They sound amazing.
Good morning, millennials, and welcome back to The Toast. Happy Tuesday. That feels like a Friday because we have a song and we are celebrating. We are fucking celebrating, snitch. Okay, that's right. First look, very first episode with our brand new theme song created by and for The Toasters. Congratulations to the swirly songwriter named Becca who delivered a
Gaurdji Pardji
And just to acknowledge all the talented songwriters, it was a really big question for many weeks. Like Becca or Samantha, Becca or Samantha, Blonde or Brunette, Blonde or Brunette. And then shout out to the two country toasters who did it together in Nashville. Those were the top three. It was really hard. Ultimately, we chose Becca's because it sounds exactly like we were looking for, like a little Disney Channel theme song. It's so pargy. It's swirly. It's to the point. It's not too long. And we officially have our
theme song and the fact that like we went on this whole social media journey like is so us you know like we couldn't just do it the normal way no but the fact that it actually worked out is not so us okay so do you have something you want to say to me great of my song of my song competition you were doubtful I wasn't doubtful I I supported you completely like yeah but you were just like doubtful like what if people are introverted music producers definitely sense that people came out of their
Shells. Shells, yeah. And their comfort zones and participated. And no, it was so much fun. It was a great idea. The end result is so wonderful. We both got in the studio. You can hear a little Jack's a little clawed on the ones and twos. A little harmony.
harmonizing, which is what we do all the time. We do need to figure out both internally, but I would like to hear people's thoughts because we had mentioned perhaps getting rid of Good Morning Millennials and this would be like our official intro into the show. People rioted. So I think right as it stands right now, unless we find a better idea, it'll be every day like the ditty, the song.
Good morning millennials. Yeah, everyone's gonna want you to keep good morning millennials I have my own and I love that that I love that they have something like we created something that they love like I'm not Gonna take that away from them. I know but I'm all about evolution Wow, I've evolved like now we have a song we're not even together anymore We don't talk at the same time like why let's move to onto the next oh
yeah I know when you're constantly innovating like you don't need to hold on to like every single thing you can like say yes but yes I agree with you however certain things need to stay stay with us like that's tradition you know that's how traditions get made I'm big on tradition I'm big on history I know and I'm just saying it will always be like remember when we had good morning millennials because the thing is the tradition is the Jackson Claude
It's the timeless tradition of the Jackson Claude. You're timeless to me. You really are timeless to me. I think Jackson Claude are timeless. So that was fun. Like seriously, that whole journey. I loved every minute of it. In any place, I would find you, Claude. Oh my God. Same. Love that.
Even though we've established like growing up, we would not have been friends. No, no. If we didn't have to be. And nowadays we talked about this as like influencers, like what you think of me as an influencer for I wasn't your sister and like what I would think of you. And I still think actually like we probably wouldn't think to connect. No, we wouldn't like think like, oh my God, I like the way that, you know, when I saw Shannon's page, I'm like, oh my God, I have to meet this girl. Like I have to get lunch with her. I don't know if we would think that about each other because we're so different. No, no. We like 1000% whatnot. Right. Right.
It's Tuesday, which really genuinely means nothing. But it means to your toasters. So the community is getting fed today. We have a ton of really good submissions that I'm excited about. I was giggling choosing them this morning. And we have a party show, no? Yeah, always a party show, especially now that we have a song in our hearts.
And in the beginning of our show. Good morning, girlies. It's the toast. By the way, I've been singing it just so much in my head, in my house, walking around. The fact that I haven't accidentally started humming it on the toast and spilled the beans as to who the winner was is a miracle. Because I've just been like, Jackson got in my house. It's your favorite show. Let's get a live performance. The facts about things you need to know.
We'll start your day off swirly. It's the toast. And shout out to Becca for writing it in my key. Yeah. And actually shout out to Becca for not writing it in my key. I actually like had to practice a lot. It's a little bit higher than I normally sing. Obviously I was able to crush it in the studio. Our producer Curtis said he never saw anyone get in so fast. Did the whole thing in like four minutes. He was impressed. Like I didn't even mention it, but he brought it up. He kept saying like, wow, Claudia is so impressive. But he's worked with you before. Yeah.
Yeah, and it wasn't even in my key. Yeah, I've worked with this producer several times. So why was he so impressed when he knows what you're capable of? I guess it's been a while since my last single. Yeah, he needed a reminder. Should we put this up on iTunes? Or is that like crazy? Kind of, because I've been playing it on my phone like for my family and it's like very short so they're like, again. And it would be nice if I could like airplay it to the Sonos. Right, I'll burn you a CD. Because when my phone locks, it stops. Right, right. We're playing like a voice note. So I actually would like to put it on Spotify so we can listen to it on repeat in the car.
I'll have to figure out how to do that. - I think it's pretty easy. - It's not. - It's not easy.
Unless we just upload it as an episode. Unless we just upload it as an episode. Then it's easy. But if we have to upload it as like, I could put it on my Spotify page, which has my music and my comedy albums, but that wouldn't be right. So then we'd have to make a new artist page, Jackson Cloud. Like it would be really hard. I think that we should because our future is in the music industry. In music. Like at some point there will be like Toast Tunes and we'll need that page anyway. So I think we might as well just have everything in one place.
What is our like artist name? Like what's our band name? Is it just like Claudia? Oh, okay. Yeah. Not like Claudia and Jacqueline Autry. No, no, no, no. I think like when you search the toast and the podcast would come up or our various albums. God willing, God willing. Blah and Hara. Multiple playlists. We can make playlists for people. That's cute. With our favorite songs. Your time list to me. Jackie Ho Ho Ho. Yeah, like songs we reference that you might not know are songs, but they are. Yeah, like...
♪ What can I say except you're welcome ♪ - Oh, and also, what's that Demi Lovato song that we're weirdly always singing? ♪ Happy for you ♪ ♪ Know that I am ♪ Yeah, we do sing that a lot. - Stuff like that, and you can get an education connection. - Education connection would obviously be on that too. - Yeah. - The albums sort of write themselves. - Summer, summer, summer, summer.
We do reference a lot of like random songs. Should I start writing down the songs that need to be on the playlist? Yeah. And then like when we sing our songs. Like toasty references. That way when the playlist starts, like it will be a breeze. Okay. So it was, I don't know what the name of the Demi Lovato song is. It's just right. Happy for you. Yeah. You're welcome. Uh-huh. Happy for you. Summer. Timeless. Timeless to me. Hairspray. Yeah, that's good. I like that.
