cover of episode The Trojan Horse Affair - Part 1

The Trojan Horse Affair - Part 1

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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Brian Reed
Hamza Syed
John Brockley
Tahir Alam
Brian Reed: 本集探讨了2014年一封匿名信在伯明翰引发的巨大争议。这封信指控穆斯林极端分子密谋渗透伯明翰学校,引发了多项政府调查,改变了国家政策,并对许多人的职业生涯和生活造成了严重影响。然而,调查结果并未发现任何证据支持信中指控,但调查人员仍然认为伯明翰学校存在严重问题。本集试图揭开事件真相,并探讨信件的来源和动机。 Hamza Syed: Hamza Syed 参与了对“特洛伊木马”事件的调查,他出席了一个由被指控参与阴谋的教育工作者组织的公开会议,该会议被媒体破坏。他认为政府对事件的处理存在问题,并对当局的调查缺乏透明度表示担忧。 Tahir Alam: Tahir Alam 是信中被指控为“特洛伊木马行动”主谋的学校志愿者。他否认自己是极端分子,并详细讲述了他为改善伯明翰学校教育所做的努力。他认为这封信是恶意中伤,并毁了他的声誉和事业。他强调了他对社区的贡献以及学校在改善学生成绩方面取得的显著进步。 John Brockley: John Brockley 是一位在 Park View 学校工作的非穆斯林教师,他提供了对学校内部情况的证词,揭示了学校教师对穆斯林学生及其家庭存在的偏见和歧视。他的证词证实了“特洛伊木马”信件中部分内容的真实性,并为理解事件的复杂性提供了新的视角。

Deep Dive

Tahir Alam, a first-generation Pakistani immigrant, watched a BBC documentary highlighting the educational disparities faced by Pakistani Muslims in Birmingham. Galvanized by a sense of guilt and humiliation, he decided to take action, starting a tutoring program and joining Park View School's governing body. He eventually became the chair, starting an 18-year journey to transform the failing school.
  • In 1997, Park View School had a 4% pass rate and was in danger of closing.
  • The documentary "Underclass In Purdah" exposed the high rates of educational failure among Pakistani Muslims, prompting Tahir Alam to get involved.
  • Tahir Alam became chair of Park View School's governing body.

Shownotes Transcript

A strange letter appears outlining a plot by Islamic extremists to infiltrate Birmingham schools. Hamza and Brian visit the supposed mastermind of the plot, and he tells them he did take over a bunch of schools – just not for the reasons in the letter.To get full access to this show, and to other Serial Productions and New York Times podcasts on Apple Podcasts and Spotify, subscribe at

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