cover of episode Houston Astros: Caught Stealing | Dark Arts | 3

Houston Astros: Caught Stealing | Dark Arts | 3

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A.J. Hinch
Alex Cora
Jose Altuve
Alex Cora为了提高球队窃取暗号的效率,寻求改进方案,最终决定在休息区附近安装显示器,以便更有效地窃取和传递暗号。 Tom Coke Vasa向总经理Jeff Luhnow汇报了窃取暗号的情况,但Luhnow的回应不明确,让人难以判断他是否知情或认可这种行为。 Buck Showalter和Dan Duquette怀疑太空人队窃取了他们的暗号,并讨论了此事。 A.J. Hinch对窃取暗号的行为不赞成,但由于担心失去权威而没有采取行动,并在白袜队的比赛中试图阻止这种行为。 Jose Altuve对窃取暗号的方式持负面态度,认为这会影响他的发挥。 Justin Verlander加入太空人队后,他的队友向他坦白了窃取暗号的计划,Verlander对此表示理解。 太空人队利用录像回放室解码对手的暗号,并尝试将暗号传递给击球手。最初的暗号传递方式效率低下且复杂,后来他们使用敲击垃圾桶的方式来传递窃取的暗号,这种方式虽然简单,但并不完美,只在主场比赛有效,且并非所有击球手都认为这能带来显著的优势。 在季后赛中,太空人队减少了使用垃圾桶传递暗号的行为,但其有效性仍存在争议。 红袜队和洋基队也因使用电子设备窃取暗号而受到处罚,这为联盟对类似行为的处罚设定了先例。 Tom Coke Vasa意识到球队在比赛中窃取暗号的行为违规,并试图阻止这种行为。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the Houston Astros decide to use a TV monitor near their dugout in 2017?

The Astros wanted to improve the efficiency of relaying stolen signs to their batters, eliminating the need for multiple hand signals and phone calls from the video replay room deep within the stadium.

How did the Houston Astros initially relay stolen signs to their batters?

Initially, someone from the video replay room would call the bench coach, who would then use hand signals to relay the signs to a runner on second base, who would signal the batter.

What was the role of Tom Coke Vasa in the Astros' sign-stealing operation?

Tom Coke Vasa was in charge of gathering data about opposing teams, including decoding their signs using a secret catalog called Code Breaker.

Why did AJ Hinch, the Astros' manager, not shut down the illicit sign-stealing efforts?

Hinch feared losing the respect of his clubhouse and potentially his job, as he had struggled with authority issues in his previous managerial role.

How did the Astros' trash can system work during home games?

A player or staff member would watch a live feed of the opposing catcher's signs on a TV monitor near the dugout and bang on a nearby plastic trash can to signal the batter about the upcoming pitch.

What was the reaction of Justin Verlander, a new Astros pitcher, to learning about the team's sign-stealing scheme?

Verlander was initially shocked but accepted it, understanding that teams often push the rules to their limits and wanting to focus on winning the World Series.

How did Major League Baseball respond to the sign-stealing allegations against the Boston Red Sox and New York Yankees in 2017?

Both teams were fined small amounts, but no games were forfeited, and no players or coaches were suspended. The commissioner issued a memo reiterating that using replay rooms to decode signs during games was considered cheating.

Why did the Astros stop using the trash can system towards the end of the 2017 season?

The system was abandoned after an opposing pitcher seemed to notice the banging, leading to panic and paranoia about getting caught.

What was the final outcome of the 2017 World Series?

The Houston Astros won the World Series, defeating the Los Angeles Dodgers in a seven-game series.

The Houston Astros began experimenting with technology to steal signs in 2017, using a video replay room to decode the opposing team's signs and relay them to batters.
  • Astros used a video replay room to decode signs.
  • Initial attempts were slow and cumbersome.
  • Alex Cora and Tom Cocke Vasa brainstormed a more efficient system.

Shownotes Transcript

By 2017, the Houston Astros are one of the most dominant teams in Major League Baseball. But the team also takes sign stealing to new heights when they discover a unique – and illegal – way to signal those signs to batters in real time. But as the team mounts a World Series run, some opposing coaches and players begin to grow suspicious of their hitters’ uncanny ability to anticipate pitches.  

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