cover of episode NPR News: 11-22-2024 12AM EST

NPR News: 11-22-2024 12AM EST

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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Chase McGee
Claudia Grisales
David Mathau
Nina Kravinsky
Shea Stevens
Shea Stevens: 我报道了特朗普总统当选人提名帕姆·邦迪为美国司法部长。邦迪是佛罗里达州前首席检察官,也是特朗普的忠实支持者。在佛罗里达州前众议员马特·盖茨因卷入性交易调查而退出提名程序后,特朗普选择了邦迪。 这是一个重要的政治任命,因为它将影响美国司法部的方向和政策。邦迪的任命可能引发争议,因为她与特朗普的关系密切,以及她过去的一些言行。这将对美国未来的法律和执法产生深远的影响。 这个任命也突显了特朗普政府的优先事项和价值观。它反映了特朗普对忠诚和政治盟友的重视,而不是对经验和资质的重视。这可能会对美国司法系统的公正性和独立性构成威胁。 Claudia Grisales: 我报道了关于马特·盖茨未来的不确定性。许多人认为他无法通过参议院的审查程序,他们预测他会退出,因为他会成为一个令人分心的因素,反过来又会成为极右翼的英雄,然后利用所有这些关注度来争取佛罗里达州州长的提名。他的名字已经被多次提及。 然而,在此之前,他可能会在1月份返回他在众议院的席位,因为他当选了一个全新的任期,这将迫使伦理调查重新开始。盖茨上周辞去众议院议员职务后,伦理调查结束。 盖茨的未来取决于多个因素,包括参议院的审查程序、他是否决定重返众议院以及他是否决定竞选佛罗里达州州长。他的决定将对共和党和美国政治产生重大影响。 Nina Kravinsky: 我从墨西哥埃尔莫西略的边境新闻台报道,墨西哥总统克劳迪娅·谢恩鲍姆表示,如果明年发生大规模驱逐,墨西哥已准备好接收被驱逐者。但她表示,她的第一步是向即将上任的政府表明,来自她国家的移民是美国经济的重要组成部分,并表示不应将移民视为罪犯。 墨西哥政府正在为可能的大规模驱逐做准备,这表明他们对特朗普政府的移民政策感到担忧。墨西哥政府的回应突显了移民问题对两国关系的复杂性和重要性。墨西哥政府的策略是强调移民对美国经济的贡献,而不是将他们描绘成一种威胁。 Chase McGee: 我报道了在9月份杀害4人的涉嫌枪击案中,一名嫌疑人的父亲放弃了无罪抗辩。科林·格雷对29项指控表示不认罪,其中包括二级谋杀罪。如果检察官成功地论证他向儿子提供步枪的行为构成谋杀,他的审判可能会为佐治亚州的法律设定先例。 他的14岁儿子科尔特被控开枪打死4人,也表示不认罪。与此同时,枪击案发生两个多月后,阿帕拉契高中部分建筑仍然关闭,一些学生仍在校外上课。 学校领导人也正在考虑可能的安保措施改进,包括金属探测器、透明背包和加强安保。这起枪击案对学校社区和整个国家都产生了深远的影响,突显了枪支暴力和学校安全的紧迫问题。 David Mathau: 我报道了美国司法部对新泽西州特伦顿警察局的调查,该调查发现了不当行为模式,包括过度使用武力。美国助理司法部长克里斯汀·克拉克表示,特伦顿警方在没有对警官或他人造成伤害威胁的情况下升级冲突并使用武力。这种行为不仅违反宪法并造成严重伤害,而且还会播下不信任的种子,并破坏执法部门维护社区安全的使命。该报告还发现,警官经常侵犯人们的宪法权利。 特伦顿市和警察局已与调查充分合作,并同意与司法部合作纠正这种情况。这项调查是在一名黑人男子在警官没有说明拦截原因的情况下逃跑后被警察枪击后进行的。 这项调查的结果突显了警察暴力和种族歧视的持续问题,以及对警察问责制和改革的必要性。

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Live from NPR News in Washington, I'm Shea Stevens. President-elect Donald Trump has announced a new nominee for U.S. Attorney General. She's former Florida top prosecutor and Trump loyalist Pam Bondi. Trump tapped Bondi after former Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz backed out of the process amid fallout over a sex trafficking investigation.