Okay, and then I'll just keep a running list. Yeah, sound off in the comments. Like what other songs do we like constantly say? Now here's the thing. Do you think that we should put the original version of like Thuma, Thuma, Thuma, Thuma, which is woman, woman. I don't know. They stopped sponsoring the show. So I'm inclined to say no. I know, but I still have a Thuma bed. So they're always in my house and in my heart. I sleep in it when I. Yeah, but no, I think like Thuma, Thuma, Thuma, that goes on the original album. That's different.
Come again? Like when we make our album of Toast Shoes. Yes, it's its own song. It doesn't go on the playlist. I agree. Okay, I love this idea. Let's see what else comes up. Can't wait to get our Spotify page up and running in six to eight months because that's when I'll remember to do it. Feel free to write in the comments like songs we're obviously forgetting that we sing all the time that need to be. Yeah, well just also be mindful of it today. Yeah, of course. That's why I'm not, the notepad's not, I'm not turning the page on this. I wouldn't dream of you turning the page. I will never turn the page on this. Let me just, let me title it.
Toast playlist. In case one day I stumble upon it. It's like, what the fuck? In 50 years, when we bury it in a time capsule, we should go into your backyard and bury a time capsule. We'll put like a spritz. We'll put a couple of things. Yeah. But you probably won't be living in your house in 50 years. That's how long we have to wait? For it to like be impactful. I don't know. So we 101, I feel like it was like 15 years ago.
Yeah, but they did it when they were like, when they were really youthful, you know? Like we're already grown bitches. No, but we're still making memories. 50 years is insane. That's funny that you think of Time Capsule. 80. Parchee. It's funny that you think of Zoey 101 when you think of Time Capsule. I think of Crossroads with Britney Spears and Zoe Saldana. Oh, of course. Because you're always thinking of Crossroads. I am always. Like that movie is...
I don't even... Like, and obviously, we watched it the same amount growing up. We happen to have had it on VCR. We used to literally play, rewind, play, rewind. Like, it was the only movie we watched. But I don't feel like it had as big of an impact on everybody else in the family as it did me. Yeah, no, it definitely resonated with you more than other people. Like, we all loved it, but, like, it became...
part of your identity and in terms of like the sister's identity margo was the one who was really obsessed with brady spears so like you would have thought that in the movie would have impacted her most of all but no not me and maybe that's because i really resonated with like the britney in that film yeah and just like having a song in your heart yeah and wanting to be a singer-songwriter not knowing where to start and kim cattrall is your mother and she wants nothing to do with you that's the craziest part of the movie yeah
And she lives in a mansion in Arizona and she's like, scram, Brittany, scram. Yeah, that is crazy. It's a good flick. And of course, Taryn Manning. Of course. And the third.
Zoe Saldana yeah I said that oh you did she's like the obvious one like we know that's how she got her start but like not enough people know Taryn Manning for me as someone who never watched Taryn is the new black like Taryn Manning is only from Crossroads oh oh I guess but no she went on to have an illustrious career yeah but like that's my first touch point thousand percent um what else like what's going on I'm going to see Shannon's show tonight um
fun. I'm going to see her show when she's down here, so I'm really excited. Don't spoil it. No, I won't, but like, yeah, I have plans. I'm going out to dinner too. Like, okay. Hey, look at me. Hey, look at me. That's really fun. I tried to watch More Love is Blind last night, and I'm in Honduras. Oh, thank God. Emphasis on the word tried. Tried.
Sort of succeeded, but I made it to Honduras. I fast forwarded through a lot, so I missed some stuff. And I just want to say you were completely right about Madison, bad egg. Yeah. And the fact that Ben Platt...
could read her and like the way that he broke up with her and when and why he was a hundred percent right. Because there, even when she came back into the girl's room, she was like, I'm going home. Like this isn't going to work for me. And it's like, girl, no, you just got dumped. Revisionist history. She's a liar. You ain't nothing but a liar. And then it seems like in the future when they all meet up, she has purple hair. Yeah. She has pink hair.
I might have waited. Yeah, it's kind of a crazy thing to do. I might have waited to dye my hair purple until after I met the person. Right. Because then, I don't know, I just feel like. That's not who you were when you met them in the pods. Yeah, and maybe he doesn't like purple hair and then he won't rue the day. I mean, it's crazy. I'd want to show up and make that person rue the day. Maybe she thinks her best look is the pink hair. Maybe he will rue the day with pink hair, but now it's like maybe he won't.
Right. It's a risk. It is a risk. I feel like most like blonde hair is very commonplace. Can't really go wrong. I just got the worst vibes from her. Like I really found her to be insufferable before she even turned like malicious, like just her storytelling and her use of like therapy language. I just found her to be like so dreadful. But she defended me, you know? And then she started like acting weird and wrong. And I'm like, oh, you're like,
No. And like his biggest concern about her was like the fact that she said that she's an avoidant personality during confrontation. And then they had a confrontation and she shut down. And after having said, I'm not like that anymore. And he literally got to see that that's exactly how she deals with competition. And she was just like, you have to trust me. You have to trust me. Right. But then she had her opportunity. She shut down. He was like, oh no, she very much avoids. And...
credit to Ben Platt he really tried to change the conversation he starts saying what does Christmas look like in 20 years he tried to move on and she stayed there dust collecting on her ripped jeans on her pink hair pinked up hair two things I also wanted to say about Love is Blind I was thinking about this last night
We have seen Nick and Vanessa the Lachey twice, where I'm up to, episode nine. And I feel like you and I went on like such a diatribe about them when we watched Love is Blind UK because the hosts were barely in it and it was just like a much more enjoyable experience. And I know that there's been like a lot of feedback from the Netflix audience about Nick and Vanessa as hosts in general, but also like the show not needing so much host content. And I want to say it's actually been really pleasurable, like the little droplets we're getting of Nick and Vanessa. I just saw them as we transitioned to Honduras.
And exactly. And that was the second time, the first time since the beginning. Yeah. And then the other thing, um,
was I don't see enough people talking about like the budget for the vacation usually they say these huge hotel properties every date is like very lavish I mean one of their dates was like walking through town that's not a date you know it's really the hotel is so small I'm surprised they're not running into each other they usually say these like enormous all-inclusive resorts where like there's not another human being it's like a really small Kimpton hotel the sheets are purple it's just weird oh yeah the beds look like someone's apartment
- It looks like they brought their own bedding. It looks like they brought their own bedding from like Target. - They have a lot of character in like, in not the way that you want your hotel to look. - Yeah, and they don't, they look like lived in. - Like I literally want like a hotel bed. - Yeah, and I want it to look like I'm the first person to sleep in that bed. I know that I'm not, but like the sheets are like crisp. This is like a duvet purple from Target. - It looks like it's from someone's dorm room. - College room, yeah, exactly. - No, I totally got the same feeling, but Kimpton is nice, right?
