cover of episode Day 315 (John 14-17) - Year 6

Day 315 (John 14-17) - Year 6

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The Bible Recap

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Tara-Leigh Cobble
Tara-Leigh Cobble: 约翰福音14-17章详细记录了耶稣对门徒的临别教导,主题涵盖了耶稣即将离世,前往父神那里为门徒预备居所;耶稣是通往父神之路、真理和生命,是神与人之间唯一的桥梁;门徒将成就比耶稣更大的工作,行在耶稣的大能中;耶稣应允祷告,但条件是奉他的名,即符合他的旨意;耶稣应许赐给信徒圣灵,圣灵将内住于信徒,提醒他们耶稣的教导,见证耶稣,引导他们进入真理;耶稣预言门徒将面临试炼和逼迫,但他们的盼望是稳固的,因为神亲自拣选了他们;耶稣的大祭司祷告,为所有信徒祈求合一,并为神的荣耀;耶稣反复强调神赐予信徒的喜乐,这种喜乐是完全的,无需再求任何东西。这些教导和应许体现了耶稣对门徒的爱和关怀,也为信徒提供了面对未来挑战的信心和力量。 Tara-Leigh Cobble: 本段经文强调了耶稣与父神之间紧密的联系,以及耶稣作为救赎主的重要地位。耶稣的临别赠言不仅是对门徒的教导,也是对所有信徒的承诺,指引他们如何在信仰的道路上坚定前行。同时,经文也突出了圣灵在信徒生命中的重要作用,圣灵将引导信徒,帮助他们理解耶稣的教导,并经历神的恩典。面对未来的挑战和试炼,信徒可以依靠耶稣的应许,充满信心和盼望。

Deep Dive

Jesus claims to be the only connection between mankind and God, asserting his divinity and the necessity of belief in him.
  • Jesus is the only connection point between mankind and God.
  • He claims to be both fully God and fully man.
  • C.S. Lewis argues that Jesus must be either a lunatic, a liar, or Lord based on his claims.

Shownotes Transcript


Hey, bible readers, i'm tardy couple and i'm your host for the bible recap.

As he often does today, john gives us a more personal lens into things only the apart so experienced john in several extra chapters, telling us about the final words of jesus to his followers. And he covers A A lot of ground. So we'll just take the high points.

Jesus has to go away, he says. And while they won't be able to follow him immediately, they'll be able to follow him eventually and eternally. Yesterday he told us where he's heading in look twenty two sixty nine, he said, from now on, the sun of man shall be seated at the right hand of the power of god.

He's going to the right hands of the father, and he will prepare a room for them in his father's house. This idea would be very familiar to first century jews. When the son in a family gets married, the family adds another room to the house where the new extended family can live.

So this is jesus way of saying your family. Now the rooms have already been added, and i'm going to get them ready for the arrival of all god's new family members. When the time is right, jesus also tells them he's the way, the truth in the life.

In other words, he's the only connection point between them. In the father, no one can bridge the gap between mankind and god. The father, except for jesus, who is both fully god and fully men, he is the fulfillment of the old text mate scriptures, and he is the source of eternal life.

He says that seeing him is like seeing the father in. According to heber's one and collections one, the sun is the exact imprint of the father for him to claim to be the way through their life. That's huge.

When people say jesus was just a good profit or a good teacher of morality, they must not know. He said stuff like this. C.

S. Lewis said that we were confronted with the statement jesus made about himself. If he really said these things, then we're forced to recognize him as either a lunatic, a liar or lord.

Either he was crazy and thought he was god, in which case he was a false profit, or he was the liar, and knew these things weren't true, but still acted like they were, in which case he wasn't a good moral teacher, or he was saying things that really were true, in which case he is. Lord will linked to an article with more info on this idea in the shower notes. Jesus also says his followers will do greater works in him, greater powers that possible.

Some think this means his followers will do things that are even more powerful and remarkable than jesus did, though honestly, i'm hard pressed to come up with any examples while others point out that the word used for greater here means more. So the verse could be saying something like, you'll continue to do powerful and miraculous works of god even after i'm gone. And if jesus happens to be referring to your actual numbers, then think of all the believers throughout all of time doing the works of god.

Those numbers really add up to more regardless what he means. He seems to be saying beevers will walk in his power. He also says that he will give them anything they ask in his name.

But there are a few things worth pointing out here. First, this seems to be in the context of walking out his power in doing these miraculous works. We can't just pull these verses out to make them mean what we want them to mean.

Second, he says these requests have to be made in his name, which ultimately means in accordance with his will, because his name and his person hood and his will are inseparable from each other. So it's not like he's saying, if you asked me for a mother ROI and tack the phrase in jesus named man on at the end, then will help. My hands are tired, and I have to give you the mozara.

