cover of episode Day 325 (Acts 13-14) - Year 6

Day 325 (Acts 13-14) - Year 6

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Tara-Leigh Cobble

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Paul switch from using his Hebrew name Saul to his Roman name Paul?

Paul likely switched his name to adapt to the Gentile audience during his first missionary journey, making the gospel message more accessible. This aligns with his later statement in 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 about becoming all things to all people.

How did Paul respond when people in Lystra began to worship him and Barnabas as gods?

Paul and Barnabas tore their clothes and rushed out to the crowd, emphatically denying the worship and redirecting it to God, the creator of all things.

What was Paul's primary message when he preached in the synagogues?

Paul's message focused on the saving work of Christ, emphasizing that through Jesus, people could find forgiveness of sins and freedom from the limitations of the Law of Moses.

Why did Paul and Barnabas return to the cities that had previously tried to kill them?

Paul and Barnabas returned to strengthen and encourage the believers in those cities, recognizing the greater challenges faced by the full-time disciples who remained there.

What does the term 'common grace' refer to in the context of God's actions?

Common grace refers to God's kindness and blessings, such as rain and fruitful seasons, that are bestowed even on those who reject Him, serving as a means of making Himself known among His enemies.

The early church in Antioch, led by former persecutors, experiences the gospel's transformative power and receives guidance from the Holy Spirit to appoint Barnabas and Saul as missionaries.
  • The church in Antioch is led by former persecutors, showing the gospel's reach beyond nationalism and pain.
  • The Holy Spirit guides the church to appoint Barnabas and Saul as missionaries.
  • The church prays and anoints them with oil, symbolizing the Holy Spirit's empowerment.

Shownotes Transcript


Hey, bible readers, i'm tardy couple and i'm your host for the bible recap.

Today we opened in the church at anio c. In modern day turkey, there's a group of profits and teachers leading the church, including two who have sketchy pasts, a soul, of course, the former prosecutor of Christians. But there's also a guy named manian who used to work for the king heard, who killed J.

T. B. So here are these, cristian, working alongside and being LED by people who at one point killed their leaders and friends.

This is what the gospel looks like. IT not only reaches past nationalism, but IT reaches past pain and hurt as well. Together they they're worshipping god and fasting. And in midst of IT all, they get some direction from the holy spirit. Remember how jesus said the spirit would be their guide.

We are continuing to see that in the way he's directing Peter steps to go see cornelius and in the way he's telling them to appoint barnabas and soul as missionaries. And the church obeyed the spirits promptings. They lay hands on them and praying for them and annoying them with oil, the symbol of the holy spirit.

And they're off. First stop, cyrus and john mark comes along too, or they are preaching their way across the island. The governor hears about IT and summons them.

He's hanging out with a false profits lash magician who relies on the power of the enemy as the disciples preached the gospel, the governor is starting to come around. So the magician tries to dissuade him, din, sell, calls him out. He calls him my son of the devil actually.

And he speaks temporary blindness over him. Soul had experienced himself, so he knows what it's like. I wonder if any part of him hoped this temporary blindness would in the in spiritual site like his did.

The governor sees all this happened and he sold on jesus s because he was already astonished based on the teaching alone. By the way, verse nine is the first time scripture mention sells other name. Paul from here on out, IT becomes the primary name used for him and the way he self identifies.

Here's what most scholars think is behind the switch. This is his first missionary journey. This is where the spread of the gospel to the gentiles increases.

So that makes sense for paul. Use the gentile version of his name. He's adapting to the cultural sey encounters, making sacrifices to get any stumbling blocks out of the way.

Later in first quarantine ends nine, paul says he has become all things to all people, and this is part of what he meant for stop. Number two, the spirit sends paul in barn nabs to a different animation. But john mark goes back to jouyet m, put a pin in that for a few days.

They show up in a synagogue, saba, and listen to the teaching. Then the people in charge, like we have some visitors today, do you have any encouragement for us? Paul steps up to the.

Mike, maybe they are expected to save. You guys are great, nice teaching. Bb, and Steve, way to Carry that screw.