- I think there are varying degrees of Kimptons. It's kind of like-- - Kimpton. - I don't think it's a luxury hotel, no I don't. - Oh, okay, okay then. - I'll have to ask Brian. I stayed at a Kimpton once in Washington D.C. and the floor in my entire room was wet. And that's the only time I've ever stayed at a Kimpton. And it has colored my opinion of the chain. It was a carpeted room and the carpet was wet everywhere I walked, it was disgusting. - Yeah, she's been to D.C., hope you didn't miss that.
Yeah. The nation's capital. She's been. I wonder what it was. It was there for a show, I think. I think it was probably my soul. My soul, that show at the Warner Theater. Oh, she played the Warner. Yeah. Warner. She played the Warner. It was a party show at the Warner. It always is. So like I could dive in. I'm just letting you know. But I also could not. I guess I could see what see where life takes us, what we can add to the playlist. Oh.
Before we do, let me just say, Jackie and I posted a new episode on our Patreon yesterday. One of our favorite series, Naggy Bitch Wife. And it's just when girls write in, they're like, please, am I being a naggy bitch wife? Or like, am I justified in thinking my husband's insane? And it usually comes down to household chores. Lots of like things about taking out the garbage. And I was sharing a story and Jackie, like you didn't support me. And I'm so glad that I shared it because you just didn't get it, you know? About the paper towels? About the paper towels. Did you get a lot of outreach?
Oh my God. People were like, Ben is so crazy for that. So let me just say this on the main show because it's worth repeating. I've noticed something that like crazy that my husband does. I've always known he has like a really bad habit of overusing paper towels. It's so wasteful. It's money down the drain. So are they saying he's crazy for the overuse or for what comes next? For what comes next. Okay.
And one of the ways he like overuses is we have a couple of dishes that we always hand wash, like our knives, our pots and pans, unless there's been like something really gross in there. So I wash because I don't trust Ben to get all the food off and he dries. And when he dries like a big pan, he'll take like a huge stack of paper towels to dry it. Like it's insane. That's clearly where you use the dish rag, right?
And then like the final step in the kitchen cleaning is always wiping down the counters, Meyer lemon spray all over the counter. And then to wipe up the surface cleaner, he'll use the dish rag. Like it bothers me so much. And I was saying it to Jackie and she was like, I don't get it. It's like not that crazy. I got not ideal. I got some real sense of community in the comments. People were like, no, he's so crazy for that. That's good to find your community.
Correct. So if you want to hear what other people, and some people like are dealing with some real crazy behavior. Real crazy behavior. So check out Naggy Bitch Wife, slash the toast. Now I think without further ado, where are you? It is time for the fast five stories that you need to know. And the fast five stories that you do need to know are brought to you by, booking. Yeah.
Every time I use to find a place to stay in the States, I know that they're going to have exactly what I'm looking for. They have a huge variety of options from hotels, of course, to vacation rentals. And we know that we can find exactly what we're looking for. I found really has something for everyone. I feel like different stages of my life and different trips that I take require different things. Like when I travel with the whole family, we're always looking for like a big house with like a game room and a huge kitchen, um,
stuff for the kids. But when Ben and I travel, I'm kind of like having a hotel renaissance. So the fact that you can really do it all on is so fabulous. And I'm like a big traveler within the United States. I find like international travel to be really hard on my body and I just don't like it. And I love that they have so many great options for different destinations, whether it's road trips, somewhere to fly to in the States. So if you're like a Broadway lover, you can really...
Find a fabulous hotel for a trip to New York on They'll help you find, you know, places that are walking distance to great theaters. If you want to see musicals, perhaps you're looking for a beach trip. You want to go with the kids, without the kids, like whatever it is, you can find it They will have the perfect hotel, the perfect destination, the perfect house per chance. Um,
Right on the beach, walking distance to the shops, like whatever you're looking for, it's really parchy. So no matter who you are, helps you find the stay that's ridiculously right for you. Find out what, find exactly what you're booking for on, Booking.yeah. Today's episode is brought to you by SmartMouth.
And honestly, I didn't choose it, but there was a Dear Toaster submission today about a girl. She's like dating a guy. She likes him so much, but his breath is so bad. And I just wanted to send her the link to Smart Mouth. So Smart Mouth is the only mouthwash that's scientifically proven to eliminate and prevent bad breath for 24 hours with just two rinses a day. So Smart Mouth prevents bad breath 12 times longer than the leading brand. And it's actually like...
Getting down to the bottom of it science-wise as to why you have bad breath and eliminating it, not just masking it. A lot of the options on the market right now for different bad breath remedies are just going to cover it temporarily, not going to really target the root cause and get rid of it. So they're using science over at SmartMouth, which I really appreciate.
It's confidence in a bottle. Its unique dual chamber bottle keeps their two powerful solutions separate until you're ready to rinse. When you pour, the two solutions will go into a cup and activate the smart zinc technology. This zinc ion activation is the key to eliminating and preventing sulfur gas, which is a scientific term for bad breath. And it is the secret to all day fresh breath.
Smart Mouth was developed by a dentist and his dentist recommended. Before I got pregnant, I've always been like a really breath conscious person. Like I could smell someone's breath and just like, no, it's not the vibe. So Smart Mouth was always a brand that really spoke to me. Now I can literally smell Ben's insides. I can tell you what he had for breakfast three days ago. Like it's insane, my nose. And so we really need to stay on top of it, like for the sake of the health of me and the child. And Smart Mouth has been a fabulous resource for Ben and I, because something about Ben, like
He eats the craziest food, so he's just prone to having really crazy breath. Not to put him on the spot, but sorry. You'll never have bad breath again. Find Smart Mouth at Walgreens, Walmart, and Amazon. Or you can visit slash toast and you'll snag a special discount on your next purchase. That's S-M-A-R-T-M-O-U-T-H dot com slash toast. Don't miss out on 24-hour fresh breath. Your mouth will thank you. Thank you, your turt. You're welcome. Smart turt.
Smart toot toot. I'd rather see smart turd out there shaking that thing. Shaking that thing. 100%. Just kidding. I love smart mouth. Once again, fucking up all the ads. Like all the work that I just did, fucking it up with your confusing jargon. Yeah, yeah. Smart mouth and smart turd.
story. Zoe Kravitz is breaking her silence about her split from Channing Tatum. Oh, I didn't see this. It just dropped. Breaking news. Because Zoe Kravitz is on the cover of Elle's March issue and she is talking about her ex Channing Tatum because their movie Blink Twice just came out. So I guess that they met on the set of the movie or...
