cover of episode Day 317 (Luke 23, John 18-19) - Year 6

Day 317 (Luke 23, John 18-19) - Year 6

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Tara-Leigh Cobble
这段播客详细描述了耶稣受难的经过,从被彼拉多判处死刑到被钉在各各他山上。节目主持人Tara-Leigh Cobble 讲述了耶稣在受难过程中遭受的酷刑,包括鞭打、戴荆棘冠冕等,并指出这些酷刑的残酷程度远超我们通常的想象。她还探讨了耶稣被钉十字架的地点、方式以及相关的历史和考古证据。此外,节目还讨论了耶稣在十字架上呼喊“我的神,我的神,为什么离弃我?”的含义,以及三位一体的概念,反驳了父神转脸不看耶稣的观点,认为这是对圣经经文的误读。最后,节目还提到了耶稣死后发生的奇迹,例如地震和死人复活等,这些都证明了耶稣的死是神迹。 节目主持人Tara-Leigh Cobble 通过对圣经经文的解读和历史资料的分析,为听众呈现了一个更加真实、全面的耶稣受难过程。她强调了耶稣受难的残酷性,以及他为人类所作出的牺牲。同时,她也解释了一些关于耶稣受难的常见误解,并提供了更准确的理解。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why was Jesus beaten beyond human recognition?

Jesus was beaten beyond human recognition to fulfill the prophecy in Isaiah 52:14, which describes his suffering in graphic detail.

Why did the Romans crucify people on main roads?

The Romans crucified people on main roads to execute them outside the city and to serve as a warning to visitors, striking fear in the hearts of the interlocutors.

What does the phrase 'Golgotha' refer to?

The phrase 'Golgotha' refers to the place of the skull, which could describe any place of death or a specific hill that resembles a skull.

Why did Jesus quote the first line of Psalm 22 on the cross?

Jesus quoted the first line of Psalm 22 to draw attention to the entire psalm, which prophetically points to the Messiah's suffering and is about him.

What is the theological significance of the Trinity in relation to Jesus' cry on the cross?

Theologically, it is not possible for any person of the Trinity to be removed from the others, so Jesus' cry on the cross does not imply a separation between God the Father and God the Son.

What happened to Jesus' body after he died?

After Jesus died, a man named Joseph asked for his body and placed it in his own tomb nearby, where it was wrapped and anointed, and a stone was rolled over the tomb's entrance.

What are some miraculous events that occurred during Jesus' crucifixion?

During Jesus' crucifixion, there was a great earthquake, dead people were resurrected and walked through the city, the sky went dark at noon, and the temple curtain was torn from top to bottom.

Jesus endured multiple trials, was brutally beaten, and forced to carry his cross, highlighting the extreme suffering he faced before crucifixion.
  • Jesus was subjected to six trials before being handed over to Pilate for crucifixion.
  • He was flogged beyond human recognition, likely more than the Jewish limit of thirty-nine times.
  • Jesus was too weak to carry the entire crossbeam, so Simon of Cyrene was forced to help him.

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FROM TODAY’S RECAP:* *- Isaiah 52:14 )- Luke 24:39 )- Psalm 22 )- Habakkuk 1:13 )- Genesis 22 )- Matthew 27:52-53 )- Image: Golgotha )- Article: This Bone is the Only Skeletal Evidence For Crucifixion in the Ancient World )- Article: How Jesus Died: Rare Evidence of Roman Crucifixion Found )- Article: 10 Reasons the Father Didn't Turn His Face Away At The Cross )- Article: Did God Turn His Face Away? And Why It Matters. )- Article: Psalms: Looking Forward to the Messiah )- Article: The Science of the Crucifixion )- TBR in ASL

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