bucky Lewis based on his pictures. They can't afford Bob Marley? Jesus. Entry is free. Thank fuck. Moving on.

I would not pay shit for that. Let's see here. Let's talk about a murder, shall we, everybody? Or more than one murder. Let's talk about some murder. Some murder. This is going to be 10 pounds of murder in a two-pound bag here. And I wanted this to, as we go up to 500, I wanted to really, let's build it, man. Sure. For an explosion of 500. Did Bucky do this? 500 money shot that Bucky would...

Be proud of. He wants $500. He wants $500 for that. All right, let's go back in time here to 1985. Okay, let's talk about some people at the time. One is Malcolm Bailey Jennings is his name. He's 54 years old in 1985, and he is married to a woman named Elizabeth. Elizabeth Ellen Anderson Jennings. Wow.

when they got married. She's 47. So they're 54 and 47. It's 1985. And Malcolm and Elizabeth, they go by Mal and Betty as Betty is short for Elizabeth very often. So they also have a daughter and a son. They have a son named Christopher. He was born in 1961. And then they have a daughter named Paige who was born in 1964. And Paige is P-A-G-E. Not, there's no I in there. Just like a page in a book.

Now, Mal and Betty own and run the Dana Place Inn, which is an inn of charming. It's a place where you'd go. It's like it's charming. It's in Pinkham Notch. It's in the mountains. It's like a bed and breakfast type joint. New England Inn is fucking legit. It's awesome. This is like exactly what you'd want to in the middle of nowhere. It's not in like a city area with a bunch of tourists. You're getting French press in the morning.

morning. Oh, it's going to be awesome. It's going to be nice. It's going to, there's imagine how good the breakfast is. You know, it's probably good. I don't even like breakfast. It's fantastic. It's going to be great. They've been running this place since 1960. So Jesus, 25 years, they've been running this place. They like the first one.

They bought it, and then their son was born the next year, and then they've just been raised. This is the family business, is this inn. So they're always there. And it's year-round, because in the summer there's people there, because it's beautiful for hiking. And then in the winter, there's the skiers. And in the fall, they come just to look at leaves. So it's beautiful. Now, Paige, a little bit about her. She's tall.

Real tall girl, Paige. You know, pretty, brown hair, that kind of thing. She's athletic, too. A champion javelin thrower and a high school honor student as well.

So, I mean, she is like an athlete, a student. She's doing it all. She ends up going to Simmons College in Boston but drops out of Simmons College. She drops out pretty early here too. She drops out in her, you know, I think her second year, sophomore year. She takes off and moves to Alaska.

Oh, yeah. Which is where you go to run from things. So I don't know what she's running from. Yeah. How much does she hate New England? I think maybe it's one of those things where she being in the family business all your life like that, like give her no families that are like in the restaurant business. Their kids go to the restaurant after school. They do their homework in the corner table that nobody's using. They leave the restaurant at 11 o'clock with mom and dad and go home. It's a.

It's a weird business, and if it's an inn, they're there all the time. So it's, you know. My friend's family ran that Chinese food restaurant on the corner of 32nd and Shea. That poor kid came to school stinking of kitchen. Poor kid. You spend your whole day there. I remember that. It's awful. It's terrible, man. Yeah, you always do that. So she takes off for Alaska, where no one's going to –

No one's going to tell her to live at this place. So her brother, Christopher, wrote an article in the paper. It's a small place about her leaving such a small place that she's going to Alaska. It's in the newspaper. And this isn't 19, you know, 22. This is 1985 here. You know, fucking back to the future was out for Christ's sake. This is. But.

But still, she's going from one of the first states to like the last one. To the second to last one. Yeah, she's going right there. The sister, Betty, by the way, mom, kept clippings of the newspaper. And Chris said, I know she'll be back and she'll be a better person for going. But that awful empty feeling crept into my stomach as I watched her leave. My little sister, all grown up. And it was all right for me to cry because I'll miss her.

That's what he wrote. So they're all very close, a very tight-knit family. No kidding. They're close. And running a business together like that, it's not the kids don't go home and go in their room and the parents sit in the living room and watch TV. They're working together all the time. She meets a man, okay, in Alaska. Not an Alaskan man, but a man. He is 28 years older than her. Older, not old. Older, not 28 years old. He's 49. 49.

Oh, in 1985. He's 20. This is because when she left, she was like 18 to go to Alaska. She left even earlier. She left in her freshman year of college. But she goes there. He's 28 years older. He's older than her mom. No shit. He's two years older than her mom. That's wild. And they're dating. That's well, his name. Let's get into him here. His name is Glide.

Have you ever heard like Astro G L Y D E like Clyde with a G. Yeah. I've never heard that name like Drexler's nickname. Exactly. Clyde the glide. He's like, I like that. Glide Earl Meek is his name. That's an old man. Wow. Glide Earl Meek M E E K. Like he will inherit the earth fucking meek. So he also has several aliases, one of which being Daniel Daniels.

Okay. If you can pick a name, you can pick anything. You could be cool Johnny McKick-ass if you want to be. You can be anything you want. He picks Daniel Daniels as his fucking nickname. It is confusing. That's what it is. It's so stupid you wouldn't think anyone would make that up, though. Right. Or he just can't think of any other name. It's just really... What's your name, Daniel? I got that Elton John song stuck in my head and it wouldn't stop. Daniels. Daniels.

Daniel, my brother. I mean, Daniel's too much. So he was born in Pasco, Washington in 1935. Okay. Six years after her dad. That's wild shit. He's the second of three boys. So he's the middle child. His parents are Pearl and Joe Meek.

Joe was a lineman for the power company in Seattle. Yeah, so we all know that. You were at the power company. Cyrus' dad works for the power company for decades. It's a tough goddamn job, man. And he would come home from a day of that hard job and beat the shit out of his wife all the time. Oh, yeah. Just kick the shit out of her. One of the neighbors said, quote, he was a no-good, good-for-nothing brute.