But pause version of encouragement doesn't focus on what the people are doing, but on what has already been done for the people. Paul's version of encouragement is to remind that god rescues and redeemed people to saving work of Christ. Inversus, thirty eight to thirty nine.

Paul is, let IT be known to you there for brothers that threw this man. Forgiveness of since is proclaimed you and by him, everyone who believes is freed from everything from which you could not be freed by the law of mosses in a room full of law, biting jews and default foreigners. Paul tells them that the law is not where they are.

Hopeful es. Christ is then he says, pay attention, otherwise that propac's from headache will be true for you too. The one that says, i'm about to do something you wouldn't believe even if I told you by which I mean destroy you all by the way, that burst from heba.

He is frequently misquoted and taking out of context, but paul uses IT rightly here as a warning. The crowd goes wild at their teaching and begs them become back next week when nearly the whole city shows up. A week later, around two IT doesn't go quite as well.

One problem is that there are lots of genes gathered for this message, not just jews. So of course, the jews who aren't Christ followers are not OK with jews, and gentiles don't get along. So when the gentiles begin to accept polls, message that seems to serve as an added deterrent for the jews, paul tells them that I had to happen this way.

The jews had to be presented with the gospel and rejected, so that I could go out to the gentiles again. We see that god has a detailed process and intentional timing for everything he does. Birth forty eight says that everyone god has appointed for eternal life believes, and apparently god has appointed lots of the people there to eternal life.

Because a revival starts in the area, primarily among the gentiles. Stop three is a town called iconium. It's a mostly gentled town about nine miles away.

Lots of jews and greeks believe the gospel there. But once again, they get push back from the people who don't believe they're actively working against paul. Environment is here.

So what do they do? Stay there a long time. Not my first choice, but mogi. Then they peace out when they find out the people are about to stone them.

Step four is a town called lia, which is a about a day away, paul heels, a lay man day. And as a result, people start worshipping him and barn. They both lose their minds over IT.

They tear their clothes, rush out to the people until them. No, no, no, no, no, no. This is not about us.

This is about god, the creator, who made us and all of this. But that barely deterred the people for more shipping them that even want to offer sacrifices to them. I'd be like a just refresher.

I'm still not god, and I have a goat's blood allergy, so i'm in a pass. Meanwhile, the jews from stops number two and three have followed paul in Barnes to stop number four. They are not messing around.

They rally the locals in lasta stone paul and drag his body out of the city because they think they've killed him. These were the people who wanted to offer him sacrifice, as moments earlier he goes from being worship to being nearly killed. In one verse after the stoning, the disciple gather around him.

He gets up and goes back into the city again, not my first choice, only paul. The next day, they had to stop number five derby to preach the gospel, go back to the three towns that wanted to kill them. Only paul.

But he doesn't go back for revenge. He doesn't go back to show all the haters he still alive, and he doesn't even go back to try to change their minds. He goes back to strengthened and encourage the beliefs there. Paul knows that if they try to kill him for what he believes in teachers than the people who actually live their full time aren't going to have an easy go at all while he's there. They appoint elders in their local churches, pray fast and commit the elders to god.

They make a few more stops along away, then head back to the original antioch to report on everything that happened, namely, that god opened to the hearts of the gentiles to believe, what was your guard shot today? Mine was in chapter for fourteen versus sixteen to seventeen, where pauses in past generations to allowed all the nations to walk in their own ways. Yet he did not leave himself without witness, for he did good by giving you rains from heaven in fruit fall seasons, satisfying your heart with food and gladness.

The record were allowed. Here is often translated, suffered. God suffered all donations to walk in their own ways, and even though they are complete rejection of god wounds him, he still makes himself known to them, none's through his blessings, rain and food and food and gladness.

The allegiance referred to this as common Grace, where god pours out his kindness, even on people who reject him. What a generous god do, not immediately destroy the wicked and rebellious as we all deserve, but to use his kindness and Grace as a means of making himself known, even among his enemies. If we look close enough, we'll see that every blessing is a gift with his signature on IT.

He is where the joy is. Tomorrow will be reading the book of James. It's five chapters long. We're linking to a short video overview in the showers that will really help set you up for success with this new book.

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