cover of episode You Try Bein' a TV Recapper For A Day: Monday, March 10th, 2025

You Try Bein' a TV Recapper For A Day: Monday, March 10th, 2025

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The Toast

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@Jackie : 我在播客节目中扮演着至关重要的角色,没有我节目无法正常运行。我丈夫在播客中谈论的事情需要澄清,我并没有禁止他谈论某些话题。我怀孕期间生病了,这让我非常痛苦,但我的丈夫承认了他的错误。怀孕枕头真的很有用,我之前一直不相信它。我周末看了很多电视,包括《White Lotus》和《Love is Blind》。夏令时让我少了一个小时的周末时间,这对妈妈们来说尤其困难。我希望今年是最后一次调整时钟,因为这种调整让我感到非常困惑。 @Claudia : 每次有客串主持时,观众总是希望Ben能每天都主持。Ben可能不想有框架,这样他可以使用工作室做更多男性化的内容。我们应该有更多的节目来展示愚蠢的工作招聘过程。我周末看了很多电视,包括《White Lotus》和《Love is Blind》。《White Lotus》这部剧很无聊,我不明白为什么人们觉得它很棒。我不喜欢《The Bear》,并不是因为我不理解它,而是因为它让我感到焦虑。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

It's the top. It's Jackson. It's your favorite show. The fast five things you need to know. We'll start your day off swirly. It's the toast. I sound amazing. Welcome back to... Oh my god, not my hands.

They're just hands. Welcome back to the toast. Happy Monday. Oh my God. The bitch is back. Yeah, that's right. School's in session. Ms. Trunchable has returned. Everybody back to four minute and 30 second ad breaks. Back to basics, bitch. Okay. It's so true. Back to the embargo of with love, Megan. Back to standard ad reads that are in 15 minutes. Okay.

Yeah, sorry about that, guys. I left school for one day and the substitute teachers took over. And nice to know what goes on behind the scenes without me. And it's nice to know like how integral I am to getting this show up and off the ground. The kids were wild and out. I was, first of all, editing the episode. So I'm watching you two slander my my rules and my good name. Everybody's like and then I posted, oh, we need more Ben.

I mean, that's just par for the course. Whenever there's a guest co-host, it's like, he should do it every day. Well, then one of us is out of a job. What are you saying? Like, that's just impossible. But I'm glad you guys liked the episode. We had a lot of fun. I hadn't podcasted with Buon Julish in a while. So we had a lot to catch up on. And there were a lot of good topics for us to chat on, especially because food has really been in the news. And he is kind of the voice you want to hear from when talking about food.

I do want to clarify just like one thing my husband said, which, you know, your husband goes on a podcast and talks and you only have one clarification. I think he did a very good job. I never said he couldn't talk about the frames. It's not like I was sick Friday morning. I'm like, I need you to fill in for me. Don't talk about the frames. That's not at all what happened. When we were building this set, Ben was obviously like coming with me and I was showing him pictures of the progress. And he was like, do you feel like the frames are a little and it started to say stuff. And I'm like, shut up.

Shut up. That's when I told him he couldn't say anything about the frames. So it's not that his publicist told him not to comment on it. It's that his wife told him to shut up. Yeah, but not, like he made it seem like I told him to shut up in regards to Friday's episode. Got it. No, no. Okay, thank you for the clarification. He's working off of old information. Yeah.

Thank you for that. No, it was a jolly good time. I also feel like selfishly he wanted no frames because that way he could use the studio more and it not be so girly. Like he could use it for good guys. If there were no frames, we just look like any old podcast studio. That's the point. Right. That's what kind of sets us apart. That's why we have our frames in which frame ourselves and frame the narrative. We need to reframe the energy. We do. So I feel like he was coming from a selfish place and making it more gender neutral. I could definitely see that being the reality.

Speaking of selfish, he got me sick. I wasn't here on Friday. You guys, I'm back. I'm so much better. He did own up to that and anoint himself the weenie of the week for doing such a thing. I saw. That was very sweet. And let me tell you, because when he went off to work, I was so mad. It's kind of like he did it on purpose to you, sir. Yeah. Yeah. Because I... First, nobody likes being sick, but oh my God, this is my first time being sick pregnant. Like I...

If you would have told me like the biggest physical pain I would have from being like flu like with the with pregnancy would be the pain in my knees. Like you feel it differently. Like it was so crazy. It was really, really bad. So when he went off, I was so fucking mad. I'm like, he didn't take the cough seriously. He didn't leave the marital bed. And then I'm editing the episode and I'm like, oh, I wonder who his queenie was because I told him to prepare one. And it was like so sweet. So it was he phoned it in.

It was strategic. It was strategic. So I'm like, I am a warrior. Yes, I am. And he was the weenie for getting you sick, which at least he copped to. How are you feeling, by the way? So much better. It's one of those days where, first of all, it's 60 degrees outside. I'm feeling grateful. The sun is shining. The birds are chirping. To the Lord. The turkeys' knees aren't hurting. I'm feeling great.

Actually, my knee still does hurt from when I collapsed in the bathroom in the bed and bathroom encounter. But yeah, I am feeling I still can't really breathe out of one of my nostrils, but I'm not I'm choosing not to reflect on that. I'm feeling so joyful, so positive, so grateful for my health that you can breathe out of, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, and I'm about to say something that everybody's going to be like, yeah, Trini, we've been telling you forever. But, you know, I come to things late and I thought I was past this. I really thought I was.

I thought it was past like my stubbornness and like not believing things are good. Like on Friday night, Friday day, I just sort of a Thursday, Friday day. Something arrived from Amazon. Friday day. I just decided. I don't know why I've been so. I'll tell you. It's kind of like the big spoiler. Okay. I don't know why I've been like so against a traditional podcast.

Pregnancy pillow. I think I blame Olivia Osh, right? If I'm being honest, because when I was at your house, I was like, maybe I need a pregnancy pillow. Olivia was like, Oh, I have one. Use mine. I'm like, Oh, great. One of the worst night's sleep of my life. I don't know where she got this enormous fucking thing. And I was like, pregnancy pillows are a myth and everybody overhypes it.

So then a couple of weeks ago, I was like, you know, let me try out. I got like a fancy $60 weighted body pillow and it was fine. And then like it got worse and worse. And now I don't even sleep with it. So I'm like, you know what? Let me just get some shit from China and like see like what the OG pregnancy pillow is all about. You know, like Amazon number one bestseller. Amazon number one bestseller like came straight from China, like smelled horrible. OK, I threw it in the wash and

I am coming off of three of the best night's sleeps of my life. Like pregnancy pillows are amazing. I was so wrong. I don't know why it took me so long to get one. Like all the pregnant girls were like, just get it. Like, no, it doesn't make you any less of a woman to have. Like, I don't know. Do you know, you know what it is?

My own sweeper OCD got in the way. I know, it's a big thing to have. And I don't want it. It's ugly in my room. When I make my bed, my bed doesn't look beautiful anymore. It's green. It's big and green. And so I was like, you know what? I'm not taking on the burden of this pregnancy pillow. I'm so dumb. I'm always in my own way. Yeah. I feel like that's going to continue to happen just in general, but also like- To trend. Even your attitude towards stuff for the baby where you're like, I don't want overconsumption. Yeah. Yeah.

Get the things, the things. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The thing, let the pregnancy pillow be a lesson. Let it be. Will it be? No. So that really was helpful in my recovery. I was just like sleeping a lot this weekend. Me in this pillow that I have just come to love, to love. I watched so much TV, so much that we're going to recap. I'm all caught up on white Lotus. I watched the love is blind reunion begrudgingly this morning. Um,

much Desperate Housewives were consumed like I didn't get out of bed the whole weekend it was amazing oh that's so nice I caught up on like White Lotus we'll recap that I need you to recap Love is Mine for me because I've given up and now I'm done like I'm out of the rat race and yeah I'll hear it from you plus our fifth and final story will lead into the TV recap and I watched a little bit of New Kardashians very cool yeah you

You know me, I'm a creature of habit. Like I'm some, I don't go with the trends. Like just because we all stopped watching, like not me, I'm still here. There was so much Kylie. It was fantastic.

Oh my God, the best part of the episode, I just want to say, was Chloe and Scott interviewing a new assistant for Scott. I was laughing so hard. I couldn't have a whole reality. They should do a show like The Apprentice where they try and find the next best assistant. Did you ever watch HBO Max's original show, The Big Shot with Bethany? Of course I did. Was that a rhetorical question? Like we recapped it ad nauseum. You did? Yeah.

Yeah, we talked about it all the time. Well, I watched it with Brian. I think we watched like the first episode and we talked about that. Okay, I watched it with Brian. We were obsessed with it. It was the dumbest show. Like Bethany Frankel was hiring...

Not an assistant, but like something like that. And it was, they made it like an apprentice. Like they had all these challenges and it was so stupid. And it was the best show I've ever seen in my life. We need more shows like that. Like casting for like dumb ass jobs. Like that would be a great show actually, Courtney. I mean, Chloe and Scott. Yeah, trying to find-

his next great assistant. It was really, really funny. So that's what I did. And then also shout out to the mamas because Daylight Savings threw us through a loop, did it not? It threw me through a loop too as just like a person who lost an hour of their weekend. Like this weekend, we had less weekend than every other weekend. Do you know that? I do know that. And-

Shout out to the mamas. Like I know with the kids sleep schedule, like it's horrible. But shout out to the girls who were recovering from the flu and got a new pregnancy pillow and thought that the pregnancy pillow was like so magical because I woke up at 830 and I was like, Ben, it's the pillow. We couldn't get over it. I've been waking up at 6am. I'm like, we slept till 830. You would have thought I slept till noon the way I was acting. It wasn't until a full 24 hours later that I was like, wait,

Did I sleep till 8.30? I had no idea it was daylight savings. Well, at least you slept till 7.30 if you usually wake up at 6. It's something. I guess. Charlie slept till 8.30 this morning, which is technically 7.30, but then last night I put them down like...