That's what she said about her. Both those things mean the same thing. Same thing. No good, good for nothing. I guess in her mind, he's no good, he's a shithead, and he's not even helpful with things. He's good for nothing, too. He's good for nothing. Because he could be no good, but he also helped her put in her storm windows. You know what I mean? That could happen. It could go both ways. Good for nothing. Good for nothing.

Meek's parents finally got a divorce. Mom would work and glide and his older brother, Alfred, and his younger brother, Michael, were raised by his aunt because his mom worked multiple jobs. Cousin Roger, who is the the son of the aunt there, their cousin said that glide Earl was a quote, a scoundrel even as a child.

Real rascals. Said he was a thief from four, five, and six. That's what he told people. Four, five, and six.

That's that's a gate, man. He did say he had a million dollar personality and a real gift with folks. He's a bullshit artist. That's what he is. That's a manipulator. Con man, a manipulator. It's just that there was a missing link somewhere. The guy said, which is a great way to describe him. Another high school classmate said that Meek was, quote, a guy that couldn't live by society's rules. He had a lot of talent, but he just couldn't keep within the system.

which is why people go to Alaska. Those are exactly the people that go to Alaska because I can do whatever I want up there. No one gives a shit or notices. So he went to Pasco high school in the early fifties, was there two years, then transferred to Walla Walla high. He was by a teacher described him as an honor student without effort.

Hmm. Yes. And he do it. And he's an athlete, too. He's great at sports. He's a football player. He's a wrestler. He's I think he's captain of the wrestling team here, too. And shit like that. Like he's popular. Problem solver. Popular athletic honor student. Like sky's the limit for this guy. One time he was in front of a classmate. He climbed to the top of the Bonneville Power Administration transmission tower. Oh, wow.

In Sacagawea Park, jumped off, grabbed the insulators and swung on them like a monkey. Yeah. He did what Tango and Cash did to get out of prison. Swing on power lines. Just for shits and giggles.

Why would you do that? The balls on somebody to do that. I mean, if you accidentally, while holding that, touch anything, it's over for you. You're going to explode. Luckily, it's so far up in the air that if he didn't come off it right, he'd also die. Yeah, there's that too. There's that. Yeah.

They said he swung on them like a monkey. One person said that. Then he swung back to safety just as easily as he got out there, they said. Unreal. His classmate said, I thought, sure, he was grabbing hot wires, but he did things like that. He was always out for thrills. Thrill seeker. Another classmate said that he could scale the side of a building, and I saw him do it.

His hands must be so to be able to jump off and grab onto something and hold your body weight as you're falling. Your hands have to be so strong then to be able to climb the outside of a building. Wow. He said he likened him to a gorilla. He said Meek was like a gorilla. He said he told a newspaper that Meek never graduated from college because he was caught stealing a car. We'll talk about that, too. He was at Walla Walla High School while he was there. He was vice president of the student body.

Upon graduating, he went to Washington State University, big college, on an athletic scholarship. Which one? Wrestling. Wow. He was the captain of the wrestling team at Washington State University. He only weighed 185 pounds, and by 30 years later, he still weighed 190 pounds. So he kept in shape, held it together. He was known as a, quote, good second story man.

Which, if you don't know, means he's a good burglar. Oh. A guy who can get into the second story of a place, not just a ground floor burglar. Because ground floor, people lock their doors. Above that, they go, well, no one's going to climb up here. He does. They can't. He would climb walls and slip into buildings through the roof or through an upper story window that people would leave open because who's going to climb up a fucking wall like Spider-Man? And this is his job, right? This is what he does for work? Yeah.

You just steal shit. And then he has jobs here and there. They said he was so powerful. His classmates said he had a crazy body like a gorilla, his muscles and ripped. He got married in 1959.

divorced in 64, leaving his wife with two sons that he'll never talk to again. Just takes off. He makes no attempt to contact his sons ever in their entire life. And they have no idea that he's even their father. He's just gone. He's a sperm donor. So he went to burglary in the early sixties and would break into those buildings everywhere. He was caught in 1962, uh,

And the prosecutor said five or six establishments had been burglarized in Walla Walla, also a JCPenney store in Seattle. He said he used to go in through the rooftops of stores. He was a hell of a roof burglar. That's the prosecutor that said that.

He said, when we caught him, he had a U-Haul full of about 10,000 in stolen goods. He's so good, he got a U-Haul for it. Ten grand in product in the 60s. Wow. He said, clothing, liquor from Salt Lake City stores. If you met him in a pub instead of on the battlefield, you'd say he's one of the nicest guys around. I've been at this job a long time, and he's about my favorite crook. That's what the guy said. My favorite crook.

What the fuck is that? He's stealing liquor from places in Salt Lake. It's all half speed anyway. No shit. My favorite crook from the prosecutor. That means he's a fun guy. He likes him. He was sent to Walla Walla prison. First, he seemed like a model prisoner. He starred on the prison football team. He was the star of the team. Oh, shit. But after he tried to escape from prison...

They lengthened his sentence and he was finally paroled in 1970. Hey, everybody. Just going to take a quick break from the show to tell you about one of the safest sponsors you could ever see. Simply Safe. Totally. And if you're anything like us, you think a lot about the security of yourself, your things, your family, the people you love. It's a big deal. And I'm not going to lie.

Safety first. Safety first, especially like I know for me personally, after we had the house we were selling got broken into and everything got messed up and the plumbing and all this stuff was like, oh, my thank. Thankfully, we weren't there. And, you know, nobody nobody got hurt or anything like that. But, you know, I knew at that point, got to get some security because it's the world is crazy. And especially doing our shows, we understand that.

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Hey, everybody. Just going to take a quick break from the show to tell you a little bit more about one of our favorites, Quince. Oh, Q-U-I-N-C-E dot com. That's right. And it's busy seasons. We're all going around. We're going everywhere in the summer. We're traveling. Your wardrobe's getting beat up a little bit. Let's be realistic here. We're not going to do, neither Jimmy or myself, we're not going to do total wardrobe overhauls here. This isn't like some sort of reality show. But you get...

