Mike Jens
Wayne Shepherd
Mike Jens: 我在海军陆战队服役期间信奉了耶稣基督,这彻底改变了我的人生轨迹。在意大利那不勒斯服役期间,我经历了一次属灵的转变,从此开始阅读圣经,并对上帝的旨意有了更深的认识。起初,我渴望从事传统的牧师工作,但上帝引导我将动画作为我的事工平台。我创作的儿童动画系列《西奥》旨在通过生动有趣的故事情节,向孩子们传授重要的圣经教义,例如称义、成圣以及如何认识耶稣基督。这部动画系列不仅在美国,而且在世界各地帮助儿童学习圣经真理,并对基督产生信心。 Wayne Shepherd: Mike Joens的信仰故事和他的动画作品都非常鼓舞人心。他的经历和《西奥》动画系列向我们展示了如何将信仰融入到日常生活中,并通过创意的方式向他人传扬福音。Mike Joens的动画作品制作精良,内容既具有圣经基础,又充满趣味性,深受家长和孩子们的喜爱。这证明了高质量的基督教作品能够吸引大众,并产生积极的影响。

Deep Dive

Mike Joens' faith in Christ began while serving in the Marines in Naples, Italy, in 1972. Despite a Catholic upbringing and initial hostility towards Christianity, a divine intervention led him to a profound conversion experience.
  • Mike's faith journey began in 1972 while stationed in Naples, Italy.
  • He was initially hostile to Christianity but experienced a dramatic conversion.
  • Two fellow Marines played a key role in sharing the gospel with him.

Shownotes Transcript

Mike Joens) put his faith in Jesus Christ while in the Marines. He went on to become a successful animator and has now created a series for children. He talks with Wayne Shepherd about his life journey. (click for more)It was a dramatic turn in his life in 1972 when Mike Joens became a Christian while serving in Naples, Italy. For the next several years, he worked for studios such as Hanna Barbera, Filmation, Warner Brothers and Marvel Productions. He worked as an animator, storyboard artist, character designer and writer, honing his skills on every level, while learning the nuts and bolts of cartoon production. Mike's dream all along was to create an animated series for children that would teach God's Word. That happened with the production of Theo Presents, available on DVD here).Next Week:  Quentin Schultze

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