I don't know. It was like a project. I think that they just like a passion that they worked on together. So she's talking about the passion that they worked on together and their relationship. So she was asked whether she, their split has affected how she feels about their movie. And she said, not at all. I love this thing that we made together and I care for him very much. Even when you bring up how great his performances, it warms my heart to hear that. And I'm so happy that all of it happened. I just feel so grateful that we got to go on that journey together. She says, okay.
It's very mature. Yeah, I feel like it's the sort of thing where it's like, yeah, she's like, he's amazing. I love him because he's like sitting in a room crying, you know? Right, right. It's easy to be the bigger person when like you're the one who clearly broke up with the other. Yeah, and I don't know what exactly happened between them, but I do feel like that's what happened. Especially in the way that she's talking now. There's like no animosity, nothing. She just gives the vibe like she's in control. Yeah, even when they were together, it was like very cool for him.
Yeah, she's always been like the leader here in terms of all of it. Like they were hanging out with Taylor Swift like because of her. Yeah. And that but regardless, like actually not even about Taylor Swift, just like he's kind of he's Channing Tatum. Like he's he's very silly, goofy and she's like the epitome of the cool girl and just like. Right. That's why I brought up Taylor Swift. Like their coolness was her.
Yes. Like they weren't getting invited to these cool places. And they were also just like an interesting couple. People found interesting because of her. She's really like a very interesting person.
First of all, tier of celebrity. She's like Nepo Baby, but she's also really successful on her own. And she comes from just like a really fabulous circle of women. And he is, yes, Magic Mike. Yeah. So she also said that he has a lot to offer talent-wise and that she's excited for people to keep witnessing that. He has so much more coming. And I think he's in a place as an actor where he's feeling really confident and people are seeing different sides of him. And I do think that speaks to the like,
other side of Magic Mike. You know, like maybe he'll start doing indie films and be a more serious actor, which I don't want to see, but I know that like that earns people street cred in the industry. Like if you've been paying attention and you've seen the movie She's the Man, you would know that Channing Tatum is probably one of the most talented actors of our time. Now, has he chosen roles up after that that I would, you know, have agreed with and told him to do if I was his manager? No. You mean Magic Mike? Having said that,
Like, I feel like his movie career isn't what it should be. Yeah. When I think of Channing Tatum, I think of like international heartthrob. Everybody loves him. But like, what's he in? 21 Jump Street, Magic Mike.
Step up. The 21 Jump Street route was good. I liked that for him. Yeah, more like blockbuster comedies. Right, but those movies sort of went out of style a little bit, like the super bad type of film. So he got in on that, and then he did, and I get why Magic Mike is attractive, right? It's huge budgets, huge studio productions. It's a way for everyone in the world to know you, and you make a ton of money. And don't forget, he's a dancer. Right, step up. He's a very good dancer, so you want to dance too. Yeah.
But when you do that, I feel like this is what we're always talking about. Like you have to sort of if you care, you have to balance both like those big franchises with like your indie art films to like still be taken seriously as an actor. Yeah. But like Joe Manganiello's in Magic Mike, right? Yeah. And I. Right. I think that. But you don't take him seriously. I take him seriously as my celebrity crush. Yeah. But that's about it.
Well, this is sweet for them. I feel sad for Channing because this just confirms that like his heart was broken. Do you think when him and Jessie J broke up, it was him or her? That's a tough one for me. To talk about or to answer? To talk about. Like that was true love.
- I know. - That was true love. But Jessie J is happier than she's ever been in her life. So it actually wasn't true love and everything happened the way that it was supposed to. - Correct. - But it's just hard for me to reconcile that it wasn't supposed to happen for her with Channing. - It would have been better if her happy ending with the baby and everything after all of her fertility struggles, if it would have happened with him. - With Channing. - But it wasn't meant to be. I agree, we can't lament over that. We really can't. - No, I've been trying to move forward
Day by day, step at a time. Sorry to bring it up. And so yeah, I feel like I'm going backwards in my journey. But I do love that Channing Tatum is kind of girly in the sense that he uses his dating career as a big part of his star and how he stays relevant. I feel like we're recently talking about him so much exclusively because of who he's dating, never because of his work. Well, now he's in Blink twice.
Which again is really only being spoken about because they worked on it together. It's like a, it was a passion project. It's like a very small independent film. Yeah. And then before that was his wife. Jenna Dewan. Yeah. Dropped the Tatum. And she, her husband. She moved on, has a baby with someone else. But her husband was like doing something. He was starting drama, right? I'm Googling it. Steve. He was talking shit.
He was talking shit about someone. Steve Z. Kazee. Do you think of, oh, Kazee. Spell it. K-A-Z-E-E. I'm just going to search Steve Kazee drama. Oh, he posted ha ha when Channing and Zoe broke up. Was that it? That's too recent. The thing I'm thinking about was like way later. Maybe it's on his Wikipedia. It's not.
Like, what are we thinking of? He did post ha ha ha ha ha ha when Channing and Zoe broke up. And I feel like that was it, actually. Really? Yeah. Which that wasn't nice. But he did work on the Twilight soundtrack, so he does, like, get a little bit of a pass.
Wow, people who worked on the Twilight soundtrack are of another elk. They're the most talented people on the planet. Exactly. The way they seamlessly wove Christina Perry, the Civil Wars, and then also Claire DeLune in there. It's actually a piece of art. Yeah. What did he do on it? I don't know why I always remember that about him because it's worth remembering, honestly. He gives Matthew Koma energy. He does give Matthew Koma energy. Do you know why? Why? Why?
Like you get what I'm saying? No, no. I agree with you. And it's like that's not a good thing. Because the way I see it, it's like you have a job in music that like we've never heard of you. We only know you because of your partner, Hilary Duff. But if like if we were to look into it, like, oh, you do have a pretty legit music career. No. And it's like the couple times you've come up on your own, like I'm not digging it.
Like even Matthew Koma recently was in the news and I thought it was so loser-y. Okay. So he was in the news for like something positive, but a lot of people didn't see what happened before that. But you and I did. We were sending the screenshot back. He was selling these t-shirts like against Kanye. I guess Matthew Koma is Jewish. I didn't know that. And someone, he was like selling these t-shirts and somebody was like, which charity? It was all for charity. And he was like,
Somebody comments like, "Oh, which charity is this going towards?" Like, which Jewish charity? Obviously this is like a Jewish t-shirt. - 'Cause it said, "Fuck yeah." His t-shirt said like, "Fuck yeah." Right after the Kanye t-shirts. - Kanye. So he got involved, you know, and he was like making these t-shirts for charity. And somebody was like, "Which Jewish charity are you donating these to?" He's like, "I had a really hard time finding like a legit Jewish charity, so all of it's going to a mental health organization." What? What?