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Now back to the show.

So he's 35 now. He remarried and started a successful sign business called the Alpine Sign Company. Didn't expect that. He's going to be an entrepreneur. He's a businessman. He's not lazy. We'll say that much. I mean, so in 1972, his mother, Pearl, who had a tough life, committed suicide.

It's a woman who was beaten for 20 years and then had to work multiple jobs and went to the ground for years after that. She became an alcoholic and was depressed. She drove her Mustang to a ballpark, parked, and then left the engine running with a hose there and carbon monoxide fuels fumes killed her. They said that meek glide Earl wept and wept and wept at the funeral, cried, cried, cried. Um, people said they liked him in prison. His nickname was shorty by the way. Okay. And,

And they said he was a likable, hardworking guy. One guy said if your car had trouble and was on the side of the road, he'd be the first person to pull over and help. He might also steal your car, but he'll get it running first. Ask him to put some shit in your trunk for him. Yeah, I got some goods, maybe. His second marriage fell apart, and his friend said that everything went to hell after that.

He got a second arrest for burglary and was given a one-year sentence. He had a successful business. What the fuck are you burgling for? I think it's weird. When anything happens, he needs the instability. He likes the craziness. He likes chaos. You know what I mean? Chaos, yeah. He's given a one-year sentence. He's paroled in the late 70s. Then he meets a woman named Debbie Alderfer, who's from Pennsylvania. Yeah.

And shortly afterwards, he's arrested while attempting to shoplift a $7 pair of pants. He went from being like a cat burglar, like music playing in the background while he's dressed in black with like a fucking grappling hook. He went from that to lasers. Yeah. He went from that to I got caught stealing some tough skins at the Kmart. That's is that what it is? That's bad. I don't know what it is. It's just it's my first my first guess.

That's bad. Rustlers. Oh, man. Yeah, maybe it is. Wranglers or rustlers. So he didn't want to go back to jail, so he fled. He flees to Spokane, taking Debbie with him, Alderfer. Then he went to Tucson, where he started another sign business.

Because Tucson, always looking for a new scum to inhabit Tucson. They don't care. They need signs. We need it. So about that time, he began using the alias Daniel Michael Daniels. So he said it was one of about 10 false names he used at various times. He's also a super possessive husband who forbade Debbie to call her parents ever. Never allowed to call her parents. We don't call our dad. Yeah. That's some guy from high school. Yeah.

mom not allowed for eight years she didn't call eight years years she said i loved him i felt my life with him was worth it he had me convinced that if i call my parents the line would be traced and he would be sent back to jail eight years eight years they got a trap on her parents phone because he stole a pair of tough skins out of fucking mervins are you joking

Are you kidding me right now? Because of the pair of jeans. Good God. That is bonkers. So he apparently went to a chiropractor. Okay. He went to a chiropractor in the early 80s in Arizona. This is important because the chiropractor will treat him at a clinic and take six x-rays of his back.

Oh, the only pictures of him that exist like this and they're going to come in very handy later. So big deal. So in 1983, these two moved to Alaska. He and Debbie with the hope of panning for gold. That's the plan. That's your plan. That's not what it turns into. His plan was I'm going to get me a pan and a pick.

And worked the rivers. In what year? 1983. Not 1883. 1983. Wow. Meek, he ended up being the caretaker of a vacation lodge at Seal Bay. And that is where he meets Paige Jennings, who also got a job there because she has a lot of experience and ends. So she gets there. Yep. She meets him at a lodge. This is near outside of Anchorage. She worked in the kitchen because she knows what she's doing there. He worked as the handyman.

And, yeah, her friend Betsy said she went up there to find herself and she was very, very vulnerable. This guy gave her something she couldn't get from anybody else.

I don't know why, but he's a nugget maybe. So at this point, he's like balding. You know, he's in his late 40s. He's super muscular, tons of aliases, and he's got three prison terms for burglaries and car thefts and everything else. The ideal companion. Oh, and more than twice your age, older than your mom.

And still married. And still married. Perfect. What a great relationship this is going to turn out for this poor kid. So, yeah, he's been described as everybody up there is strong and roguishly charming. Okay. So he fits in perfect up there. He's the caretaker, and he is immediately into Paige. Sees her, and he's like, boom, that's my girl right there. 20-year-old gal, crazy. 20, yeah, weird that he'd be like, I want that.

So you later on, he'll say the love we had and always had since our eyes first met in Alaska has been so strong that we both have proven it more than proven it more than most people show in a lifetime. That's how he said. Now, his wife wasn't quite as happy with this relationship. No, he was, which is strange that his wife would not be OK with him fucking a 20 year old or anybody, really, but especially a 20 year old from work.

She said that that page had a lot of had a lot of problems, which maybe she did. She said that Glide seemed to want to help her out and protect her. And he became obsessed with her.

He realized he could control her because she's vulnerable and young and he's older and a criminal. Naive. And she liked the attentions of this guy. He took her on nature trips and all that kind of thing. They would go out looking for bald eagles. Literally, let's go look for bald eagles. And she went on a trip with him once.

They went to do things. One page wrote this,

Okay. In the northeast, too? There's eagles here. I see them in my yard all the time, like in my woods constantly. You go down by the creek, you've seen them here. Yeah. It's a fucking majestic as shit. Yeah. I mean, they're in New Hampshire. She's fucking seen them growing up. She's seen everything. Yeah. She's seen everybody. But I guess, I don't know. It's different in Alaska. It's different in Alaska. Yeah. There's no salmon being swept out of the river here. Shit just hits different up here. You know what I mean? Yeah.

So in the fall of 1983, they leave Alaska. When I say they, I mean Glide, Paige, and Debbie. The three of them leave together. I guess if he can convince a lady to not talk to her parents for eight years, he could probably talk her into anything. This 20-year-old's coming with us. Eventually, Debbie wasn't happy, and she took off. Later on, she'd say, I'm not bitter now. I was hoping he would find some kind of happiness, but I guess he didn't.

