cover of episode Day 312 (Matthew 25) - Year 6

Day 312 (Matthew 25) - Year 6

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The Bible Recap

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Tara-Leigh Cobble
Tara-Leigh Cobble: 本集节目围绕马太福音25章展开,探讨耶稣临近死亡之际,如何教导门徒在等待他回归的漫长时间里保持信仰,并明智地运用时间和天赋。节目中,Tara-Leigh Cobble 详细解读了十童女比喻和才干比喻,阐述了‘儆醒’的灵性意义,以及圣灵在准备迎接基督回归中的重要性。她指出,‘才干’并非指个人天赋,而是一笔巨款,主人根据仆人的能力分配不同的数额,以此说明要根据自身条件,尽力运用所拥有的资源。不信任上帝,害怕承担责任,最终会导致错失上帝的祝福。节目最后,Tara-Leigh Cobble 讲述了末日审判的场景,将人分为绵羊和山羊,绵羊继承神为他们预备的国度,山羊则被投入永火。她强调,信靠上帝,善用时间、金钱和天赋,与贫穷、患病的人分享,才是获得上帝祝福的关键。 Tara-Leigh Cobble: 节目中还特别解释了撒旦并非地狱的统治者,而是与堕落的众天使一起在永火中受罚。最后,Tara-Leigh Cobble 分享了她喜爱的圣经学习资源,并鼓励听众通过聆听的方式学习圣经,推荐了Dwell Bible app。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is it important to wait well for Jesus' return?

Waiting well involves stewarding time, gifts, and resources wisely, trusting God's heart, and being prepared with the Holy Spirit.

What does the parable of the ten virgins teach about waiting?

It emphasizes the importance of being spiritually prepared with the Holy Spirit, avoiding complacency, and staying alert.

How does the parable of the talents relate to our responsibilities?

It highlights the need to use our gifts and resources wisely based on our abilities, trusting in God's intentions and avoiding fear.

What is the significance of the final judgment described by Jesus?

Jesus explains that believers who have served others will enter eternal life, while those who have not will face eternal punishment.

How does the Dwell Bible app enhance engagement with scripture?

The app allows users to listen to the Bible in various voices and with background music, making it easier to engage with scripture while on the go.

Jesus uses parables to teach his followers about the importance of waiting well and using their gifts wisely, emphasizing the need to trust God and steward resources effectively.
  • The parable of the ten virgins teaches the importance of being prepared with the Holy Spirit.
  • The parable of the talents highlights the consequences of mistrust and the importance of using our gifts wisely.

Shownotes Transcript


Hey, bible readers, i'm tardy couple and i'm your host for the bible recap.

As jesus gets closer and closer to his death, he takes the time to coaches, followers on what that means to wait. Well, because they in the rest of the church will be waiting for his return for quite some time. We still are, in fact, when we're waiting for something that process can produce a lot of different emotions in us, maybe you grow especially impatient and frustrated IT.

That usually happens when you're really excited about what you're waiting for. On the other hand, if you're not looking forward to IT, maybe you're filled with dread or maybe you forget all together, that is going to happen. Jesus knows humanity and he knows that we're more likely to treat his return like the thing.

Were not super excited about. First of all, we don't have any concept of what we're entering into. So it's more common to be scared of something like that because IT feels like a bit of an unknown.

Second, it's easier to want things we are familiar with, like kids and husband's and vacations to rosia. And those things take up our mental and emotional energy. Instead, in today's reading, jesus encourages us to wait well, and he tells us why that's important.

He starts out with the parable of the ten virgins, which is they call to steward our time wisely while we wait. They all have laughs, but only half of them get oil. They just don't think about the future.

They live in the moment IT slip their minds that there was anything they might need prepare for. This reminds me of what jesus has been saying so frequently for the past few days. Stay awake.

Don't be loved to sleep by the world in its priorities, especially early on in Christian ny. There were people who even took this literally. They would stay awake through the night watching for his return. But as with a lots of things jesus says, this seems to be more of a spiritual command.

Don't zone out and just be Carried along, whether world in its culture, especially because god and his kingdom often run contrary to those things, by the way, in scripture, oil often represents the holy spirit. So if we wanna go oil this parable down to one clear point, IT. Would be this the only way to be prepared for the return of Christ, our bride, groom m, is to have the holy spirit.