At the new bedtime. So he actually did get an extra hour of sleep, but it's all very confusing. But last night was the first night. Like I didn't have to close my blinds at 4 p.m. Yeah, we got to play outside after dinner. And I'm hopeful that this year will be the year where we don't change the clocks again. Like this is how it should be all the time. You know, every year there's bipartisan effort to stop. There's lots of talk. This could be the year, Trini. This could be the last time that I'm so utterly confused. Except, of course, they're going to take away the one where we get more sleep.

I just want to say, I saw a clip of someone asking the president about it, and he didn't seem convinced that it was the right move. He said, I'm still thinking about it. Like, for real. Okay, sometimes you have to think about stuff. He said, I've been hearing conflicting...

Let's see how he felt after last night. Right. Maybe if he wakes up with like a little bed head. Yeah. Enough. If he feels refreshed or if he feels like. This isn't the one where you wake up feeling refreshed. It's great for your life and your quality of life and seasonal depression. Like it's good for all of that. But day of is a hard day. The other one is a nice day, but you're in for months of sadness. Yeah. I can't believe the months of sadness are over. Like that was really just.

It's just a crazy time. We made it. I know. Like, it's so important to acknowledge the space. I really had adjusted to, like, the darkness. The sadness. We were in a good schedule, a good routine. You let it wash over you. Yeah, it was just, like, dinner, bath, bed, because there's no more sunshine. And, like, it was fine, you know? Yeah. And so, like, they just give it to us to take it away again. Yeah, I don't really plan on changing much about my life. I remarked at 5 o'clock that the windows, like, were still bright. And then I put the blinds down. Like,

Same, you know, new time, same me. But don't you like to watch the sunset or watch the sky slowly wind down? I do, actually. But we were watching Desperate Housewives and the glare was starting to bother me, so. Desperate Housewives greater than God's gift. I'm at the final season of Desperate Housewives and it's really bad. Like, there is actually, and you're going to remember this. So, you know, at the end of season seven, all the women...

bury a body together. And season eight is like the fallout of that. They all have so much guilt. The police are like chasing them. They're trying to like maneuver. And Susan is obviously the one who can handle it the least. And she's like crippling and she's taking an art class to get through it. And the artist teacher is like, paint your deepest dark. And she literally paints the four women in the forest burying a body.

like it's it's an actual admission of guilt and then they like show it at an art show and the women are like are you dumb like seriously are you fucking dumb the police are literally telling us you it's like a series of paintings where it's like what we killed him with a candlestick like she tells and then they all start fighting and they're not even fighting about Susan being so stupid yeah this is where the show officially lost me under so well that's good because you won't be sad when it's over

Yeah. And I do with it. We have big plans to watch Friday Night Lights, although Ben wants to start Desperate Housewives over again. You think I like Desperate Housewives? Well, no, he was talking about it on the show when he was here. He'll come home from work. He'll be like DH. That's what he calls it. And I'm like, yeah,

He's like DH I'm like no Like he is obsessed He like kind of makes me hate it Do you know what I mean It's like Ben's show You're watching for him now A thousand percent Well maybe when you guys Split up into different rooms Which you must do After everything that's happened Any day now Yeah Like I'm sorry We all have to separate The two of you Yeah Then in his room He can watch DH And like you can watch FML Yeah yeah But um We did eventually Have to turn it off To watch White Lotus And Love is Blind So it was fine White Lotus yes

My Sunday evening, I'll never get back. Here's the thing. And I already had one less hour. We'll do an official TV recap. Or, could I have one more hour? We're gonna do an official TV recap, but as it pertains to White Lotus, I'm just gonna say the thing that you're not supposed to say, right?

The show is bad and I am bored. And then people are like, well, you just don't get it. It's character to shut the fuck up. I'm turning on my TV to be entertained. Like, right. If it needs, if it has such like subtext plot, shut up. It's bad. And I'm bored. If I didn't get something, I would say I'm confused, right? There's nothing not to get there. I'm following. There's not that much dialogue. It's very slow moving. Like it's not missing me. There's not that much to get. I feel the same way.

That I felt when I watched season one, which is why I didn't watch season two, where it's like, I'm happy for the show. People really like it. They have a nice concept, the hotels, the funny characters, but everyone makes more of this show than it is. It's not much more than what you see. They act like it's genius. Mike Lotus, whatever his name is, Mike White. Oh, what a genius. It's not genius at all. It's just like people on vacation and everyone just makes such a big deal of it. And that also makes it worse because it doesn't live up to that expectation. Yeah.

That's a very good point. It's just a show. And it's not... It's good compared to the fact that there aren't a lot of good shows and it's a good premise and it's regenerative. But when you look back on it, like when I think of season one, I'm like, oh, that was so funny. They're in Hawaii and the pineapple guy and Cindy Sweeney and someone dies in the duty. But now I remember what it's like to actually watch it. Participate. Those are really the only things that...

that happened because not a lot happens because they're just like making a meal of this because they're taking themselves so seriously like every actor was like I got white lotus like it's it's

It's a cool job because we've made it that way, but it's not Game of Thrones, okay? No, and we need to just start treating it for what it is, which is a TV show. We need to come down with it, okay? Yeah, and I really can't with people psychoanalyzing. My least favorite thing in today's day and age is when you don't like something, people say you just didn't get it. And it's like, no, no, I can get it and still dislike it. That's how I felt about The Bear. Well, you obviously didn't get it. You don't work in food service. And it's like...

Well, if a show requires me to have a certain job, then the show isn't good, first of all. Second of all, like I got it. I didn't like the show. It gave me anxiety. Yeah. No, that's like not a legitimate. I just hate when people say that. Yeah. Except if you don't like this show, it's because you don't get it. Yeah. And you're dumb and ugly. Why don't you go back like and like shave your back? OK, you can shave your back now. OK, but I do think there are things like that I could watch it. I could be like, I don't get it, you know? Yeah. And I think if I watch Shogun, I'm not too big to say that.

I think when I thought about watching Shogun, it was giving the vibe that I wouldn't get it. Mm-hmm. It just could go over your head. I can get everything, but I'm just saying, I also sometimes don't like things that I do get. Yeah. Two things can be true, la turd-a-loo. I love and hate you.

That's mean. So we have a lot to do today because it's a Monday, just like general catching zups. Love is blind. And yeah, I don't want to spoil my thoughts. Okay, let's save them without further ado-da-do-da-do. It's time for the Fast Five Stories You Need to Know You Do-Do-Do-Do-Do. I think we should add a little shimmy when you do that. Do it again. The Fast Five Stories You Need to Know You Do-Do-Do-Do-Do.

Like Ariana Grande showing Julianne Hough how she dances. It felt strong. Did it look strong? Yeah, it looked really strong. I feel like my shoulders were going one way and my breasts were going another. I wasn't watching that closely, but we'll get the replay. Oh, well, that's fucking rude. We'll get the replay.

Today's episode is brought to you by Carraway, which is perfect because I spent the entire weekend cleaning, like nesting and going through everything in my kitchen. And me and Ben were like really evaluating what things we need, what things we don't need. And so much of our Carraway stuff is just like the best. I love Carraway for anything kitchenware, anything bakeware, cookware. If you need anything for your kitchen, see if Carraway makes it because they're just a brand.

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As parents who never want to sacrifice quality for convenience, you had so many baby and kid food options today. Just don't meet the mark. And that's why we love Little Spoon. They deliver healthy, ready-to-eat meals and snacks that your baby, your toddler, or your big kid will love and that you can actually feel good about. So all of their products are junk-free, they're organic where it counts, and it's thoughtfully sourced. They really know what parents want today, and they make it so easy. Plus, they are the first and only baby food company to set strict publicly available standards for heavy metals, pesticides, and more in their baby and toddler food.

Peace of mind to every parent deserves an easier mealtime without sacrificing on quality. It feels like every day we're finding out something new about the food that we eat. I just found out something really horrifying about the garlic that I buy. And so companies like Little Spoon, like doing a lot of the work for you,

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Another Simple Favor. So Simple Favor's sequel premiered at South by Southwest this weekend. And honestly, I don't know what it was like on the ground, but it looks like a disaster to me. I completely agree. I think it was really, like it was disgusting. I think Blake Lively is a dirty whore. I can't believe she put on a dress and went to work. I think she's a disgrace to women and to humanity. And I think she should die. Well, I was more so talking about the feud rumors between Blake and Anna Kendrick.

And I'm talking about the response to Blake Lively leaving her house. Like, I know that this is a complex situation. Everybody has their takes, the lawsuit. But like, seriously, the woman didn't do anything. She went to work in a dress. Yeah, that's ridiculous. That's like... Like, she took her jacket off and they're like, this costume change is so egregious when there are women fighting for their life. Yeah, no, she took her jacket off. But Anna Kendrick and Blake Lively, the two stars of A Simple Favor, there had been like rumors about them feuding. Forever.

And then the premiere didn't do anything to dispel those rumors. Anna Kendrick has such like a quirky sense of humor that it's hard to know when she's like being funny or sarcastic. And so she's asked about the Blake stuff and she kind of is keeping moms the word because what else can she do? It's all very complicated and I'm sure she wants nothing to do with it. But it also sort of looks like...

