cover of episode Luka’s Revenge, NFL QB Roulette, and Tales from 'White Lotus' With Sheil Kapadia and Dave Bernad

Luka’s Revenge, NFL QB Roulette, and Tales from 'White Lotus' With Sheil Kapadia and Dave Bernad

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The Bill Simmons Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Bill Simmons
Sheil Kapadia
@Bill Simmons : 我认为达拉斯独行侠队关于卢卡·东契奇的交易从一开始就是个错误,这简直是一场灾难。湖人队和独行侠队的比赛已经成为NBA最令人期待的比赛之一,勒布朗·詹姆斯在比赛中不断地重新塑造自己,这让我印象深刻。他找到了与卢卡·东契奇共存的方式,并且在场上发挥着多重作用。我认为湖人队是一支真正的竞争者,并且有潜力夺冠。 @Sheil Kapadia : 费城人队现在更关注老鹰队的超级碗胜利,而不是76人队的糟糕表现。老鹰队的超级碗胜利对球迷来说非常令人满意,尤其对贾伦·赫兹来说更是如此。老鹰队的夺冠窗口期可能持续4到5年,成功的关键在于他们过去几年的选秀和一些精明的签约。我不认为老鹰队会交易核心球员,但如果迈尔斯·加勒特被交易,他们可能会考虑收购他。牛仔队不太可能交易米卡·帕森斯,因为他们已经为其他球员支付了巨额薪水。老鹰队是超级碗夺冠热门,我认为酋长队和乌鸦队被高估了。德州人队、维京人队和包装工队是潜在的夺冠黑马,公羊队上赛季表现出色,有潜力再次冲击超级碗。马修·斯塔福德被交易的可能性很大,他寻求一份年薪5000万美元的合同。公羊队可能不会交易他,因为他们仍然认为他可以带领球队取得成功。海盗队可能是潜在的买家,但巨人队不太可能交易得到他。泰坦队应该选择卡姆·沃德作为状元签,如果他们不选择他,他们应该将他交易给其他需要四分卫的球队。布朗队也需要一个四分卫,但他们可能不会选择沃德。巨人队、喷气机队和海盗队也需要四分卫。海鹰队可能会交易吉诺·史密斯,但我不认为他们会这样做。维京人队可能会选择贾里尔·麦卡锡。 @Dave Bernad : 我从邮递员做起,一步步成为制片人。制作电视节目需要解决各种问题,从签订合同到选角、选址、处理网络和营销等。制作《白莲花》的过程非常独特,HBO对迈克·怀特给予了充分的信任,这使得该剧能够成功。该剧的成功源于一系列巧合事件,这些事件很难复制。该剧的选角过程非常迅速,我们主要选择了自己认识的人。该剧的成功也离不开HBO的信任和对创作过程的尊重。 supporting_evidences Bill Simmons: 'Watching LeBron reinvent himself on the fly' Sheil Kapadia: 'I'm still kicking myself for not picking them.' Sheil Kapadia: 'I think it's the biggest story in the NFL right now.' Sheil Kapadia: 'I think the thing with, I think the reason why they wouldn't is because teams are, kind of overconfident in their ability to evaluate quarterbacks.' Dave Bernad: 'I was 14, grew up in Washington, D.C., walking through a mall, come across a movie set' Dave Bernad: 'Mike literally didn't know what it was, but he had been thinking about these three different shows over the last 15 years.'

Deep Dive

Bill Simmons shares his immediate reactions to the Lakers-Mavericks game, focusing on three key takeaways. First, the Luka Dončić trade appears disastrous for Dallas. Second, the Lakers emerge as wildcard contenders. Third, LeBron James's reinvention at age 40 is remarkable.
  • The Luka Dončić trade is considered a disaster for the Dallas Mavericks.
  • The Lakers are viewed as wildcard contenders.
  • LeBron James's adaptation to playing off the ball and improved defense are highlighted.

Shownotes Transcript

The Ringer’s Bill Simmons reacts to the Lakers and Mavericks' first meeting since the massive Luka Doncic trade (0:00), before talking with Sheil Kapadia about next season's Super Bowl contenders, Matt Stafford’s future, teams desperate for a QB, free agent buzz, top-10 draft projections, and much more (10:25). Finally, Bill sits down with ‘White Lotus’ EP Dave Bernad to discuss the ambiguous responsibilities of an executive producer, the unlikely origins of HBO’s ‘White Lotus’, stories from making the show, and more (01:11:48).

Host: Bill Simmons

Guests: Sheil Kapadia and Dave Bernad

Producers: Kyle Crichton and Chia Hao Tat

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