Quentin Schultze
Wayne Shepherd
Quentin Schultze: 我在芝加哥的一个破碎家庭中长大,父亲酗酒,母亲患有精神疾病。童年经历给我带来了长期的焦虑和抑郁。然而,在大学期间,我信奉了基督教,这彻底改变了我的生活。我的信仰旅程与我的职业生涯——传播学研究和教学——紧密相连。我意识到,沟通是表达信仰和帮助他人的重要途径。我的新书《你将会射伤你的眼睛》从电影《圣诞故事》中提取人生教训,探讨了痴迷、人际关系、信仰等主题。通过这些故事,我希望帮助人们更好地理解和表达自己,并找到人生的意义。 Wayne Shepherd: 与Quentin Schultze的对话让我深受感动。他的故事展现了信仰的力量,以及如何从痛苦的经历中获得救赎。他的新书《你将会射伤你的眼睛》从一个独特的视角解读了经典电影《圣诞故事》,从中提取出许多有益的人生教训。这些教训不仅适用于个人生活,也适用于人际关系和信仰的探索。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Quentin Schultze decide to write a book about 'A Christmas Story'?

Schultze felt the spirit moving him to write the book as he believed people needed to be better storytellers, especially in the kingdom. He had kept notes on the movie, seeing it as a collection of parables, and felt it was time to share these insights.

How did Quentin Schultze's early life influence his career path?

Schultze's difficult childhood, marked by his father's alcoholism and mother's mental illness, led him to become a non-communicator. This experience drove him to pursue communication studies, eventually leading to three degrees and a career in teaching and speaking about communication.

What role did faith play in Quentin Schultze's personal and professional journey?

Faith was pivotal in Schultze's life, guiding him from a troubled childhood to a successful career. He attributes his ability to overcome anxiety and depression to his faith in Jesus, which he began to follow in college. This faith also influenced his academic pursuits and professional work in communication.

How did Quentin Schultze's relationship with Gene Shepard influence his understanding of storytelling?

Schultze admired Shepard's storytelling abilities and saw his work as parabolic. This admiration led to a collaboration where Shepard taught Schultze about storytelling, which Schultze later applied to his academic and professional work, including his book on 'A Christmas Story'.

What is the significance of the leg lamp in 'A Christmas Story' according to Quentin Schultze?

The leg lamp symbolizes the old man's obsession with material things, a common issue among men according to Gene Shepard. Schultze interprets this as a parable about curtailing obsessions, reflecting St. Augustine's view that what drives humans is the love in their hearts.

How does Quentin Schultze view his life's work in relation to his faith?

Schultze sees his life as God's workmanship, prepared in advance for him to do good works. He views his career in communication and his book about 'A Christmas Story' as part of this divine plan, helping him to fulfill the good works he believes God intended for him.

Quentin reflects on his pioneering work with the internet and how it influenced his career.

Shownotes Transcript

Quentin Schultze) joins Wayne Shepherd in conversation about both his own story of faith in Christ and lessons from a popular movie, A Christmas Story. (click for more)                     Quentin has written a book, You'll Shoot Your Eye Out, Life Lessons from the Movie  A Christmas Story.) In the book he draws spiritual lessons from the movie, based on his friendship with the screenwriter, Jean Shepherd. But he also dialogues with Wayne about his own story of faith and a difficult early life.Quentin Schultze) is a popular speaker, writer, and communications professor.NEXT WEEK:  Chad Roberts, a blind pastor

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