She hates Blake. Paul Feig weighed in and said that... But that's also, like, I feel like a complication in the whole thing is that one of the very few, like, public allies of Blake Lively is his director, Paul Feig. So he's at the event, too. He's speaking on behalf. And so if Anna and Blake, like, really hate each other, there's definitely an imbalance in the workplace because Paul and Blake are thick as thieves. Yeah. And he, like, people were, you know, chiming in saying...

Anna hates Blake. Anna's scared of Blake. And he responded to someone saying, you are wrong. So he's maintaining that this is like...

They're good. I don't think they're that good. I don't. No, before Blake was like a, you know, America's Most Wanted, there have been like theories that this was like the most toxic set ever. These two would not even look at each other, refused to do press together. And this was way before anybody had anything bad ever to say about Blake Lively. It's like, if you've been paying attention, there's definitely weirdness in, and the fact that they decided to make a sequel when there was clearly such bad vibes and the movie like wasn't even successful. Yeah.

I don't understand. No, and if Blake and Paul are so close and they wanted to make a sequel and the two leads like don't get along, they could have done it without her. I don't know if it's based on a book that needs both of them, if the book also has a sequel. And you know, not to like make Anna Kendrick like out of a job, but I don't know, I could also have seen that happening. So the fact that she, everyone signed back up

It sounds like, oh. Yeah. And it sounded like it was, like, a huge blockbuster. It's like, how could, it sounded like Twilight. Like, oh, of course. You could pass on it easily. Chris and Rob will work together. Even though, I don't know if Anna Kendrick is, like, getting offered so many roles these days, you know? Yeah. I don't know. I feel like people really love her. No, I think it's the opposite. I think people really don't like her. No, I think she's someone who, like, people have made it their personality to dislike. But, like, when she's in, like, everything she's in is really successful. Yeah, I mean, Pitch Perfect is one of the best movies of our time. Twilight. Twilight.

Oh my God. Even though she's like such an irrelevant, ugly and twilight, but she's actually everything. She's such a jealous wench. Very successful. I feel like she's a safe cast. I think you make a good point that like, nobody would have agreed to do this movie if it was as toxic as like the rumors have made it up to be. Cause it wasn't this movie that demanded a sequel. Like there was a small following of the niche cult following, but beyond that, it wasn't a movie that really required a second film. So like maybe these three loved working together. That's what it sounds like. Yeah. They wanted more. Yeah.

Right. And so I think a lot of people are taking clips from this weekend and really making more of it than it is. Like there's definitely something there.

But I don't think anything is an admission. Like Anna Kendrick is weird. So when her weird responses to also, I'm sure they've been briefed, like not to speak on Blake Lively. It's like an ongoing legal matter. They have to be briefed. Nobody wants to step into this mess. Correct. So I don't think that these videos and these responses of Anna are like that telling. Yeah. But I just feel like if Anna had her back and Anna loved her and Anna believed Blake, like they would be arm in arm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Cynthia,

Ariana nothing between us if these two hated each other as much as we've been led to believe that they did and now Blake Lively is the most hated woman in America and they're doing a press tour together you just know Anna Kendrick if that was the truth would be like living for it and like leaning in and giving the people so and she didn't do that either your enemy when they're making a mistake there's what yeah she need to do more than what's already happening

Yeah, I don't think that this is like the most amazing copacetic working relationship of all time. I do think maybe some of the rumors have been blown out of proportion a little bit, but there's definitely something there. There's definitely something there. I hope they keep the premieres to a minimum because this is uncomfortable.

Yeah, it was like, and I actually felt genuine pain for Blake. Like she's trying so hard to combat like the mean girl. That's like, that's what I think one of the biggest, most valid criticisms about her from all this is like seeing the way over the years she's like interacted with fans and people. It's just like rude and bitchy. So to see her like go out into the throngs of fans and being like, Oh my God,

Like pretending she knows who you are. I just know that was really hard for her because it goes against her natural instinct to be like a big bitch. And I felt bad for her because it was like truly eating humble pie. It's like when Regina George put the back brace on, you know? Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, I feel like she doesn't need to do all that. Just be a bitch. No, and the fact that she's being so nice and she's never been this nice, she's kind of validating the rumors. Yeah, exactly. She's like, let me take a selfie. You don't want to take a selfie. And there was this male fan who's clearly a big Blake fan. I think Blake was... The Kardashians, people know their biggest, biggest fans. People who run blogs about them. So she was trying to have a moment with this guy. I'm like, you don't know him. You don't know him. You don't know this man. Stop. Stop.

Yeah, the royal walkabout was unnecessary. Yeah, exactly. Like when the royals walk through and shake hands and kiss babies. In the villages, yeah. But you could just go from the car to the carpet to the movie. It's fine. Yeah, it's enough. We don't need this from you. It's so natural. I am also like, anyone else getting annoyed with Brendan Slinar?

No, I'm personally not getting annoyed with Brendan Sklenar. Okay, I am because like at first he was like a Blake ally and then he was a Blake hater. And then over the weekend, he wore this like pin on the red carpet, which was the same flower pin that Justin Baldoni had previously worn. And like he like he's kind of playing into but he's also like, I don't want to be asked about this. And he's actually been a really big part of the story. Like one of the big interviews that went viral with Blake being like a nasty bitch was when she was sitting with Brendan Sklenar and he like rolls his eyes. So like, oh, he hates her. But then

he was, him and Paul Feig were like people to start sticking up for her. And now I feel like he's playing both sides and I really want to know what he thinks. He's just like, I think living for the attention. I think that Brandon Sklenar like would be a classic case of like a Hollywood person who literally doesn't give a fuck what the truth is or who's right, but it's gonna just try and do what's best for his career. Oh, we're with Blake now? Yeah.

out I'm with Blake oh things are turning toward Justin subliminal message I would be really upset if my if I found out my boyfriend was like that like I love him but he's starting to piss me off like who started you on but also he's gonna be in housemaid right yes that's why you've been doing a lot of press

Right? Oh, you're right. Yes, that's how it's all connected. Paul Feig, same director. So maybe it helps to be up Blake's butt a little bit. Maybe he posted that. Yeah, since when is Paul Feig such like a mover and a shaker? I've never even heard of him. Maybe he posted that thing about Blake when he was like down to the last two in casting for Housemaid. Just so Paul Feig smiled upon him. Did you see the video of Sidney Sweeney and Brendan Slenar like on set of the Housemaid like being cute and now everybody's doing what they did with her and Glenn Powell? No, I didn't see that.

Well, I need Sydney Sweeney to stop pretending like she's going to marry that guy. I need Sydney Sweeney to stop pretending like she's not engaged. No, no. But the thing is, that's what I'm saying. She's not. Like, you're not marrying that guy. You know? Oh. You're not. Like, stop. I feel like she's very much marrying that guy. No, she would have done it already. Like, she's not. And I...

That guy is what he is in this world. I get it. Like, she's in this situation. She's in this situation that, like, I get it. You can't marry him. Like, what are you doing? No, whoever he is in this world, like, he's holding her back from, obviously. You know who he reminds me of? And this is going to be, like, actually, no, I'm not even going to say it. Never mind.

So she must love him so much. She can't break up with him. She has to marry him because she loves him so much. No, they obviously buried a body in the woods together. Like Susan Meyer. Yes. And instead of painting it, she's just doing all these bad movies. No, it could be like Margot Robbie, who is literally the same. And she's married to a normal industry guy who we don't know. And they're having a baby. And she loves him so much. Yes, she could have been with Leo. Yeah.

Okay, can I say something like a little out of turn? Like I'm going to say the thing you're not supposed to say. That she's old? No. What? I don't even think that. Margot Robbie, yes, she like married a total nobody. She married a total nobody who's actually extremely good looking. Okay, I don't even know who Sidney Sweeney's man is. So let's go. Let's do it. Let's dig in. I would say like, yes, Margot Robbie's the most beautiful woman in the world, but her man isn't that much uglier than her, you know? Jonathan DeVino, does that sound right? Yeah, it does. Yeah.

And I just feel like him and Sidney Sweeney are on different levels physically. I don't know if that's so mean to say. He's not bad looking. He's not bad looking, Claudia. He looks nice dressed up. I think he's got something. I think he's got swagger. He's 41. Yes, he's much older. And he's 5'9". I know too much about him now. I need her to quit the act. Stop. He's a businessman. What if he's really wealthy?

So is she. I need her to date Brendan Slenar. Really? And maybe, I just, no, maybe this guy, Jonathan DeVino, is somebody she could end up with, like, after an illustrious career, or like... Why does she have to, like, suffer in order to get... Like, this would be the end... Oh, you're suffering? Dating Brendan Slenar is suffering? Yeah, dating Willy Nilly over there... Is suffragette? Yeah, some, no scruples. She's a suffragette? Team Blake, Team Justin...

Willy nilly. No, it's like a fun thing. And like, remember when everybody for five minutes was like, is she dating Glenn Powell? Like that was fun. Yeah, I agree. But how many times are you going to do that before you look stupid?

A couple of times and then you settle down with a Jonathan DeVino. You don't show up to the party with a Jonathan DeVino. I just feel like, so maybe she's mature. Like why do you, how long does she have to do that stupid thing before she recognizes real? For me, this is where gender roles are like extremely important. Like if a guy gets really famous in Hollywood and stays with like his little girlfriend, like obsessed, you are salt of the earth. Love you, love you. When a woman does it, it's like, ew. I don't know. Like you don't have a man with a job?