So October 83, an excited page takes this fucking dirt bag home to visit her parents in Jackson, New Hampshire, who are nice New England innkeeper people who did not raise her to go out with this guy. All right. Pistachio muffin on the pillow. They were horrified by him. They said he looked like a fucking homeless guy. He's older than the mom. Yeah.

Plus, they said he's like, he's terrible manners. He eats like he's in prison. He's just like a scumbag. Like, where did you find this scumbag? It's awful. Using bread as a utensil. Yeah. What future does this man have? In 20 years, how's he going to, she's going to be what, 40 and taking care of his old ass? Right. Wiping him? Yeah.

65-year-old man. It's crazy. So the brother, Christopher, said the guy had no history. Well, he had a lot of history, just not a history he was willing to share with you. He had no history, no ambition. She could have done a lot better. That's what he thought. Yeah. He did describe Glide as quiet and low-key because he knew how to play it because it's a New England town, so he's a con artist. He knows what to do. But Mal and Betty were horrified at this. Horrified. Yeah.

A friend said, quote, they hated him. So they were like, huh, we can't stay here. So they moved to Texas in late 1983, moving into a duplex in Palm Harbor, Texas, near the town of Rockport.

Okay, if I gave you 10,000 guesses, you would never guess what Paige got a job as right now. Never. 10,000 guesses. You'd never get it. Palm Harbor is like, I know those two words together because of trailers. Is she a trailer park attendee? No. It's a job you'd expect that from these two. A job you'd never expect her to do ever. Did she become the CEO of a fishing gear company? Even stranger. Yeah.

She got a job as a sports writer at the local newspaper. What the fuck is happening? What does she know about sports? I didn't know she liked sports or even was a writer. I didn't know either of those things and neither did anybody else. She just got a job as a sports writer. I guess it's a small paper. It's a weekly paper called the Rockport Pilot. And I guess she saw an ad and was like, I could bullshit my way through that probably. And if she's a good writer and pretty smart, maybe she could. And she did.

So, yeah, she did that. A coworker, she's employed there for about five months. A coworker remembered at least once, if not more than once, she came to work with bruises on her face. She said she had gotten in a fight with Glide. That's what happened. Fall 1984, they're still in Texas kind of going around.

They the Jennings here, Jennings is Mal and Betty. Tell her it's either him or us. You can't come around here with him. Yeah, this is nuts. So they moved to Florida where she gets a job at the Stacks restaurant inside the Holiday Inn.

Two X's, right? One of those? No, no, no. C-K. It's a restaurant and a holiday inn. It's not like a... Pancake place. Yeah, it's just a Denny's that doesn't have the Denny's cachet. It doesn't have the cachet of IHOP, you know?

Jesus Christ. A coworker saw Meek pick her up at work a few times and said he looked rough looking. He's 50. Of course he's rough looking. The man's been to prison thrice. Yeah. No shit. He remembered how Meek would sit in a booth and drink coffee wearing a red and white baseball hat with the word Paige stenciled across the bill. What? I'm here. I'm just working with Paige.

Um, so throughout December and January meat came and went on mysterious business trips. Turns out he went to Louisiana, Texas, Jacksonville, Florida, where he ended up buying a blue Fiat at some point, a car, um, which is weird. He's, and then at some point he stole another Fiat and painted it silver, uh,

In Corpus Christi, Texas. At one point, Paige is talking to a friend and Paige tells her friend Betsy that, yes, he beats me. Yes, that's true. But she begged me not to understand her and not to judge her. I'm not judging you. I'm afraid for your safety. They're different. I want you out, Paige. Come on. So her friend said she had no more sense of her own persona. There was no Paige left. It was what Betty and Mal wanted. It was what Meek wanted. So she'd just follow other people.

She saw a therapist, her friend advisor, wanting to go to a therapist, and she did. She actually sought help, which helped her a lot. She bought herself a puppy and went to live with her brother in Gainesville. Florida. Florida, yep. Went to live with her brother Christopher, who's got a good job, and he worked in a newspaper, in a newspaper advertising office.

And so, yeah. And then but she goes there. She's starting over puppy brother therapy done with the old man. Then Meek, who had gone to Seattle, leaves Seattle, shows up in December and moves in with them.

December 84. Yep. Apparently, the parents heard about that and they said, that's it. Don't come home for Christmas. We don't want to see you. Neither of you. Neither of you. Well, Christopher can come home. He doesn't want the guy there. He said, I just came home and he's living in a room. What the fuck am I supposed to do? Yeah. January 11th here, Chris, with his parents, told Paige and Meek to get out.

You got to get out of my apartment. Can't live here anymore. He told Paige, who he always said was his best friend, his sister, that she could come back anytime she wants, just not with this scumbag. He can't be here. He said, my big beef with the guy was, what the hell do you do with your life? I don't understand. Where is your goal? Don't you have a goal? You're a 49-year-old loser.

Chris, you're a young man with all this ambition and shit. Calm down. No shit. Wait till you hit 40, motherfucker. You'll give up too. He's like, I haven't given up. This guy gave up when he was 20. So Paige chooses Glide, Earl Meek, and they take a room at the Gator Court Motel in Gainesville. Oh, it has hit rock bottom, as Gordon Ramsay would say. We're at rock bottom.

He rented a storage space in a mini warehouse named Atkins Storage. And on January 11th, Paige went to collect her half of the apartment's deposit. And her brother saw her there. Meek went after that. Meek heads north, but without her, leaves her in Florida. On January 12th, he booked a room in Brattleboro, North Carolina. And the next night, checked into the Bridgeport Motor Inn, not in Pennsylvania like the regular length episode this week, in Connecticut. Okay.

Okay. Why I kept confusing it. January 13th, 1985, Meek calls Chris Jennings, the brother, Paige's brother, and tells him that he and Paige were on a honeymoon in Miami. In Florida? Yeah. Meanwhile, he was in Connecticut the night before in a motel. So Chris didn't talk to Paige at that point. He just said, just want to tell you we're there in Miami. Okay.

