cover of episode People Magic Profit: Monthly Themes

People Magic Profit: Monthly Themes

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People Magic: How to Build a $1M Community

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Gina Bianchini
Gina Bianchini: 本模块介绍了打造充满活力和盈利能力的数字社区的三个关键要素之一:每月主题。每月主题旨在为会员提供新颖性,保持对话新鲜有趣,避免谈话陷入停滞。主题应围绕成员可以分享故事、经验和想法的开放式问题展开,而非简单的是非题。精心设计的每月主题可以帮助成员建立联系,并引导他们朝着最佳年度目标前进。每个主题都应足够深入,让成员能够持续讨论一个月,同时也要易于理解,方便新成员立即参与。主题应预示着进步,让成员看到自己正在取得进展。每月更换主题,为成员提供新颖性,吸引他们持续参与。 MindBodyOne 社区就是一个很好的例子,他们的每月主题围绕如何帮助健康从业者和小企业主建立最佳业务,例如一月设定目标,二月关注客户,十二月反思和重置。The Quilty Nook 社区则通过书籍封面、歌曲和印刷品等不同灵感来源,为绗缝爱好者提供创作灵感。From Verbal to Visual 社区则兼顾普遍性和特定技能练习,例如一月的新开始和关于自然、城市生活、音乐艺术等主题。Grown folks business 社区则专注于帮助厨师准备推出自己的烹饪节目,涵盖YouTube使用、商业基础、营销基础、食谱和拍摄基础等方面。The morning meetup 社区则关注初创企业家的不同业务方面,例如愿景规划、市场调研、品牌发展、财务规划、销售策略和客户关系。The Rock Retirement Club 社区则围绕退休人士的旅程,例如三月讨论应对不确定性,六月讨论遗产规划,十二月讨论理想退休生活。 通过创造有价值的社区对话,提高成员参与度,最终带来积极的成果和口碑传播。建议将下个月的主题作为本月结束的亮点,制造惊喜感,以保持社区的活力和吸引力。

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Monthly themes are there to provide your members novelty. They are there to keep the conversations fresh and interesting. This is module four of People Magic Profit. In this module, I am going to introduce the first of three things that you need to create people magic.

So in the first three modules, I showed you how to set up your community overall so that you get the right people in. They're really excited to contribute and participate. And you know how to talk about your community to the people that you want to bring in. In these next three modules, I'm going to show you just how easy it is to connect

set up a community to essentially run itself. So with that, let's dive into monthly themes. What you want in a monthly theme is something that people can contribute their stories, their experiences and their ideas. These are not yes/no questions. These are meaty topics

that really allow your members to make connections with other members. And at exactly that point in time where the conversation might be getting a little bit stale, boom, you have a new monthly theme. Monthly themes provide novelty. They give your members a new surface area every month to share their stories, their experiences, and their ideas. And when done right, your monthly themes all ladder up

to their best year ever. Now, the trick with monthly themes is that you want something that is big enough for your members to be able to talk about them for a month.

and that at any point in time, a new member can come in, see that monthly theme, and be able to start participating right away. So to do that, you want your monthly themes to preview progress. Preview progress means that, hey, by doing this, you are on a path to your best year ever.

And because there is a new monthly theme every month, you're going to be able to offer your members some novelty that will bring them back. So let me show you some examples. MindBodyOne is for customers of the software platform MindBody, and those tend to be wellness practitioners and small business owners. So the kinds of

of monthly themes that MindBodyOne has are around how are these wellness practitioners and small business owners able to build the best businesses that they can. So in January, there's goals and goal settings. February is all about customer love, defining your purpose and passion, scaling your business,

branding and positioning, taking big bets, improving your customer experience, redefining your processes, planning for the holiday season, building loyalty and customer retention, celebrating your customers. And finally in December, it is a phenomenal month to reflect and reset. The thing about December for most of us is that the first two weeks are super busy and the last two weeks are quiet.

It's the time for us to be with our families and to also be able to spend some time preparing for the next year. So I actually see this across a lot of different communities using December as the month for reflection and resetting. That is an example of

of how they have mapped out monthly themes for their ideal member, those small business owners and wellness practitioners that are all seeking to have their best year ever. What's nice about these is that what you can see is that you can spend an entire month talking about scaling your business, for example, that's April.

That is the magic of monthly themes. Let me show you another example. The Quilty Nook, which is for quilters of all skill levels to come together and enhance their craft. Monthly themes are book cover inspiration, song inspiration, print publication inspiration. You're starting to get a sense of the themes here. How they are using their monthly themes is to offer inspiration for quilting from all of these different inputs.

Pretty fantastic, again, for a new member to come in and start contributing, but also something that probably after a month of the camera roll inspiration, your members are ready for something new, like how to get inspiration from a song.

All right, here's another example. From Verbal to Visual, which is a community for sketch note takers, their monthly themes, again, have a really nice balance between things that are universal, talking about new beginnings in January, to topics around nature and outdoors, urban life,

music and art, gratitude and giving, reflections, and how to use each of these areas to practice the skills of sketch note-taking.

Let's go to another example. Grown folks business. I love this. This is for chefs gearing up to launch their own cooking shows. In January, cooking atomic habits. Again, how do you set up for the year ahead? Using YouTube, business basics, marketing basics,

Air fryer recipes, better than Five Guys, better than Chick-fil-A, better than Chipotle, Instapot recipes, cooking in a mason jar, vegan Thanksgiving, and filming basics. So you see how you can spend an entire month as a member of this community just on filming basics alone. That is an example of monthly themes. The morning meetup, another great community for the most ambitious first-time business owners.

What's a great transition? A human being who's starting a business for the first time. All right, monthly themes, vision planning, market research, brand development, financial planning, sales strategies, customer relationships, spending a month talking about legal and compliance.

and using December for celebration. How do you celebrate? When do you celebrate? What are your best stories of celebration? When you start to create these kinds of conversations happening in your community, each and every one of your ideal members is going to be able to take an idea and bring it into their own life.

What does that create? Value. It creates the reason why they're going to stay, they're going to contribute, they are going to then get phenomenal results and transformation, and they are going to go out and talk about it to people that aren't yet in your community.

The Rock Retirement Club for recent retirees navigating their retirement journey. This is a paid membership in, for example, March. They're going to talk about navigating uncertainty. What is a major transition going from working to retirement?

June, estate planning. July, business planning. October, retirement transition. November, early retirement. And December, ideal retirement. So you can see how, again, new members can come in and they're not gonna be disoriented. They're going to be able to immediately start contributing. And so that's the power and magic of monthly themes. They bring novelty to your community

And what's beautiful is you can set them up in advance and sort of think through them. My recommendation is to use your monthly theme for the next month as a little bit of a spectacle ending the current month. So unveil it, make it fun, make it magical because people want novelty. And that is what you're getting with monthly themes. So in the next module, I am going to show you how to create a daily habit

with your community. I hope you'll join me. Thanks for tuning in to People Magic Profit, a nine-part series where I show you exactly how to build the most profitable digital community membership by creating people magic.

And if you want more, I have got a podcast also called People Magic where we do a deep dive of all of the topics I've covered in this masterclass. Head on over to Mighty Networks where we have got a free trial waiting for you. Until next time, I'm Gina Bianchini and thanks for being a part of People Magic Profit.