I don't know. Not for someone in the industry. I just can't tell you like how that so doesn't do it for me. I'm ready for this relationship. Like a lion actor? It's run its course. Okay. Well, I support Sydney being scrupled. And I support myself being scrupled.

Okay, I also want to look up Margot Robbie's husband just to... He's cute. His name is like Sam or something. Tom Ackerley is his name. Oh, he's cute. Yeah, you know what I mean. Yeah, he's got like a super cute face. And they both have like that Australian like... Connection? Is she Australian? Hmm? Yeah, she is. She's Australian? Yeah, no, like that look, that like surfer, beachy, really cute look. Yeah, and then also he's a producer. I think she like made him a producer. Yeah, like on I, Tonya, Barbie, Terminal. Right?

Bar me. I'm cracking up. That's hilarious. Okay, well, let me know if anyone sees another simple favor. Our next story, speaking of two people who are so perfectly matched at a tennis match. Jackson Clark?

Oh my god And tits out for the boys Kylie and Timothy Can't keep their hands Off each other At the Indian Wells Tournament Kylie and Timothy Stepped out At the BNP Paribas Indian Wells Open In Indian Wells California On Sunday Throughout the match They were packing On the PDA Her friends were there It was just like a

fun outing. I think I saw Kendall, right? I saw Kendall, but I also saw Victoria and then I saw what looked like Victoria looking like Kendall. So I wasn't sure. Look, I thought Kendall had like a really short bob. I feel like, oh, there's Kendall. You're right. You're right. Both of them are there. Victoria and Kendall. It looked like a fat

Fab outing. Just like a bunch of friends drinking, watching tennis, like taking pictures. Kylie looked so unbelievably gorgeous. Like I can't believe that these two are together. Like, and you know, she's definitely making me look at him like a little bit more favorably. I've never thought he was like cute or my type. And you know, when she shows up on a red carpet and she's like looking va-va-voom and she's with him, it's like, oh, maybe he's not so bad. You know, she brings up the group average. And her just sitting there like with her bombshell blowout,

which was just like so insane.

I couldn't help but wonder, like, seriously, what does she see in him? Like, I'm sorry. She is making me reevaluate him. And I like what I see. I like what he brings out in her. Like this confidence. Fun. And she should be the most confident person in the world because like she's so gorgeous and hysterical and perfect in every way. And you can really see that she feels that way. So I love that for her from him.

But now like now when he does stuff, I'm like, OK, Timothy, Kylie's boyfriend, let me listen to you. Like he gave that speech when he won the SAG award. You're thinking more about him in a substantial way. Yeah. Like I'm not just like, oh, this actor who I have nothing to do with. But like the SAG award speech that he gave like that, he's like a very serious person. He wants greatness. And like he will. And like he's just very high achieving. And I think that's an attractive quality.

I think he's like a serious person. I think he's a smart person. The fact that they've been together almost two years and like they're still this into each other and like touchy feely and happy. Like I wish them a lifetime of happiness. It's true. It has like been a long time and they're still very like honeymoon phase. I like that he's very family oriented. He brings his whole family everywhere. And you know, I love me some Pauline Jalamay. And she's very family oriented.

Of course. So they probably have that in common. Also, I meant to tell you, speaking of Pauline Chalamet on a Mindy Kaling show, I watched Running Point this weekend. You will love it. It is so funny. First of all, not nobody telling me the star of the show is Chet Hanks. Okay? Tom Hanks' turnt troubled youth young son. He is...

He is so funny. And that's why like only Mindy Kaling could see that in him. You know, like I think people don't take him seriously. He plays this like, you know, star basketball player who has like a bad image. And he's always like saying the wrong thing and doing the wrong thing. He is so funny. Jackie, the show is so good. I saw it. It's really. I was on Netflix watching like something mandatory. And I was like, damn, I want to be watching that.

yeah it was so funny and there's like a whole part where one of the siblings um like refuses to call twitter anything but x and everybody's like stop and he's like i re-x'd something it's like you retweeted and it's literally you even though it is called x like we do still say retweeted of course and it's so funny they're trying to get ahead of a scandal so one of them like has a finsta and he's like no a lot of times i can debunk stuff with my finsta so he like writes a finsta tweet that

That's like, no, I was at this restaurant. It's not true. That didn't happen. And he accidentally sends it from his real Twitter and then deletes it and then puts it on the Finstan. Like he's exposed. It's like Normani. What is happening? Oh my God. It's so funny. It's such a good show. Like I haven't even finished it. I think I'm like four episodes in, but I'm like really enjoying myself. That's so funny. I will watch it. I just added it to the content plate. And what's funny is the last three things on the content plate are all Mindy Kaling, Sex Lives, Mindy Project and Running Point.

Mindy Kaling supremacy. It's fabulous. And the soundtrack is really good too. Can't wait. Like truly can't wait to watch that. Back to Kylie and Timothy. Yeah. Like lots of love. Seriously get married and have babies. Like I'm sick of waiting. Yeah, I think that's kind of the plan. Yeah.

But I'm ready. You just had a baby. You know, when your siblings start having babies makes you think like, yeah, but Kylie's already a mama. So it's just about like what works for her. Yeah, no. And I think Kylie's like down. She's like once once you have kids, like you're not afraid of it anymore. It's not like such a big deal. Yeah. Timothy, this is like his first four. Right. So he might need to be like he might like won an Oscar first, you know?

But he can't really achieve the emotional depth of Oscar winning performances until he experiences fatherhood. I totally agree. Yeah. But I could also so see him being like, I can't have a child until I've had an Oscar. And then also if that ever does happen, him realizing like what a stupid thing that is to say. And if he doesn't need that to happen, he needs to take on better roles than that piece of shit Bob Dylan movie. Sorry, I hated that movie. Like no one was sadder when he lost the Oscar than Kylie. Yeah. She's like, oh, ovaries. We'll try again next year. Yeah.

I don't think they'll get married though because they each have too much money. Going on, yeah. But that's fine. That's fine. Did you see the video of when it was time for Timothy's award at the Oscars? People were filming like him from the stands and Kylie had actually switched seats

with his mother who was sitting behind them and let the mom and Timothy sit in the front row together and she sat behind him and then when he lost she like hugged him from behind and gave him a kiss and I thought that was really we're always talking about you know the order of importance fiance girlfriend mother and she gave Timothy's mom and that's just her playing the long game because you know now the mom definitely really likes her yeah no she's such a queen yeah so nobody had more fun than them this weekend it's true are you ready for our next story

Yeah. Some sad news about one of our faves. Oh. Luke Combs is detailing his debilitating battle with a rare, particularly wicked mental health condition. Wait, what? Yeah, I just saw this this morning. Luke Combs appeared on 60 Minutes Australia and detailed his battle with a rare form of OCD in a recent interview. He shared that he has struggled with purely obsessional obsessive compulsive disorder, also known as Pure O, since the age of 12, but recently experienced his worst flare up in years.

So he described it. He said, it's thoughts essentially that you don't want to have. And then they cause you stress and then you're stressed out. And then the stress causes you to have more of the thoughts. And then you don't understand why you're having them and you're trying to get rid of them, but trying to get rid of them makes you have more of them. He explained the tedious and debilitating condition.

He said he feels now lucky to be an expert in PRO since he has dealt with it for two decades and he knows how to get out of it now. But he said when it hits man, it can be all consuming. He said that he had a really bad flare up. He said that a really bad flare up can last 45 seconds of every minute for weeks. He also shared that sometimes the intrusive thoughts are also violent. The way to get out of it is like it doesn't matter what the thoughts even are. Giving any credence to what the thoughts are is like irrelevant and only fuels you having more of them.

Here's the thing. Luke Holmes doesn't share much. He doesn't do press. He's not a big talker. So when he does, you best listen because you're going to learn something. And this interview is no different. We don't report on Luke Holmes' random interviews ever because he doesn't sit down and talk for the sake of talking like a lot of people do in his business. So I love these little windows into Lukey. And

Once again, setting the bar, breaking glass ceilings. Like, do you know any male country music stars talking about their mental health? Because I don't. No, and just because you show you really never know what someone's going through. And like, I wouldn't thought that Luke might be dealing with something like a mental health sufferer. Yeah. And in such like a serious way, like more more than the average. Correct. So that's my king right there. Yeah. Thanks for sharing, Lukey.

And feel better. And congrats. I think he's on like a big Australian something, right? Oh, it's always a big Australian something. I feel like 60 Minutes Australia is like low-key always making like news. Do you feel that? Yeah, they do a good job. They do. It's a trusted source. Is there like a particular... Is there a particular...

60 minute segment that like you find yourself like referencing all the time do you know what I mean like I've seen like one and I'm always talking about it I'll just let you answer that's a question it was it was tiktok in China you know yeah about how the kids in China are only getting 20 minutes a day and they're doing math equations on tiktok yeah and they're using it as a weapon of mass destruction like I tried to tell you this so many times but it's not but 60 minutes like really laid it out nicely yeah okay does that change things

No, I saw it a couple of years ago. I'm just like always bringing it up. And it's like, I sound smart because I'm like, oh, you know, I saw the segment on 60 Minutes and people don't know it's like the only segment I've seen on 60 Minutes. But it's important that when you've seen a segment on 60 Minutes, you let everyone know. Right. Same thing when you've read like one article, you always share that article. Yeah. I like the 60 Minutes. Oh, yeah. I like that too. We need something like that. The sound department is slayed. Yeah, we do need something like that. They ate with that. We do, Jackie. We do. It's...