Meek then pawns some of Paige's jewelry in Portland, Maine on January 14th or 15th there. So they know that he's around because he had to sign his name. So they know he's there or not in Florida. On January 14th, Meek is seen in Hartford, Connecticut, attempting to pawn some jewelry. The pawnbroker recalled that Meek had said the jewelry belonged to his daughter who had died in a skiing accident. Trying to get a couple extra bucks for some sympathy here.

Later in the same conversation, he switched stories and said his daughter died in a car accident. She was driving her car on the ski slope. It was a crazy thing to do, man. And she just crashed into a tree. She's all hopped up on Swiss Miss. You know how it is. You seen that girl on the her? Her hair ain't even blonde. It's it's it's it's the mist that turned it that way. She's so hopped up.

All the marshmallows. Oh, man. January 15th, 1985. There is a fire at the caretaker's cottage at the inn, at the Jennings Zone. There's a fire in Jackson. When they look around the structure, it's not the actual inn itself. It's a cottage that they stay in, that Mal and Betty stay in.

They find them inside, bound and gagged with nylon ropes, with their throats slashed and repeatedly stabbed.

Good Lord. A passing truck driver saw the cottage inflamed and called in flames and called firefighters who found the bodies in separate bedrooms like that, too. They were taken away from each other. This is disturbing, to say the least. The attorney, William Payne, said it was stark, stark. I really remember having a feeling of being black and gray and white of it being black and gray and white. He said that's all he saw. I saw it in black and white.

So one of the guy, Richard Patch, Dick Patch is his name. Don't name your kid Dick Patch, please. He owns Patch's Gun Shop. Old Dick Patch. Of course he does. And he's got to do it with, of course it's guns to be as masculine as possible. I'm Dick Patch. Good to see you. Name's Dick Bo Patch. How do you shave it down there? It's a dick patch. It's a dick patch. That's what I do. I put extra hair on, call it a dick patch. Okay.

He said more people are aware that it doesn't always happen somewhere else, that it can happen here, and they're taking measures to protect himself. He's like, and I'd love to monger this fear as much as possible. Come through today. 10% off any. Yeah, I'm going to blow on it like it's a dying piece of kindling. Oh, shh.

foster that shit until everyone comes to me and it's good for my business. So he said that a lot of guys between 35 and 55 are coming in. He said he's selling tons of ammo. He's doing great. He's doing great. He said that residents talk of nothing else but the killings and that people are scared. He said residents want to find a motive so they can comfort themselves that there's not some crazed killer out there.

Which, yeah, you want to find out who and why. That way you know they're not coming for you. They're not looking for random nice people. So Chris moves up from Florida, quits his job at the newspaper, goes on leave or whatever to run the inn for the winter because they have reservations all winter and shit. And he's got to finish it. The employees are all dead. Yeah, that's what I mean. They're dead. So Meek takes off. So he was up on the eastern seaboard.

And apparently then he goes back to Florida to Paige and their theory is, and this is a theory they have, that he goes back and tells her about the murders and thinks she will be pleased that he's removed the tension between her parents and him. And in fact, she's extremely distraught about it. She didn't want her parents to be murdered. So, you know,

Having a bit of a pain in my ass. Oh, that's fine. I murdered them, tied them up, stabbed the fuck out of them, and just went ahead and burned their cottage up. Left the whole thing on fire. They're fine now. Problem solved. So that same day, Chris goes to his apartment and there's a message from Chris to Paige in case she comes to the apartment. So he writes out, Paige, I really need you. Love, Chris.

Because he's trying to tell her about the fucking murder that happened to her parents in case she comes to the house. But when it's found later on, there's a scrawl in another handwriting defacing the note. The U is crossed out. I really need you. And it's a huge no, it says over it. Scrawled and underlined many times, you know, like somebody would do.

Inside the apartment, two sheets of Gainesville Sun stationery in the same handwriting that we'll talk about later on, writes another message here. This note speaks of these New Hampshire murders. It says, Friday, 18 January, 1985. This and the note telling Page to get the eggs, milk, flour, onions, cheese, etc. here, did it. We are together now and forever, is what he says.

That's what he says. Telling Page to take the eggs, milk, flour, onions, cheese, etc. Did it, bucko. He calls him bucko, Chris. We are together now and forever and signs it Mike, which is one of his aliases. He also wrote, right will prevail as you wrote in your scheming letter to Page in Alaska about taking the bus or flying or riding down to Seattle or riding down to Texas, then pretending to go home for a couple weeks. You bastard.

He says, Daniels is a dead man if he comes here. You wrote, you live with it all now, bucko. Mal, Betty, and us, meddling fools. Paige is so bitter that this is the only way she can see how we can be together forever. Cremation. Call the police. They have some letters and information for you or whatever. That's the letter that he gets, Chris has in his apartment.

January 28th, 1985, Alachua County Sheriff's Office gets a phone call about a suspicious car in a field off State Road 236 and 93 in High Springs outside of Gainesville. Looking for a way to simplify your family's back-to-school journey? Have lunch with Pack-It. Pack-It freezable lunch boxes and bags are designed with EcoFreeze technology, patented freezable gel that is built into the walls of the bag.

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That's slash stories. CVS, making healthier happen together. We get support from Dove. Hey y'all, it's your girl Kiki Palmer, host of the Wondery Podcast. Baby, this is Kiki Palmer. Let me cut to the chase. Did you know that in many states across the U.S., it's still not illegal to discriminate against people based on the way their hair grows out of their head? To deny black folks from jobs and opportunities because they have braids, locks, twists, or bantu knots? That's misogynistic.

And today's sponsor, Dove, agrees. That's why Dove co-founded the Crown Coalition in 2019 to advocate for the passage of the Crown Act. Crown stands for creating a respectful and open world for natural hair. And the Crown Act is legislation which prohibits race-based hair discrimination in workplaces and schools in the U.S.

