Babbie Mason
Wayne Shepherd
Babbie Mason: 我从小在教会长大,父亲是牧师,从小就唱歌。青少年时期曾渴望成为莫城歌手,但最终在大学食堂喝汤时,感受到圣灵的强烈指引,彻底地将自己的生命、音乐和梦想献给上帝。此后,我从事全职事工已经40年,并写了一本书《Each One Reach One》,讲述了我如何努力成为更好的见证者,照亮上帝的光芒。在Piggly Wiggly超市唱歌的经历让我明白,仁慈是一种超能力,是满足他人需求而不求回报,将耶稣的爱和心扩展给他人。分享爱与光的方式是友善待人,体察他人需求,倾听他们的故事,并在他们敞开心扉的关键时刻给予他们耶稣。我也通过举办研讨会来指导年轻的音乐家,希望能够充分利用上帝赋予我的天赋和才能。 Wayne Shepherd: 本期节目采访了Babbie Mason,一位屡获殊荣的基督教歌手、词曲作者、作家、会议演讲者和电视节目主持人。她分享了她从小在教会长大,父亲是牧师,从小就唱歌的经历,以及她青少年时期曾渴望成为莫城歌手,但最终将自己的生命完全献给了上帝的故事。她从事全职事工已经40年,并通过音乐和写作等方式分享她的信仰和见证。她强调了仁慈的重要性,以及在生活中实践信仰的重要性。

Deep Dive

Babbie Mason, growing up in a pastor's home in Jackson, Michigan, shares her early life immersed in church and music. She recounts her experience playing the piano for her father's church at a young age and the influence of both classical training and the vibrant gospel music tradition.
  • Babbie Mason grew up in Jackson, Michigan, in a pastor's home where church was central to life.
  • She started playing piano for her church at age nine, despite having limited knowledge of chords.
  • Babbie's musical journey was shaped by both classical training and the gospel music tradition of her church.

Shownotes Transcript

Babbie Mason, an award winning Christian singer-songwriter, author, conference speaker and TV host, tells Wayne Shepherd her story, including an early Motown aspiration. A WORD FROM WAYNE:Babbie Mason) is a gifted singer-songwriter, author, conference speaker, and TV host and her name is synonymous with creative excellence in the Christian community. She is the recipient of two Dove Awards and inducted into the Christian Music Hall of Fame in 2010.

In this week's FIRST PERSON conversation, you'l hear Babbie talk about her early life growing up in church where her father was the pastor and singing ever since she can remember. As a young person she aspired to be a Motown artist until God made her calling clear. Her humble beginnings paved the way for a ministry and career that have taken Babbie Mason and her music across the globe, to churches, conferences and corporate conventions, on television, radio, the silver screen, through her books and even an online radio station).

Her book, EACH ONE REACH ONE; Everyday Ways You Can Shine God's Light, is a USA Today best-seller and can be found here).

NEXT WEEK:  Phil Callaway

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