At this point in the story, the holy spirit hasn't started to dwel inside believer shit that will happen after jesus's resurrects in a sense of heaven. So jesus is preparing them to understand that Better when that happens, since he won't be there physically to explain IT. Then he continues his dissertation on waiting with the parable of the talents, which is a call to steward our gifts wisely while we wait.

Jesus talks about a master who gives his servants talents to use while he's away. One thing that can be confusing here is that we think of talents as our natural gifts and abilities. But the word talent here is a financial term.

IT was roughly fifteen to twenty years wages. So one talent would be about three hundred and four, four hundred thousand dollars. First fifteen helps clara fy.

This for us. IT says he gave them specific amounts of talents based on their abilities. So the talents are in the abilities. There are the funds given, based on how the servants were already gifted. Two servants invest them any well, but servant member three has a different approach.

He doesn't trust the major's heart and actions and mistrust almost always leads to fear and hiding, which is exactly what serve at number three does with the money he buried IT. Not only does he miss out on the master's joy, but when the master gives his talents to the others, he loses the very thing he was trying to protect. Service number three accuses the master of being a hard and unfair man, but that's not what we see in the text.

Quite the opposite. In fact, the master invites his servants into his joy. When you're trying to serve a god you don't know or trust, you will miss interpret his motives and miss out on his joy.

Ultimately, we are responsible for how we use the time and money and gifts god has interested this with. The more we have, the more we are responsible for, and the more we trust our father's heart, the more we will use what he's given us in ways that both please him and blest us. Jesus talks about this will need impact.

Some of the details about the final judgment, he says the flocks will be brought before guard, and he'll separate the sheep from the goats. The sheep, or guys, kids, and the goats are those who aren't. The sheep go on the right, and the goats go on the left.

By the way, the same hydron ra group of jewish rulers who were sort of like america's supreme court, for lack of a Better example. And i've heard when they presided over a case, there was a scribe you said on the right and describe, you said on the left, the scrap on the left would write convictions and punishments, and the scrap on the right would write acquittals in blessings. The side of favor is always the right side.

I know those of you who are left handed probably hate them with this stuff. I'm sorry, I can't change the story for you. All I can say is god loves you and made you just the way you are.

And some of my favorite people are left tended. The goats go to the eternal fire prepared for the forces of darkness, including seating in his Angels. It's the whole thing about saying having Angels is a new idea to you.

Here is a bit of input that might help. Angels are a type of being god created to be his messengers and assistance in the spirit realm. But just like mankind fail, some of the Angels fell as well.

At least a third of end of that third, the highest drinking Angel was named a user. hr. We generally refer to him as site, but that's more of a title than a name that means accuser.

So the lead accuser and his fAllen Angels will be punished in eternal fire. Despite what you may see in the movies, certain doesn't rule over hell. He's being punni shed there, just like the goats.

And as for the sheep, we go into the kingdom of eternal life with god. Universe thirty four. Jesus gives us a really beautiful picture.

He says, come, you who are blessed by my father, inherited the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. what? Oh, man, this is definitely my god shot for today.

How beautiful is that invitation? And he's been preparing IT for so long. This invitation reminds me of the master inviting his servants into his joy.

Those who trusted the master's heart got IT. They stood at their time and money and gifts well, and jesus says the same of the servants of god. They've shared with the poor and hungry.

They visited this sick and imprisons the servants of the master in the parable and the servants of god are both working for their masters benefit, but the master gives them his blessings. As a result, the blessings of god or one's, our father has been preparing for us for a long time. I don't know if for how it's possible for a god who wait, given that he's outside of time, but in whatever since that's possible, god seems eager to share his blessings with us. Count me in. He's where the joy is.

Hey, bible readers, I get asked a lot about my favorite bible resources. And because i'm an auditory learner, I love tools that help me with listening. One of the very best tools I found is the dwelled bible lab.

You don't have to sit down and read with your eyes to really learn god's work. In fact, for thousands of years, people have learn scripture by hearing IT. That's how most people do.

Our history have engaged with the bible. So whether i'm in the car, out for a walk, getting ready for the day or cleaning house, I can listen two guys word with the dual bible lap plus the applets. You choose different voices and background music.

So if you want to make IT easier to engage with the bible, especially when you're on the go, I highly recommend the dull bibo lap. Visit dull bible 点 com forward flash T B R, or click the link in the showers. Would you rather watch all the bible recap content instead of listening to IT? Awesome, come join us on our youtube channel. You can find this by searching the bible recap on youtube, or click the link in the shower notes, and once you get there.

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