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They had looked it over. They saw it and looked it over a few days earlier, didn't see any blood around there, and somebody parked their car there, so they left it. But now they send Sergeant Danny Brown out to take a look around, and he finds the car, and it's an abandoned blue Fiat parked in the middle of a field. He looked in the window. He could see that the keys were in the ignition. There's men's clothing and women's clothing here, okay?

So it's two sets like distinctive sets of clothes, which is odd. So he sees that he could see the keys were in the ignition and he said the clothes were neatly folded and stacked behind the seat. He also saw an envelope on the dashboard on the driver's side and it was addressed to the Gainesville Police Department Bureau of Homicide. Check the car from the back door unlocked. So he reached in. So he's touching it.

Just befouling it with your fucking ruining a crime scene at this point. Now, good job. He grabs the envelope. He opens the envelope and discovered a several pages long handwritten letter dated January 18th, 1985.

Scanned it quick, he said, but it was quick enough to where he saw something else. The letter said that near the car somewhere is a, well, you're going to find a burned shack. And inside that shack, you're going to find the remains of two people. And he said, I am the person writing this letter is one of these people. You're going to find two people here. So about 100 feet away, he could see a clearing and saw evidence of a fire that had burned out long ago.

A lot of trees in the area were burnt nearly 40 feet up from the ground. So it was a big fire at some point. He finds inside this structure, burnt out structure, two human skeletons, all

One larger, one smaller, burned so completely that they were reduced to mainly fragments and dust. Oh, boy. What remained here was they said there was like a metal wire structure, like the remains of a cot or a bed type of deal here. And both the skulls were positioned on the same end like they were laying down next to each other.

Below the metal was charcoal briquettes like you would make for a barbecue. Scattered around the bodies were two one-gallon fuel cans. They were melted. They were there. And then there was a melted but noticeable shotgun and a sprayer of some kind and another set of badly burned bones, possibly of a small animal. They couldn't tell.

The remains of the young woman, they said it looked like a young woman and middle-aged man were found in the shack here. It was on the edge of a cornfield. They said it almost looked like it had been some sort of crematorium. A lot of stacked items were used to create a very hot fire, including charcoal. Right. More than 10,000 bone fragments are recovered from the cornfield. Oh, God. That's how it is. And there's a guy named Dr. William Maples, a forensic anthropologist. He's got to try to put it together and figure out...

What belongs to who? Carvass puzzle. This is like my aunt once had a puzzle. It was like 10,000 pieces, and it was all like bottle caps that all looked the same. I was like, that's what this sounds like. It's a nightmare. So they find the car, the letter, mind you, in the car. They find, and it's dated Friday, 1245 Hilton in Gainesville.

We have made all our arrangements and are now ready to do what Paige thinks and I is the only way we can be together for all time. The constant interfering with our lives by outsiders is over. We know that to go on like we have in the past would only eventually turn our love into hate for each other and cause us to eventually separate. That thought alone is what neither of us can bear to think about.

The love that we had and always had since our eyes first met in Alaska has been so strong that in just 19 months, we have both have proven it more than most people show in a lifetime. Problems were we problems we have had surely had problems we have had surely, but very few of our own instead caused by meddling others.

The pain Paige has gone through because of her family is what makes all we have done in the past week bearable to me. She was rejected by her family when she came back from Alaska because she loved someone her family didn't approve of. Instead of supporting her and saying, we don't understand but are with you, they told her to get rid of me or get out. We went to Texas, still the interfering from them, and on her father's birthday, she was sent money to go home but not to bring me.

Oh, we're not going to pay for your 50-year-old fucking boyfriend to come, too. He can buy his own ticket. Take care of your own life, man. Oh, my God. They were under the impression that we had broken up and were not together. So when she got off the plane, her mother took her shopping in Maine. On the way back to Jackson, she told her mother we were still together. Her mother turned the car around and took all the presents back to the stores.

Wow, that's fucking amazing. That's cool. When she finally got to Jackson, her father told her to get out and never come back. Her brother told her to, quote, get fucked in the ass and never wanted to see or hear from her again. I doubt he said that. Chris sounds like a nice guy. I'm sure he said, fuck you. Yeah, get fucked in the ass.

She called me in Texas and told me what happened. It was getting back to Portland and told me to pick her up in Houston. When she got back home, I spent almost four hours with her in my lap, talking her through what she was put through. Then we went to Alaska again and worked in the worst possible place for a lonely girl with all these thoughts. She never really told me about until last week.

The letters from her brother helps to explain what I'm writing about. Pressure, rejection, pressure, castigation, pressure, and then what took place several weeks ago, and more pressure. Her brother, who was, quote, helping her,

Got to pressuring her thoughts into telling me to leave forever. She couldn't tell him to hurt. She couldn't tell him to hurt him or me to hurt me. She kept it all inside and it became too much for her. The final straw for page came when her brother said we had to get out by 5 p.m. tomorrow or he would pull the plug.

He left a note telling her to take the milk, half an onion, cheese, Beck's beer, soup, etc., which said to Paige, get everything that will remind me of you and get out of my life again. The onions. The onion. That's it, bucko. He called him bucko twice in a letter. All our letters to one another have been burned so no one can touch them. All our pictures likewise. She made me promise to burn the home in New Hampshire to make sure there were no mementos left for anyone to have.

He's saying that Paige told him to burn his plan. Yeah, right. It seems like she wanted to just disappear. So if as if to never have been on Earth in the past week, we've talked over our plans and that were brought up many times whenever she was depressed. At first, we would go together and make and make them pay, quote unquote. Then finally, it came down to me going while she waited for me to get back and we died together by cremation.

Why? Because I love her so very much is the only reason I can think of more than my own life itself.

Sometimes, as I drove up and back, I think she thought I would get up there, do what we wanted, and get caught coming back all that time and distance. Only one road out and a fire would attract immediate attention, so would be reported quickly. Just a feeling, I guess, from our meeting on Thursday at noon at her brother's house. She hasn't said much to me since, only that she is ready and was meditating the days I was gone. Spiritually, she was ready."