Summer, summer, summer, summer, toast. That's kind of cool. I don't like that one. It doesn't slap the way the 60 Minutes one does. No, but maybe we'll have something one day. Never stop reaching for your dreams. Never stop reaching for your auditory dreams. Correct. And expanding your auditory profile now that we have the bug. I would...

I would never even dream of expanding the auditory file. Like, I do wish that we had, like, little bites in between, like, ad breaks and stuff. Like, when other podcasts have... We really... Like, it makes no sense because we do it live. But when other podcasts have it, like, oh, this is fancy. Yeah.

I don't know when other podcasts have like so many like sounds and productions. I'm like, oh, this is not real. Yeah. You're just trying to listen to the toast because you can barely hit 45 minutes. And so you need a minute. Yeah. And at least with the toast, like, yeah, you hear sirens in the background. Jackie's kids crying. I'm blowing my nose. Like we're losing wifi every 15 minutes. Like you can never say we're not real. No, I do feel like other shows enjoy the fact that maybe all of their auditory experiences total take up like three minutes. Yeah. No, it's definitely cuts down the word count. Yeah. No, it cuts up.

You know what I mean. Yeah. Punch. Beefs up. Correct. Are you giving adjective? You know, when you know, when you would like throw in a bunch of adjectives, like you'd be like, it's extremely dangerous, but also concerning. You know, maybe it is dangerous, but concerning. I know it was for me. I understand. It's giving adjective. Yeah. Adjective like superfluous adjectives. Understand. Are you ready for our next? She was greedy and was like a synonym for greedy. I think I meant to say it's giving synonym, not it's giving adjective. Yeah.

I think like unnecessary descriptors. Yeah, no, it's like it was extremely unnecessary and superfluous. And? No, like those are my two cents. Two, three. Can we end this conversation? Like I'm not. You keep having additional thoughts. I keep saying. I keep saying. Are you ready, kids? Yeah, no, like just.

Just move on. If you got what I was saying, you got it. If you didn't, I did. The thing is, if you didn't, I understand that as well. I did. I get it. I did understand. Are you ready for our next story? Okay, a little divorce news. Shockingly, Emily Osmond is getting divorced five months after getting married. So Emily Osmond is splitting from her husband, Jack Farina, and while many would expect them to still be in their honeymoon phase, looks like she decided five months was more than enough.

The actress filed for divorce on Friday from Farina, better known as the stage name Jack Anthony, citing reconcilable differences. They got married in October, so it's been five months. The list date of separation is December 2024, less than two months after the marriage. Okay, so I feel like, not to make everything about Young Sheldon, you know Emily Osmond had like a small role on Young Sheldon. Yeah, George is lazy.

As the seasons progressed, she became more and more important. And then when they created a spinoff, it was George and Mandy. She's Mandy. So I feel like when you get to be the star of a CBS sitcom, that's money. That's Achille Cuoco money. That is money that nobody in Hollywood makes. And I think she saw the writing on the wall and her filing for separation before George and Mandy came out, I think was one of the wisest things she could have done. She's definitely making so much money. And she's had a career that has kind of been up and down.

Where I don't think she's made a lot of money, you know, at once. And this is like the type of project that, you know, an actress only dreams of. Okay. Well, first, it's worth noting that they have a prenup. So, and with no children, they'll just like walk away from this. No, but a prenup, by the way, even with a prenup, money she made during the marriage is still community property. So that's George and Mandy. No, a prenup would make money made during the marriage, like separate. Because what you came in with is separate. Right.

I mean prenups are different for like so who knows what right they had but say the finances are taken care of and also like like you said she's been sort of like here and there all through her career she found this man who's like been with her through it all why would she leave him as soon as she hits it big I feel like unless they were having issues and like she like you said saw the writing on the wall and like wanted to leave him before the big check came because she knew they would split up anyway but I don't think that's the only reason and

I mean, to separate two months after you get married when she's, she's our age. How would you feel? Like she's. And they don't have kids together. They don't have kids together and they were married two months. Great.

I feel like she found something out about him or he found out something about her. Yeah, maybe. It's kind of giving love is blind, you know? It's kind of crazy. I feel like Emily Osmond is like a very like good head, like not like a Hollywood girl who gets like married and divorced in two months. Agreed. So I feel like something must have happened and hopefully nothing too terrible. She has like a very, I think, normal life given her job. I don't think she's like, you know, can't go to the grocery store. No, and like given that she's been in the industry for so long, she just seems very normal in a good way.

Yeah, I agree. This is really crazy. I feel like we're seeing a lot of young couples in Hollywood getting divorced recently. Who else? I don't know. I just feel like this isn't the first one. I didn't realize you were going to follow up with the question. I just felt like when you say that, you have at least one in mind. Yes. Actually, I was thinking of Halle Bailey. She was with her man. They had a baby and then a month later broke up. Divorce? I don't know if they were married legally, but they were like a family. Yeah. Yeah.

And MGK and Megan Fox. I was just reminded of them. She's pregnant. Yeah. And they're broken up. That's like a different thing. And also they're together a million years and now they're pregnant and not together. And it also reminds me of, I'll always think of Michael Kopech and Vanessa Morgan. It all comes back to Michael Kopech. Right? Because that's a classic case of what? And fun fact, I'm just coming off of like an eight episode stint of Desperate Housewives featuring Brian Austin Green. Featuring Michael Kopech.

Yes. And Michael Kopech, of course. And Paula Patton. He's in

He works. You're going to see him around in your shows. Yeah. Yeah. It was just kind of crazy. I feel like Desperate Housewives is its own universe. Yeah. And when Vanessa Williams comes in as like she's already a famous person and she's like one of the housewives of the last three seasons. It's such a delight to see like a famous person. But then every now and then with like a random role like Paula Patton plays this like turned girlfriend who shows up. Brian Austin Green. It's like what are you doing here? Yeah. But also they could have just been like a random actor and then since then they've become super famous. No but at the time Paula Patton was famous and so was Brian Austin Green. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. Are you ready for our fifth and final story that will lead into our TV recap? If it's our fifth and final story that will lead into the TV recap, that's brought to you by Primal Kitchen. Oh, it is. I love Primal Kitchen. We were just eating their ketchup last night because it's sweetened with honey. Well, let's talk about real food for a minute. Okay. Shall we? Are you open? Yeah, sure. We all know that we should be eating more real whole foods, but really who has the time, especially when it comes to like your condiments. You're going to make your sauces and like your dressing from scratch. Listen. I'm sorry. We don't have all the time in the world. Let's be reasonable. We are going to need a cheat.

And then you're reading every single label at the grocery store. It's just like hard to keep out for sketchy ingredients. And that's why we love Primal Kitchen and their condiments. They've nailed the perfect combination. I'm not making my own ketchup, okay? No, I'm sorry. Like, it's crazy. And I don't have to. I don't have to. Because Primal Kitchen has nailed the perfect combo of high quality ingredients and delicious flavors. So your meals will taste as real and homemade as it gets.

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Bye. Bye.

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with the cutest things, the coziest jamas, bathing suits, like perfect things, trips to the Cape, like we're ready to go. Clevix, Clevix. A little breaking news before we get into our fifth and final story that will lead into our TV recap, which is that Olivia Colpo has announced that she's pregnant with the par-giest photos you've ever seen. I don't want to say it, you know. What, like welcome to the club? Like that she's in your gang now? I don't want to say it. I was just bragging last week about my timing, you know, my timing, my timing. And look, another par-g, par-g-licious.

had a feeling like she might be I don't know why I feel like she got married somewhere recently she's oddly very traditional how annoying that is yes we were talking about it offline like when somebody tells you that they're pregnant you're like I knew I had a feeling I'm not saying it to her I'm saying it to you it's different okay cool

And I just felt like she would have a baby shortly after getting married. That was like the vibe that I got, you know, God willing, that was an option for her. Because they are like very, you know, religious and somewhat traditional. Her wedding dress, you know, remember? I actually was thinking about her wedding dress scandal the other day. Like how stupid that was. People are so jealous and ugly. It's been almost a year since she got married. So like now you have like hindsight when you like, and you can like really see when you look back. It wasn't trendy. It's aging flawlessly in my opinion. It's gorgeous.

Yeah. I love this. I'm so happy for her. I like her so much. Love this. So happy for her. When I watched the culpos on TLC, which everyone should watch, like she expressed that she really wants to be a mother. And I think she was kind of like sad that it hadn't happened for her yet. And she, you know. And she has endometriosis. So I think she had like a lot of issues with her health for a period of time. Yeah. So I'm just so happy that it's happened for her.

And the pictures are so beautiful. I need you to see the pictures. There's two photos. Oh, Parji. No, like seriously, she's so Parji. Two photos, black and white. She has a pretty substantial bump. She was also now spotted by paparazzi, like out with her bum picking up breakfast. And the caption on the photos is, next chapter, motherhood. Like, okay, beautiful.

So cute. She's wearing the platform Uggs that I have to tell her no pregnant woman should wear. I roll my ankle in the doctor's office. I wear them too much. And like I actually fell the other day wearing them. Thank God I was with Ben. I keep catching myself. So nothing catastrophic has happened. But the platform Uggs and I love them so much like are not for pregnant women. That feels right.

You should tell her. Yeah. Yeah. Sometimes when we talk about her on the show, she hears about it. She'll send me a message. So Olivia, stop wearing them popcorn mugs. They're seriously dangerous. Sending you so much love and peace and joy during this time. And I hope you're having a daughter so that she can wear your wedding dress one day because that's how timeless it is. Yeah. Very happy for them.

