cover of episode Help Members DREAM BIG—Most Communities Skip This Critical Step (Plus it's FUN)

Help Members DREAM BIG—Most Communities Skip This Critical Step (Plus it's FUN)

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People Magic: How to Build a $1M Community

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Gina Bianchini
Gina Bianchini: 本课程的核心是帮助社群经营者设计一个能够激励会员并促进社群发展的“最佳年度”计划。通过设定远大而具体的年度目标,激发会员的积极性和参与度,最终实现会员和社群的共同成功。课程中,Gina Bianchini 通过多个案例分析,详细讲解了如何设定“最佳年度”目标,并将其与社群的整体发展战略相结合。她强调,‘最佳年度’并非要追求绝对的现实性,而是要激发会员的抱负和潜能,帮助他们看到可能性,并最终实现超越预期的成果。通过帮助会员实现‘最佳年度’目标,社群经营者也能获得更大的成功,例如增加会员数量、提高参与度、增加收入等。课程还强调了‘人际魔法’的重要性,即通过人际关系创造价值,建立紧密的社群联系,从而促进社群的长期发展。 Gina Bianchini: 课程中,Gina Bianchini 通过多个案例(Empowerment, Guaranteed Goals, Homeowner HQ, Thrive and Serve, Gold Comedy)详细阐述了如何为不同类型的社群制定“最佳年度”计划。这些案例涵盖了健康、财富、技能提升、目标实现、房屋装修等多个领域,展现了“最佳年度”计划在不同场景下的应用。每个案例都包含了具体的“最佳年度”目标设定、目标实现后的社群发展成果以及如何将这些目标融入社群文化。通过这些案例分析,Gina Bianchini 强调了‘最佳年度’计划的实用性和有效性,并为社群经营者提供了可借鉴的实践经验。她鼓励社群经营者设定远大的目标,即使这些目标看起来有些‘不切实际’,因为正是这种抱负能够激发会员的潜能,并最终推动社群的成功。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

Are you more of a visual learner? Head on over to our website) where I have a very pretty video of my masterclass. And come back on Thursdays to watch our companion episode!

People pay for progress and in order for people to join your community you have to incentivize them with a version of their future self. In this module, Gina takes your Ideal Member and helps create what their Best Year Ever might look like. This is meant to be aspirational, forward thinking. People join a community for amazing results and creating their Best Year Ever helps them strive for just that.