Andrew Montanera
Wayne Shepherd
Wayne Shepherd: 本节目讲述了1934年殉道的宣教士John和Betty Stam的故事,旨在鼓励基督徒坚持信仰,跟随基督。节目嘉宾Andrew Montanera是新书《生与死》的作者,他将分享Stam夫妇的故事,并探讨其对当代基督徒的意义。 Andrew Montanera: Stam夫妇的故事对当代基督徒仍然具有重要的启迪意义。他们的信仰和奉献精神值得我们学习和效仿。通过对Stam夫妇生平的深入研究和对家族档案的整理,我希望能将他们的故事更生动地呈现给新一代的基督徒,使他们能够从中汲取力量和灵感。 Andrew Montanera: 我家族保存了Stam夫妇的许多遗物,包括书籍、信件和照片等。这些珍贵的资料为我撰写这本书提供了重要的参考依据。Stam夫妇于1929年在慕迪圣经学院相遇,并于20世纪30年代初前往中国传教。Betty Stam在传教士家庭长大,熟悉中国文化和语言。Stam夫妇知道在中国内战期间存在的危险,但他们坚信上帝的呼召,要向中国人传福音。他们于1934年12月8日被共产党士兵杀害,他们的女儿Helen Priscilla幸免于难。 Betty Stam是一位诗人,她的诗歌反映了她的信仰和经历。她的诗歌《Open My Eyes》表达了她渴望服侍基督的心愿。John Stam的父亲希望他接管家族的布道事工,但最终尊重了他的选择。Stam夫妇的故事在当时成为全球新闻,对福音派产生了重大影响。他们的殉道精神激励了无数基督徒,也为中国教会的发展留下了宝贵的遗产。

Deep Dive

The chapter introduces John and Betty Stamm, a young missionary couple who went to China in the 1930s, their background, and their commitment to sharing the gospel despite the dangers they faced.
  • John and Betty Stamm met at Moody Bible Institute and were committed to missionary work in China.
  • They were aware of the dangers posed by the Chinese Civil War and the rise of communism.
  • Their strong faith and sense of urgency to share the gospel led them to continue their work in China.

Shownotes Transcript

This week the story of martyred missionaries John and Betty Stam, who died in 1934. Author Andrew Montonera will talk with Wayne Shepherd about his new  book, By Life or By Death

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