Now for the fifth and final story that will lead into the TV recap starting with Love is Blind because news came out at the Love is Blind reunion that A.D. from Love is Blind, what city? A couple seasons ago, I forget what city, but you remember her. She was honestly awesome. She's the worst guy. Yeah, well he was trying his best. I feel sad for him today. And it wasn't good enough. And also she was talking to Matthew.

Yes. It was the Chelsea Jimmy season. Oh, that was, I think, North Carolina. Okay. AD from Love is Blind North Carolina is engaged to Ollie Sutherland from Love is Blind UK, which not everybody watched, but you should have. Yeah, didn't know who this was. And if you were as invested over the summer in Love is Blind UK as Jackie and I were for some reason, like, you know Ollie. And I actually am afraid for her. Ollie and Demi?

Okay, so Ali, and this is why the UK one was so interesting for a multitude of reasons. But Ali ended up with somebody who was curvy. And they really don't throw a lot of curvy contestants on the show. And that's actually like a blind thing. Like it's a physical thing. Everybody they cast is like on the same level for the most part, attractive wise. So it doesn't make it that much of a question like is love blind?

So it was really interesting what happened with him and Demi. And he was definitely a dick and he's definitely really shallow. And I don't have high hopes for them as a couple, but, and everything they were like selling at the reunion, I was like, yeah, sure. But I saw his season. Like I know him. Do you know what I mean? I know. It was tough. But I want the best. He was tough. I just want to say if anybody watched Love is Blind mini soda and like misses the Love is Blind of your go,

Go watch. Okay. Cause that will also like give context for this. And that was such a crazy storyline. Cause the whole time it's like, he doesn't like her. He doesn't like her, but he's like saying all the right things. I think he was really misleading just because he didn't want to look like a dick. No. And so like the minute cameras were down and it's like the day before the wedding, um,

She literally didn't hear from him up until the altar. Like he was playing such a part. He was a real actor and he did not want to look like he didn't like her because of her looks, even though that's exactly what it was. Like, and she ended up using the show to go on this like amazing journey of self-discovery and like loving herself. And like, it was beautiful, you know? But it was a really good season. So while I love this cross promo, I don't know if this is a good match. Like I think

he's also really thirsty and I think like him dating someone from the American franchise which is so much more popular like I don't know it gives me pause like I don't want to be so negative yeah no but I don't know there's a lid for every pot and I also feel like AD

was I feel like she was happy to now be in a relationship that's like love is blind oriented to be like in a reality couple but I also could see how like on a personality level like they both could have fun together and like why they hit it off I'm sure all the alums from these shows meet each other not everyone gets together and dates for so long to actually get engaged so I do think that there's something there we'll support it

Yeah, that's nice of you. I also think A.D. dating within the franchise is really good for her. She recently launched a podcast, like a Love is Blind recap type of show, like post pods or whatever. And so dating someone within the franchise is just like good for business. Yeah. Now I want to talk to you about the reunion. Please do. And I'm just going to bring up a picture of everybody because I'm like so 100% going to forget. Well, I'm good on our nicknames.

You're what? Like our nicknames really work for me. No, but like I will forget certain people. Okay. So let me say this about the Love is Blind reunion. It was absolutely horrible. I hate every single one of these people. Yeah. I hate every single one of these people. I hate Netflix. I hate Nick. I hate Vanessa. Like the way all these people wasted my time, like, well, it's not forgivable. And the fact that I spent another hour and a half watching the reunion and every conversation at the reunion was about something that happened off camera. So literally what it's like these two couples, this is what happened. You're a liar. So they couldn't agree. I don't know.

what's real and what's not. I don't know who to believe. Like it was just, they didn't recap the season. They recapped what happened after the show started airing and in the year since. It was just annoying because they all disagreed on, and not on small things. Like Sarah and Ben were like, we had this conversation. I left the conversation thinking we broke up. I left the conversation thinking we were moving in together in Nashville. Like, how are you so fucking far away? It was so annoying. I'm like, I don't know. I don't even care. I don't have enough care to choose someone to believe.

That's crazy. Yeah. So let me go couple by couple. The only saving grace of this entire show was Shawty and Nurse. So Taylor and Danielle. They ended up getting married. Taylor and Danielle? Daniel, sorry. Two girls. Same sex couple. No.

Taylor and Daniel, they look so happy together. They bought a house in the suburbs. Not problematic. She made a joke about him following her. Can I just say something? Like, what if it turns out that he did follow her? I was thinking the same thing. I think that even if he did follow her, she wouldn't care now. Like, I think she loves having a husband who absolutely worships the ground she walks on. Their families are so close. Like, shortly after the season, his mom was diagnosed with leukemia and cancer.

The hospital where she's getting treatment is the hospital where Taylor's brother is an administrator. He lives right by it. The dad was staying with Taylor's brother. Daniel's dad was staying with Taylor's brother while the like the families are so intertwined. They bought a house. They are so happy. He has a tattoo of her. I think it wouldn't even matter now. We just matter. They are truly the whole time. But yeah.

Whatever. Like seriously, whatever. Small price to pay for happiness. I think that these two were meant to find each other in this small town and they couldn't believe that they hadn't yet. And Love is Blind was just the means to get them together. Like they are really, I have all the confidence that they will be together for a while. Like it's really cute. I love that. And like she is, he worships her. It's great. Okay. So like they're the only unproblematic people. I just can't believe that the whole season was like,

Every trailer he's following me on Instagram. I know it was the big drama of the season and it was nothing and it wasn't real and they're the only people who got right. No the fact that they're the only standing couple when after the pods like they were pretty much like broken up over this is really crazy and every couple was so strong.

Next up, I also think one of the storylines that kept me interested up until the very end was Dave and Lauren. And then at the reunion, I actually thought we got a lot of closure on. And she looked great. I actually really like her. She's really – she's grown on me. And he sat and he was just basically like – I found out a couple of weeks ago that like the guy who was saying all these things, I found out some things about him that really discredited him and now I feel so stupid. Yeah.

So we spent this whole year like still believing his friends and his mom and his sister. And now he's like, no, I found out a couple of things like last month. And now I just feel so. And Lauren was just like, it didn't even make her feel better. Like it was it was so little, so late. Yeah, I feel like he just didn't even want to answer for like what he did on the show. So he's like, oh, no, you were right. I saw it too late. Sorry. Yeah.

And Vanessa was like, well, what does your sister think about like everything you were so worried the whole time? Your sister, your sister, your sister, like your girlfriend, your sister, you're going to make out with your sister. Well, what does she think? And he was like, well, the whole reason she was so concerned was that she didn't want me like coming off bad and getting a bad edit or whatever. And like, that's exactly what happened. Like I came off really poorly and I'm getting a lot of hate. So it's kind of like a self-fulfilling. That's what happens when you like are too concerned with how you overproduce. You have to just be. And if you're sometimes they do make a good person look bad and that's really unfortunate. But

But hopefully most of the time we can just see who a person is. Dave then also went on to say that like Lauren is the one that got away and he loves her. And Lauren was like, I don't believe you. Like literally it's been a year. I was like, Ollie. You didn't reach out to me till like a couple of weeks ago. And that was a theme with a lot of the couples. They did not talk. There was like a fallout after the wedding. They, you know, maybe talked or dated for a few weeks, but then they stopped talking and none of them started talking again until I think they knew the reunion was taping. And so a lot of them want to make amends so that they don't,

uh look bad and have the person like say things that maybe you told them in confidence pillow talk yeah well they shouldn't do that anyway no and so that was also a recurring theme it was like the real throwing under the bus of a person that you claim to love um which I found to be like really disingenuous he was doing it

So it happened a lot. And let me say this. There's kind of a theme going on with Sarah and Ben, who's boy with the church and girl with the values. And then Virginia and Devin. I told you they were having conversations about politics. And she shared that...

Devin did not want to have those conversations. On the show. On the show. And so they had those conversations offline and it turned out to be like so different from hers and like they really couldn't match. And that's a huge reason why she didn't, you know,

But then she said the weekend leading up to the wedding, like he was acting weird, like his mom got a wedding gift from her boss and it was a check for a thousand dollars. And like Devin didn't tell her about it, which is like really makes it seem like he's pocketing a thousand dollars. Like that's meant for both of them. Whereas he was like, no, like we didn't know if we were getting married. So like I was just holding on to this wedding gift in case we had a wedding or in case we didn't. I don't know. I felt like.

Like at that, they were just trying to hurt each other, you know? And it's sad because you said you loved this person. And so with Sarah, I'm like her values, her values, her values, her values, her values. Right. And that's, that's a core part of who she is, whether you like it or not. Like that's who she is. Yeah.

So why would you say yes to this man? Like that to me is so disingenuous. Like it matters so much to you. It was the reason you did not want to marry him. And right before he even proposed to you, you said, before you say anything, like my values, what do you think? He's like, yeah, I'm willing to like grow. And like, he wasn't on the same page as you and he didn't give a shit about any of it like you did. So why are we even here? Like that is so annoying. When something that someone says in the pods is,

is the reason why they don't end up together. When it's like you accepted that then, like the time to deal with it was then. If you're going to say yes to an engagement, like you are committed to working on it, even if it's not something that's ideal for you, but for it to be the thing that breaks you up, like before you've even had a chance, like giving this person a chance to change or grow. Like, I just feel like it's bad faith. Like then it was always a no.

