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Coming Soon: People Magic!

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People Magic: How to Build a $1M Community

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Gina Bianchini
Gina Bianchini: 创建百万美元的数字业务并非难事,它能够将人们聚集在一起,帮助他们实现个人无法达成的目标和转变,同时为企业家带来利润、自由和目标感。她帮助超过一万名企业家、品牌和创作者建立了以人为本、利润丰厚的企业,这些企业将重点放在客户身上,并创造了数百万美元的利润。她将在这个播客中分享一种不同的方法,帮助企业从六位数收入提升到七位数收入,或者解决内容和算法方面的问题。这个播客将解答关于会员扩展、避免早期错误以及如何向人们要钱等关键问题,并向听众展示这些问题的解决方案。无论你是小型企业、百万美元品牌、在线内容创作者还是刚刚起步,这个播客都适合你,它将帮助你更快地实现商业目标。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript


What if I told you it was easy to create a $1 million digital business? But not just that, one that brings people together and helps them achieve results and transformation they can't get on their own while bringing you profit, freedom, and purpose.

I'm Gina Bianchini, founder and CEO of Mighty Networks. We are a awesome community platform, but that is not why I'm here. I am here because I have helped over 10,000 entrepreneurs, brands and creators grow incredible businesses that put people first and generate millions in profit.

I call it People Magic, which also happens to be the name of this podcast. And if you're eager to start a digital business, ready to level up from six figures to seven, or just stop struggling with content and algorithms, I am going to show you a different path.

Each week I am going to answer your burning questions. Like, how will I scale and grow my membership? Or what mistakes should I avoid early on and how do I make sure I avoid them? And finally, how do I ask people for money? And when I show you exactly how easy this is to do,

you are going to sit back and wonder, why didn't I do this sooner? So whether you're a small business, a million dollar brand, an online content creator, or just getting started, welcome to PeopleMagic.