cover of episode People Magic Profit: Big Purpose

People Magic Profit: Big Purpose

logo of podcast People Magic: How to Build a $1M Community

People Magic: How to Build a $1M Community

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Gina Bianchini
Gina Bianchini: 本课程的核心是帮助你找到你的社群大目标(Big Purpose),这个大目标是吸引会员的关键。它是由你的理想会员和他们期望在你的社群中获得的最佳一年共同构成的。找到这个大目标需要遵循特定的框架,这个框架的核心是:'我们把……聚集在一起,以便……'。这个框架能够清晰地表达你的目标群体和他们加入社群后能够获得的益处。'我们把……聚集在一起'这部分能够让你的目标群体清晰地知道你的社群是为谁准备的,而'以便……'这部分则能够清晰地表达你的社群能够为他们带来什么,这部分不能仅仅是泛泛而谈的'学习、分享、成长',而应该具体地描述他们加入社群后能够获得的成果和改变。例如,Slow AF Run Club 的大目标是:'我们把准备提升自己跑步水平的新手跑者聚集在一起,以便他们能够完成自己的第一个5K、10K、半程或全程马拉松'。这个大目标清晰地表达了目标群体和他们加入社群后能够获得的益处。另一个例子是 Empower Men,它的目标是:'我们把那些致力于提升身体健康和财务状况的男人聚集在一起,以便他们能够实现自己的力量目标、财务自由,并在今年完成一件他们以前认为自己负担不起的事情'。这些例子都清晰地表达了目标群体和他们加入社群后能够获得的益处。清晰的大目标能够让你从众多社群中脱颖而出,吸引那些渴望成果和改变的人,并促进会员参与度。在创建社群之前,你需要的是一个社群设计规划,而不是大量的内容。Mighty Networks 可以帮助你找到并表达你的大目标。 Gina Bianchini: 本课程详细讲解了如何找到你的社群大目标,并强调了这个大目标的重要性。它不仅仅是一个口号,而是你社群的灵魂,是吸引会员的关键。课程中提供了具体的公式和框架,帮助你清晰地表达你的目标群体和他们加入社群后能够获得的益处。通过具体的例子,课程展示了如何将理想会员和他们最佳的一年结合起来,形成一个有吸引力的大目标。课程还强调了,在开始创建社群之前,你需要一个清晰的社群设计规划,而不是大量的毫无目标的内容。课程最后还介绍了 Mighty Networks,这是一个可以帮助你找到并表达你的大目标的工具。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript


You've already done the work of your ideal member and their best year ever. So you put those two things together to get your big purpose.

This is our third module in People Magic Profit, where I am going to take you through your big purpose. In this module, I am going to talk about your big purpose. This is your community's pitch. Let me show you how it pulls together, because it turns out you're going to want to follow a very specific framework.

formula for talking to people about your big purpose, about your pitch for your people magic profit business. It is this, your ideal member plus their best year ever equals your big purpose, your motivation for your community. It is your why. You have your ideal member, which is just a human being in a transition and

then offering them their best year ever, a awesome, memorable way of thinking about progress. The one thing you want to know is

is that you wanna put them together in a very specific format. The reason you want to use a very specific format is because of the way we as human beings hear new information. It's one of the most important reasons to use this formula. And here it is. I or we bring together your ideal member, so however you've described them, and then here's the trick, so that we can,

and then what you have for your members best year ever. Our brains are wired to hear who you bring together

And the phrase, so that we can, is like, oh, what am I going to get for this? So you're answering the question, what is someone going to get for joining your community? And it can't be learn, share, and grow. As much as we all want to learn, share, and grow, learn, share, and grow is a means to an end, a means to your best year ever. In your big purpose, you want to just skip the step of

of Learn, Share, Grow and go directly to who is this for and how are we going to use it to get our best year ever? Let's dive into some examples. The first one I have is the Slow AF Run Club. We bring together new slow runners ready to level up so that we can run our first 5K, 10K, half or full marathon. What do we have there? Super clear who this is for.

and what you're going to get for joining, no matter who they are or where they're starting from. Second one, empower men. We bring together men ready to dedicate themselves to upgrading the health of their bodies and finances.

so that we can achieve our strength goals, financial freedom, and do one thing this year we didn't think we could afford. See how concrete this feels? So you're moving beyond learn, share, and grow into a world where you're going to stand out from the crowd. You are going to offer people something, especially those motivated people who are hungry for results and transformation. You are gonna be able to deliver the thing

that they are looking for. And what is that gonna do? It is going to open the floodgates, have people join and allow you to help them through extraordinary engagement.

Get the practices, the habits, those results in transformation that is going to make a difference. All right, let's keep going. Guaranteed Goals by John Acuff. We bring together people looking for a system to fail-proof their professional and personal goals.

so that we can achieve one stretch goal we didn't think was possible and add five new stretch goals because we understand the framework for guaranteed goals and how to apply it to our lives. That is the big purpose.

pretty straightforward, pretty easy. So now we are at all of the marketing and content and emails, audience building, all the things you have to do in other places. When you build a people magic business, you simply need to identify who it's for,

the narrower, the better, how this community, how challenges, how courses are going to help them achieve their best year ever. You put those two things together in a big purpose and you can go out and start talking about it. When you create a mighty network, we've got all of this automated for you. So if you just have kind of a rough idea of who you want your ideal member to be,

You can use our mighty co-host to put that person in. And what you'll find is that it will spit out to you a number of options for your big purpose. So it will help you be able to articulate your ideal member even further and then help

with those results and transformation, that best year ever, so that you can just go out and start talking to people, start bringing your members in. I am going to talk to you more and more about the only things you need to have in place before you get started. And here's a hint. It's not a bunch of content. It is a community design plan. I'm going to show you exactly how to do it in the next three modules.

Thanks for tuning in to People Magic Profit, a nine-part series where I show you exactly how to build the most profitable digital community membership by creating people magic.

And if you want more, I have got a podcast also called People Magic where we do a deep dive of all of the topics I've covered in this masterclass. Head on over to Mighty Networks where we have got a free trial waiting for you. Until next time, I'm Gina Bianchini and thanks for being a part of People Magic Profit.