And by the way, they dated after Sarah and Ben. They dated after the wedding, even though at the wedding, she was like, I don't. And he's like, I don't either for now. Like, I think we should still. I saw the clip of them. She was like, we'll see. We'll see. Yeah, he was like, we'll date. And she was like, we'll see.

Yeah, I don't know about that. So I was like, okay, you know what? Like clean break. But so they still went on to date and she had this travel nurse contract in Nashville for a couple of months and they were like trying to decide what to do. So the day before she left, she said that they had a conversation that was like, you'll meet me in a couple of days. You don't need to bring your car. You'll fly out. We'll keep my car. We'll spend however much. She's like, stay for two weeks, but you can stay for two months, like whatever it is. And then when I come back to Minnesota, we'll figure out our life together. And he left that conversation allegedly saying we had broken up. And so he never came to Nashville. She was like, he ghosted me.

how are we seriously, unless there's a language barrier, like it's just so frustrating. We didn't see that conversation. So, so much of the reunion was like, he said, she said about things we've never seen. And so like, I actually stopped caring pretty quickly. Yeah. But I just want to say, I think the, the person who was like committed to her, who then even dated her after she embarrassed him on TV with no cameras there. I don't think he was the one that ghosted her just using context clues. Yeah.

I don't know. She did a better job of explaining. Like she had like actual, he was just kept saying, I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember. And she was like, well, in the conversation you said X, Y, and she had like real examples from this conversation. And he was just like, oh no, I thought we broke up. Like it was just such a lazy answer. Like how, how do you think you broke up? She was like, what are you talking about? We decided we were, you were going to leave your car in Minnesota and my car. Like she had actual facts, details from the conversation. And yeah,

And then she also had witnesses because she's like, then I had the 12 hour drive to Nashville and I called Taylor, who's the Daniel's wife and was talking about it with her. So she has other witnesses to corroborate her story. And he was just like the whole time. Like, I don't remember. I don't remember. That's so weird. He was literally been like, so ride or die for her. So, so many things just didn't make sense. I'm like, you guys dated after she should have never said yes to him. Like it was just, it was so honestly uninteresting. They liked each other so much. So like she should say yes to him.

The final couple from the wedding is Monica and Joey. And they like went really sideways. So she said no. And then he also was like, yeah, I don't, I'm not a hundred percent there. I think they talked a little bit, dated a little bit after, um,

tried to stay friends. Their problem was that they were never really able to get out of the friend zone. He was very goofy and funny and she was like, "I didn't feel like you liked me." And he was like, "I did, but I had to beg you to touch me, "that's humiliating." And she was really mad. And then there was drama where he was sliding into Madison's DMs, all this off camera. And I seriously, he was like, "No, I didn't, "I ran into you at a bar." It was a million things we hadn't seen.

I ran into Madison at a bar. We had this conversation and Madison was loving, fine. Anytime she was a part of a couple different dramas. So whenever the people who were in the couples got the majority of the reunion time. And then there was a second couch with like Molly, people who like didn't make it out of the pods, but still had drama. Meg, Mason, Alex, Ben Platt.

And so whenever Madison was like plucked from the loser couch to like talk, she was like having her moment. You know, she had like screenshots in her titties and she was like, so like living, she was trying to have a moment. I don't know why. I do not believe one word that comes out of her mouth. At least we know her to be a liar. She's so sinister. Like I just, I,

I couldn't stand her so she got brought into the Monica and Joey drama she was like well you messaged me and I thought that was really she loves big words like manipulative yada yada oh one thing I wanted to say that I actually really appreciated Lauren saying was like to Dave I know you're getting like a lot of hate and I've seen like you know people calling you a narcissist and a manipulator I'm like I know what those words mean like you're not that like you're just like a dick but someone like didn't like me and like wouldn't just tell me that and instead blamed it on me

I really appreciated her saying that because like this cast in particular loves big words.

and you're a manipulator, you're a narcissist. And she was like, you're not, you're just like an ass, but you're not a narcissist. And he was like, I really appreciate you saying that. I'm sure he's been getting like a lot of hate. Like just, you know, people, you're an abusing narcissist. And she went, you're not. Yeah, right, like you're not. I just hate you, but you're not. And Madison is very like that. She loves big words. And so she had called someone like manipulator. She called Mason a manipulator and everybody started laughing. They're like, do you know Mason? He's like the weirdest person. Like he's not a manipulator.

And so then they went to the loser couch to talk about like the Meg Mason, Alex Madison drama with a side of Molly. And oh my God, the way I couldn't care. Like it was so, I'm sorry. Like the breakdown that you guys are looking for, you're not going to get it from me. Like all I have to say is losers. Like I can't, I don't trust Madison. I don't believe Madison. She had these like receipts that she pulled up, printed and like left in her bra and pulled it out. She thought she was having like a reality TV viral moment. It was, she's such a try hard person.

Her receipts, I'm sorry, proved nothing. She's like, I have proof that you said you hated Mason. And she goes on reading these like weird conversations between her and Ben Platt. And like, he didn't say that. Like he, he quite literally didn't. So I just, I could not stand Megan Mason dated on and off for like the last year, but they really figured out that they're better as friends.

They did a reveal, like, when they met for the first time, they had someone film them. It was really cute. They showed it to us. Like, I really wish that they had worked out, but Meg totally had his back. Like, it was Meg, Mason, and Ben Platt, who is Alex, all against Madison. Like, she couldn't believe, she was like, why is it that when a woman does something that a man does? Jackie, I couldn't fucking take it. Like, she's seriously awful. I can't stand. Like, it was just crazy. What's Ben Platt about?

Platt up to he must be he did not say one word he had three seconds of of time and he just used it to sit but he also I think they cut him out there have been some like really crazy things said about him on social media he's like a teacher and had like inappropriate relations like really dark stuff so I've been Platt Mason Alexander Alex yeah he's me yeah so I think they probably wanted to show as little of him as possible and they did just that

okay i'll have to dig in so um let me make sure i didn't miss anyone no yeah her armpit receipts oh and then they were really wasting time being like the top five moments in netflix's love is blind history you are going to choke when you see but and that was like a good one but that's not number one but they had lauren and cameron hamilton as their reveal as number two i'm

They had the Megan Fox, Chelsea moment. That definitely is one. It was so annoying. Like it was so annoying. What's the name of that guy from season one? It was Diamond. I don't remember his name, but when they broke up in season one on the honeymoons. Because he did not share that he was bisexual, which is something you have to share. She just wanted to talk about it. And then he like made fun of her way and left. And she made fun of him. Like go get on another dick.

That was like actually one of the craziest moments ever. That is the number one moment. The fact that they won't be honest about that. It didn't even make top five. Like you're not serious about this countdown. Then they had this like collage of Minnesota Vikings like making like they filmed themselves like talking to the Love is Blind cast. It was so stupid. And then the craziest thing happened. Okay. Someone who we love and this is not a slight against him, Alex Warren, performed. Oh wait, I didn't know it was Alex Warren. Yeah.

So Alex Warren, who was, we were talking about him on the show a couple of weeks ago, former Hype House member turned like Lewis Capaldi singer. He sings like a bunch of songs you guys definitely know. They were like, for our first time ever, we have a performer. So not only was the performer not in the room with them, it was like a prerecorded video that Alex had like singers and dancers and they were all doing it in the pods. Like it was so weird. Like one drummer was in one pod and Alex was in another pod. I'm sorry, guys.

different stage. It wasn't live. So you see the cast like dancing and they're watching it on a TV. Like it was the strangest thing I've ever seen in my life. That's insane. I don't even know how to recap it. Like it was a cool like music video for Alex. It was a music video. It was all, it was like edited. It was not live. Was it a new song? Um, have you heard it before? Yeah, I had. It's from TikTok. It's like,

Head is up in the clouds. You know that one? I don't know. Probably. I'm familiar with him. Whatever. It was like a good performance. No shade. I liked that moment for him. Like a huge global stage. But what on earth? That's really crazy. And that was another thing that happened this whole season was like the music was so amazing. They were playing Gracie Abrams. Wrecking ball. Talk about a less worthy group for this soundtrack. There wasn't a moment this season that I was moved, that I laughed.

It was horrible. And I'm sorry. They literally gave the worst look into life in the Midwest. I don't think they should ever return to the Midwest because the people were horrible. Everything was horrible. Thank God we got Taylor and Daniel. It was just horrible. And every single person, what I learned from the reunion...

Every single person turned out to be somebody completely different than they were on the show. Like that's so frustrating. Joey, like the big, you know, golden retriever hat. Like he's messaging Madison. Like they're all, I don't know if they all made each other look bad or they're all just like we're acting, but it was really fucking annoying to like, I left hating everyone.

Yeah, I feel like this season loses a lot of credibility because only one couple got together. I feel like you could have explained away the boring, like, okay, it's not the greatest, but if true love was found, it was just because these are boring people who want to find love. But because it wasn't even that, it's like, so what did we all just watch? Well, attempt to watch. And I'm sorry, like these outfits. Devin, did you see what Devin was wearing? No.

Jackie, they looked so crazy. Like that's what I'm saying. The reason why this season was so bad was because this, it was this group of extremely ordinary, extremely uncool, extremely uninteresting, extremely not stylish. Like they were just dreadful. I know, but like dreadful also are sometimes why it's great. Like it's just regular people and it has to, you have to be like regular to really want this to work. Otherwise you're coming on for the fame. If you know, and you're, I, I don't know. It's a delicate balance.

