cover of episode Nice White Parents - Ep. 4

Nice White Parents - Ep. 4

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Chana Joffe-Walt
Chana Joffe-Walt:美国民主的存续依赖于公共教育,而白人父母的权力正在阻碍这一目标的实现。除非限制白人父母的权力,否则无法实现公平的公共教育。白人父母通过垄断资源、逃避责任以及在学校内外获得不成比例的关注,阻碍了公平教育的实现。成功学院对学生的严厉惩罚性措施主要针对黑人和棕色人种学生,而在白人占多数的学校则没有这种现象。 Even Moskowitz:成功学院通过限制所有家长权力来限制白人父母的权力,避免少数富裕家庭获得更多资源。成功学院的模式在所有学校中保持一致,不允许家长进行捐款或改变课程设置。 Amy Hernandez:白人父母的影响力像滚雪球一样逐渐壮大,最终可能导致学校再次隔离。白人父母的权力增长缓慢而隐蔽,不易察觉,但最终会变得强大,难以阻止。 Principal Landau:BHS致力于真正的公平,并为此努力。学校通过保留一定比例的低收入学生名额、改变课程设置、雇佣更多有色人种教师和员工以及关注种族和公平问题来促进公平。 Megan Casey:BHS 致力于真正的融合,而非仅仅是多样性。多样性并非目标,而融合需要努力争取。学校需要积极主动地解决种族偏见和刻板印象问题,确保所有学生都得到公平对待。 Jeremy:白人父母可能会利用其权力来损害其他学生的利益,历史可能会重演。学校的融合如果对白人家庭不再有利,可能会再次走向隔离。

Deep Dive

The episode explores the idea of limiting the power of White parents in public schools to achieve equitable education. It introduces two schools within the same building trying to address this issue.
  • Public schools are inequitable due to the disproportionate power of White parents.
  • Two schools in the same building are attempting to limit White parents' influence.
  • Success Academy, a charter school, and the newly renamed SIS are the focus of this exploration.

Shownotes Transcript

Public schools are inequitable because the school systems are maniacally loyal to white families. We can’t have equitable public education unless schools limit the disproportionate power of white parents. But is that even possible? Chana finds two schools that are trying to do just that, and both are actually inside the 293 building. One is downstairs in the basement, where a charter school called Success Academy opened about 7 years ago. The other is upstairs at BHS, the newly renamed SIS.

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