Bill Yeargin: 我的信仰是我生活中最重要的事情,它贯穿于我作为CorrectCraft首席执行官的每一个决策。我无法将信仰与商业世界分开,我的信仰塑造了我的领导风格和公司文化。我致力于在CorrectCraft营造一种积极向上、以价值观为导向的工作环境,即使是非基督徒员工也受益于这种文化。我们公司拥有‘为上帝的荣耀建造船只’的使命,并积极参与全球服务项目,这不仅帮助了需要帮助的人,也提升了员工的团队凝聚力,促进了公司的发展。我们公司从2009年的4000万美元发展到去年的10亿美元,这与我们积极向上的企业文化密不可分。 我的信仰也体现在我写的《信仰飞跃》一书中,这本书旨在以清晰易懂的方式向人们解释基督教信仰,并鼓励人们思考信仰。我希望这本书能够帮助那些对信仰有疑问的人,或者那些不了解为什么应该成为基督徒的人。 Wayne Shepherd: 作为一名采访者,我见证了Bill Yeargin如何将他的信仰融入他的商业实践中,并取得了显著的成功。他的故事和经验为我们提供了宝贵的启示,即信仰不仅是个人生活的指引,也可以成为企业成功的基石。Bill Yeargin的领导力、企业文化和服务精神值得我们学习和借鉴。他所倡导的价值观和实践,为企业家和商业领袖树立了良好的榜样。

Deep Dive

Bill Yeargin, CEO of Correct Craft, discusses how his Christian faith influences his decision-making and permeates the company culture. Despite not requiring employees to be Christian, Correct Craft fosters a faith-based environment through voluntary Bible studies, service projects, and a mission of "building boats to the glory of God." Yeargin emphasizes the positive impact of this culture on employee morale and the company's success.
  • Correct Craft is a billion-dollar company in the recreational marine business.
  • The company's mission is "building boats to the glory of God."
  • Yeargin views his faith as inseparable from his business decisions.
  • Correct Craft promotes a faith-based culture through voluntary activities and service projects.

Shownotes Transcript

The CEO of the large and successful Correct Craft company, Bill Yeargin, joins Wayne Shepherd in conversation his personal faith journey and how it has helped him lead over 2,000 employees and distributors in over 70 countries. 

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