You could have found a Jewish charity for so I could give you a thousand. And they're like, they're huge. Like ones you've all heard of. And so instead of doing like five minutes of work, you give it to a mental health organization. Like what? But then he ended up donating it to like a Jewish charity. I forget which one. I think it's something to do with the Holocaust. I mean, there are a million like marching letters. When you think about Jewish charities, like you could start with the Holocaust. Of course, it's like a thousand. Yeah.
Then he ended up like choosing a charity, a Holocaust one, and the shirts went viral. And then that's where it became a story. But Jackie and I like saw the screenshot of his comment, like responding to me like, I couldn't find a good one. Like a reputable. No, he was like also just kind of insinuating that like a lot of Jewish charities, like that he might not agree with them. And like, I just. I want to find. There are so many obvious ones. So if those aren't the ones that like come to mind, like if those are ones that like you wouldn't support, like even Zaka, for example, like.
- You've got issues. - Okay, so somebody, I found it. Somebody was like, "Oh my God, is this for a Jewish charity?"
He goes, I'm Jewish. I like when people say that. Like, I'm like, leave me alone. I'm Jewish. And I had a hard time figuring out which charities were legit or didn't have a questionable history. And I didn't want to make the wrong call. So I decided to give to a mental health organization. I know firsthand is doing great work. Now I want to say something. He doesn't even name the mental health organization, which is just shady people. Like if you're selling something for charity, like it's sort of, I don't know if it's even like the
like the law, but it's the right thing. Like, let me know what charity. So he doesn't even say it. And what does that even mean? Jewish organizations that have, literally the comment sounds like it was written by an anti-Semite. 100%. For me, it feels like the Jewish organizations would probably be obviously like pro-Israel and that he's not.
That's why he's murky for me. Oh, that's funny. I didn't even think about that. Because of course, when you think of Jewish organizations, like Friends of the IDF, Zaka. A lot of them do big work in Israel. There are so many big ones. So if those to him have questionable histories, then he's problematic, to use everyone's favorite word. Matthew Koma. But then he ended up just getting praise because he chose a Holocaust charity. He was selling these shirts against Kanye West.
Okay, let me go find it. That's a good question. That's actually a very good question. Yeah, there are a lot. Matthew. And it should go to a Holocaust foundation, especially because it's in direct response to the swastika shirt. So that feels... Blue Card Holocaust Survivor Charity. Let me look it up. On my way. That sounds like a description. It looks legit. I'm here. It's crazy, though, that I've never heard of it. And I know all of them. Assisting Holocaust Survivors in Need.
LA Fire, Hurricane, and Natural Disaster Relief. Blue Card Fund. It sounds like they do a lot of stuff. Like it's not the COVID-19 response. $7 million in aid to survivors battling cancer. Are these Holocaust survivors? Okay, so the Blue Card Fund does like a lot of different things. They cover a lot of buckets. Now, did he donate specifically to the Holocaust one? He said Blue Card Holocaust Survivor Charity. Yes, exactly.
I'm glad we got down to the bottom of that. The blue card gives direct financial assistance to Holocaust survivors who need it most. Parchee. Emergency cash, dental and medical assistance. Parchee.
Monthly assistance. It was just kind of crazy to like raise a shirt, sell a shirt about anti-Semitism and then give the proceeds to mental health. That's like if I ran a charity for, you know, cancer and gave all the money to lupus, you know, like they're different causes. Yeah. Yeah. That was a weird moment.
But nobody knew about it because he ended up doing the Holocaust thing and then it was like, woohoo! And that was the story. No, and everyone just wanted to feel good, like, fuck, yay, did my part. And no one actually did a little digging. Right. So yeah, he doesn't earn a gold star for me on that. No, and Channing Tatum would never. Channing Tatum would never. He would literally never. That's my non-charitable king right there. Never has given a penny.
Anyways, are you ready for our next story? Mm-hmm. I tried again to not choose it, but... Oh, my God. If it's about Meghan Markle, I actually, I'm vetoing. Okay. Because I don't even know what you're talking about. Like, nothing happened yesterday. No, nothing happened, but now she's been, like, accused of... Oh, actually, something did happen. What did you see? Is this about her talent agent dropping her? I saw that. No, because that's unclear still. Right. This is about the Pamela Anderson comparisons. Have you seen this one? Seriously, I'm not going there. Like...
No, veto. We'll move on to the next story. Parchee. Next up, Christopher Nolan's first look at The Odyssey. He is directing. Oh my God, that sounds so boring. I don't know. I feel like I could never get into the book. Maybe I could get into the movie.
So the Odyssey is a part of like Homer, the Iliad and the Odyssey, right? The Iliad and the Odyssey. And he is bringing the Odyssey to the big screen. TMZ has photos. This is huge for high school students. Like huge. If there had been a movie back in the day, like I would have went on to do great things. But it's probably going to be a very long movie. I don't even know like if you would have watched it.
Right. And that's Christopher Nolan's thing. And also, I don't think at the age that I was reading supposed to be reading Homer, like what I've ever even appreciated a Christopher Nolan film. I still find them like a little chewy. Yeah. I don't know if I've ever even watched one. This Oppenheimer. I might watch just to get a grasp of the opposite. Have you not seen Oppenheimer? I've not seen Oppenheimer. No.
Wow. That's really crazy of you. It is crazy, but it just came out at a time in my life where I'm not sitting down to watch three hour long movies. I was just thinking about, cause I saw Moana two is coming to Disney plus. And I was like, will I ever watch it? And then I'm thinking about how I saw Moana one in theaters, like back in the day, like how much time did I have that I'm going to see like a kid's movie, all the other movies.
I saw Moana in theaters and I actually fell asleep. And it wasn't a statement on the movie. I must've been really tired. And I was at one of those theaters with like really big chairs. It's relaxing.
It's so jarring. I've fallen asleep at two movies. What's the other one? Do you know the other one? You were there. I fell asleep three separate times during Lincoln. I actually think now I might appreciate Lincoln. Yes, but at the time it was genuinely one of the most dreadful afternoons of my life. Yeah, I was really hungover.
I was just like, why am I watching this movie? Yeah. Now I would love to go to the movies and see Lincoln. A nice piece of historical film. Right. So these years, whatever's come out. But the good news is we keep tabs on the movie circuit. And I don't think I'd miss that much. But I did miss Oppenheimer. The Odyssey has set sail. They're filming in Morocco, if you want to go. Excuse me. Did you say Morocco? Yeah. The village of Ait...
in the country of Morocco. And from the looks of the set, it's going to be epic. Now, what is the Odyssey about? Is it like a fantasy? No. Is it about Greek gods? Like it's not not. But it is about a journey. Well, that's what Odyssey means. But it's about like a man on a boat. A big boat, I think. Okay, so like Titanic. No.
