cover of episode The SIMPLEST Community Engagement Tactic You're Probably Not Using 🤦

The SIMPLEST Community Engagement Tactic You're Probably Not Using 🤦

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People Magic: How to Build a $1M Community

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Gina Bianchini
Gina Bianchini: 本模块介绍了如何通过创建吸引人的每日投票和问题来建立社区成员之间的联系。通过精心设计的问题,例如使用“解锁语句”和主题相结合的方式,可以激发成员积极参与,分享他们的故事和想法,从而促进成员之间的互动和关系建立。这种方法的优势在于它可以促进社区的自我运营,无需创建大量内容,就能提高成员参与度和满意度。Mighty Network 提供了多种类型的投票功能和AI辅助的“无限问题引擎”,可以帮助用户轻松创建和管理每日投票和问题。通过结合月度主题、每周日历和每日投票与提问,可以创建一个高效且自我运营的社区。最终目标是帮助成员获得最佳体验,实现他们个人目标,而非仅仅提供大量内容。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

Daily polls and questions keep bringing members back and create new opportunities for them to engage with each other. In this episode, Gina breaks down the formula for great community questions, how they tie into your member’s best year ever and why using them will actually give you more time back for yourself.