You've got me. In fact, he addresses this later in sixteen, twenty three, three, twenty four, when he dies in on the again and says, truly, truly, I say to you, whatever you asked the father in my name, he will give IT to you. And until now, you have asked nothing in my name.

They've ask for lots of things. Remember how they even asked to be seated beside him in the kingdom, and he had to tell them no. So by saying that they haven't asked for anything in his name, he's indicating that they haven't asked for anything that corresponds to his real yet.

There's a kind of safety valve built into this promise. He'll say yes to anything that corresponds to his will and glorifies his name. And thank fully, it'll say no to anything that doesn't that is such a give to us.

That means we don't have to figure out what's best before we pray. We can just ask and trust him to do what's best. I'm so grateful for that personally, because I was for a lot of foolish things.

This safety valve freezed me up to talk to him openly and ask in the present without having to stop and figure out the future, which, by the way, i'll never be able to do. One thing jews this promises to give to all who believe in him, is his spirit. This will happen for the disciples in about fifty days.

God, this spirit has always existed. And we see him through out scripture, starting way back in genesis one two. But in the old testament, his presence was most often described as being on people, not in them. He would come to people to empower them for a specific task than he'd move on. Now jesus is telling them that i'll be going away, but that it's Better for them.

He goes away because that assures in the next part of god's plane, which is for him to send the spirit to dwells in the jesus wants them to know this is huge, because the spirit will bless them in so many different ways. Jesus says in fourteen twenty six that the spirit is the reminder, as in the one who reminds, he helps us recall what jesus has said and done. And in fifteen twenty six, jesus says the spirit bears witness about him.

The spirit is a spot light that shines on jesus. One of the most common misconceptions about the spirit is that he he's only involved in the mysterious things like signs and wonders and tongues. But those are just a handful of the many ways he points to jesus.

Wherever jesus is being magnified and made known, the holy spirit is active. That's him. He guides us into all truth.

He affirms that we belong to the father in fourteen. Seventeen says he is exclusively present with followers of Christ. The world doesn't have him dwelling in them. He certainly works among them, but his relationships to the world is a different one. Cheez spends a lot of chapter fifteen talking about how he is the vine, and we are the branches.

One section I find interesting in light of what's about to happen is how he says in verse to every branch in me that does not bear fruit, he takes away in every branch that does bear fruit, he prunes that IT may bear more fruit. This first reminds me of Judith and Peter, the one taken away and the one crowed, god is glorified when we bear fruit. And jesus compels the disciples to be engaged in what he is doing, because bearing fruit will ultimately result in their joy.

He knows, don't need to hear this reminder, because hard times are coming. He promises them trials in persecution, but one of their greatest encouragement in this time is what he says in fifteen sixteen that he is the one who chose them in, appointed them, knowing all their strings and weaknesses, knowing all their fears and failures, he still chose them. And he praise for them to be upheld when the world persecutes them.

If they had initiated this whole thing, they'd never be able to keep IT together. But because god himself is the one who initiated this in them, their hope is secure. Chapter seventeen is called the high priest.

Prayer is where jesus Price for all belabour, including you, according to verse twenty, he prayed for all the spiritual offspring of his puzzles. He played for a unity among us. And he prayed for the father to be glorified in us and throw us.

And through him, the glory of god is our shared purpose. Today, my gad shot was all over this text. He keeps reiterating the joy in P.

C. Has for us. Here are the spot I loved most.

Fourteen, one says, let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in god, believe also in me. Fourteen, twenty seven says, peace.

I leave with you, my peace I give to you, not as the world gives, do I give. Let not your hearts be trouble. Neither let them be afraid. Fifteen elephant says these things.

I have spoken to you that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be four, sixteen, twenty four is asking you will receive, that your joy may be four, sixteen, thirty three years. I have said these things to you, that in me, you may have peace in the world. You will have tribulation, but take hard.

I have overcome the world, and possibly my favourite in these chapters is sixteen and twenty two to twenty three. You have sorrow now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoyce, and no one will take your joy from you in that day. You will ask, nothing of me.

Did you see that the fullness of joy that comes from his presence will leave us whatley? How complete is the joy that can even think of a single thing to ask for? We have fullness of joy forever more, because he is where the joy is.

Okay, bubble readers, it's time for our weekly check in. I just wanted remind you that even though were in the thick of things here, the turning point of history, the details aren't as important to remember as what you learn about who god is. So don't beat yourself up if you can't remember what trials he won't do faster, if you can figure out which day you think he may have died on.

All those things are secondary to who he is and what he has done. Everything else is secondary to that. I want to be john sixteen thirty three over you again.

I have said these things to you, that in me, you may have peace in the world. You will have tribulation, but take hard. I have overcome the world.

Yes, and amen.