cover of episode Help Members DREAM BIG—Most Communities Skip This Critical Step (Plus it's FUN)

Help Members DREAM BIG—Most Communities Skip This Critical Step (Plus it's FUN)

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People Magic: How to Build a $1M Community

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Gina Bianchini
Gina Bianchini: 本课程的核心是帮助社群经营者设计一个能够激励会员并促进社群发展的“最佳年度”计划。通过设定远大而具体的年度目标,激发会员的积极性和参与度,最终实现会员和社群的共同成功。课程中,Gina Bianchini 通过多个案例分析,详细讲解了如何设定“最佳年度”目标,并将其与社群的整体发展战略相结合。她强调,‘最佳年度’并非要追求绝对的现实性,而是要激发会员的抱负和潜能,帮助他们看到可能性,并最终实现超越预期的成果。通过帮助会员实现‘最佳年度’目标,社群经营者也能获得更大的成功,例如增加会员数量、提高参与度、增加收入等。课程还强调了‘人际魔法’的重要性,即通过人际关系创造价值,建立紧密的社群联系,从而促进社群的长期发展。 Gina Bianchini: 课程中,Gina Bianchini 通过多个案例(Empowerment, Guaranteed Goals, Homeowner HQ, Thrive and Serve, Gold Comedy)详细阐述了如何为不同类型的社群制定“最佳年度”计划。这些案例涵盖了健康、财富、技能提升、目标实现、房屋装修等多个领域,展现了“最佳年度”计划在不同场景下的应用。每个案例都包含了具体的“最佳年度”目标设定、目标实现后的社群发展成果以及如何将这些目标融入社群文化。通过这些案例分析,Gina Bianchini 强调了‘最佳年度’计划的实用性和有效性,并为社群经营者提供了可借鉴的实践经验。她鼓励社群经营者设定远大的目标,即使这些目标看起来有些‘不切实际’,因为正是这种抱负能够激发会员的潜能,并最终推动社群的成功。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript


pay for progress. They want to go from where they are today to that future state. The shorthand that I have found works better than anything else to help people get there and to help design your community is the best year ever.

In this module, I am going to talk about the best year ever. People in transition pay for memberships, they buy courses, participate in challenges, and they go to events. They do that because they want progress.

progress. And it turns out that people pay for progress. The best year ever is what you are promising your members in terms of progress. And the reason that we talk about it and look at it as your best year ever, because you want something that is exciting.

You want something that is memorable and you want something that is specific. It is okay to create those stretch goals, those bigger than life ideas when you are beginning to talk about that community that you are creating and those paid memberships, those online courses, those challenges, and those events that you are designing.

It's okay if somebody doesn't reach these new heights, but by setting them up, you're creating a totally different conversation where you have the opportunity to stand out. I'm going to show you a couple of examples of best year evers, but I'm first going to start by showing you some questions that are going to help you get to your member's best year ever.

And what happens when you are able to deliver your members best year ever, it means that you can also have your best year ever. Because when you bring value to people, the opportunities for you to truly shine and

and build value and build wealth and freedom and flexibility just go up in truly extraordinary ways. So the best year ever, what can your members do a year from now that they can't do today? One of the most important questions to ask because that question fundamentally gets at productivity.

Second question, what would make this year or the 12 months somebody spends in your community the most memorable year of their lives? Exaggerate, figure it out, explore. Think about that experience that is absolutely epic.

Another great way of getting at someone's best year ever is what does a day in their life look like a year from now? Not only what are they able to do a year from now that they're not able to do today, but what does that day in their life look like when you can make something that concrete? So if you can get really specific, then you can look at what have they accomplished and

Who have they met? Hopefully, who have they met in your community? And finally, what experiences have they had? Skeptics amongst this group might be saying, "Well, those aren't realistic." The best year ever is not designed to be realistic. It is designed to create aspiration. And when you can start to move the story forward,

you are able to get people closer and closer to that best year ever. When you do this right, you are able to help people see what's possible.

and especially what's possible when they are surrounded by people on the same path. I want to show you some examples. Empowerment is a membership designed for men to be able to dedicate themselves to upgrading their health, wealth, and skills.

their freedom. So for them, their members best year ever is achieving every strength goal they have coming into the year. So not just one, not just two, every one. Their members will achieve financial freedom and do at least one thing they didn't expect to be able to afford. And finally, a year of their best year ever, that person at the end of their year won't even be able to recognize the person at the beginning.

