cover of episode Day 322 (Acts 7-8) - Year 6

Day 322 (Acts 7-8) - Year 6

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Tara-Leigh Cobble
这段圣经讲述了司提反被错误指控并殉道的故事,以及由此引发的早期教会的扩张和迫害。司提反在面对公会时,展现了非凡的勇气和信心,他并没有直接回答公会提出的问题,而是以旧约为基础,阐述了上帝对以色列的救赎计划,以及犹太人对先知和弥赛亚的拒绝。司提反的殉道激怒了公会,也加剧了对基督徒的迫害,但同时也促使基督徒们分散到各地传扬福音,其中包括撒玛利亚地区。在撒玛利亚,菲利普传道并行神迹,许多人信奉了基督教。彼得和约翰前往撒玛利亚,确认圣灵的降临,这表明上帝也接纳了撒玛利亚人。同时,扫罗(后来的保罗)积极参与了对基督徒的迫害,他参与了司提反的处决,并开始挨家挨户抓捕基督徒。然而,在埃塞俄比亚,菲利普向一位官员解释了以赛亚书53章,这位官员随后受洗归信。这段经文在犹太教中备受争议,但菲利普的解释帮助这位官员理解了福音的真谛。这段经文也展现了上帝如何将敌人的意图逆转为善,将迫害转化为福音传播的契机。 这段经文也强调了信仰的坚定和上帝的恩典。司提反在面对死亡时,充满了圣灵的平安,他为杀害他的人祈求上帝饶恕。基督徒们尽管面临迫害,仍然勇敢地传扬福音,这展现了他们对信仰的坚定和对上帝的信靠。而埃塞俄比亚官员的归信,则表明上帝的恩典临到所有寻求祂的人,无论他们的背景如何。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Stephen's death lead to the spread of the gospel rather than its suppression?

Stephen's martyrdom caused believers to disperse from Jerusalem, taking the gospel message with them and spreading it to new regions.

Why did Jesus stand at the right hand of the Father when Stephen was martyred?

Scholars suggest Jesus stood to advocate for Stephen before the Father or to welcome him into the afterlife, emphasizing Jesus' ongoing involvement and support.

How did Saul's actions contribute to the escalation of persecution against Christians?

Saul actively hunted Christians, dragging them from their homes and imprisoning them, which intensified the conflict between Jewish followers of Christ and non-believing Jews, as well as between Christians and Roman authorities.

What was the significance of the Ethiopian eunuch's baptism?

The baptism of the Ethiopian eunuch demonstrated the inclusive nature of God's kingdom, welcoming non-Jews into the faith and challenging ethnic and religious prejudices.

Why was the chapter Isaiah 53 considered forbidden among some Jews?

Isaiah 53 was seen as controversial and was sometimes excluded from Jewish holy books due to its Messianic prophecies, which were deemed too provocative or heretical by some Jewish authorities.

How did the spread of the gospel during persecution reflect God's sovereignty?

Despite attempts to suppress the gospel through persecution, believers continued to preach the word, demonstrating God's ability to turn evil intentions into opportunities for spreading His message.

Stephen recounts the history of Israel's rejection of God's messengers, culminating in the crucifixion of Jesus, while seeing a vision of Jesus standing at the right hand of God.
  • Stephen's defense focuses on Israel's historical rejection of God's messengers.
  • He sees a vision of Jesus standing at the right hand of God, which scholars interpret as Jesus rising to be Stephen's advocate.
  • Stephen's speech builds to a climax where he accuses the Sanhedrin of killing Jesus, the Son of God.

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)FROM TODAY’S RECAP:* *- Romans 8:34 )- Image: Gate )- Article: No, ‘Saul the Persecutor’ Did Not Become ‘Paul the Apostle’ )- Article: Forbidden Chapter of the Tanakh )- Video: The Forbidden Chapter: Isaiah 53 in the Hebrew Bible


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