cover of episode #498 - The Mysterious Disappearing Murderer - Jackson, New Hampshire

#498 - The Mysterious Disappearing Murderer - Jackson, New Hampshire

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James Pietragallo和Jimmie Whisman详细讲述了发生在新罕布什尔州杰克逊的谋杀案,受害者是经营当地旅馆的Mal和Betty Jennings夫妇。他们的女儿Paige与比她大28岁的Glide Earl Meek交往,Meek有犯罪前科,并且性格复杂。Mal和Betty强烈反对Paige与Meek交往,这导致了家庭矛盾。最终,Mal和Betty被发现死于家中,死状惨烈。Meek随后逃离现场,并留下了一封信,声称他和Paige一起自杀。然而,调查人员对这封信的真实性表示怀疑,并对Meek和Paige的生死存亡展开调查。 调查人员在佛罗里达州发现了一辆可疑的菲亚特汽车,并在附近发现两具烧焦的尸体。经过法医鉴定,其中一具尸体被确认是Paige Jennings。然而,对于Meek的生死,调查人员存在分歧。一些人认为Meek伪装自杀,另一些人则认为他仍然在逃。案件的真相扑朔迷离,引发了广泛的关注和讨论。最终,经过多年的调查,警方认定Meek和Paige均已死亡,案件得以结案。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

This week, in Jackson, New Hampshire, when the couple that runs the local Inn are horribly bound, stabbed, and burned, detectives immediately look at their daughter's MUCH older boyfriend, who no one seems to trust. When police finally catch up to him, it's in a most horrific way. But did this killer use other bodies to fake his own suicide? It's a wild mystery, leaving police forces fighting with each other over the truth!!

Along the way, we find out that "local" comedians are rarely worth the trouble, that you generally don't want your daughter to date people who are older than you, and that some people are just born evil!!

Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie Whisman

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