As NPR's Claudia Grisales reports, the future for Gates remains unclear. Many were sure he wouldn't survive the Senate vetting process. They said Gates would drop out because he would become a distraction, in turn become a hero for the hard right, and then leverage all of this oxygen for his nomination into a possible run for Florida governor. His name has been tossed around for that quite a bit.

But before then, he could return to his seat in January because that is a completely new term he was elected to, and that would force the ethics probe to start again. The ethics probe ended last week when Gates resigned from his House seat. Mexico says it has a plan in case of possible mass deportations of unauthorized migrants under the Trump administration.

KJZZ's Nina Kravinsky reports from the Frontera's desk in Hermosilla. Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum says her country is prepared to receive deportees if there are mass expulsions next year. But she says her first step is to show the incoming administration that immigrants from her country are an important part of the U.S. economy and said that immigrants shouldn't be treated as criminals.

President Donald Trump has promised deportations starting at the beginning of his new administration in January. He confirmed this week that he plans to declare a national emergency and use the military to carry out those deportations. According to the Pew Research Center, there are around 4 million unauthorized immigrants from Mexico and the U.S. For NPR News, I'm Nina Kravinsky in Hermosillo, Mexico.

The father of a suspected school shooter accused of killing four people in September has ended a not guilty plea. Georgia Public Broadcasting's Chase McGee has the story. Colin Gray pleaded not guilty to 29 charges, including second degree murder. His trial could set precedent in Georgia if prosecutors successfully argue that his providing a rifle to his son amounts to murder.

His 14-year-old son, Colt, who is accused of pulling the trigger and killing four people, has also pleaded not guilty. Meanwhile, part of the Appalachee High School building remains closed more than two months after the shooting, and some students are still attending classes at an off-site location.

School leaders are also considering possible safety enhancements, including metal detectors, clear backpacks, and increased security. For NPR News, I'm Chase McGee in Winder, Georgia. U.S. futures are lower in after-hours trading on Wall Street following Thursday's gains. On Asia Pacific, market shares are mixed down a fraction in Hong Kong and Shanghai. This is NPR.

A Justice Department investigation into the New Jersey Police Department finds patterns of misconduct, including use of excessive force. From Member Station WHYY, David Mathau has the story. Assistant U.S. Attorney General Kristen Clark says Trenton police escalate encounters and use force when there is no threat of harm to officers or others. This behavior not only

only violates the Constitution and inflicts serious injuries, but it also sows distrust and undermines law enforcement's mission to keep the community safe. The report also finds officers routinely violate people's constitutional rights.

Clark says the city of Trenton and the police department have cooperated fully with the probe and have agreed to work with the Justice Department to remedy the situation. The investigation comes after police shot a black man who fled after officers did not reveal a reason for stopping him. For NPR News, I'm David Mathau in Philadelphia. There's a new twist in the criminal case of former actor and singer Jussie Smollett.

The Illinois Supreme Court has overturned his conviction of staging a hate crime against himself. Smollett was charged with lying to police about the alleged 2019 incident. He accepted a plea deal after a brief stint in jail, prompting a Chicago prosecutor to drop the case. But a special prosecutor retried it, and two witnesses testify that Smollett paid them to stage the attack, leading to a conviction.

The Illinois High Court says the special prosecutor should never have intervened. This is NPR News. This message comes from NPR sponsor Shopify, the global commerce platform that helps you sell and show up exactly the way you want to. Customize your online store to your style. Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at slash NPR.