As Empower Men as a community achieves this on behalf of their members, what are they able to do? Well, they're able to inspire 100,000 men all around the world to commit to personal development. And they are able to have 1,000 partners generate $2,500 a month in passive income. For them, that is what it looks like for their members to have their best year ever.

and as a result for them to have their best year ever as well. Guaranteed goals by John Acuff.

Unsurprisingly, this is a membership for achieving your goals and specifically for people looking to fail, prove their professional or personal goals. What is their best year ever? For their members, that their members will achieve at least one of their stretch goals they didn't think was possible before. As a result of that, they'll add five new stretch goals as they embrace this framework.

Finally, they'll bring guaranteed goals to 10 people in their own lives and attract new members in. Somebody doesn't necessarily have to join guaranteed goals, but if every member is helping other people in their lives achieve their goals, the impact is

of guaranteed goals expands exponentially. They're able to triple their membership and 5X the engagement of that three times higher number of members. They are focused on having their members invite at least one new member, but obviously to hit some of those goals and have their best year ever, it's gonna be more than that. So how are they building that into the culture of the community? And then lastly, this is kind of fun, they'll have time

to write their next bestseller. So as a community runs itself and you get that extraordinary engagement, you as the host of that community, you as the digital business owner has the ability to spend more time on the things that you truly love and the things that give you

Extraordinary energy. Another great one, Homeowner HQ. This is for people who are going through their first home build or their first home renovation. And as you could probably imagine, human beings in transitions, building or renovating a home, that's a big one. For their members, what is their best year ever? Well, they'll complete their home renovation feeling like they could be an HGTV star.

They'll come in on budget and avoid common pitfalls. Their members' best year ever is that they end the year and end their projects with their key relationships still intact, that they feel massively accomplished and are ready to do it all over again. If this basically becomes something where a challenging process because they're surrounded by people who are on the same path, led by experts who know what they're doing,

It changes lives. And as homeowner HQ changes lives, guess what happens?

they're able to unlock their best year ever by doubling or tripling the number of smooth home renovations that members of their community are having. And then they're able to work less and create more value and ultimately build the life that they want. So hopefully you hear the specifics in here that aren't just platitudes about millions of dollars, but really show you step-by-step how

focusing in on your ideal member,

delivering to them their best year ever, and then being able to utilize and harness that for bringing in new members interested in the same thing. Here's another example. Thrive and Serve is for six-figure entrepreneurs ready to level up with ChatGPT. For Thrive and Serve's members, what is their best year ever? Number one, they are shocked by how much more efficient they can be using ChatGPT. They

overcome impossible challenges in their business through what they learn in Thrive and Serve. And they save money and grow revenue faster because they aren't doing the same set of manual tasks. And then for Thrive and Serve, if they're able to get these members amazing results, they're

can become the AI source for six-figure entrepreneurs, which definitely is a candidate for best year ever. And they're able to double revenue with this paid membership. Also pretty great. Finally, in gold comedy, they bring together women and non-binary people who are aspiring to be their funniest selves.

What is their members' best year ever? They proudly pitch their first pilot. They laugh out loud every day because of the relationships they make in the community. And they take risks on stage and get a standing ovation by staying true to themselves. Sounds pretty great. That's the whole point of why we are here.

Why these are incredibly profitable people magic businesses is because only through people magic can you get these kinds of results.

It's awesome. And so for Gold Comedy, as they are able to create the best year ever for their members, what are they able to do? Well, double members in the community, especially the ones who contribute. And then they're able to launch a sold-out showcase at the biggest venue that they can find and fund.

So concrete, push it a little bit further than potentially is quote unquote realistic. That is the power of your best year ever. Now we've got your ideal member. We've got those ideal members best year ever. Now we're ready to put these two things together into a pitch. And in the next module, I'm gonna show you exactly

how to create the best pitch for you to be able to start to invite in your founding members and grow from your founding members to a thriving community of people excited to be a part of your people magic.

Thanks for tuning in to People Magic Profit, a nine-part series where I show you exactly how to build the most profitable digital community membership by creating people magic.

And if you want more, I have got a podcast also called People Magic where we do a deep dive of all of the topics I've covered in this masterclass. Head on over to Mighty Networks where we have got a free trial waiting for you. Until next time, I'm Gina Bianchini and thanks for being a part of People Magic Profit.