cover of episode Day 313 (Matthew 26, Mark 14) - Year 6

Day 313 (Matthew 26, Mark 14) - Year 6

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Tara-Leigh Cobble
Tara-Leigh Cobble: 本集回顾了马太福音26章和马可福音14章的内容,主要围绕耶稣受难前的事件展开。耶稣预言了自己的死亡,犹大为了三十块银子出卖了耶稣。这段经文揭示了神的旨意必然实现,以及主动和被动参与者在其中扮演的角色。虽然犹大得到了他应得的报应,但耶稣却承受了他不应承受的苦难。在最后的晚餐上,耶稣宣布了叛徒的存在,门徒们感到不安。犹大称耶稣为老师而非主,暗示了他的背叛。耶稣祝福食物并感谢父神,这说明祝福和感谢是两件不同的事情。耶稣用擘饼作为比喻,将属灵的现实与物质的行为联系起来,圣餐是将信徒与属灵现实连接起来的仪式,如同洗礼一样。圣餐虽然简单,却是宇宙中最珍贵的盛宴,提醒我们耶稣为我们牺牲,帮助我们记住他的牺牲。耶稣知道事情发生的时机,并准备好面对这一切。经文中没有提到逾越节晚餐吃逾越节羔羊,这引发了对具体日期的讨论。耶稣被钉十字架的具体日期存在争议,普遍认为是星期五,但这与“三天三夜”的说法存在冲突。犹太人的一天从日落开始,这影响了对耶稣受难日期的计算。逾越节前的准备日也像安息日一样,这影响了对耶稣受难日期的计算。如果逾越节第一天是星期五,那么准备日就应该提前到星期四,这影响了对耶稣受难日期的计算。逾越节前的四天,每个家庭都会选择一只羔羊进行检查,确保其完美无瑕。逾越节期间,人们会在门框上涂抹羔羊的血,以纪念祖先在埃及的经历。如果耶稣在星期四被钉十字架,那么棕枝主日就是四天前,这与耶稣作为君王公开露面的时间相符。耶稣给犹大也分发了圣餐,这引发了思考。耶稣给犹大圣餐,这说明圣餐本身并无拯救的功效。耶稣给犹大圣餐,可能触动了他的内心。圣餐预表了耶稣的牺牲和救赎。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Jesus announce that there was a betrayer at the table during the Last Supper?

Jesus wanted to highlight the capacity for betrayal among his disciples, making them aware of their own potential to betray him.

What is the significance of Jesus blessing the bread and giving thanks during the Last Supper?

This action symbolizes the separation of blessing the food and giving thanks to the Father, emphasizing the spiritual significance of the meal.

Why is the timing of Jesus' crucifixion debated among scholars?

The debate stems from Jesus' statement about being in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights, which doesn't fit the traditional Friday crucifixion timeline.

How does Jewish culture influence the interpretation of the days surrounding Jesus' crucifixion?

Jewish days start at sundown, which affects the count of days and nights. This cultural aspect complicates the traditional Friday crucifixion narrative.

What is the significance of Jesus being the 'perfect, spotless sacrificial lamb' in the Passover context?

Jesus, as the sacrificial lamb, fulfills the Passover tradition by being the ultimate sacrifice, ensuring the salvation and protection of his followers.

Why did Jesus share the Lord's Supper with Judas, knowing he would betray him?

This act underscores that the Lord's Supper does not hold magical saving power but is a symbolic act of remembrance and fellowship.

How does the Lord's Supper connect believers to the sacrificial lamb in a spiritual sense?

By partaking in the elements of bread and wine, believers symbolically consume the body and blood of Jesus, linking them to his sacrificial death and the covering of their sins.

Jesus reveals his impending death and the betrayal by Judas, setting the stage for the Last Supper and the institution of the Lord's Supper.
  • Jesus announces his impending death to his disciples.
  • Judas agrees to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.
  • Jesus identifies Judas as the betrayer during the Last Supper.
  • Jesus blesses the bread and wine, instituting the Lord's Supper.

Shownotes Transcript


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)FROM TODAY’S RECAP:* *- John 6:54-58 )- Exodus 12:1-28 )- Matthew 12:40 )- Image: Timeline of Jesus' Death )- Image: Passover )- Article: Was Jesus Crucified on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday? )- Article: The Day Christ Died - Was it on a Thursday or Friday? )- Article: Solving the Three Day Three Night Mystery )- Article: On What Day Was Jesus Crucified? )- Video: John Overview (Part 2) )- TBR Store

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