I think it's like a man who leaves home to fight a war on a big boat. It's like a fake fantasy, right? It's not like something that could happen in real life. Here's the summary. It tells the story of Odysseus' journey home after the Trojan War. That sounds like real.
Oh, okay. So Odysseus is the king of Ithaca. He leaves home to fight in the Trojan War. After the war, he encounters many perils and is delayed for 10 years on his journey home. While he's away... Miserable. Miserable. While he's away, his wife and son are besieged by suitors. He returns home and destroys the suitors with the help of Telemachus, who is his son. So it sounds like...
Fake. So themes include fate, the gods, free will, piety. Do we know who's been cast? Who is Odysseus? That's a great question. That's kind of the role of a lifetime. It is. It's like a movie that they would have in like Entourage where it's like they're casting the Odyssey. Yes, yes, exactly. Like Medellin. Odysseus is Matt Damon. Channing Tatum. Matt Damon is Odysseus.
That is so interesting. Tom Holland is in it. As the son? I would guess so. And Elliot Page. As who? Let me try and see. They only told me Matt Damon is Odysseus.
I find that shocking. I know Matt Damon like is one of the greatest actors like of our time when you think about like Good Will Hunting. But in recent years, he's just like been known as like to me, like Ben Affleck's friend and the guy from the Duncan commercials. Like he doesn't give serious actor anymore. Although I know he has the chops and I know he's quite capable. Yeah.
Yeah. Don't forget, yeah, Good Will Hunting. Like, he'll always have that. No, I know. I'm saying, like, no, and his OG career, like, that got him to the place of Matt Damon. Like, he is one of the most talented actors ever. I don't think of him like that anymore. I think of him as, like, somebody who does commercials. Yeah. Well, now he's getting back into the game. With, like, this huge role. I don't know how you just. Oh, but he was also in the Outer Space movie. Right. Okay, and, you know, Christopher Nolan. That was serious. He had to, like, live on a planet and, like, make potatoes out of his duty. Yeah.
Oh, Judy Potatoes, my favorite. Yeah, Judy Potatoes. I don't remember that part of the movie, but I also didn't see it. I think there was Judy involved in the potato making. Like fermenting? Like maybe in the fertilizer. Yeah, the fertilizer. Yeah, he made so many potatoes. Well, Christopher Nolan is like kind of known for like not giving a fuck about like the actors-
history just like coming into audition like if you're good you're good yeah so honestly this is star-studded the only one who has like the name of their character is Matt Damon being Odysseus but here's who else is in it so Tom Holland Elliot Page Anne Hathaway Zendaya Robert Pattinson Zendaya and Tom that's so cute yeah Charlize Theron Lupita Nyong'o and then Mia Goth who's that interesting
Yeah. So it's going to be a big one. You know, we'll be talking about it award season five years from now. I think that every time Christopher Nolan like farts, it's sort of big news for the community. But the fact that he's adapting something that we all know. Yeah. It's very exciting. Damn, I didn't know that. I hope that he sticks to the text because like Homer would vomit.
Christopher Nolan does seem like a purist. You know, he's not out here. Like obviously he wants to put his own spin on things, but he respects literature. I would assume. Yeah. Who did the Napoleon movie? Was that Christopher Nolan? No. No. The last thing Christopher Nolan did was Oppenheimer. He does like one big thing every few years. Right. Napoleon movie was Ridley Scott. The other one. So similar. So the other one. So the other one. Are you ready for our next story? Some crazy news. Want to get your thoughts on Protocol? Protocol.
Okay. Heartbroken passengers reveal they were made to sit beside a dead body for four hours after a woman died on a flight. An Australian couple has been left heartbroken after they say they were forced to sit next to the body of another passenger who died midway through their flight.
The couple was traveling on Qatar Airways from Melbourne to Venice when a woman on board collapsed and died. It was pretty heartbreaking to watch, they said. They went to try and move her. They brought this chair down and tried to wheel her up towards business class, but she was quite a large lady, and they couldn't get her through the aisle. Let's not disgrace the dead. That's really disrespectful. That's rude.
I didn't see that part of the story. I didn't see that part. But that actually answers the question that we would have asked. Why did they move her? Why did they try and move her? So anyways. Well, you know what? Try harder. Like seriously. So she died and then they kept her in her chair. They put a blanket over her and the couple had to sit next to her for four more hours. That's fucking crazy. That is crazy. First of all, why didn't the plane land?
- I don't know. - Is that not cause for an emergency landing? Somebody died on your plane? - That's a good question. - Or unless they were like over the ocean and the closest airport was four hours away. Maybe they didn't land in Venice, they landed somewhere closer, but it was still four hours away.
Because Australia is, you know, famously surrounded by water. They said that they weren't allowed to move their seats. That's also crazy. You're telling me there was not two other seats available or one? I just feel like they also could have moved the woman. Now, obviously, like her being so fucking huge, right, according to them, is a challenge. But like there are other able-bodied people on the plane. Like there would have been people who would have offered to help move and like lay her under a sheet and like give her a little bit of... But move her where? Where?
I think that not moving her and also like if they're going to investigate the circumstances of her death, like you don't want to tamper with. I think like starting to move like a dead body and getting the whole cast and crew involved like is crazy and they're better off leaving her there. And if there were no other seats open on the plane, then like then these people would just have to like deal. But they said that they could see some spare seats and they weren't allowed to go sit there. That's the problem. That's crazy. By the way, that's really crazy. Yeah.
And I could see an airline being like, well, the only two seats we have are in a cabin above your class. Like, I'd be like, sorry, that'll be, it's giving, you know, the Titanic. Will the lifeboats be seated according to gender and class? They were about to move the dead body to business. Right. No, there's something off about this story. Like, extremely bizarre. Yeah.
And that's me? Oh, I'm suing. I'm flying free Qatar for life. Right. They said that they have not received support or an offer of counseling following the flight. Oh, okay. So they're soft. They need counseling. I mean, to be clear, like actually that was kind of mean to me. Like sitting next to a dead body for four hours is fucking traumatizing. Like I saw a dead body at the airport once. And by saw, I mean like literally I drove past it slowly. Like when I was pulling up to like the curbside check-in area,
He was like a couple cars down from me. He obviously just like was an older gentleman who passed away. And like I saw them putting a sheet over him. Let me tell you, my whole day was ruined. I couldn't get over it. I was so upset by it. Yeah. And that was just, you know, a fleeting moment. Not a four hour plane ride. Yeah. Have you ever seen the dead body? I knew you were going to ask me that. Aside from like a funeral. Like, I don't, nothing comes to mind. I don't want to think too hard. Yeah. That time it was LAX for anyone who's curious. Yes.
