cover of episode Day 060 (Numbers 14-15, Psalm 90) - Year 7

Day 060 (Numbers 14-15, Psalm 90) - Year 7

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The Bible Recap

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Tara Lee Cobble
我今天带领大家学习了民数记14-15章和诗篇90篇。以色列人在听到十个探子的报告后,对征服迦南地产生了怀疑,这种怀疑演变成了恐惧和叛逆。他们试图推翻神的权威,选择其他的领袖,想要回到埃及,这在圣经中象征着对神的怀疑、背离和自我为中心的生活。 摩西和亚伦为此俯伏在地,约书亚和迦勒撕裂衣服表示悲痛,他们试图劝说百姓相信神,但收效甚微,百姓甚至想要用石头打死他们。神出现了,但并没有带来好消息,祂想要杀死所有百姓,只留下摩西重新开始。这与出埃及记32章中百姓敬拜金牛犊的情形类似。 然而,摩西再次为百姓代求,他恳求神为了自己的名,也为了百姓,饶恕他们。他坚持神的应许和品格,引用神的话来劝说神。神最终回心转意,但后果依然存在:十个探子因怀疑神而死于瘟疫,所有拒绝进入迦南地的成年男子都将在旷野死去。 以色列人将在旷野漂流四十年,直到所有二十岁以上的人(除了约书亚、迦勒及其后代)都死去。那些心怀叛逆的人将无法进入应许之地。神指示他们南下,但他们却违背神的命令北上,结果战败。他们试图在没有神的能力和同在的情况下,获得神的应许,这表明他们更想要神的恩赐,而不是神自己。 民数记15章是关于律法的章节,神逐步颁布律法,让百姓逐渐吸收。本章区分了无意犯罪和故意犯罪,并规定了不同的惩罚。所有罪都能使人与神隔绝,但并非所有罪都是平等的,有些罪比其他罪更严重,神甚至会衡量动机。神也再次强调遵守安息日的重要性,即使看似微小的背离,也会导致更大的问题。 摩西所写的诗篇90篇表达了他对神恩典的祈求。他知道自己将因百姓的罪而受苦四十年,他为百姓的未来祈求神的怜悯。神在惩罚后,仍然提醒百姓祂的爱,祂没有改变心意,祂仍然是他们的神,祂仍然信守祂对他们的应许。即使在旷野四十年,神仍然是喜乐的源泉。

Deep Dive

The Israelites' response to the spies' reports led to rebellion against God and a desire to return to Egypt, showcasing a lack of trust in God's promises.
  • Moses authored Psalm 90 in response to the Israelites' rebellion.
  • The Israelites doubted God's promises and desired to return to Egypt.
  • God's authority was challenged, leading to chaotic rebellion.
  • Moses and Aaron attempted to calm the people, but faced hostility.
  • God threatened to start anew with Moses, reminiscent of Exodus 32.
  • Moses interceded for the Israelites, persuading God to relent but with consequences.
  • The Israelites' rebellious generation was condemned to die in the wilderness.

Shownotes Transcript

- Video: Psalms Overview - Exodus 32 - Matthew 9:20-22 - [Matthew 14:36

]( EPISODES (in case you haven’t listened yet):
1. Let's Read the Bible in a Year (Chronological Plan)!
2. How I Learned to Love (Reading) the Bible\
3. Why Reading the Whole Bible is Important (interview with Lee McDerment) 4. Preparing to Read the Bible 5. Avoiding Common Mistakes: What to Look for When You Read the Bible 6. Reading the Bible in CommunityNote: We provide links to specific resources_; this is not an endorsement of the entire website, author, organization, etc. Their views may not represent our own._SHOW NOTES:
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