You are thinking this guy's crazy. Yes. Yeah. Wow. You are perceptive, aren't you? It's a seven page letter. We're not reading all of it. It's called a manifesto. That's what it is. Ted Kaczynski had the same thing. This shit here. He said, no, I am not. I have functioned like a rational person in every way since we made our plans, such as getting motels, eating, driving, selling things in Hartford, buying the shotgun in the event I got stopped on the way back. I would use it on myself and not hurt any other innocent people.

He said Paige would jump from the bridge in Jacksonville with her car battery tied to her if we couldn't go together as we have planned.

But yes, crazy from love and caring for this lady to want to be to want to forever be with her, at least mind, spirit and ashes. We are go we are to go together. So our ashes cannot be separated. Only our bones can be put in two different places, as her brother will do. Page says if we died whole, he would separate us by two graves. And this way it's impossible for ashes.

As I sit here contemplating what is ahead for me, appalling, but I have given my word and that is and always has been my bond. Nobody can say about me once I say I will do something that I've ever not done it. Paige knows this and maybe used it. I'm not regretting what's been done because if we ever would have called it quits permanently, I would have taken all of their lives anyway. Either way, he's going to kill everybody.

But now I have to take Paige's life with my hands and kill the only love I have left. Paige said she needs it that way. Her meditation time directed her. She knows that I will do it and isn't worried that I'll wimp out on myself by not joining her. My word and she believes in me that much. Her brother won't be harmed so that he can live with everything for the rest of his life. A payback for rejecting her and writing that she was insane in his journal. In his own journal.

Didn't tell the newspaper, didn't tell all her friends. He wrote in his private diary that she's insane. Personally, I would like to wait around and do him, but she's made me promise not to give him the easy way out, but to think about it every day. And I've promised to go with her. And so we shall.

The place we picked out was found by driving around many miles, and it was history on top of a hill and seemed to be just right for her to her. We had two picnics there, and that is where we made our plans and promises to one another. She's waiting now, and I must do what I can't believe I'm going to do, but I must do it for me and her.

Then here a line is skipped in the note. The last two lines above beginning with she is waiting now are written in a more hurried and slant wise script. They says as if it's he's in a rush. Then several blank lines follow. And then he resumes. Maybe I'm crazy. At least now I have taken the life of the only lady I feel I've ever really been in love with. And.

And I don't want to die, but I will just to see if we can be together again, as Paige seems to think. It was the most terrible thing, but feel her love more than ever now, it seems. Then the next five words are crossed out, but you can see it. Obviously, it says, I took her in my, and then he starts again. Yeah.

First, I should tell that as we built our cremation, it was the happiest I've ever seen her in many weeks. She kept talking and had such an air about her afterwards. We talked for about two hours and just enjoyed each other and hugged and repeated our wedding vows to one another and hope we are doing what's right for us. When we were ready, I took her in my arms and I said, Paige, I love you.

The answer was, Mike, it has always been only you, and I want it to always be that I'm your very last love. She sat in front of me with me sitting behind her, and I put a choke hold on and held it for at least two minutes.


She said, Mike, you promised, you promised, but I just felt I couldn't anymore. We talked for a little while, and then the very last word she said was, Mike, I love only you forever. And this time I kept that hold on her until my arms, fingers, and body cramped.

Oh, boy.

I've decided to wrote myself down before I use the shotgun in case I might do the same and fall from our platform is that he won't be burned as much. That's the only reason why there may be wrote marks on me if they don't burn off or something. The little brown bag or ashes from her puppy that died in Texas last year. He didn't kill her. She just she died. She just kept her dog's ashes with her.


I feel just because she had so many things working against her pressure that finally made us do this last step. If I can spend the rest of my time with her somewhere is all that I can hope for. I loved her. Goodbye. D Mike Daniels, four page Daniels. And then he said, I'm going to start the fire with 21, $100 bills for she was 21, 16, uh, 21 and 16 days. Okay. Okay.

Now, police pretty quickly figured out that the D. Mike Daniels was actually Glider Almeek because that's one of his aliases. And they know that. But they don't think he's dead. The cops think, no, they think it's Page's body. But they think he took some fucking vagrant that was the same size as him, killed him.

Shot him with a shotgun and put him in the fire. That's what he thought. So he could escape free and clear. Yeah, yeah. That's what they thought. So they said that the male, they brought the letter to the FBI for psychoanalysis. They said the male has a narcissistic, histrionic personality, obviously, illusions of grandeur and great self-importance and very self-centered with very unrealistic goals.

In love with himself, he has a fantasy of ideal love, shows increased confusion as the letter progresses, and may have major depression in the past. They said the female has a passive-aggressive personality, meaning Paige, lacks self-confidence and is dependent on others, and has separation anxiety. She wants to get back with her family. I think this is a fake suicide note, is what the psychologist said. So the graphologist, the writing person, agreed.

They said the male is a person able to lie and deceive is threatened by his insecurities, tends to put things off. His ego comes through like a club. He is a clever demeanor. He is bluffing in the last page about the fire. It's possible, but not likely that this is not a real suicide note, that this is a real suicide note. Now,

The problem is the female tibia. Paige Jennings had injured her knee at age 17 throwing a javelin in high school, underwent surgery to repair it.

The surgeon didn't have the x-rays anymore, but the surgeon assured the doctors that she made two incisions in the surface of the tibia and attached the tendon through them. It's the Hauser procedure, and it leaves definite and characteristic marks. The bone is cut through in two small parallel rectangles, and these rectangles remain visible even after they're healed over for the rest of the life of the person.

So they had a New Hampshire surgeon sketch the rectangles on a pencil and pencil on a sample tibia that they took up. And they drew two rectangles on the on the whole deal. And seeing them, the guy said he was perplexed because he knew very well that on the burned and painstakingly reconstructed portion of the female tibia that was lying there, there was no trace of any surgical scars.