Like I could pick him out of a lineup right now. Like I remember that face was so sad. Yeah, very sad. So sad for this couple. Sad for the lady, of course. Very unfortunate. They should have let them move the seats. Yeah, I mean, what are we talking about here? It's insane. Yeah. Are you ready for our next story?
Is it fifth and final because we skipped? It is fifth and final. I'm going to make up for it in DT. I'll pull an extra one. I actually pulled a bunch of really good ones today. Oh, perfect. So we're good. This next story is actually really cute. So rumors have been swirling for a while. We didn't even talk about this, but rumors have been swirling about Leo from Love is Blind dating Ali Shapiro, Zeal's Harry's daughter. I have seen them, and I haven't acknowledged them because I have media literacy. These two are so clearly not dating, and-
Okay, continue. So he was just talking to Page Six and is telling the story about how this all went down, that he says that he and Allie are not dating, but Jill Zarin had slid into his DMs after Love is Blind in an effort to set him up with Allie. So he said- So Jill-
He said, I got a lot of random DMs. Jewish mothers are notorious for being straightforward and aggressive. So I was getting DMs like, my daughter would be perfect for you. Oh my God, you seem like such a nice Jewish boy. But he says one note from Jill Zarin caught his attention in particular because she was verified and had a lot of followers. So he was like, who's Jill Zarin? And he saw that she is from the housewives. Her DM was like, hey, I think my daughter would be good.
He said that he was confident. She was, Jill was confident that he and Allie would click when she reached out to him. It'd been roughly a month since Allie had split with her ex-fiance. So Jill was like, we live in Miami. I happen to be going to, Leo happened to be going to Miami for Art Basel. You know, he's an art dealer. And,
Of course. Her message was actually really nice. So they facilitated a meetup. Because Jill was like, look, whether you date or are just friends, I think you two would really get along. And he said that she was right. They immediately hit it off. He said the first time we met was at Art Basel. And the moment that we met, I felt like we knew each other for years. They have been hanging out a lot, completely as friends, though. Yeah, I know. What's the point? There are a million photos of them, like,
at different events together. They've been making a ton of TikToks, like playing pickleball. And my question is, what's the point? Like you're two grown ass single adults who obviously get along really well. Like start fucking, let's go.
Yeah, the way he describes her, though, I do feel like a relationship could blossom from this because he said it's just a friendship and we are really, really good friends. She's awesome. And it's funny because we have so much in common. Reality show stuff, art stuff. She actually worked at an auction house for a long time, plus being Jewish. And both of them have experienced a parent passing away from cancer. So they have a lot in common. Right, right. Well, great. Like, what's the problem? I think it's to marinate. Yeah.
I love Jill Zarin. Like this is so something she would do. And I'm happy for her that like it actually worked out, you know? Yeah, almost. We're halfway there. Well, we're halfway there. But like if nothing, just a budding friendship. Yeah, I wonder how Brittany feels about all this. I know. And it's like, could there be two more different girls? Like she wanted to go to Miami. She did get to go to Miami though.
It's actually so crazy how like people on Love is Blind are temporarily so fucking famous. I was on TikTok and I must be watching a lot of Love is Blind TikTok content. So they're serving me like other stuff. And I got a video from like a former castmate and I didn't know who it was at first. He looked so familiar to me. And his name was Kyle. Do you remember him? He worked in construction. What city was he from? He kind of looked, hold on.
kyle i don't remember what city love is blind i feel like i don't remember this but no no you will did i watch the city yes i think it was the deep tea season chicago kyle abrams oh he got with um with um shane's ex deep tea right no no that was shake no oh but they dated after kyle and deep tea ex-girl
Went with Kyle for Shane. Shane's ex girl. I think her name was Natalie. No, that was his real girl. That's who he went with. Oh, but he was Shana. Something like that. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. She went with Kyle.
So whatever. There was like a TikTok of his that came up. It was actually like really like highly produced. It was kind of cringe. And I'm like, why do I know this face? And it just reminded me like there was a time where he probably couldn't even leave his house, right? He was so famous. Maybe he could have, but yes. You know what I mean. Literally every famous person in the world was watching Love is Blind. And it's just such a moment in time. And how I could not place this man for 10 minutes. It was so crazy to me. Like how the mighty have fallen. Yeah, that's why you gotta make the most of it. Shayna. Shayna.
These two. Zoom in on his face. He kind of looks like Taylor Lautner. I'm having such a hard time being a normal human being. But I do think I know who you're talking about. You do, this guy. Yeah. Yeah. So it was just very jarring for me to see. Well, these two aren't dating yet, but I like the way he's speaking about her. I'm holding hope. Yeah, with respect too. I'm shipping. I'm shipping on that perp.
Before we dive into Dear Toasters, which is our weekly advice segment, let me let you know that our weekly advice segment called Dear Toasters is brought to you by State Farm. Thank you, State Farm, for supporting today's episode of The Toast. We know that the Toasters can agree nothing feels better than a personal win. Like when you get a final piece of furniture delivered to your apartment, your home really feels complete. Perhaps you had a personal record in a workout. Well,
Reps are a toaster who managed to stop for a much-needed iced coffee and you still made it to work on time. Whatever it is that you decide to define as a personal win, it calls for a celebration. And who's cheering right beside you? Jackson Claude. Who else is cheering right beside you? Right behind us is State Farm. Right. Right. Like just right behind us. Like thousand person strong State Farm. The whole company.
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And I believe they have a jingle. How does it go? I can't remember because I'm so focused on my jingle. Like the neighbor, Stay Farm is there. Wait, the way you had burr, like your little vibrato, that was really good. Thank you so much. Today's episode is also brought to you by Riley and Crew and the Riley and Crew Collective, where they combine art and imagination to offer unique clothing for modern kids and moms.
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what I think separates Riley and crew, but also the fact that you can match with your kids and different ages have different, they have like a bunch of different brands. Um, it's so cute. I actually was just looking at their Instagram or I got like a targeted something and it was the cutest. It made me like so jealous, like a mom and a newborn. And I think, uh,
There was maybe another kid in the photo. Matching, looking so pargy and cute. Like very cute vibes. Like still... It's hard to like match and not look stupid. Like you still want to look stylish and like cool whether you're with your baby or not. And Riley and Crew just crushes it. Founded by a mom in 2014. They also...