And I hated every minute, every minute of this season. And I'm literally filing a class action lawsuit against Netflix for my time. I already lost an hour with daylight savings when I think of. Oh, and you know, my ass. I skipped through that wedding episode so fucking hard. I watched the whole reunion because like they did a good job of making the trailer look like it was going to be interesting. Oh, my God. Biggest waste of my fucking time. Like, seriously, I'm so sorry to any if I like influenced anybody to watch it because my recaps were so funny. Yeah. Yeah.

And I'm sorry, that's like kind of the blessing and the curse of being this funny. But all in all, it was like less than a month total of TV because we started that week that you were here. And so it's like three weeks. That's good. They did too much. I hope they learn from this season. They really need to cut down the wedding episodes. And there were four weddings, not even a lot. Cut down the pods. Two hours. Cut down the pods. Like, honestly, if there's so much happening after the season, like pick up your cameras.

And also if producers are producing people and there's say a love triangle or a square, encourage everyone to get engaged. I want to see all four people from the square and the honeymoon. I want to see each other. When we spent so much of the pods talking about Meg, Mason, Alex, and Madison, and they were not in Honduras. The best dynamics are when people who were between two people see the other person. Barnett and Jessica. Yeah.

Jessica and... No, but Jessica wasn't in... Wait, but that lake? The party at the lake? Yeah, the lake.

That was a good season. It was an amazing season. Oh, that was another moment. That was another moment that was in the top. Exactly. So another moment that was in the top five, Jackie, was at the lake party. Oh no, before the lake party, Jaramie getting his Apple watch left in the car. Remember? Oh my God. Yeah. She ate him up. That was a good, they shouldn't have done that. Cause it really highlighted. There wasn't one noteworthy moment this season that even compares to any of the moments from the top five. That's,

really what I will say like encourage the triangles and the rhombuses to all come we can partner swap when we get there but like that's what's best and the fact that like there was a square and no one got together Mason Madison Ben cut the whole thing I don't want to watch it yeah so okay now it's time for White Lotus

Jackie and I both had two episodes to catch up on. Like, I don't even know what to say. Nothing happened. I was so bored. I just, the only thing, the only redeeming quality of the show is two things. One, I love that little girl group. Like I love how they all operate. The conversation about politics was so funny. And then when she sees him like talking shit about her, like, I think that like, that's actually very real. And Mike White has said like, no, I was on vacation. I saw these like three women. And every time one of them got up, they started talking about the girl who left. Like, it's very real. I actually really like it. Um,

And the dad, Thomas Ravenel. The dad is my favorite character. And also now I've learned more about him as like a person in real life. Like he wore a hostage pin to the Brits. Like this man is amazing. He's Jewish. I love him so much. Lucius Malfoy is Jewish. And he's literally like, Lucius is like a Nazi. Like he has white hair. I think he's like, I think there's definitely something Nazi like about the Malfoys. Like that's like-

I love him. And I, it hurts me to see him going through it. Like, Oh my God. He's such a good actor. I have such a pit. Every time he comes on stage, I'm like anxious for him. I just want things to work out for him. Like I want him to have his freedom and his money and his house. And like, it just hurts that like the person that I love the most is really suffering. And now with drug addiction, he picks up a gun. The lorazepram is so funny. Um, Parker Posey is a real highlight of the show too. I think they're definitely trying to like replicate the Jennifer Coolidge. Mm.

you know, funny older woman with her and she's doing a really good job. Everything else, like my God, is so dreadful. The characters are so stupid. And I liked Guy Tuck and I wanted him and Black Pink Girl to get together. I was rooting for him, but he's an idiot and he shouldn't be in charge of the gate. No, and like what happened to the gate at first, I was like, you know what? You were merely a victim, but when you left the gun out and then the gate opened to go take your girlfriend back to the dance. No, he's so unfocused. Like this is a...

Big hotel like you're the lat you're the the person in charge the first line of defense No, and the fact that when she came in he leaves the gun on the table It's literally pointing directly at her that felt like ominous, you know Well, that's how the well then the whole episode the whole season opens with a shooting It's like that's how the gun gets into the hotel. That's what I don't know I assume it is I feel like it was a lot of shots in that opening scene and how many bullets was a little gun, right?

I don't know. Like, I don't even know. I know these are the questions we're supposed to be asking. The couple, um, with the snakes, I forget their names. Like I, they're Morty Rick and yeah, they're my least favorites. I hate them. Um,

Like I hate everyone. Yeah. I hope that Saxon and the girl in the pink get together. I ship them. The little brother and then Gary's girlfriend. And Gary's girlfriend. Oh, got it. Because like she deserves to have like a life of fun with someone who's like wealthy and will treat her right. Well, he's not wealthy anymore, so she won't stay long. But they're having fun. What is she doing with Gary? They dropped the Arsler and that doesn't happen a lot. And it was very powerful. Well,

When he's talking to his lawyer, he's like, are you fucking? And I was like, oh, you don't hear that word a lot. So when you do, it does hit comedically because it's so out of left field. And you're not expecting Thomas Ravenel to say it. Oh my God, when he was sitting on the deck of the boat having drink after drink. Talking about how his dad was the governor. No, no, not in that scene when he's at the bar next. And then like Greg comes over and he's like, the way he's just sitting there. It's Thomas Ravenel.

Well, when he talks about how his grandfather was the governor, I'm like, oh, that's Thomas Ravenel. He is Thomas Ravenel, and it's crushing. And I love Thomas Ravenel. It's crushing. Me too. He's the best character. I love great things for Thomas Ravenel. I'd like to see Belinda, who works at the hotel in Hawaii, like putting things together. Okay, but why does she keep looking at her robe and being spooked? Oh, I don't know. Was she looking at her robe? I thought she was looking at like that part of the room. Right. Why does she keep looking at that part of her room and being spooked? I think there's like a spooky vibe coming from there. What? What?

I don't know. Like what? I literally don't know. And how are we supposed to pick up on that? I just want to say I hate this show. Like I was in so much physical pain watching it. Like to not pick up my cell phone every 10 seconds was a true test of my faith. But when you pick up your phone, like it makes it worse because then you actually have no idea what's going on. So I didn't pick up my phone, but I did pause to pick up my phone. Watching the first episode seriously took me two hours. I think it was an hour long. Yeah.

And then for the second episode, I did it like turned off the lights and curled. Like I watched it curled up because I'm not on my phone curled up. So I was able to power through better. But you really have to mentally prepare. Oh, and the daughter. Oh, my gosh. Piper. Piper.

yeah it's like sure she's worried about like her year abroad i'm like girl there will be no year abroad like she's so self-centered and like the mom's going to withdrawals the dad's on drugs going to jail she really thinks she's better than all of them but if she wants to spend the year abroad then her dad could be like oh cool i'll stay with you yeah oh he might be her get out of jail free card might be aligned actually yeah yeah that's a good call

Yeah. Like, I just don't care about any of these people. Are we missing anyone? It's a three girls, Rick and Morty, the Ratliffs. Belinda. Belinda, then Guy Took, and for some reason, I don't know one person's name in the show except Guy Took. That's because he wears a pin, a name pin. Oh, okay.

Wait, when he thought he was getting promoted and they're like, dude, you literally let in a robber. Like you're lucky to get fired. No, but the fact that I thought he was getting fired or at least like demoted to maybe concierge, like someone whose job it is to just be friendly. He would be amazing at that. And instead they give this guy a gun. Totally. So I hate the show. I hate watching it. Oh, and then the girls are going into town. And what's going to happen with Valentin and his friends? It's not going to be good. Oh, I don't know. I don't know. It's weird. Yeah. Yeah.

And like partying with your butler. Like how desperate are you? No, she's so sad. Yeah. The Bridget Moynihan. Yeah. Like your boyfriend doesn't answer you for one day and like you're spiraling out in Thailand. What fun. And then they send her to the geriatric pool. That was funny. That was funny. But she's seriously really scary. I feel like she could be the one with the gun.

All three of them are really scary. Like, I don't know who I like and who I don't like. I definitely don't like the one who lives in New York. Of course. She's like the least likable one. She's the worst. Yeah. Leslie Bibb, like, is unoffensive. Like, she just doesn't really do or say anything. But she is scary, too, because she's like so buttoned up that you think she's gonna, like, she could crack. A burst. Yeah. But I love Leslie Bibb as an actress. Me, too. I am having a hard time separating the art from the artist. I'm inclined to like her character. Yeah.

And then a Bridget L.A. girl is just dreadful. And just so fake. Holier than thou. Yeah. Yeah.

Like these recaps are interesting because the show does a really good job of like creating these really developed characters and you learn more about them as time goes on. But in terms of entertaining, like I'm watching a show for things to happen. And like these recaps are interesting. So we did eight minutes talking about like the things that happened. But I watched eight minutes. I watched two hours. I watched over two hours of content for eight minutes of interesting. That's why it's hard to do what we do. You tried being a TV recapper for a day.

Try it. I just finished work and it's 519. I just finished White Lotus and it's 1119. It's literally midnight.

Okay, well, we've got to get this episode up and out because everybody needs to know everything. Let them know, coach. Thank you guys so much for listening to the Toast in the Morning show. We deliver the fastest stories you need to know every Monday through Friday on YouTube. So if you're watching us on YouTube, please don't forget to subscribe, give this video a thumbs up. We're also available as a podcast anywhere podcasts can be found. So that's Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Public Video, iHeartRadio, CastBox, all the places where people listen to podcasts. Find us at Toast. Leave a five-star review about how beautiful, about how stunning, and of course, about how wickedly talented we are. Of course. Love ya. Bye. Bye.