cover of episode Day 070 (Deuteronomy 1-2) - Year 7

Day 070 (Deuteronomy 1-2) - Year 7

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The Bible Recap

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Tara Lee Cobble
@Tara Lee Cobble : 《申命记》是《旧约》中第三被引用的书,也是耶稣第二引用的书。这本书是对我们之前所学内容的快速复习。摩西在《申命记》中发表了临终前的激励性演讲,回顾了以色列人在沙漠中的经历,并重新强调了一些法律。他提醒以色列人上帝为他们所做的一切,以及他们的罪导致的失败。摩西还提醒以色列人不要试图在没有上帝祝福的情况下夺取土地,因为上帝不会因为以色列人是他的孩子就祝福他们所有的行动。

Deep Dive

Deuteronomy serves as a vital recap of the laws and stories of the Israelites, preparing them for their future beyond Moses's leadership.
  • Deuteronomy is the last book of the Torah and is highly quoted in the New Testament.
  • It provides practical applications of old laws and serves as a motivational sermon by Moses.
  • Moses expresses concern for the Israelites' future adherence to God's covenant.

Shownotes Transcript

FROM TODAY’S RECAP:- Video: Deuteronomy Overview - Genesis 6 - Isaiah 26:14 - The Bible Recap - Day 002 - BibleProject Podcast: God, Abraham, Demons, & Giants Q+R - BibleProject Podcast: Nephilim, Enoch, Satan & Demons Q+RNote: We provide links to specific resources_; this is not an endorsement of the entire website, author, organization, etc. Their views may not represent our own._SHOW NOTES:
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