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So for those who don't know, every Tuesday, Jackie and I do Dear Toasters, our weekly advice segment where the girlies write in to us either via email or our website. You can email us, deartoasters at or you can head over to our website, Anything you're going through, we're going to try and help you out. It is anonymous. Don't worry. And today I'll throw in an extra submission since we skipped over that story. We have some time. Let me see. Which one was like the one? I had a bunch of, there were a bunch of really good ones today. Oh, this one was crazy. Ready? Okay.
And it reminded me of the one I'm like waiting for an update on about the girl who found the pictures. This one was kind of similar. Hey, Jackson Turdy. Crazy story. I was looking through my boyfriend's phone to find a photo he took of me to send to myself. Classic. While scrolling, I found a video. Yeah. Like the such an innocent journey she went on. While scrolling, I found a video that was a black screen, but the sound was us having sex. It's weird. No. Do I ask him about it? Do I delete the video? Help. Help.
Because, I mean, he could so easily lie, be like, oh my God, we were having sex and my phone was recording. Who knew? Oh my God, that's so crazy. But that's weird. It's weird, but it's not the worst case scenario, right? He's not like filming. I mean, I just feel like it's like a natural next step for him if he doesn't get caught, you know? Maybe. So what do you do? Well, you have to confront him. Yeah. And then I need you to really, well, I need you to then like channel your maternal, not maternal, like your woman's intuition. Intuition.
And you know this man, like, is he lying? You know when your partner's lying to you. Their voice gets up. They look like they look. You can't make eye contact. You need to sit him down being like, I found this video. What? Like, explain it. Yeah. And he'll either say, oh, yeah, I wanted to jerk off to it. Like, he'll be honest. Or he'll say, oh, my God, I had no idea. And study him. Yeah. Is he lying? Yeah. And maybe he wanted to jerk off to it. And that's not so bad.
But like the word that comes to mind is consent. Right. And you wanted me to make a little audio file for you. Sure. But you have to tell me. Boyfriend or husband? Boyfriend. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. You don't know this man. Yeah. It's getting stranger. You have to remember like you're still strangers.
Get to the bottom of it. Now's the time. Yeah, you have to have the conversation and then really trust your instinct. And then also, is it just the one, like go through the rest of his phone? Like, is it just the one video? Because that could mean an accident. Is this habitual behavior? Go look, just go straight to his album of videos and see if you see any other black screens. Everything that you can, you know, recently deleted. That's a good call. Yeah.
Yeah, let's establish a pattern. Before you confront him, get all the information you possibly can. Oh, for sure. I like that. And get rid of this stranger. Literally kick this stranger out of your bed. I'm going to... All right, next up. There's definitely space for non-nefariousness. This to be innocent. Yes. Of course. 100%. However, the fact that it's a boyfriend... There's a ton of space. No, but there's... Like, other things are so cut and dry. Like, there is space for an error. Yes, yes, yes. But, I don't know. So...
I don't know. Yeah, but there's opportunity. And if he's a good guy, like, you know, you know. Yeah. Okay, this one's really crazy. I feel like ever since, like, a couple of weeks ago, we did one about breastfeeding. Everybody started writing in, like, their weird breastfeeding things. They now know it's open season. Yeah.
Jackson Turney. I have a one-year-old who's still breastfeeding, and whenever my husband and I are having sex, he wants to suck on my boobs to get some milk. When he first did it a year ago, I thought he was just excited about, like, my huge milk-filled boobs, but now he's trying to make it, like, a regular thing. Isn't this weird? Do I say anything or just bite my tongue since I'm weaning now? Sincerely, a toaster whose husband thinks she has endless milk supply. Well, since you're weaning, like, and you made it through, don't bring it up. Like, don't make a... No.
I think this was worth talking about. No, I feel like the time passed. Like it's done. What's there to talk about? And like, what if, I don't know. This is definitely like weird territory. There was an episode of Working Moms. Do you remember that show? Yes. The Canadian show where she was like sleeping with someone like this young guy and she was also breastfeeding. She just had a baby. Yeah.
And I don't know if he was like into it, but there was like something about it. Maybe watch that episode and see what she did. I don't know. I would also like the community, if people could weigh in here. Chime in. What to do, what to do. Yeah. At this point, the time might have passed for you to say something, but like, aren't you curious? I am. No, I think like because you're weaning, like seriously, it's over. But if people want to weigh in, I'm like, yeah, my husband does this.
Oh, yeah. Is this universal? I don't think it is. I don't think it's universal. But I feel like it might be more common than people would expect. Really? I don't know because it's like, I don't know. I mean, like, not for me personally, but I'm just like trying, like, you know, I'm trying to be open-minded. She's failing. She's trying and failing. All right. My sister-in-law likes all, sorry, all.
My sister-in-law likes all the reels about not liking your husband's family, aka how we're related, and not wanting to spend any time with them. I'm not sure she knows that I can see that she likes them. Should I say anything? That is hysterical. Yeah, reels, it should be personal. No, when I see those reels from people who are complaining about their in-laws, I'm like, aren't your in-laws going to see it? I never even thought about all the people liking it. Yeah, I thought more so about the people who made the content. I think that a lot, like, how are you making this? Like, you're about to seriously ruin every relationship in your life.
You obviously are at a place where it doesn't matter. What? You're obviously at a place where it doesn't matter. Yeah, there's some people, like there's like, there's this like one creator I used to see all the time where it's like all about like in-law etiquette. Yeah, but a lot of times, because my favorite girl like Shauna, she does a lot of stuff like that. A lot of her followers write in crazy stories and she like acts it out. Yeah, and then it's also weird. I was watching a video yesterday. This is kind of a tangent, but it was about a woman like,
She was trying to explain why babies like need to be able to eat their food and not be fussed with and their mouth wiped and, you know, scooping up off the sides and shove a bite in there. And she like, so she dressed up in like a bib and like sat at a kid's high chair, like, and like was eating her food and then had someone like simulate what the wiping of the face. And it's just like, you made a really good point. Like the point that she made, I actually like. But you look like clowns. I appreciate it, but it's like, what are you doing sitting there in a bib? Yeah.
That's really crazy. I actually sent it to Zach because I thought the point was so good. But was there a way to make the point like without you eating baby food and putting a bib on?
Now, I know I said I would do an extra to your toasters, but I just want to be open and honest with the community. Like I'm three seconds away from pooping in my pants. Did we even do two? Oh yeah, the in-laws. Okay. We did three. So I'm going. You can wrap up the show. Like I really have to go. Oh, okay. Wait. Love you so much. Like seriously, you guys are amazing. I hope you like the song. I hope you like the show. And we'll see you again tomorrow in case you didn't like this one. There'll be a new one tomorrow. Love you. Bye.