So they carefully reassembled the five-inch portion of tibia from 36 separate fragments of bone, x-rayed it, and poured over it. They said the scar should have been there if they belonged to her. Other clues. Speculation about the bodies here. They said one might be Paige, but they found two teeth. One of Paige's and one is the outer gold inlay of Meek's tooth.

And the one guy says the gold tooth is the most characteristic tooth in Glider Almeek's mouth. The tooth found next to the female body is the most characteristic tooth of Paige Jennings. I suggest to you that this is salting the scene. They took their own teeth. Yeah. Yep. Then this is even more fucked up. Three weeks after the murders, this is right about a week, not even a week after the burned up house in Florida is found.

Under the backseat of a stolen car in Arizona, they find another one of Meek's teeth. What? Yeah. Really fucking weird. So the theories are that he used the bodies of two vagrants to set up the murder-suicide after he killed Paige somewhere else, possibly. So New Hampshire won't close the case. They'll say they believe that Paige is dead because they find other things that they believe are Paige, bone things. But they said that...

They don't think it's it's that glide is there. A sheriff in Florida said, quote, It's a definite whodunit more. And I'm going to use this accent because when I tell you what he said, I guarantee you he had this accent. It's a definite whodunit more than anything and might very well forever and ever. Amen. Remain a whodunit.

Exactly. He sung a country song in the middle of that, so I had to give him that accent. He invoked Randy goddamn Travis. By the name of Randy Travis and all that he stands for, it's a whodunit forever and ever, amen? That's fucking amazing. Al Grayson. My favorite country singer's name ain't Randy Travis. So they put Meek on the FBI's most wanted list. Yeah.

They said the skeletons were bogus. Glide was still alive. Paige Jennings couldn't be. It's all in the newspaper. Bogus this. Ten most wanted them. I mean, it's crazy. 1987, though, they conclude that the one body is Paige's.

A Florida scientist, the anthropologist guy, a forensic anthropologist. They're positive it's her. They're positive. They find several different things that make it positive, viewing bone fragments and size and this and that. The male, according to the examiner's office, died of a shotgun wound to the head. The female, homicide violence of an undetermined type because you wouldn't be able to see what he did.

He said the scientists said it took a long time because we're very cautious, but we're ready to make a remarkably complete construction of the remains and identify them as being pages. And we think Meeks. So but they the one guy said Meek was extremely streetwise. So investigators finding the matchbox tooth in the car, they said, oh, maybe that's not it. They thought maybe he was saving one of his own teeth so that he could fake his suicide at one point and put his teeth down.

Use it for some other kind of identification scam. So that's interesting. However, up north, though, in New Hampshire, they said, nope, said sorry, he's not dead. They said he was known to mail packages to friends in Arizona. So it might have been that. New Hampshire, the attorney general said they don't doubt that Page is dead and they don't doubt that Meek killed Page's parents, but they're not sure about Meek or Page in New Hampshire. Okay.

So Florida said, the guy in Florida said, if they, meaning the New Hampshire authorities, have come up with any evidence that conflicts with ours, they certainly haven't shared it. So we don't know. They said the Florida case, they closed it based on evidence reported by Dr. William Maples, Billy Mapes. They said he identified a tooth among the charred remains as belonging to Meek, one belonging to Page. We did some bone comparisons. It's them. What do you want? Okay. So then finally in 1988-

They have some new high resolution video technique to confirm the identification of the suspects. And finally, in New Hampshire, they said the attorney general would like to receive a presentation himself and we would hope we'd be able to identify them and close the books. And they finally closed the book on Meek and declare him dead and declare Page as well.

I could tell you the science, but it would take forever to tell you what they found. But basically, it's just a video superimposition, two video cameras that blend two images on a single screen. So what anybody can do on their phone in three seconds, this was new technology.

They said with this, they could superimpose an x-ray of the reconstructed skeletal pieces over a medical x-ray of the bone taken of the person who was still alive. They had the chiropractor's x-rays from Arizona, and that's what they found, and that's what they matched up perfectly to. Really? Every detail matched. He did barbecue himself? He shot himself with a shotgun and barbecued himself. What the fuck? Maples, the scientist, said, quote, in the words of the game, he ate his gun. He shot himself. What?

Okay. So Chris went on to sell Dana Place the next year to new people. The new owners of Dana Place said, quote, it happened and you can't hide it. They said guests still ask about it and the townspeople, it's still a perplexing thing and

They don't know. Paige and her parents here look like they are buried in the Kearsarge Cemetery in North Conway, New Hampshire at this point. And we don't know where Glenn is. They probably just, oh, Glenn's, that's right. Maple said he kept him on the shelf. And they said, if New Hampshire ever wants to come down here and arrest him, I can grab him off the shelf and they're more than welcome to him. That's literally what he fucking said.

So there you go, everybody. That is Jackson, New Hampshire. Very quickly. 500th episode is coming up soon. Hit us up. Hit me up on Instagram. I will certainly look at all the suggestions. Going to pick the wildest one ever. I'm at James Petrogallo. Also follow the show on social media at Murder Small on Twitter, at Small Town Murder on Instagram, at Small Town Pod on Facebook.

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I'm Dan Taberski. In 2011, something strange began to happen at the high school in Leroy, New York. I was like at my locker and she came up to me and she was like stuttering super bad. I'm like, stop f***ing around. She's like...

I can't. A mystery illness, bizarre symptoms, and spreading fast. It's like doubling and tripling, and it's all these girls. With a diagnosis the state tried to keep on the down low. Everybody thought I was holding something back. Well, you were holding something back intentionally. Yeah, well, yeah.

No, it's hysteria. It's all in your head. It's not physical. Oh my gosh, you're exaggerating. Is this the largest mass hysteria since The Witches of Salem? Or is it something else entirely? Something's wrong here. Something's not right. Leroy was the new dateline and everyone was trying to solve the murder. A new limited series from Wondery and Pineapple Street Studios. Hysterical.

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