Innovation happens because people look at the status quo and say, "We're gonna do better." And a community is the most powerful way of creating that change.
Hi, I'm Gina Bianchini, and this is People Magic, where I am showing you the easiest way to build a $1 million digital business. In today's episode, I am going to tackle your big purpose. This is one of the most important pieces of
of creating people magic. And I am excited to dive right on in. So your big purpose is the motivation for your members to join your new community and that you're charging for, whether it's as a membership or as courses or as a challenge or as an event, your big purpose is super simple.
If you were a part of our last two episodes, you've got all the pieces that you need to launch your big purpose. Your big purpose goes like this. It's your ideal member.
plus their best year ever equals your big purpose or your pitch. It turns out that our brains are wired to be able to hear your community pitched in a very specific formula with very specific words that
hang out around your ideal member and their best year ever. And it's this, I or we bring together, insert your ideal members so that we can, insert, achieve our best year ever. Now, why does that formula work so well to be your big purpose or your pitch?
Because our brains are wired to hear whether or not something is about us or for us. So when you come in and ask me, hey, Gina, what are you doing? And I say, I just launched this incredible community, or I just launched this really valuable online course. Oh, really? Tell me about it. Well, I bring together women who are entering their gap year instead of going to college.
So that we can, or so that they can, have an incredible gap year that changes their life, that sets them up for an incredible four years in college, and defines things for them that they could have never figured out by staying home or starting college that year. That's off the top of my head. The idea though is...
with your big purpose, when you follow the formula, I or we bring together, insert your ideal members so that we can have our best year ever or achieve our best year ever, people will listen to it and they will get it instantly, especially in a super busy world where like all these things are coming at us. Now,
If they are not the right people, if they are not your ideal member, the beautiful thing about being specific, that human plus transition, that best year ever, that is results plus memorable details, is that they'll start to visualize
who it is for, and then ask themselves the question, I wonder who I know who would be great for this. That's how it works. So just with these three formulas, the formula for your ideal member, the formula for their best year ever, and the formula for your big purpose, which is just your ideal member plus their best year ever, in that specific format,
will change everything for you. So if you are struggling right now with your digital business, people aren't joining, you're not getting any attention on social media, it's more painful than you thought it was going to be. You have to create content all of the time. This is the answer.
By getting really clear about your ideal member, by being really fun and expansive in what is their best year ever, you can achieve your big purpose with your community. Who you bring together so that we can achieve results, that's what it's all about. People pay for progress and people pay attention to what they pay for. With these three things, ideal member, their best year ever,
your big purpose, you can go out and start talking to people and you can start inviting in your very first members. And things do not need to be perfect. Communities are forgiving. They are more forgiving than creating content and like trying to get the perfect take and having a bunch of scripts. They are meant to be about human connection. Therefore they have forgiveness associated with them.
You don't have to be perfect. You bring those first founding members in around your big purpose and they will, when it's clear enough, they'll just start talking to each other because they're stoked. They want to achieve those results. They want to have that transformation and they know they're early.
It just means that it's going to be more intimate for them to be able to have those first relationships and be able to say, I was a founding member of this amazing membership, or I was one of the first people to take this really unique course that had at its core
foundation, people magic. We had such an amazing group of people that went through this course together. This cohort, as they say, was absolutely fantastic. Or the first 10 people that you bring together for an event that could become thousands later on, they are stoked. They're excited to be first.
They are excited to be a part of the early days and help design and craft it and turn it into something wonderful. And yes, they will pay for it because building a community from day one that is paid means that people will pay attention and that's what you want.
That's what you want. You don't have to offer something that is free. You don't have to offer it until you have like a hundred people. I've seen, I've seen so many mistakes made when people didn't think about the first founding experience.
as something that was as if not more valuable than what it is later on with a thousand people or beyond. Hi, Gina. So I'm super on board with finding an ideal member, but I struggle with selling the best year ever since that's not something that everyone will be able to achieve. So if I'm charging people and promising this best year ever, am I over-promising?
It's a great question to ask, wait a second, are you over-promising? Like this whole idea that I'm going to be able to get anybody their best year ever. Like, aren't I over-promising and doesn't at risk under-delivering? It's a great question. And here's how I think about it. And I've thought a lot about this, which is we live in a time and a place where people are
fundamentally distracted. And there is a difference between getting people's attention with the promise of what is possible, the promise of what is possible versus under promising and over delivering in a world where if you under promise, first of all, you are already guaranteeing that people are not going to exceed the results and transformation that you're
you are setting as the North Star for your community. That North Star does not have to be accurate day one for every single person who joins. And I think that there is a really effective way to be able to say we are here to strive for that. And we are setting something that is nearly impossible, nearly being the operative word.
Because today we want to push the limits, push the limits. That doesn't mean push the limits and lack honor or integrity. I'm saying push the limits of what we think is possible for ourselves, because that is something that can get people's attention. It again is not about promising results and transformation to every single person who comes in because so much of
of what goes into results and transformation for people is the work that they do and they choose to do. And this is one of the really important things about creating a community culture that can acknowledge that there is a trap out there of people choosing to be victims or choosing to be overly confident in knowing it all.
or choosing complexity and to stay confused over seeking clarity and taking just that first step. So is it something that potentially is risky to say, this is our North Star, this is the best year ever that we are striving to help every single member achieve? No, I don't believe so. Because of the words that are carefully chosen, striving, seeking,
aiming for, not trying, seeking. The most important thing is you are guaranteed to not help people achieve results and transformation in their lives if you don't get in front of them and you don't capture their imagination. That is a very important piece of creating any kind of business.
especially a high impact, high integrity, honorable business in this moment, you still need to get people's attention. And I believe passionately that there are ways to do that, that look at the status quo and say, this is not enough. We do not have to accept this as the only thing that is possible. Innovation happens because people look at the status quo and say,
we're going to do better. And a community is the most powerful way of creating that change. And that's why being able to do the research, to have the conversations with your ideal member and really understanding those transitions and be able to articulate and paint a picture of their best year ever is
For nine out of 10 people that you talk to that are your ideal member, just being able to spend a moment picturing and imagining a different world, that in and of itself is valuable. That in and of itself is important. And so I hope you will strive to
beyond what is expected to what is unexpected and what is possible in crafting your pitch of your ideal member plus their best year ever equals your big purpose and how you go out and start talking about your new membership.
your new course, your new challenge, your new event to the people that need it the most right now. I'm Gina. And until next time, this is People Magic.
Thanks for listening to People Magic. Want more of a deep dive on today's topic? Well, check out People Magic Profit, my nine-part free masterclass on how to launch your own wildly profitable paid membership and community. Do you have your own burning questions you'd like me to discuss on this podcast? Well, I want to hear them. So leave your questions in the review section and keep tuning in.