Lakshmi Singh: 我正在华盛顿的NPR新闻台播报,参议院正在审查当选总统特朗普提名的新的司法部长候选人邦迪。
Ryan Lucas: 邦迪是佛罗里达州前司法部长,她曾挑战《平价医疗法案》,并在佛罗里达州担任了近二十年的地方检察官,特朗普认为她对暴力犯罪分子非常强硬,并致力于阻止致命毒品流入佛罗里达州。
Tamara Keith: 特朗普过渡团队进展缓慢,至少有三个与拜登政府签订的正式协议没有签署,这对于国家安全至关重要。
Danielle Caputo: 特朗普过渡团队没有签署备忘录,这将导致他们在最初的执政时期需要追赶大量信息。
Greg Myrie: 普京表示,俄罗斯有权报复向乌克兰提供武器的北约成员国,他称俄罗斯发射实验弹道导弹是对乌克兰袭击的直接回应。普京警告称,俄罗斯有权打击供应武器的西方国家,几天前他降低了俄罗斯使用核武器的门槛。
Emmanuel Akinwotu: 南苏丹首都发生激烈枪战,安全部队试图逮捕该国情报部门前负责人阿科尔·科尔库奇。科尔库奇被解雇是南苏丹权力斗争的最新事件,总统基尔推迟了选举。
Ryan Lucas: 'NPR's Ryan Lucas has details on Bondi's background. She's a former attorney general for the state of Florida, the first woman to hold that position. During that time, unsuccessfully challenged the Affordable Care Act. Before that, she worked for nearly two decades as a local prosecutor in Florida. The president-elect said that as a prosecutor, Bondi was very tough on violent criminals. And as a state attorney general, he says that she worked to stop the flow of deadly drugs into Florida.'
Tamara Keith: 'he's been slow to deal with other aspects of his transition. The Trump transition has failed to sign at least three required formal agreements with the Biden administration needed to gain access to agencies and classified briefings. It's incredibly important for national security purposes.'
Danielle Caputo: 'Instead, they're going to be spending the initial periods in the administration trying to play catch up on a lot of information that they didn't have access to because they failed to sign these memorandums.'
Greg Myrie: 'NPR's Greg Myrie reports Putin has been ramping up threats against Ukraine and the West in a series of recent moves. Putin spoke on television after Russia fired an experimental ballistic missile into Ukraine, one that had not been used previously in the war. The Russian leader said this was a direct response to Ukrainian attacks earlier this week. Putin said Russia is within its rights to hit the Western countries that supply those weapons. All this comes just days after Putin lowered the threshold for Russia to use nuclear weapons. He said they could now be employed if the country is facing a, quote, critical threat.'
Emmanuel Akinwotu: 'Heavy gunfire erupted in the capital of South Sudan last night when security forces tried to arrest the former head of the country's intelligence service. Here's NPR's Emmanuel Akinwotu. The gunfire began when security forces acted on orders to move a former head of another security agency from his home to a detention center at the army headquarters. Akor Korkuch was the head of the National Security Services but was sacked last month on the orders of President Salva Kiir. It came weeks after Khair postponed elections for a second time, which were due to be held in December. Kuch's dismissal by the president was the latest removal of a former close ally. It marked the most recent episode in a long-running power struggle in the fragile transitional government in South Sudan, which ceded from its northern neighbour, Sudan, in 2011.'